[fluffy]The main thing I learned from that is facebook’s profile API doesn’t provide any reasonable URI-friendly identifiers so I do not believe I will be directly supporting facebook with Authl any time soon.
stevestreza, rntsrtoh^, kants, treora, [Rose], [chrisbergr], [pfefferle] and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
Loqipetermolnar: jgmac1106 left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: had random thought about webmentions and privacy in terms of physical analogy. If you mail be back an RSVP I get to keep the response, same for a reply to a letter.
petermolnarapparently, zapier with python has a store functionality that can also append lists that are already there - it looks like a reasonable candidate for a temporary micropub storage for static sites. I got the input part working, I need to figure out the how to retreive, but once I'm done, I'm happy to share it.
[snarfed] joined the channel; KubeWorshipperDi left the channel
[fluffy][snarfed] app-scoped URLs don’t really work for the Authl use case though, what I need is the ability to get a permanent identifier that can be linked to outside of an app scope
[fluffy]although looking at their actual API docs it looks like they really, really, really want people to use their own proprietary SDKs instead of using OAuth directly, including some funky javascript-based mystery meat that is intended to make it so that you can’t use it alongside other APIs easily
[KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel; Zuhtep4848[m] left the channel
[tantek]Instagram << [https://stalkture.com/ Stalkture]: "Browse images and videos on Instagram. Find out Most Popular Hashtags and Users. '''This service uses the Instagram API''' but is not endorsed or certified by Instagram." '''Emphasis''' added.
[tantek]I really need to fix my event posting flow (at least restore to previous level of functionality) so I can post indie events and have them POSSE properly again
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