#dev 2019-07-17

2019-07-17 UTC
[manton] joined the channel
[tantek]: regarding google OIDC... https://chat.indieweb.org/meta/2019-07-17#t1563321831242600 moving here since this is gonna get very developer-y
[[tantek]] no it's technically proprietary Google protocol that happens to use OIDC as a large part of its implementation
example: Okta is a service that handles user login, by default it uses a built-in user/password database
however you can configure your account to connect to external identity providers, including a few proprietary ones, as well as arbitrary ones if they support OIDC
so you can make your okta organization support an arbitrary number of nascar buttons by adding a bunch of external OIDC identity providers
that's what i mean when I say that OIDC enables delegated sign-in
interesting so OIDC has discoverable setup
even if the identifiers are not global, nor user-chosen/owned
somewhat, but it still requires that you register a client app
is that registration a standard protocol? or proprietary UX on each OIDC provider website
_some_ providers support dynamic client registration, but not many, and i know some intentionally don't support it
but if that isn't supported for one reason or another, then it requires the app developer signing up for a developer account and getting API keys
[fluffy] joined the channel
for example if you want to use "sign in with google" in your website you have to sign up as a developer, go into the console, register an app, etc
^^^ so I'd call that a proprietary solution wrapped around a standard protocol
not quite
but this is the reason IndieAuth is useful
as someone (a website) consuming "Sign-in with Google", I'd consider that a proprietary "protocol" purely because it's polluted with the proprietary sign-up process
it depends on your definition of proprietary
this is classic "embrace and extend" technique of making something open/standard into something proprietary
there are a _lot_ of things that are not proprietary about it
it could be a lot lot worse
it's how it starts
Google is using Microsoft's playbook
i don't think google is at the heart of this one
old 1990s era
the main argument I hear fo requireing developers sign up for api keys manually is that the services want the developer to agree to their terms of service
their *proprietary* terms of service
unlike say, a standard license like CC-BY
CC licenses don't apply here
that would be an interesting idea though, some sort of open source terms of service
a standard set of TOS for users and or developers yeah
point being, the TOS is not standard, it's proprietary
and as soon as you mix that in, you have a proprietary protocol, even if it's just 1% proprietary
like i said, depends on your definition of proprietary
I like my clean water clean
not "clean"
do you buy bottled water? ;-)
it's like saying, that depends on how much your ok with your drinking water smelling weird
*you're ok with your
no, bottled water quality is often worse due to manufacturing dust in the plastic as compared to tap water
it's not even like Google is claiming their proprietary TOS is good for you — it's merely good for them
[benatwork] joined the channel
Have any #indieweb folks found the Yarns Plugin in #Wordpress to be a good Microsub server? Or am I better off hosting Aperture or something? Advice would be great. Thanks! I'll go for either; it's about time more microsub springs up anyways.
gRegorLove, [KevinMarks], [Michael_Beckwit, [Rose] and [tantek] joined the channel
Class 'IndieAuth\Client' not found Adding a target URL raises the error above. I use Known v0.12.12+2019071101
swentel and [Zegnat] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
IndieAuth – A federated login protocol using one's own domain name http://bit.ly/2Six86V comm: http://bit.ly/2Six8nr
[Zegnat], jgmac1106, [jgmac1106] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
↩️ The only thing that's keeping me from migrating from WP to a static site is that I'm not ready to let go of the comments section - love the interaction. Haven't found a decent alternative for this yet. Don't like Disqus' UI, Webmentions are no easy read either.
I feel sad that people keep leaving WordPress
Conversely, I understand why they would
jgmac1106 joined the channel
GWG: 😓
GWG: Did they share why?
Not always
[xavierroy] joined the channel
Most of them say they'll migrate but msot often they don't 😁
[xavierroy]: Migrate to?
Migrate to a diff platform like a static site or anything similar
I too contemplate it every couple of days but don't act upon it. 🙂
I do know a lot of people who moved to Squarespace, it is easier to use, and no maintenance
KartikPrabhu, [schmarty] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
Hotel California hard to check out of...
KartikPrabhu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
prtksxna: unless they need dynamic features, egs bookings, I'd recommend checking Mobirise for small business
[Zegnat] joined the channel
looks like it was escaped correctly for display 🤷
[tonz], jjuran, eli_oat and [snarfed] joined the channel
re the ^ XSS attempt, i fixed a handful of those recently in bridgy. security is hard etc, 🤡. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/880#ref-commit-34e8151
(bridgy doesn't have any sessions or state that XSSes could exploit, but still.)
[benatwork] joined the channel
snarfed has 46 karma in this channel over the last year (79 in all channels)
so around summit i recall some folks saying they follow the micro.blog discover feed and/or photos feed. ... ... how are y'all doing that? micro.blog/discover and micro.blog/discover/photos don't seem to have mf2 or reference sidefile feeds. 😕
the jsonfeed i think
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Yeah, jsonfeed, but the photo one isn't great
what's wrong with it?
No text content
oh huh
thanks! i could not find that info from the actual pages
I think if not all of that feed, at least the majority is also on the discover feed
But then the discover feed I follow also has the photos inside the html content so neither works perfectly for me 🤷‍♂️
[tantek], francoscarpa, [Franco_Scarpa] and jackjamieson joined the channel
What do I need to implement the POSSE model for Twitter? What if I'd like to write a custom Netlify lamba function?
[Franco_Scarpa] when you say "POSSE model for Twitter", what are you including in that?
at its simplest, POSSE is often manual. post on your own site, then go post the same or similar on twitter, and you're done.
I'd like to create a JSON file of my personal notes on my website. But I want these notes to be published on Twitter using IndieWeb's POSSE model.
if you have a single JSON file of personal notes, with publish times for each note, you should be able to write a Netlify function to post the most recent note on twitter.
keeping track of whether the function has already published a given note might be tricky, since netlify functions don't have persistent storage as far as i know.
kartikprabhu mentioned bridgy publish (https://brid.gy/publish) which takes care of keeping track of which posts are already on twitter, and handling the twitter API itself.
[Franco_Scarpa]: bridgy publish has an API https://brid.gy/about#webmentions
Well, yeah but I'd like to get my hands dirty and write my personal lamba function to get the job done.
to use it, you sign up with brid.gy (to verify your twitter account and give brid.gy permission to publish on your behalf), then include some markup in your pages.
the markup has two parts: one to help brid.gy understand the content of the page that you want to post, and the second to confirm to brid.gy that you want it to publish it.
you'd still need to trigger brid.gy for each new post, which would be accomplished with a netlify function that runs after a successful publish.
if you want to handle the JSON directly, then you might have to deal with the twitter API. bridgy uses the microformats+HTML on your site
Exactly, the Twitter API.
Now, an article I read spoke about these keys:
This can be stupid but I'm not able to find these keys on my Twitter developer account.
[Franco_Scarpa] the consumer key and secret are part of a particular application on twitter.
and should be somewhere in the configuration pages for your app at developer.twitter.com
You're right, but Twitter asks me a lot of information that are not related to the idea of “app”...
Do you think this is the way to go?
[Franco_Scarpa] these days twitter has a fairly in-depth approval process that new apps must go through before they will issue any keys and tokens.
[snarfed] joined the channel
also single-user twitter apps are the exception. most are multi-user, in which case all of that info is important
I see...
Thanks, [schmarty] and [snarfed]!
just manually POSSE'd a tip to foursquare
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
lol. how much did it hurt?
well i posted the tip on my site as a reply to my checkin, so that part was easy
possibly not exactly analogous to how it appears on foursquare, but oh well
urgh, i've gotta add some better timeout handling of my activitypub followers, and at some point drop delivery to them
dang, is there not an opengraph / twitter / metacrap validator that works by dumping in an HTML page?
i want to test something on a private staging site before publishing it anywhere 😒
francoscarpa: not seen if anyone has mentioned it, but https://mxb.dev/blog/syndicating-content-to-twitter-with-netlify-functions/ is a good read on POSSE with Netlify Functions
[tantek] joined the channel
That article is my current North Star.
KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel