#dev 2019-09-25

2019-09-25 UTC
[Lewis_Cowles] and Gangsta_Luvv joined the channel
Anyone active an want to help develop a site with profits?
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel; Gangsta_Luvv left the channel
sounds legit
[jgmac1106] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
GWG_: re sms - gammu with a 3g (usb) modem; if possible to do it solely on android, maybe use and old device and use Automate?
[Peter Molnar] Self-hosted home SMS gateway
that one is a bit overcomplicated though
it was written at a time when I was trying to use MQTT as my home BUS
it needed way too much work, so that got dropped
cweiske and [Rose] joined the channel
I was today years old when I found out that you can modify the certbot config to automatically restart nginx
KartikPrabhu and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
In January I found out AWS & DigitalOcean have automated DNS auth for certbot. I can gain new certs offline and push them online. I Love EFF & Certbot
I pay dreamhost to do the heavy lifting.
I'm my own dreamhost
looks in the mirror
I also have a dreamhost. They send me emails like “Hey the website you setup for your mom has a new SSL”. I got very upset when dreamobjects lost 100GB of my data and they failed to notify me though so anything important is not with them. They get paid out of nostalgia. A position I aspire to
jeremycherfas, gxt, jgmac1106, [Lewis_Cowles], [grantcodes], [Rose], [jgmac1106], dougbeal|mb1, BenLubar, sawebb287, t-mo, FineDiscord[m], [tantek], deathrow1, krychu, achingbrainDisco and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel; dillonDiscord[m] left the channel
lol. I just got an email from the "Google Search Console Team" subject "New Events issues detected for site http://tantek.com/"
Tantek Çelik
Invalid value type for field "hcalendar#dtstart" / Date/time not in ISO 8601 format in field "dtstart"
not sure where to document this
what is Google Search
Google Search is how Google started, a web search engine, and supports indexing and highlighting results with microformats, like IndieWeb event posts https://indieweb.org/Google_Search
KartikPrabhu, krychu, [snarfed], [schmarty], [dougbeal], gxt and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ Webmentions!! Blogpost on how to add them to a @laravelphp app, but you can easily apply this knowledge to any project https://freek.dev/1406-how-to-add-webmentions-to-a-laravel-powered-blog
[fluffy] joined the channel
using webmention.io ^^^
[tantek] and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
I know Freek, sot-of
there must be a convergence happening around decentralised tech
[Rose], krychu, [tantek] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
attempts to deploy some changes to ownyourgram
This makes me reconsider what it really means to be a "posting app": https://twitter.com/EmilyKager/status/1176899180117151744
Tired: using drafts to save tweet ideas Wired: using drafts as my main todo/notes app
Like maybe posting is "just" a feature of a good text editor?
there is something about the act of clicking some sort of publish button to broadcast the note
*or* maybe the "original" document is the one in your device, and "posting" is just making a POSSE copy on your website
sure, I just think there is something special about making it available to others, regardless of what you call that or how it works
I don't know if there is anything more special about it than POSSEing it anywhere else, except your level of ownership/control of the specific web server
"making it available to others" could be mean a change in audience
like the post actually exists from the moment you start typing, and "publishing" is just the act of updating its audience to be more people
"publishing" thus commonly really means "making public" — "public-ing"
and we're full circle
publish - from the stem of Old French puplier, from Latin publicare ‘make public’
except we've separated the act of creating from the act of making public
one could make a Micropub client that did full CDURU to a local store, and then handle all of the "publishing" as yet another POSSE destination
that's a very different architecture than what micropub clients do today
that sounds like the difference between your micropub server being on the same device as the micropub client vs deployed to a remote server
and with micropub endpoints for static site generators, it's completely reasonable that the micropub server is running on the same device the post is authored, which also builds the site locally before publishing it
given the storage & cpu of typical even mobile devices, why wouldn't you always make it "on the same device" for all of the offline benefits, and have the "network server copy" be a thing that updates async without you having to worry about intermittent connectivity etc.
yes but then you get into the challenges of maintaining two authoritative copies of your source files, one for your phone and one for your computer. if you assume you only publish from your phone then it's a much easier problem.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Tldr - it's hard
fwiw I think this is the model that scuttlebutt uses, where everything is created locally and distributed later
that's an interesting comparison
and scuttlebutt has that problem of your phone vs your computer
so does Beaker/dat
One approach to the problem of "maintaining two authoritative copies of your source files, one for your phone and one for your computer" is CRDTs
Another, more commonly known approach to the problem of "maintaining two authoritative copies of your source files, one for your phone and one for your computer" is git 🙂
I use git for my website, so in theory I can write a post (or several) on my laptop offline, and push them up later
in practice it doesn't work so well because I don't have a good workflow for triggering all the post-publishing tasks when posts are added that way such as sending webmentions or delivering via activitypub
do you have git on your phone? then you'd be all set
right. this needs a software abstraction on top of git to work well
that handles all that stuff
the other problem is I really need local micropub clients too, since I don't like authoring posts by hand except for blog posts with complicated formatting
I do have a local version of quill on my laptop so I guess i'm half way there
another alternative would be the versioned history wiki in HTML that I brainstormed