[Michael_BeckwitI'm suddenly wondering what tools exist in the IW community that are able to return the permalink for newly posted social media content. The reason being that instead of using social sharing tools, just link to the new permalink at the end of posts and encourage people to visit/share via the native UI
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "original-of" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "original-of is ____", a sentence describing the term)
vika_nezrimaya!tell aaronpk you're using microservices too, right? how do they authenticate to each other? What's the UI for pregenerating tokens, for example?
vika_nezrimayaBecause right now my renderer cannot connect to the micropub endpoint without a token, and generating a token for it automatically is obviously very hard
jgmac1106after spending some time this morning looking at open source photo gallery tools I think I am gonna skip having one more thing to mantain and just add an FTP client to my phone
[dshanske], [Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; SebDiscord[m] left the channel
aaronpkvika_nezrimaya: I have a page on my website for entering tokens for all the services it uses. Sometimes those are hard coded in the config of the service.sometimes there's a command to generate a token in the service
Loqiaaronpk: vika_nezrimaya left you a message 3 hours, 23 minutes ago: you're using microservices too, right? how do they authenticate to each other? What's the UI for pregenerating tokens, for example?
[tantek]so I'm posting this here as a heads-up because I didn't realize React (as a community) was *that* bad. Thread (trigger warning, includes a lot of white/privileged defensiveness / demand for "proof" in replies, etc.) https://twitter.com/TatianaTMac/status/1164912554876891137
@TatianaTMacTIL: People care more about protecting the reputation of a **framework** than listening to **multiply marginalised** people that you have actual **white supremacists** in your niche community and our broader community. I’m not going to ignore that fact; my safety depends on it. (twitter.com/_/status/1164912554876891137)
@TatianaTMacIncredibly sad, disappointed, and not at all surprised by *so* many people. Your actions/inactions have spoken. Enjoy an industry without me. After my signed obligations, I’m out. ✌🏽 (twitter.com/_/status/1165456607729180673)
@TatianaTMacFascism comes Italian ‘fascismo’ from Latin ‘fascis’ or “bundle.” The symbol of their group was a bunch of sticks surrounding an ax to show strength through unity: lone sticks break, bundles don’t. So fascism is a bunch of fragile sticks clinging to a weapon. (twitter.com/_/status/1165148755106025478)
[vendan], pfahlr, [Michael_Beckwit and oodani joined the channel