#@fluffy↩️ Right, and that's the point - right now if someone links to a blog post on Mastodon, no Webmention is sent. If Mastodon were to implement sending Webmentions, then the Webmention will be sent. This is seen as a potential privacy issue. (twitter.com/_/status/1169453841550495744)
#[xavierroy][snarfed] the Facebook notification mails are the problem. I suddenly get for a post and then nothing for a few and then I get notifications for another post. I've enabled all notifications from FB. Looks like more an issue from their end than yours.
#jgmac1106ahh thx grantcodes, shared host is trying to fix now, I am locked out for a bit
#jgmac1106had no idea…..just assumed it was moving too many files…didn’t check
[snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed]ugh, hosting provider anti-pattern: overly aggressively blocking bots and bad traffic will also often include other innocent servers, since the easiest line to draw is server vs end user. indieweb depends on server to server HTTP requests working, so these "security" measures hurt our interop.
#[schmarty]word is some folks are using it for instagram
#[schmarty]also these keywords on their front page 😂 "Don’t bother with bot protection, we handle IP rotation and have some secret sauces that make things work."
#[schmarty]free for 1000 calls/month, which ain't much. jumps up fast from there.
eli_oat joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]Figured it was bitninja... I reached out to them and it was on "me" to prove the IP address wasn't malicious
#[schmarty]dashblock free tier works out to a little more than one call per hour on average. 😬
#beko[m]Hm.. [schmarty] when we wrote a scraper years ago in our company we handed every coworker a raspberry that would connect as RR. So when our alpha crawler requested stuff it picked some rasp and forwarded that request. Since all requests were eventually made over dialup connections usually valid for a maximum of 24h we didn't run into many captchas. Later, when it grew, we moved to spinning up and down AWS instances
#beko[m]Do you have IPv6 on your disposal? It's amazing how many firewalls simply ignore this. Still.
#aaronpkugh blocking all of google cloud addresses? that seems...like not a good idea
#[jgmac1106]I went down this rabbit hole with bitninja... Spun me in circles. It why I can't send webmentions on WP and my best guest why Kirby doesn't work
#sknebelLet me guess, a bunch of VPS providers too, so not only various services, but individual sites running webmentions etc blocked too?
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "reclaim" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "reclaim is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#LoqiReclaim Hosting is a web hosting company focused on the education sector to provide educators and instutitions an easy way to offer their students domains and web hosting that they own and control https://indieweb.org/Reclaim_Hosting
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "BitNinja" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "BitNinja is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#Loqi[snarfed] hi tim! honestly, if BitNinja is indiscriminately blacklisting huge swathes of IP blocks like Google Cloud's, that seems extremely aggressive to me. i expect it's also blacklisting many others too, and probably affecting many legitimate users, both a...
#beko[m]Can't be helped. I know this game from beeing blacklisted because of neighborhood on microsoft mailservers. That includes Live and Hotmail not just Outlook. Similar for GMail. I simply gave up on this and suggest to ppl to use a decent mailprovider. Tired of getting my servers unblocked when the majority of spam is coming exactly _from_ those providers.
krychu and [tantek] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]Reclaim also makes their bread and butter on large institutional customers... It's how they can provide affordable (read at a loss) for singleton academics and bloggers auch as my self
#[jgmac1106]... But this brings in additional liability around FERPA so being extra strict makes sense
#[jgmac1106]But this is a BitNinja problem... I can't find any of my own communication... Wonder if it was with an online chat room or something
#[jgmac1106]I went round and round with them trying to get webmentions and then fed bridgy working
#[jgmac1106]That is a small footprint for a 250watt subwoofer. I have a 300 watt in my car, I want more bass (my kids don't) but what's the point of a steroe if you can hear yout kids?
jeremycherfas, krychu and [snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed]obligatory: scraping is bad. costs way more maintenance and headaches over time than APIs, which obviously we should strongly prefer. we should avoid scraping at all costs, and when we "have" to, we should reconsider how much we really want the use case in the first place.
#[snarfed](i assume we all agree, just stating the obvious)
[pawel_madej] joined the channel
#[pawel_madej][snarfed] do you have plans to connect brid.gy to gitlab as it is for github?
#aaronpkbut webmention verification isn't "scraping" right? i mean it's an unauthenticated request, but still
#[snarfed]aaronpk ahh sorry very good point! the conversation got (wrongly!) twisted into scraping.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
#[snarfed]as soon as we start talking about rotating IP addresses, running fleets of raspberry pis, etc just to get normal interop working, that's a harmful road that we should generally avoid, not dive into headfirst
#[snarfed]all that is an arms race that never ends and doesn't really help our community make meaningful progress
#[snarfed](aaronpk and i currently have to scrape for instagram, but we dislike that strongly)
#aaronpkthat does bring up an interesting point though. once we (eventually) get private webmentions working, it might make sense to use the same authentication from there when fetching public posts, because that's a strong signal to turn off rate limiting
jeremycherfas joined the channel
#[snarfed]yes! we already see that w/instagram scraping via cookies
#Loqi[snarfed] @timmmmyboy Google Cloud has many different products. some do include dedicated IPs, but Bridgy runs on [App Engine](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/), a serverless platform, so it doesn't have dedicated IPs per se. more importantly, outbound HTTP...
#[jgmac1106]aaronpk++ for doing what they hate to bring us what we love
#Loqiaaronpk has 44 karma in this channel over the last year (192 in all channels)
#[pawel_madej][snarfed] i plan to run issue submitting from my webpage for github and was interested if that would be also possible for gitlab repositories
#[jgmac1106]snarfed please also understand this is the start of the semester, there entire customer base are universities adding 1,000s of domains and websites right now
#Loqi[snarfed] sounds like this was done but then later reverted? i'd like this. my use case is that i'm using "unlisted" posts to approximate private posts with better accessibility. background: https://indieweb.org/unlisted#Similarity_to_private_posts
i don't ...
#GWGI am going to add settings so someone can turn it off
#[snarfed]i guess i can probably find a plugin that automatically disables pings for certain categories/tags
#jgmac1106[m]And it will only conflict with two other critical plugins you use...IMO A ping isn't a webmention. Unchecking that box means something different.
#jgmac1106[m]Do like the idea of being able to toggle an endpoint on and off at post level
#[pfefferle]But if we do not use the ping setting, we have to learn Gutenberg!
#jgmac1106[m]Paging grantcodes arush Cambridgeport90 if you want to stick with WordPress going to take community effort and learning Gutenberg
#jgmac1106[m]Or tantek blowing folks away at WordCamp, tumblr then becomes auttomatic's IndieWeb playground since the reader features built. Then due to success microformats get baked into Core
#jgmac1106…and Sawyering hard work…I gots work to be done on my Known site…really I eventually want it to fade into the background as an engine, let me do my front end however
#jgmac1106well off to record a video for my students in their getting started options, micro.blog, tumblr, wordress.com, blogger, and self hosted WP….and stay under 5 minutes
[manton], qotta, tmo, strugee, t-mo, [tantek], [KevinMarks] and snarfed joined the channel
#[snarfed]hey jamietanna[m] , http://meetup-mf2.jvt.me/ is exciting!...but also seems like it's been down since you launched it. any plans to get it back up?
#[grantcodes]Re ping / webmention option - that shouldn't have anything to do with Gutenberg. The old way of doing sidebar options should work for the foreseeable future
#@fluffy↩️ I mean the issue is about the expectation around it. People on Mastodon/Twitter/etc. expect to be able to post a link to a thing without necessarily tagging in the author of who wrote the thing. I personally think that having opt-in support for sending webmention would be good. (twitter.com/_/status/1169746542481199104)
#@fluffy↩️ And I also think that Mastodon *receiving* webmention would be incredible.
I think that some of the existing Mastodon privacy controls would map onto whether or not to send Webmentions pretty well. (twitter.com/_/status/1169746913760956416)
#@fluffy↩️ Like I do see the Mastodon developers' point of view, in that adding Webmention would violate expectations and potentially be seen as a privacy issue. I don't think Webmention itself is a privacy issue.
I'm very much in favor of having fine-grained privacy controls, in any case. (twitter.com/_/status/1169747294406660096)
#[jgmac1106]grantcodes more the larger issue of microformats and blocks and post types.... The "then we have to learn Gutenberg" was a fun and important detour
#[jgmac1106]I just know A: you are fan of react and B: you WordPress alot in day job. Will be a good mentor to community members into Gutenberg
#[fluffy]I figure if I want to send webmentions from my mastodon posts I could just run pushl on my atom feed.
#[fluffy]At least for as long as mastodon still has atom feeds
#[snarfed]those would either not work or would be very ugly
#[jgmac1106]Here is thing that made me most weary of Mastodon...go back to issues and threads on micropub. It's Eugene's decision.. Granted they do gather feedback first. But it's a BDFL model...don't like that kind of open source
#[jgmac1106]That and I have been in different instances and couldn't follow rules or didn't get approved in membership to others.. Meh
#[jgmac1106]I'll just blog and have a reader (I still Twitter a ton.. hypocrisy is spice of hyperbole)
#[fluffy]hm, interesting, pushl isn’t detecting outgoing links from mastodon posts.
#[fluffy]ah, it’s because mastodon sets all links rel=“nofollow”
#JKingWebI've been reading through the Microsub spec, and I'm unclear about how a channel works, exactly. I gather from https://github.com/indieweb/microsub/issues/21 that feeds are now directly addressable (though the spec does not reflect this yet, it seems), but feeds must still belong to a channel, yes? Can they belong to more than one channel?