#dev 2019-06-14

2019-06-14 UTC
jgmac1106, [tantek] and jjuran joined the channel
in my classes I put a third party chat app on my websites.. not sure if a microsub chat app between a group could or should be a thing, if it is best tech but if that had DMs or a delete after 24 hours thing could be neat
aaronpk you have me addicted to the twitter threader app, once I get write access back and I tweet from Known I think I will still pull the thread from Twitter and put it on my website...getting in the mf2 was just a bit of find and replace, I lose the dt-published but I didn't look deep into the export features
[dougbeal] joined the channel
↩️ @OnlineCrsLady just wait until you try a social reader that gets feeds through microsub and writes through micropub it's such a wonderful experience as it finally unites reading and writing in one place.
Dead[m], [miklb], wagle_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
!tell jmac the idea of rel-nomention may have stemmed from this: https://boffosocko.com/2018/01/24/definition-of-submention/
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Ah, rad
jmac: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 1 minute ago: the idea of rel-nomention may have stemmed from this: https://boffosocko.com/2018/01/24/definition-of-submention/
KartikPrabhu, [tantek], deathrow1, NinjaTrappeur, oodani, mblaney, treora, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], gRegorLove, cweiske, [miklb] and swentel joined the channel
I've been thinking about what remysharp1 said earlier about webmention source and target, maybe not quite his question but I had a moment thinking "oh yeah the receiver can discover targets from the source". But the bigger picture is that webmentions are already asymmetric and pushing back on the sender is a good thing.
ie the sender needs to know the exact target for the receiver to do any more than the minimum processing.
↩️ Hmm, I guess the logic behind that lives on the (Microsub) server / framework. Indigenous (and the endpoint I'm using) just accepts push notifications, it doesn't care about the content at all.
chrisaldrich, [tantek], [frank], [xavierroy], jjuran, KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks786] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Woohoo this is pretty awesome! I have a base glitch site working really well! Just click the link, fill in the form and boom you have a site with; micropub, webmention (send & receive), microsub (via aperture), auth and token endpoints (indieauth.com) (rel=me email login)
If someone else would like to try it that would be great 🙂
Click that, then visit the site and fill in the form 🙂
that is cool indeed
I've been contemplating to start a service too on top of the drupal modules I wrote, but still not sure
I think that api services run by people are not really helping fulfilling the indieweb goal. just consider the bus factor of aaronpk. once webmention.io is down, 95% of the people cannot receive comments anymore
that's not what I think "indie" means
That depends on the definition of a service
It's obviously not going to be possible for most people in the world to manage their own website with code and servers and dns etc etc. So a "service" that makes all that easier is great and very indie friendly I think
mblaney left the channel
"don't use those central services, they get all your data - use indieweb. to use indieweb, use this central service that gets most of your data"
jgmac1106 and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
Run an instance of the service yourself? With glitch/Heroku that is fairly easy. A bit more work with other stacks
Appengine used to make it fairly easy to add a service to your own Google domain but I think that has for buried now.
KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Morning all
morning gwg sorry to bail on you last night was tired
I understand.
[frank], [tonz] and [eddie] joined the channel
cweiski I think the key is that there are just a couple services right now (aaronpk for webmention, snarfed for backfeed) the key is having many different services. The more services we have the less “centralized” it is. There is nothing wrong with a service, it’s just not good to have everyone on a single service run by one person
swentel I say absolutely start the service! The more user friendly IndieWeb options, the easier it is for people to get involved and the MORE it matches the spirit of the IndieWeb
Yes and that's also why I intentionally limit the features of some of my services, so that other people are encouraged to build new/better ones
aaronpk: [grantcodes] left you a message 14 hours, 37 minutes ago: So got a remixable indieweb starter on glitch with micropub, webmentions & indieauth. I tried to get it to automatically make a aperture account based on the wp plugin, but I couldn't get it to work for some reason. I get a 200 response, but no callback from aperture
[grantcodes]: i saw your later messages, did you get it working?
aaronpk has 60 karma in this channel over the last year (240 in all channels)
jgmac1106 joined the channel
I also think Micro.blog is a great example of this because since it charges for hosting it has a financial model that supports it ma continued existence but someone on Micro.blog can intercommunicate with anyone in the IndieWeb
A combination of free and paid services are what will make the IndieWeb accessible to everyday people
petermolnar joined the channel
yeah, need to change some internals in the drupal module first
to allow multiple users, especially on the microsub level
there rest should work already
↩️ Cool! Meteen je feed weer aan mijn reader toegevoegd, want die ontbrak nog sinds mijn herstart met rss lezen. En je hebt je site #indieweb enabled met webmention zie ik. Nice. Tot blogs! ;)
[tonz], snarfed, jgmac1106, [frank] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
We have a few webmention options - webmention.io, webmention.herokuapp.com, mention.tech
[schmarty] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
!tell aaronpk yep got it working, was the most classic of programming problems: a typo. I put a link to the working project somewhere
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[xavierroy], [tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
hehe of course
aaronpk: [grantcodes] left you a message 23 minutes ago: yep got it working, was the most classic of programming problems: a typo. I put a link to the working project somewhere
jackjamieson and leg joined the channel
I was honestly kind of surprised how easy it was to setup, and you get a decent (not amazing) working indieweb website out of it
jgmac1106 joined the channel
grantcodes: I'd like to get some express middlewares to that same level of pluggability so folks can launch their own auth etc in glitch :)
Crud I need to figure out what I am gonna demo at summit and whether I need to built anything for it
Yeah we talked about that but never got around to it. I've got the indieauth lib on GitHub too that I never got around to publishing on npm
That would be nice to finish up!
Well I'd say it's finished, I've used it in a few projects without issues. I think I was wondering whether I should publish it under the @indieweb org I have on npm or not
[schmarty] looking forward to your /CRUD demo then!
What is crud?
CRUD refers to the ability to Create, Read, Update and Delete comments and posts https://indieweb.org/CRUD
Time for a disambiguation page. "Did you mean the compsci term or the mild swear?" 😂
(Or are they the same??)
What is cthulu?
CTHULU is Create, Tombstone, Hide, Unhide, List, Update https://indieweb.org/CTHULU
What is CDURU?
CDURU is Create Delete Undelete Read Update as defined in http://tantek.com/2016/093/t1/indieweb-micropub-incrementalism-cduru — a replacement for CRUD https://indieweb.org/CDURU
cweiske while I appreciate the humor attempt, the analogy is inaccurate. It conflates UI/permalinks services vs swappable backend services and those are massively different in terms of migration costs / friction
That being said, the bus factor criticisms are spot on and I think something the community is quite aware of / working on
What is SPOA
single point of aaron is when a relatively early IndieWeb technology is being developed and there haven't been enough implementations to create proper diversity causing an over reliance on one of Aaron Parecki's services in order for the technology to work broadly https://indieweb.org/SPOA
cweiske ^^^ feel free to expand :)
Hmmm, I seem to be failing the Micropub.rocks delete test 🤔
Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded
Anyone see anything I'm missing there? That's what Micropub.rocks shows as it's receiving which I think is correct
ohhhh wait... that isn't encoded properly, is it.
hmmm well it's encoded but Micropub.rocks is still claiming I don't have action=delete
[eddie]: time to check the code of micropub.rocks if it checks correctly? :D
I feel this relates to several of our IndieWeb projects / spofs / spots and I’m not sure where to capture it on the wiki: https://twitter.com/andrestaltz/status/1139156022432587776
gRegorLove joined the channel
lol, maybe sknebel, maybe 😆
hmmm from what I can tell the code seems to be right
The part that is triggering my error is checking the params variable and if that was broken I think the entire suite would be broken lol
so *somehow* what I'm sending is not becoming a parameter
probably some weird Swift thing
jgmac1106, snarfed and [miklb] joined the channel
morning all. Looking for svg icon set recommendations. Octicons don’t match the social icons I started with.
miklb, I use simpleicons and font awesome
thanks. I’m using simpleicons and that’s what’s not matching. I’ll look at font-awesome. I think I had the impression that was an icon font.
I've been using feathericons
they have a macOS-/Apple-y vibe to them
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
I do like that. Similar weight to the GitHub icons. Need a broader selection of social icons. For a theme & h-card.
That looks nice
[grantcodes] I’m going to give that glitch remix a spin tonight. Will greatly facilitate launching my new personal site to keep working on jekyll-indieweb
what is a social icon
It looks like we don't have a page for "social icon" yet. Would you like to create it?_6 (Or just say "social icon is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what are social icons
It looks like we don't have a page for "social icons" yet. Would you like to create it?_7 (Or just say "social icons is ____", a sentence describing the term)
gRegorLove joined the channel
pocket << [[IFTTT]] integration, e.g. for POSSE: https://ifttt.com/pocket
ok, I added "[[IFTTT]] integration, e.g. for POSSE: https://ifttt.com/pocket" to a new "See Also" section of /Pocket_Casts https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=62420&oldid=34903
[calumryan] joined the channel
wait really that works?
What icons do you want, ones for logos or for actions?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
The material icons are open source https://github.com/google/material-design-icons
these are the icons the theme currently supports for h-card https://cdn.miklb.com/Jekyll-IndieWeb-00-ms.png
Very minimal logo icons https://github.com/edent/SuperTinyIcons
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
note the thin lines on RSS & mail. I’d like to find something that matches and also can use for visual representation of post type/kind i.e. note, photo, etc
They're good for inlining
I’m working on a build flow using svgo npm package & gulp to minimize the svg before it inlines the svg into the file
but it’s a nice set for the h-card. I wouldn’t mind a slight different icon for posts
edent has 1 karma over the last year
You won't need to with those, they're hand tuned
but as with simpleicons it doesn’t have a companion icon set for broader visualizations so you wind up with two sets. Will need to optimize the second set.
What do you mean by broader here?
[schmarty] joined the channel
as I mentioned, an icon to help visually represent the type/kind. Listening, watching, link, etc
[miklb]: I've been looking into this
feathericons kind of gave me this
but I took them out after some time because I was using them from the JS loading angle
[eddie] joined the channel
Yay, I passed Micropub Rocks 502 and 502 🙌
turns out I was confused and wasn't sending the "application/" before "x-www-form-urlencoded"
[eddie]: lol, totally skipped that too when looking at what you posted above...
checked it was the right one, totally missed the application/
feature request for micropub.rocks: complain about wrong content type?
Wow I didn't even think to check that
Ah gotcha. The material ones have those kind of things but they're very minimal
They have had ux testing and they are in use by Google, but stylistically very muted
Or noun project?
[miklb] joined the channel
I’m familiar with noun. Was just curious if anyone had settled on/liked a particular set.
Try the Google ones, see if they fit? Or try emoji? Both are peer reviewed
jjuran joined the channel
think I’m going to settle on this for now https://icomoon.io/#preview-free and revisit later. thanks everyone
Thinking about Summit... any indiebookclub users have requests for something I can add before Summit? No guarantees, but I can try, haha
I started working on https://github.com/gRegorLove/indiebookclub/issues/4 a while back, maybe I could finish that up
[grantcodes] #4 Feature: Support the `visibility` property
cc [schmarty], I think you use ibc a fair bit
i use it some! not sure of any features i'd add immediately.
(full disclosure i made a shortcut that runs from a book's goodreads.com page in Safari, pulls the data I want, and makes a post with extra author, book URL info)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
i do have some somewhat complex read posts where i have the URL of the author and the URL of the book.
[Marty McGuire] A great intro to the power of service workers, a great collection of resources for learning more, and a great inspiration for improving the things I build on the web!
those look good! [miklb]
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
ooh, nice [schmarty]. JS bookmarklet or using the goodreads API?
it's an iOS shortcut that uses the "run javascript on page" thing. so, basically a bookmarklet, but iOS-only.
After last summit I had the idea of an Amazon bookmarklet to extract the info and populate the IBC form
IBC supports it, just haven't made the bookmarklet
that'd be rad! ditto goodreads.
Been doing it manual till it hurts
❤ bookmarklets.
Is it posting to your site via micropub then or something else?
[tantek] joined the channel
Note to micropub client devs: please don’t CC a copy of every post to your own centralized (corporate) server. Unlike say, Tootdon: https://pleroma.site/objects/2bc5262a-48eb-46ee-ae92-56cccdc6a7a2
gRegorLove: micropub! i have a utility shortcut that takes JSON data and passes it along as a micropub post (with a third util shortcut that simply holds my micropub info, token)
aaronpk: btw, did you ever get anywhere with your OAuth2/NFC experiments?
↩️ @dajbelshaw @kennibc @ReVIEWTalentFS I love teaching with webmentions and other #IndieWeb buildong blocks
jgmac1106 joined the channel
sknebel: no, i remember investigating the hardware and got overwhelmed
[eddie] joined the channel
Wow, that’s bad (tootdon)
jacky++ your site is looking much better in my reader now!
jacky has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (65 in all channels)
that's good to hear!
tests helped a lot with that
tests has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
[dougbeal] joined the channel
although hmm, your last post didn't work right
jacky: your mf2+json is a little bit off... properties['content']['text'] should be properties['content']['value']
also your underscore property names need to be hyphens... "like-of" instead of "like_of"
[tonz], gRegorLove_, [Rose] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
do you have a link?
oh last post
all of them?
oh the mf2 is coming from the elixir library
that'll be a longer fix
the elixir parser?
yeah I run the html for the current post through the mf2 parser
the = the elixir one
oops how'd that parser end up with underscore property names? that wouldn't have passed any of the tests
not 100% sure
may i suggest taking out the rel=alternate link until that's fixed?
cause right now my site is rendering all your posts wrong because it doesn't see those properties
probably to be able to use symbols(?) to represent the keys in internal structures? and then just the JSON-conversion doesn't reverse that step?
sknebel: that's close to what I'm going to do
or rather that's what it does
symbols are cheaper memory-wise
yes, and internally to an app that's a good idea
should be gone in about ~5 minutes
strugee joined the channel
now I wonder if anything handles u-photo with a data url
anything that passes thru the property without looking at it would "work"
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
my website downloads avatars from webmentions received, i'm not really sure what it would do with a data URI tho
yes! a data URL of a 1px blue PNG
maybe it's time to find out
oh snap i think it would work transparently lol https://www.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.data.php
that's actually sick
[dougbeal] joined the channel
aaronpk: depends on what your image resizing etc library uses internally to open files?
Didn't one version of quill send images as data urls?
the article editor includes data URIs in the HTML if you don't have a media endpoint
cause then images "just work" if you accept HTML and don't do anything special
That was it - I think i have some posts like that from before known had an endpoint
[jgmac1106], jjuran, [grantcodes] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel