Loqiarchive in the context of the indieweb refers to date-grouped (often monthly) sets of posts (AKA personal historical archives, a common form of navigation), but can sometimes mean archival copy, a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time https://indieweb.org/archive
LoqiAn archival copy is a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time, that can be used as a reference if the original disappears or is temporarily unavailable https://indieweb.org/archival_copy
CrocodillianDisc, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], krychu, [tantek], imgabidotcom, gxt, [schmarty] and [grantcodes] joined the channel; ryanchristoDisco left the channel
ZegnatThe nice thing with the microsub (or any other read service) going the image caching is the extra layer of privacy. My reading tool does not contact an external source outside of the read service while I am reading
[fluffy]Yeah I do a similar thing in FeedOnFeeds but that’s mostly to get around http warnings and the occasional anti-hotlink measure. I don’t bother to cache since most FeedOnFeeds instances are single-user anyway.
[schmarty]haha, well i fixed all my broken map images... by switching to stamen's tileservers. apparently the defaults listed in the (discontinued) staticmaplite are all severely ratelimited or outright not returning tile images.
[schmarty]i liked the simple look of the stamen "toner" style. and it's funded by the knight foundation. and my maps system literally only fetches tiles once per checkin. so, i switched!