#dev 2019-09-23

2019-09-23 UTC
rntsrtoh^, ZuhtepDiscord[m], [Michael_Beckwit, gRegorLove, cweiske, gxt, krychu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
So, finally managed to send a webmention to a site that’s not mine! (Ima have to look into adding an avatar of some sort. Also, I kinda miss a link back to my post, though I guess it’s entirely up to the “destination site” to add one or not. Finally,… https://mastodon.social/@janboddez/102841449964038828
[Lewis_Cowles], KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel
!tell sorry for the trouble! myfreeweb looks like granary is happy with unrelenting.technology now. haven't figured out what happened yesterday. logs do show it returned an empty response, but it was able to fetch your site fine, so i don't know yet
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell myfreeweb sorry for the trouble! looks like granary is happy with unrelenting.technology now. haven't figured out what happened yesterday. logs do show it returned an empty response, but it was able to fetch your site fine, so i don't know yet
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jackjamieson, [jgmac1106] and mardy joined the channel
[snarfed]: it was the brotli issue
eli_oat and [snarfed] joined the channel
they have acknowledged and said they'll fix it, but no ETA. whee
Yeah. myfreeweb turned off broti for granarys user agent
[keithjgrant], KartikPrabhu, dougbeal|mb1, dougbeal|iOS, [tantek], leg and AngeloGladding joined the channel
I went ahead and upgraded to ngrok pro
so I can do things like https://lwa.ngrok.io from my laptop \o/
helps when testing locally because cookies stick to a domain :(
oh it looks a bit doable from hand if one wants to self host
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
that's a great writeup
i've been doing that for a while. got a wildcard SSL cert for a domain and dedicated the domain to reverse tunnels
[schmarty], KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel
[fluffy] joined the channel
sounds like the use case is using bridgy fed to federate posts to mastodon etc even if they're eg a reply to a non-mastodon (non-AP) post
Define “reply” in this context
this has come up before. the catch is that it's not clear how to render this as an AP post effectively, since the reply context is difficult. discussion: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/57#issuecomment-524645179
[snarfed] before we get too deep into plumbing, how would you want bridgy fed to federate this post? ie how would you expect it to look in Mastodon? it's a repost, but it can't be federated as an AP repost (boost). it's not a note, so bridgy fed is reluctant ...
Like, I’m not necessarily *replying* to a thing, I’m just linking to it
your example post has u-in-reply-to another post on your site
ah, fair
but it’s still a thing that should appear in my activitypub timeline, I think?
like, in my case it’s a blog entry
it just happens to reply to someone else’s blog entry, but the intention is that it be seen by my subscribers
mind reading the few comments on the issue i linked? bridgy fed definitely could federate it, but it's unclear whether/how to include a reply context
same thing discussed on the github issue ^
reading now
POSSEing replies is not necessarily an obvious thing to put into a "timeline"
also higher level background in https://snarfed.org/2015-11-29_keep-bridgy-publish-dumb . basically, bridgy and bridgy fed are useful plumbing tools, but i get reluctant to include too much user-visible presentation logic in them. i'm definitely open to discussion and ideas though!
Yeah but my blog is a blog not a social media presence
what does that even mean though?
like if someone would see a post via an RSS subscription I’d also expect them to see it via an ActivityPub subscription
blogs are a different beast than timeline-oriented social
and trying to force one into the other doesn’t work, but so many people expect to just follow me via social now
using mastodon instead of an RSS reader
[fluffy] how would you want it to look on mastodon? just the text? add an "[in reply to: ...]" text prefix? something else?
I mean what all my posts look like on Mastodon are just the summary text and then a link to the full entry anyway
whether it’s a reply or not
and I didn’t do anything particular to set that up
snarfed's questions are on point — there's design work to be done on the presentation side and it is non-trivial
right. replies are a bit more dependent on context to be readable though
reply to post to silo A, POSSEing to silo B <-- no obvious design, but workable and we have some examples
but none of the content that is the actual reply would be showing up in the first place
This stuff is all just such a big mess, as always
and I get that you’re trying to support the Right Thing but that seems to defy expectations of what’s going to actually be intended
repost post to silo A, POSSEing to silo B <-- no design anywhere AFAIK (last I remember discussing this with Karthik at IWC NYC 2016?) and would be kinda nonsensical to followers on B
my “reply” posts aren’t really replies in the same sense as a twitter or mastodon reply though
at least not necessarily
fluffy, re: "like if someone would see a post via an RSS subscription" yup that's exactly why I stopped putting reply posts in my Atom feed, because it was more noisy than not to RSS subscribers
if I’m posting it on my blog it’s because I intend for people to read it
and I try to do things with enough context that they’re not just like a one-liner or whatever
same, so it is on my home page and h-feed
RSS subscribers have different expectations due to legacy UIs
like I’ll be quoting what I’m replying to and it’s part of a larger ongoing discussion
if your reply posts aren't really a reply, then I'd suggest not marking them up as a reply
they’re a *response* though
right. that doesn't sound like a reply then
should it just be mention-of then?
response is a larger category of things, worthy looking into /response to figure out what you're doing
[fluffy]: there is no "mention-of" any link is a mention
quite possibly no markup is needed
yes mention would be the LCD, and no need to mark it up. all links are mentions by default
what is a response
responses, or interactions, in the context of the indieweb, refer to all the different ways and things people explicitly do to and with others’s posts, from written replies to quick likes, in other words responses = replies + reactions https://indieweb.org/response
looking at the post from the github issue, I would not expect this to be marked up as anything other than a full blog post https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/1912-Slowcial-networking
okay, so, what I’m getting here is that a public response to a blog entry is not considered a reply, and a reply is specifically intended as a twitter-style response then
also not sure what the like-of is doing there, because that's going to cause a consumer to disregard all the contents of the post
(see: post type discovery)
I’ve used like-of weirdly too.
so okay I need to adjust my mindset away from how things work in an RSS world, is what I’m getting.
replies are typically directly in a thread, meant to be read as part of that thread, and may even be speaking directly to the author of the in-reply-to post
i'm not sure how the RSS world factors into this
I've seen inconsistent anecdotes about "how things work in an RSS world"
Like there is no one way "how things work in an RSS world", but there are some patterns
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Part of the reason I may unfollow people from Mastodon in micro.blog...i can't get the whole conversation (unless I leave) and if I reply all the reply context missing Mastodon
like, if I make a “like” post of someone else’s pose I don’t want it to show up in my RSS feed as its own thing, so if someone responds to a post of mine and I like it I’ve been adding the “like” (as a webmention-only thing) into the post being responded to
if anything, the mindset shift is to move away from automatically adding markup/structure to every part of content
I’m just trying to limit the amount of chatter that my blog generates in peoples’ feed readers while still participating in IndieWeb stuff
^^^ exactly why I dropped my reply posts from my Atom feed
Fluffy can you just unfurl any link you like and display that as well as the like and link?
what do you mean by ‘unfurl’ in this case?
my rough understanding of RSS reader users is that they expect to see original content, not responses
this is why I don't put my "like" posts on my home page
what is unfurl
It looks like we don't have a page for "unfurl" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "unfurl is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Mean take OG stuff, Activity stream and display the title, featured imagexand/or summary
that’s what I thought you meant, but the question made no sense to me in the context
aaronpk, "like" posts in a home page composite stream were definitely a difficult design problem. I sympathize
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[fluffy]: it sounds like you want people to see these "response" posts, but don't want people to see your "like" posts. that's fine, you just decide which ones to put on your feed pages
gwg does a decent job in WordPress and swentel does with Indigenous as well
that requires a bunch more plumbing in Publ (or at least in my templates) but if that’s what it takes I’ll do that instead.
I guess that clears up a bunch of stuff.
yes, it's definitely an intentional design decision
Used to just see Tantek liked https//example.com now I think I also see a summary of that link using available metadata
bleh, except then I have to do something special for Pushl because that’s what I use to generate my webmentions, driven from my atom feed
i explicitly wanted to be able to choose what goes onto my home page, not have it be everything
atom/rss feed should be treated as a special POSSE / distribution case with its own weird quirks due to legacy UIs
not as core infrastructure IMO
that's a good point, i hadn't really thought of it that way
there's too many user-expectation constraints on Atom/RSS already
it's specifically because of the UIs people read them from, and the expectations of those people
which interfere with using it as any kind of generic internal infrastructure
The rss native reply format is fisking
Atom/RSS are for publishing distribution, that's all
[KevinMarks]: unless any modern software displays "rss native reply" posts, it's not really worth bringing up
[fluffy] I sympathize with the "quoting [something] and it’s part of a larger ongoing discussion" format, however that needs to be a standalone blog post /article IMO and is not a "response" to any one thing in particular.
aaronpk, he was being facetious
there is no "rss native reply format"
[KevinMarks] forgot the 🙂
Sorry, let me rephrase. The blogging convention was to blockquote extensively when replying, precisely because you couldn't rely on the other post being visible to your reader.
Interesting data point: advertisers we work with increasingly tell us they will just index our HTML themselves, do not want us to push any sort of format (like RSS) to them at all.
Fisking is the endpoint of that approach.
We have had problems with that too, e.g. if we need to redact an article, we have to contact advertisers and ask them to re-/de-index.
okay so I think I know how I’ll go forward on this: I will make my atom feed *by default* not publish like-of or in-reply-to, and I’ll allow overriding that so that Pushl can access those entries.
+1 to treating RSS/Atom as special formats _based on the consuming applications_
(the other pattern was a multi-author blog where you replied in the same space)
in the cooking metaphor: if nobody eats it, it's not food
[fluffy] fwiw feel free to still trigger bridgy fed to federate replies to AP posts! it's definitely designed for those at least
“if nobody eats it, it's not food” I like that one!
[schmarty]++ that's good
[schmarty] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (69 in all channels)
or in a positive framing: "it's only food if somebody eats it" 😄
Way more people eat RSS than there are mf2 diets
way more people eat terrible junk food than healthy food too
Most social media is wasted food?
In that metaphor mf2 would be a high end vegan restaurant, rss a local dive bar, and social media fast food
i am rolling my eyes so hard at that aaronpk
[fluffy]: good that was the point :D
rss/atom and mf2 shouldn’t be in competition 😛
they serve different purposes
You can tunnel mf2 inside them
Kevinmarks, by "tunnel" do you mean embed?
but there’s also some mismatches with how below-the-fold/cut content works in all these scenarios.
you can also deep fry kale
my atom feeds show full content, unless I have a content warning/spoiler cut in which case it only shows the preamble
“fold” is a metaphor 😛
I don’t want to put my whole entry onto my index page. I have “read more” links
"it's only a fold if somebody crease(s) it"
[schmarty] has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (70 in all channels)
sees himself out 😂
sometimes my “read more” has a content warning, in which case I don’t also include it in my feed
I'm pretty interested in that content warning design
we need to document more of those
and I expect to always do it that way even when I do a proper full-content h-feed
what is a content warning
content warning is a feature of a post create UI where an author can hide by default some or all of the primary content of a post due to some concern about the nature of the content https://indieweb.org/content_warning
also: my preamble isn’t necessarily the same as my summary, either
by default Publ generates a summary from the first paragraph of preamble text, but that can also be overridden
Monocle folds posts for you
I think you're first [fluffy]!
I doubt that, I took my inspiration from LiveJournal 😛
at least, for cuts/CWs
details/summary is a CW model
there’s a big missing thing right now in that CWs don’t show up in the direct link.
for example, on my feeds and index, https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/1371-There-are-no-happy-endings provides a major CW but that’s not actually visible in mf2 or in plain view on the post itself
that’s a thing I need to address
oh and that’s another example of where the summary is different than the preamble.
[fluffy] I meant on an indieweb site
sure, I’ll flesh that out.
also my template is {{beesbuzz.biz}} FWIW 🙂
those are all really good details to capture. clearly you've put a lot of thought into this and it's appreciated!
[fluffy] you can have more than one 😄
incidentally, I guess inside an entry itself I could use <details> like I do on comic pages (e.g. http://beesbuzz.biz/comics/guest/?id=161)
haha oops the opengraph tags still show the image
Iiiii should fix that
ugh although the image opengraph stuff is done on the Publ side, not the template side…
Scroll down a bit for siiiiiiiege
yeah the mastodon approach is what inspired how I do CWs on my comics pages
So as long as the readers preserve the html they should work (which was the tunnelling thing)
yeah I just don’t want to rely on <details> getting preserved because like… that’s a fairly new tag, and not even every browser supports it
(granted, MOST do, but still)
like I know some folks who use lynx as their daily driver
mostly for accessibility reasons
i'm not actually sure whether my HTML sanitization allows detail tags through
it's pretty aggressive about removing stuff
yeah, same with FeedOnFeeds
gRegorLove joined the channel
Hm, good point
I do know that out-of-the-box FeedOnFeeds actually strips *all* HTML, because there’s no way to have a plugin be disabled by default and for some reason one of the other maintaners really wanted a “strip all HTML” mode. 😕
well, not all HTML, but everything aside from <a> <br> <p> <div>
… why
details without summary is kinda not-useful
Yeah, seems like a bug.
t-mo and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Hm, I guess RSVP posts should also be hidden from feeds
and my indieweb posts (which will still be in /blog/chatter) can generally be much much less elaborate than what I was doing before 🙂
I forget what Publ does if there’s an entry with no title or content, in terms of how it’ll appear on an index or a feed… guess I’ll find out!
it's kind of a case of the indieweb "let a thousand flowers bloom" philosophy, which i love, ie we all get to do whatever we want on our own sites!
there are common use cases and recommendations for interop, as you mentioned, eg in readers and other common tools and services like bridgy, but they're only recommendations, not requirements
ah, it uses the filename
↩️ But before I go there I should totally clean up my purposely simple Webmention plugin first.
t-mo joined the channel
well after cleaning my stuff up I decided to make a little script to make it easier to do IndieWeb likes/replies/etc., and that ended up kinda weird
at least how it appears in Mastodon
because of Mastodon using the subject as the CW text
of course this is a thing I want to do better in ‘reblob’ which I really ought to work on more
or heck maybe this is what finally gets me to write a micropub endpoint 😛
yes! you're in good company, lots of similar indie like/reply/repost bookmarklets, scripts, etc. eg https://snarfed.org/indieweb-press-this-bookmarklets-for-wordpress
...but having said that, i think most people now use micropub-enabled indie readers to do this kind of thing instead, including on phone, which generally have much better UX
[spieper] and gRegorLove joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel