#dev 2019-07-04

2019-07-04 UTC
ben_thatmust and valuemachine joined the channel
↩️ Been fooling around with a concept of webmention badges. Its credentialing from my own domain. My credibility, my url, is my name. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/o2M9n)
valuemachine and gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ @JmacDotOrg Mind you I'll still get to WebMentions etc but POSSE seemed like the best next step for my notes.
valuemachine, [tantek], gRegorLove and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
It seems that until now, https://brid.gy only wants to deliver Twitter mentions, but no Likes. Not sure where to start investigating atm, but shouldn’t be too hard to fix.
[KevinMarks] and valuemachine joined the channel
Webmention question - is it OK to re-send a WM to somewhere that has already received the WM, or should we be attempting to only send them once?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
It generally should be fine. And even recommended if you update your post
What is salmention?
Salmention is a protocol extension to Webmention to propagate comments and other interactions upstream by sending a webmention from a response to the original post when the response itself receives a response (comment, like, etc.) https://indieweb.org/Salmention
gRegorLove, [Rose] and valuemachine joined the channel
Cool. Just looking at how I do my webmention sending post static site deploy
Don't want to spam the other server with requests that may not be best practice
Hmm I don't do it myself but I am sure there are a few options for static sites
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
jamietanna[m]: I do the same, static site, sending webmentions post-deploy. To avoid unnecessary sends, I keep an outgoing .ping file next to the entry source .md and only re-send it if the mtime of the .md file is > mtime of the .ping file
valuemachine, [tonz] and [Rose] joined the channel
petermolnar_ interesting, good to know!
[frank] joined the channel
!tell schmarty I was just working on some micropub client stuff and realised it will be pretty close to what you described at https://martymcgui.re/2019/06/30/232547/ I'm starting lower level though, with a set of react components that automatically build out mf2 properties. But could be extended to include the sort of interfaces you mentioned
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Marty McGuire] Thanks for writing this up! This discussion at Summit reminded me of several Micropub “UX Building Blocks” that would be very neat as reusable components between Micropub clients. Reply context / link preview customizers (like the proof-of-conce... https://res.cloudinary.com/schmarty/image/fetch/w_960,c_fill/https://media.martymcgui.re/c8/35/f6/79/1e10a6afdc4e2e343b0c06f350702653c45e1cf80a2bac1e5cd7fd2f.png
valuemachine, [jgmac1106], [frank] and [fluffy] joined the channel
Jamietanna and [grantcodes] , if you want to drive webmention updates from an rss or atom feed you can use my tool /Pushl
You can set it up a git hook that runs pushl on your feed and it’ll automatically update webmentions for changed entries.
jugheadjones69 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Interesting thanks! I may look at writing something myself so it's all self contained in my new post-deployment tooling, but I'll likely steal ideas from you!
KartikPrabhu, valuemachine, dhanesh95, [tonz] and juggy joined the channel
When using micropub.rocks, is there a way to reauthorize my server test's endpoint? (Silly me, I accidentally reset the token database on my server)
WidgetBotiocli1[, gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
does anyone have a solid example of salmention on their site?
what is salmention
Salmention is a protocol extension to Webmention to propagate comments and other interactions upstream by sending a webmention from a response to the original post when the response itself receives a response (comment, like, etc.) https://indieweb.org/Salmention
jjuran joined the channel
what is Webmention CRUD?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Webmention CRUD" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Webmention CRUD is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Webmention CRUD is /CRUD
jamietanna[m], re: is it OK to re-send a WM to somewhere that has already received the WM, YES and that's how Webmention CRUD works! See https://indieweb.org/CRUD for more
hmmm anyone have ideas on what to do with webmentions received from dead silos via bridgy? like Google+
that's a good question
but just to make sure I understand, you're asking like what to present them as?
I'd marked them as deleted from the date of the shutdown of the silo
*I would mark them
KartikPrabhu, I have some suggestions someone sent
[snarfed] #97 handle silo quits
it is a weird case, since those were not "intentionally' deleted by the author
right but for all intents and purposes, the content isn't available anymore
GWG: I meant comments and replies from silos
not the author's intent
not all intents 😂
jacky: yeah what [tantek] said. It wasn't the author's intent. Those I would treat as a "delete webmetion"
ah lol fair
KarthikPrabhu you could change the comment permalink to link to the Internet Archive
but if you were to re-fetch it from brid.gy; it'd be a 404
_if_ it's available there
404 != 410
I'd get that if KartikPrabhu hadn't interacted with this post before (like if they got this incoming webmention the first time and it was a 410)
but if they have info (200) and then they go to refresh/re-request and it comes back as not found (404); wouldn't that essentially mean it's gone?
jacky: yes, but here crucially it is "gone" vs "deleted" where the second would be author intent
hmmm okay
not sure how to handle this anyway
which brings us back to your original question :/
hopefully archive has those backed up
sounds like a long manual process if it's a lot of G+ entries
I can search the original post link in my files and automate that
lol, I guess I should remove G+ from my about page too :P
chrisaldrich joined the channel
I just read that Microsoft open sourced their OneNote web clipper a while back. The UI reminds me a bit of Omnibear. It has the ability to do bookmarks, notes, highlights, annotations, captures portions of pages as images or even full text.
I could see someone adding building blocks like Micropub and IndieAuth to something like this to create a client to post to one's website instead of/in addition to a OneNote notebook.
jacky, 404 could mean so many things that you can't really treat it as meaning anything in particular other than a systems failure (no human component)
[dougbeal], valuemachine, leg, jugheadjones69, vilhalmer, [jgmac1106] and [fluffy] joined the channel; jugheadjones69 left the channel
I’ve always wondered why 404 gets all the love in popular culture and why all the fun cute custom error pages out there are 404-only. Here I am with specific error pages for 403, 5xx, and 4xx in addition to 404...
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
i wonder if you can customize internal server errors
Just saw this on my reader
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I think one reason you might see 404 messages more often is because a lot more internet users sort of know what it means compared all the other status codes.
!tell schmarty kablamo! Redeveloped my micropub client components to be more reusable: https://grantcodes.github.io/micropub-client-editor
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I'm pretty happy with just being able to pass in an mf2 properties object and it generating a form, makes it super easy to put together a simple micropub client
[KevinMarks], valuemachine and djmoch joined the channel