#dev 2019-09-29

2019-09-29 UTC
KartikPrabhu, NeroprojektDisco, vendan, jgmac1106 and dhanesh95 joined the channel
I just finished fixing UTC offsets in my location code, so I'm going to bed
That addresses that one attendee with a problem at IWC Austin 2017
[frank], [aaronpk] and [schmarty] joined the channel
GWG has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (145 in all channels)
hecc timezones GWG++
GWG has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (146 in all channels)
dhanesh95_, [Rose], [tonz], dhanesh95 and [tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk, some of these use-cases seem quite legit: https://w3ctag.github.io/capability-urls/
oh, one-time use tokens in URLs are a different story
the "password reset" case there
the "Risk of Exposure" section talks about it quite well
also lol "If you are considering using capability URLs, you should consider other options..."
they even say "Capability URLs should expire"
jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
haha wow
was talking about this w/ tantek. i love this tool! it lets you muck w/ json data on the command line and in scripts https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
aaronpk described it as "awk, but for json", which feels accurate if inscrutable 😄
[Rose], [jgmac1106]1 and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
there is also yq for yaml if the need ever arises
beware json with comments, it's a thing I'm seeing more and more
AceFaceDiscord[m, mrcatmann, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], [tantek], [frank], [grantcodes] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Oooh yq is actually a thing I needed! I was converting yaml to JSON so I could use jq, then converting back! 😱
sebsel: quill supports visibility now!
jacki and [mapkyca] joined the channel
[aaronpk] How do you redirect in Quill to the new published post? I can't find the permalink anywhere in the response from the micropub call.
[frank]: Location: header
of the micropub response
[aaronpk] joined the channel
We've had some issues with IndieAuth on a WordPress subdirectory, and sending Authorization headers to DreamHost but @david_bryant has still made some good progress at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam!
As mentioned at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam, I haven't quite yet got Meetup syndication from http://brid.gy - but hopefully I'll be able to show it off other the next couple of days!
jonny2 joined the channel
I see Quill supports visibility as a query.. will have to add it now
I should do some Quill PR stuff one of these days
jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], jjuran, [Marten], [grantcodes] and [frank] joined the channel
[Rose] a question on iOS Shortcuts. When I do a post to my blog (with micropub) I get a response from my WordPress site with the result and headers. How do I pick up this information in Shortcuts? Especially the header to get the Location which has the permalink to my new post.
[Rose] joined the channel
I presume it's returning JSON? JSON is a dictionary
It's in the header, not the response itself. Which is JSON
I have a series of Shortcuts I've been modifying this summer, I should get around to posting them.
AFAIK you can't get the headers of the response. I'd be happy to be wrong about that though!
Let me put my iPhone from Dutch to English to show the steps I have now. And the error message that goes along. BRB. I hope.
[tantek] joined the channel
Assuming iOS 13 you can also go to Settings > Shortcuts and enable untrusted Shortcuts and send me a link (making sure any keys are not present first though)
It went pretty easy. Here's what I have now. After posting I want to get the headers of the URL. That's when I get an error.
Here’s the error
You can view it at https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/1dc1eb7c4d8248f39639cdfaa010fa5f you need to put in a key and your own endpoint.
[aaronpk] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Getting the headers sends another request I beliece
At least, it used to
As you have to give it a URL, it can't read them from a query already executed
Yup, tapping the icon on Get Headers shows the following docs:
Retrieves the HTTP headers of the URL passed as input using a HEAD request.
for personal use, you could extend your micropub endpoint to return e.g. a json including the path as well. I think that's valid to do with 201/202 responses
Yeah, totally valid. I feel like some people had already started doing that?
Wordpress returns the url in the json
[Rose]: I couldn't even remember if I added that.
I am going to add the query Quill supports as of today in my next pass
I use it, so someone must have?
Yeah think I saw that in wp and added that to my endpoint too
[Rose]: Either me or snarfed
Who can remember
[Rose]: By the way, any asks for WordPress? I am starting a run of bugfixes and easy enhancements
Uhh, a custom theme? :P
Being serious, no I think I'm all good - thanks for asking!
With my checks in Postman to do these micropub posts, the response doesn't give back the full permalink of the post.
[sknebel] I have no idea how and where to extend an endpoint....
since other say it should be there, micropub plugin up to date?
[frank]: Open an issue on the repo?
[Rose]: you sure about the MP endpoint? or just the media endpoint?
in the media endpoint I see code for it, in the micropub one it's not obvious
[tonz] joined the channel
Maybe I'm thinking of MediaPub?
It isn't returned
Only in the media endpoint
But if someone opens an issue, I will see about doing it
And I construct it for MicroPub somehow I thought, but I have a cold - my brain is 90% offline :P
[RosemaryOrchard] #206 Return URL to post in JSON
Be careful what you wish for GWG :P
That's easy enough
Thanks [Rose]
Hahaha. Dumb autocorrect.
Rose has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (52 in all channels)
[frank]: lol
jgmac1106, KartikPrabhu and [sebsel] joined the channel
!tell GWG: same as Media Endpoint? Sorry, I’m not logged into GitHub here.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Gr1mR33p joined the channel
Updated the GH issue ;)
[aaronpk] joined the channel
We should standardize the JSON response with the URL as a micropub extension
Can I make the unpopular suggestion that, if that gets done, conneg is added so we can still give browsers a different response? 😇
!karma conneg
conneg has -2 karma in this channel over the last year (-3 in all channels)
Why do browsers need a different response? Won't they redirect when the Location header is returned?
krychu joined the channel
not sure if they do that for 20x responses
I *think* they will
But I am not sure if that is actual HTTP standards behaviour or unspeced browser behaviour
Would need to double check
jaimetanna I see it as if something deserves its own license then it probably should be it’s own h* level. A self contained piece of content that could or shouldn’t be moved around based on license.
re the Micropub returning the URL: I have all my endpoints return a HTML link. Shortcuts can parse that too. But I guess JSON makes sense too here, but the redirect is designed to be user facing
has to be an <a href> for Shortcuts to work though, iirc. Just putting plain text wont work
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I have used h-item for products on shopping pages, maybe that could work when you need a piece of content to have a different license??
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-7.1.2 seems to suggest the location header is only informational for 201, so may not automatically redirect ?
sebsel: how does shortcuts handle html?
Shortcuts is a lot of magic
https://seblog.nl/temp/media-endpoint/f01413-img_4167.png this is the (unfortunately Dutch) that was used to upload that image itself
so it is ‘get contents of URL’ and then ‘get URLs’
It just has URLs if you add html with a link
But it can also parse JSON
ah ok, extracting the links. neat!
jgmac1106 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel