treora, [timothy_chamber, stevestreza, [jeremycherfas], [KevinMarks], gRegorLove, dhanesh95, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
ZegnatI think the first principle happy-flow version is realtively easy to do. Don’t get me wrong, I desperatly want to rewrite mine with everything about OAuth I have learned the last years, but just getting it ready to handle authentication is not didn’t feel harder than – say – a micropub endpoint
jeremycherfasI've been trying to get a partial to use a different value for a variable it uses, so I can use the partial in a modular page. The partial uses, but that's the date of the modular page. I want it to use from the actual module. I tried a bunch of variations on '{% include 'partials/blog/date.html.twig' with {'': | date("U") %}' but none of them worked.
jeremycherfasI gave up in the end. Easier to paste in the partial myself and change the name of the variable. Yes, I am repeating myself, but I can live with that.
jackyI found the auth endpoint to be the easiest part; tbh. Perhaps making it for multiple people could be challenging. The only thing stopping me from releasing the newer form of Fortress is me getting this Android app logic going (so it can be a unlocking of the device to auth oneself)