@jeannieindigitlI’ve seen some replies to followed Tumblogs from http://micro.blog. Just an FYI, Tumblr doesn’t have public comments or webmentions so if you want to leave a comment on their Tumblog that they will receive you will need to do so from your Tumblr account. (twitter.com/_/status/1171213270251950081)
@dippizuka↩️ Increasingly more fond of the micropayment/microsub model (especially with its popularity on Twitch) to improve the whole experience. Especially in 2019 when speed is such a crucial factor for Google. (twitter.com/_/status/1171266593411584001)
JKingWebI have an interest in implementing Microsub without necessarily buying into the rest of the IndieWeb, so anything which makes the technology less monolithic would be quite welcome to me.
jeremycherfasIn Grav, the templating system can be very modular. So things like a header block and a footer block are easy to re-use. Currntly I am trying to develop a template for listings and a template for single items. There are no post types, as such.
jeremycherfasThe problem is that sometimes it is clickable and sometimes it isn't. On pagination. So if you are on the first page, the << is not clickable. Maybe I can surpress it entirely if it is not clickable.
LoqiSorry, I couldn't find a page named "The problem is that sometimes it is clickable and sometimes it isn't. On pagination. So if you are on the first page, the" or similar
jeremycherfas!tell [grantcodes] The pagination includes a previous link and a next link, in addition to the numbered pages. If you are on the first page, the previous link is not in fact a link. But I like it being their for design reasons.
jeremycherfasYup. That's what I did, in the end. The tricky part, which I can still change, is making it a button when it is a link and not when it isn't.
[grantcodes]This is confusing me to be honest 😅 generally for pagination I will make a bunch of a tags, change them to spans add the same class to all of them and style them based on that.
jeremycherfasOoh. Thanks for that. I think I'll probably wait until I have visible design and then mf2 sorted out, and then use that tool and hope I don't then need too many tweaks.
jgmac1106_on my main site the last 7days I had 1,306,129 successful requests and on my Known blog 1,251,537 Pretty standard traffic for me. Not seeing a huge spike…can’t figure this out.
beko[m]`LinkedIn argued that it needed to restrict scraping to protect its own users' privacy. But hiQ countered that the data didn't belong to LinkedIn but to its users—who explicitly marked the data public.`
[snarfed]fwiw, bridgy actually did support FB pages for years. i can count on one hand the number of people who actualy used it. (compared to thousands of normal profile accounts)
jeremycherfas!tell [KevinMarks] Because I don't do enough of this sort of thing and didn't know about Disabled. Although there is also a sense in which it isn't disabled as much as non-functional. Does that make sense?
jeremycherfasgrantcodes made the same suggestion. I could argue it both ways. It is a button, and if it doesn't do anything, that's the same as being disabled. Or, if it doesn't do anything, it isn't a button. Now that I know, I might give it some more thought.
[KevinMarks]I think disabled fits your use case - the button is there but shouldn't be clickable as it won't do anything, but when things change it can be enabled
jamietanna[m]kevinmarks snarfed: thanks, that explains it. Would you be happy with a PR to extend it to not just `e-content`? Just so it can pick up any of the other links
jamietanna[m]When I had a look at telegraph it looked like I needed to know all the links I wanted to send up front, which was one of the things I wanted to avoid if possible
jamietanna[m]Looks like I'll still need to know the domains up front, no worries, was kinda hoping I could get away without writing any HTML parsing :D
@swyx↩️ image hosting!
rss feed!
og tags!
dark theme!
private posts! (either author-only journal mode, or posts that readers have to login to see, optionally be a subscriber aka @SubstackInc)
generate audio file and publish as podcast!
text-to-blog! (twitter.com/_/status/1171495541533859843)
@BekoPharm↩️ Oh no :( I run it manually again using curl and I got '{"status":"queued","summary":"Webmention was queued for processing"[...]webmention/JHUlgCm6cwsz0AzxOKqU"' so I guess it's in the queue. Endpoint looks fine so no idea what happened on the first try. (twitter.com/_/status/1171538387242668033)
[Ramiro_Ruiz]I was also looking into webmention.app about the possibility to help me send the web mention needed to bridgy adding the `<a href="https://brid.gy/publish/twitter”></a>” link to get automatic syndication to twitter, because my micropub doesn’t send web mentions. But webmention.app is not getting the link from my note