[schmarty]!tell vika_nezrimaya http://h2vx.com/ics/ will convert an h-feed of h-event into an ICS format. so if you have an h-feed of (reposted) h-events, that proxy will make them add-to-calendarable
Loqivika_nezrimaya: [schmarty] left you a message 8 hours, 46 minutes ago: http://h2vx.com/ics/ will convert an h-feed of h-event into an ICS format. so if you have an h-feed of (reposted) h-events, that proxy will make them add-to-calendarable
vika_nezrimayaIt seems like Redis is the best solution for geospatial applications (e.g. venue query), since it implements georadius calculations natively
vika_nezrimaya1, jgmac1106 and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
[schmarty]vika_nezrimaya - looks like the web ring app is having trouble connecting to your site: ```https://fireburn.ru/%7C2019-09-12 13:55:19|{"status":0,"error":"Problem checking site link: RequestError: Error: write EPROTO 139687147210560:error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/s23_clnt.c:802:\n"}```
beko[m][snarfed]: I wonder… is it possible to e.g. like something on Github and simply post that also on TW as article via Bridgy? When I try I get error that XY was not found on TW. Naturally, it's not there 😕 Making the post twice clutters everything up even more. So for now I make this manually (or edit the post later when it was sent to TW first)
[snarfed]and re your failed star earlier today, looks like the HTTP response body to your webmention POST included the error explanation: "Although you appear to have the correct authorization credentials,
[snarfed]is it too slow now? if not, maybe wait? optimize when something is actually slow, not just when you suspect it might be slow at some point in the future
jackyso to load a photo that has like 150 likes, 40 replies and 3 photos in the set, that'd be 194 HTTP calls (one extra for the underlying MF2 of the post)
[snarfed]but also more importantly, 194 http calls seems like too many, regardless of anything server side. (network generally matters more than your backend/storage code unless it's egregious.) looks like you already collapse the like/repost facepiles. consider lazy loading their images?
[schmarty]i most of that traffic refers to loading avatar images, which is an interesting thing to try to optimize. lazy-load is good in some circumstances.
jacky!tell vika_nezrimaya what's your site's URL (the glitch one, not the one with the branded domain)? I don't think Glitch has HSTS enabled for sub-domain projects if custom domains are enabled