#dev 2019-07-05

2019-07-05 UTC
valuemachine, gRegorLove, viaken, [tantek] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
Anyone have a set of PHP functions that compare URLs regardless of scheme or the absence of scheme?
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
not readymade, but I imagine it’d be fairly easy to do with https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php
I can write one. I thought someone might save me the trouble
well, i don’t speak for everyone, so i’m just throwing some quick ideas out there 😄
hopefully someone does
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
i have some stuff in https://github.com/aaronpk/p3k-utils/blob/master/src/url.php but i'm not sure it does what you need
ooh maybe the normalize_url function
p3k\normalize_url($a) == p3k\normalize_url($b)
also takes into account example.com/ vs example.com
(i.e. those are the same)
i think it only depends on other functions defined in that file, so should be easy to copy out to something else
aaronpk: I already have your build_url
I used it for something else
The problem now is http vs https
the normalize function covers that
If I'm comparing an http and an https, how does it handle that?
what do you mean compare?
compare for equivalence?
I want to make sure that it considers http://example.com and https://example.com to be the same.
nvm normalize_url keeps the scheme of the original input URL, just assumes http if no scheme is set
I'll figure it out.
it'd be a small change to have it treat them the same tho
I think I have an idea.
Added a second argument to force ssl
[tantek], valuemachine and [fluffy] joined the channel
strictly-speaking http://foo and https://foo are not the same URL, in that you can have different sites served up on the different protocols. It’s not common but it does happen.
yes also that ^^
i went with the stricter approach for indieauth which is to actually check whether/which redirects to the other before considering them equivalent
I purposefully don’t redirect http to https which causes me a lot of trouble in auth contexts.
Reason being that https makes caching proxies basically useless, and I want to be supportive of folks sharing low-bandwidth links.
That’s interesting fluffy. Is there an article / tutorial about that? Or is it considered “common knowledge”?
Either way, probably worth adding to /performance since you’re a real world example of it
Maybe also worth noting on /https as a consideration (I think there’s an existing section there on redirecting http to https)
FWIW I also am not (yet) redirecting http to https on my personal site
jugheadjones69, valuemachine, [KevinMarks], swentel, gRegorLove and [asuh] joined the channel; jugheadjones69 left the channel
tantek: I remember reading about caching issue fluffy described on Eric Meyer’s blog: https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2018/08/07/securing-sites-made-them-less-accessible/
valuemachine, [tantek], swentie and swentel joined the channel
I’m on the way to Brighton today, so I think I’m going to have a crack at getting Webmentions working on my site. I think I’ll avoid to tube today, too and have a nice stroll from Paddington to Victoria.  https://andy-bell.design/notes/198/
KartikPrabhu, [xavierroy], gRegorLove, [grantcodes], valuemachine, jugheadjones69, juggy and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; jugheadjones69 left the channel
↩️ I'm confident Andy. Love Clearleft. Currently boarding to Oban (Scotland) and would be happy to test webmentions on this note mid-july :) http://xtof.me/2019/07/05/embarquement-pour-oban-scotland-photoblog/
[Sadik_Shahadu], [tantek], [grantcodes], jugheadjones69, jugheadjones691 and [fluffy] joined the channel; jugheadjones69 and jugheadjones691 left the channel
[asuh] thanks, that’s exactly the article I had in mind
Anybody using the Webmention/Semantic-Linkbacks plugin for Wordpress? I'm not getting the result I expected, but not sure if that's my expectations. Twitter likes and mentions only become avatars, and not readable sentences in my comment list. #indieweb
↩️ Are you using an IndieWeb theme? There are four to five themes with some key features out of the box that improve the way webmentions display. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/MagTZ)
jugheadjones691, [jgmac1106], jeremycherfas, jugheadjones69, [eddie], gRegorLove and [xavierroy] joined the channel; jugheadjones691 and jugheadjones69 left the channel
✍️ New post: “Adding Webmentions to my personal site” I thought it would be helpful to writeup adding Webmentions to my personal site which is built with @eleven_ty. https://andy-bell.design/wrote/adding-webmentions-to-my-personal-site/
↩️ Thanks for doing that, Andy. I’ve got halfway through the process but ran out of time and effort trying to figure out getting webmentions displaying on posts. I’ll have a good look over your PR and try again.
[tantek] and jjuran joined the channel
↩️ why I prefer webmention badges. All HTML and a W3C standard. The way the web was meant to be. I own my assessments and feedback from my own Domain. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2brILa)
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
valuemachine, jjuran, leg and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[tantek] and [fluffy] joined the channel
I’m looking for opinions on a thing. Let’s say I want to make a configuration file where it’s just a mapping from a string to a list of strings. There is no need to embed newlines or leading/trailing whitespace, but internal whitespace would be nice. I want it to be easily edited by non-expert users. I’d rather not write my own parser. Are there any standard formats that fit the bill?
for just that case, it'd be:
- value1
- value2
Yeah that’s what I was considering most strongly. Hmm
but there’s some fun corner cases like the way it’s very, um, aggressive at parsing things as bools
oh yes lol i've run into that
i think if you have quotes aroudn the values then they are always strings
yeah but that makes it an expert-mode thing
This is for the user group stuff in Publ, incidentally
Basically I want a configuration format where it’s clear that “These people belong to these groups”
maybe I’ll just go with the .ini-style ConfigFile parser
yeah I’ll just use that, it seems to make sense for my use cases
KartikPrabhu, valuemachine, Expherience[m], djmoch, [schmarty], [KevinMarks], gRegorLove, jackjamieson, [jackjamieson], [cleverdevil], [tantek], strugee and eddy[m]1 joined the channel