[aaronpk]It looks like it fetches the url the user enters, which is right, but if that's the case then they shouldn't ever end up on indielogin.com because you can't use that to get an access token or do the IndieAuth flow
[aaronpk]The authorization code is meant to be one time use, so that's probably why the getToken is failing, because it's already been used to verify the code
[schmarty], krychu and paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
paulrobertlloydEssentially, I have some configuration/settings pages on a (Micropub) server that I want behind auth. I will later need an access token so that the user can post from that server to their own site.
aaronpkif you need an access token to post to a user's own site, then that access token has to come from their own authorization endpoint, and indielogin.com can't help you with that
aaronpkso that form should post back to your express app, where you use the URL they enter to discover their own authorization endpoint, and then go send them off to that URL to log in
aaronpkyou'll need to drop the verifyCode() method you have, because that's using up the authorization code and the getToken() method is failing because the code has already been used
paulrobertlloydSo it is possible to authenticate and request a token using that one step (possibly), but I need to pass the user’s token endpoint to that function?
paulrobertlloydSo where should my sign in form point to? (I’ve read the specs plenty of times, but authentication/authorisation, similarly named tokens… it’s all quite opaque to the uninitiated, sadly!)
paulrobertlloydOkay. Well sounds like using IndieLogin has thrown me off course! I need to handle it all on my side of things, using the helper library (hopefully!)
[Lewis_Cowles]It seems to be a network-application-level service to enable you to login using google, twitter, etc without cluttering your apps with many client codes
aaronpkthe user types in their own URL (e.g. aaronpk.com) and then indielogin.com authenticates them by getting them to log in via twitter/github/indieauth/email/etc based on what profiles they link to from their website
[Lewis_Cowles]The bit I’m stuck on is how my login via GitHub would relate to the indieweb or any other page / app. I’ve looked for the content and all I have found is an sso link which sends me to indielogin with a code (perhaps the code is a token)
LoqiRelMeAuth is a proposed open standard for using rel-me links to profiles on OAuth supporting services to authenticate via either those profiles or your own site.
RelMeAuth is the technology behind web-sign-in.
Tantek Çelik (http://tante...
[Lewis_Cowles]hmmm I got invalid session state from indielogin after adding rel=“me” to all my links. IndieLogin worked perfectly and even auto-picked a source of truth for authorizing with a third party (GitHub)