#dev 2019-08-25

2019-08-25 UTC
KartikPrabhu, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [Rose], [Michael_Beckwit, [bdesham] and [asuh] joined the channel
This is excellent and is what I hope the WordPress webmention plugin will eventually do.
Specifically his numbered list in the section titled “Enter Avatar Local Cache”
A Featherweight Facepile
nice trick keeping the smaller of the webp/jpg/png versions!
[snarfed], [tantek] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
I'm suddenly wondering what tools exist in the IW community that are able to return the permalink for newly posted social media content. The reason being that instead of using social sharing tools, just link to the new permalink at the end of posts and encourage people to visit/share via the native UI
on top of that, you could pass those through your own analytics tracking/short url tools etc and track your own stats
what is original-of?
It looks like we don't have a page for "original-of" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "original-of is ____", a sentence describing the term)
hmm interesting
what is original post
An original post link is a hyperlink from a POSSE copy to its original indieweb post https://indieweb.org/original_post
perfect, would help a lot if I pursue further with my random ideas
what is original post discovery
original post discovery is a discovery algorithm for starting with a POSSE copy of a post and finding the original post https://indieweb.org/original-post-discovery
added both to my notes
thanks Tantek and Kartik
bridgy + granary have pretty mature implementations of both
pfahlr joined the channel
@cswordpress I love that I discovered you use Webmentions on your website and have recent posts about the IndieWeb.
welp instagram just blocked the google cloud IPs now
at least the ones I am on
this might be the end of ownyourgram
nice to know I have users I guess?
[roytang] #85 OwnYourGram cant find my photos
Google....Facebook...i don't care what your beefs are, kiss and make up so that Aaron doesn't have to ditch OwnYourGram
do it for the children
i'm sure they are claiming they're doing this to "crack down on bots"
oh most definitely
I feel like this is a use case they should allow in their official API
right on their developer page: "Help individuals share their own content with 3rd party apps"
and "You cannot use the API Platform to crawl or store users' media without their express consent"
if I try that route, i'll have to change the name
and figure out some way to spin it as a tool for Brands™
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[aaronpk] When Overland gives me an HTTP error, timed out, does that mean my Compass was too slow?
[Michael_Beckwit, IWSlackGateway1 and iandk joined the channel
Anyone know where to download font families? I need FF Super grotesk :)
iandk left the channel
@iandk, FF fonts are available from fontshop.com
vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
good morning Indieweb
!tell aaronpk you're using microservices too, right? how do they authenticate to each other? What's the UI for pregenerating tokens, for example?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Because right now my renderer cannot connect to the micropub endpoint without a token, and generating a token for it automatically is obviously very hard
but maybe aaronpk's services work on a shared database..
gRegorLove and jeremych_ joined the channel
after spending some time this morning looking at open source photo gallery tools I think I am gonna skip having one more thing to mantain and just add an FTP client to my phone
[dshanske], [Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; SebDiscord[m] left the channel
vika_nezrimaya: I have a page on my website for entering tokens for all the services it uses. Sometimes those are hard coded in the config of the service.sometimes there's a command to generate a token in the service
aaronpk: vika_nezrimaya left you a message 3 hours, 23 minutes ago: you're using microservices too, right? how do they authenticate to each other? What's the UI for pregenerating tokens, for example?
Oh and some of them use IndieAuth to get a token without any copying and pasting
nvm I have 170 gigs of photos….won’t be hosting those myself any time soon, Google Photos it is
GWG, [tantek], [bdesham], KartikPrabhu, [grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
so I'm posting this here as a heads-up because I didn't realize React (as a community) was *that* bad. Thread (trigger warning, includes a lot of white/privileged defensiveness / demand for "proof" in replies, etc.) https://twitter.com/TatianaTMac/status/1164912554876891137
TIL: People care more about protecting the reputation of a **framework** than listening to **multiply marginalised** people that you have actual **white supremacists** in your niche community and our broader community. I’m not going to ignore that fact; my safety depends on it.
Incredibly sad, disappointed, and not at all surprised by *so* many people. Your actions/inactions have spoken. Enjoy an industry without me. After my signed obligations, I’m out. ✌🏽
[vendan] joined the channel
is there a new Laravel LTS version for aaronpk yet?
Countdown set by sebsel on 2019-05-27 at 9:51pm CEST
ingoogni, gRegorLove, ketudb and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
This thread too, though maybe for meta rather than dev https://twitter.com/TatianaTMac/status/1165148755106025478?s=20
Fascism comes Italian ‘fascismo’ from Latin ‘fascis’ or “bundle.” The symbol of their group was a bunch of sticks surrounding an ax to show strength through unity: lone sticks break, bundles don’t. So fascism is a bunch of fragile sticks clinging to a weapon.
[vendan], pfahlr, [Michael_Beckwit and oodani joined the channel