[jgmac1106]....okay back to dev chat, I removed all my file extensions but now I cant access directories that had no file extesions like /music and /readings
jgmac1106[m]Whomever was talking about jukeboxes of anyone knows of good tutorials for building and/or using a media player on your site would love links
tsrt^, [tantek], berDiscord[m], [Rose] and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
[Lewis_Cowles][jgmac1106] not exactly a jukebox, but https://github.com/Lewiscowles1986/webamp was interesting take on bringing a project from early 00's which was windows only back to life
[Lewis_Cowles]`RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f` should prevent .htaccess from overwriting files which exist `RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d` should ensure your existing directories are good
[jgmac1106]Perfect thx, yeah Dymitri was showing some comparable hosts and ways to deploy sites using Go. May try to deploy a basic website that way today
[jgmac1106]Yeah and I find there can be Apache stuff above me at shares host that messes me up... Maybe... I dunno... Just cutting and pasting my way to glory
[jgmac1106]Was able to accomplish either but not both, remove file extensions or redirect to archive. Thx dor -d tip. Really wanna download music (well ftpd it already but /readings more critical
[Lewis_Cowles]Regex is cool, and browsers may use it under the hood, but IMO using CSS selectors allows me to leverage browser inspector tools for a faster feedback cycle.
[Lewis_Cowles]`wget` or `scp -r` would allow you to simply move it, `sed`, might let you regex to rewrite / extract / strip things. I suppose what are your goals for the archive?
sknebel: /* If html does not have either class, do not show lazy loaded images. */ html:not( .jetpack-lazy-images-js-enabled ):not( .js ) .jetpack-lazy-image { display: none;
[snarfed]sknebel: interesting, thanks! i expect that's jetpack's lazy load images feature, which i use. still don't understand why images on other pages are ok though. 🤷
LoqiLazy Images makes pages load much faster by only loading visible images, waiting to load images that are offscreen as you scroll down.
In an effort to improve and optimize your site’s loading time, Lazy Images provides a significant benefit in page...
sknebel(problem with many script blockers is that, as far as I can understand, they do not have a reliable way of making sure <noscript> tags are triggered, so your page acts more like it scripts failed to load)
Zegnatsknebel, aah, yeah, I read about <noscript> being a problem. uMatrix has some sort of “spoofing” functionality to try and reenable them. But from what I understood it was not at all straight forward to implement
[tantek]ugh worse it's underspecified with critical feedback in that pull request, however Chrome is "shipping" some approximate implementation (without actually defining the details as requested in #3752). Mozilla pushback on that is here: https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/151
[tantek][snarfed] on my part I will take up driving that side of the issue (#151) from the Mozilla perspective to try to get a properly defined spec that we and other browsers (besides Chrome) can actually implement
ZegnatIt seems to just make the canonical be whatever you put in the browser address bar. Which defeats the point, if your canonical is what is already there you do not need it.
[tonz]http https was [tantek]’s issue. Where old search results might point to the old http version, and then have canonical point to the https version. Not sure if I remember that correctly though
ZegnatThat is why I was asking what [jgmac1106] was trying to accomplish :) You really only need to define a canonical if the document is accessible on from multiple URLs and you need to tell something that they are all the same thing.
ZegnatI don’t follow. Are you saying you would publish something on your site that is an exact copy of another site? In that case, yes, a rel-canonical pointing to the other site is nice.
ZegnatIf you publish your own annotations, and you want those annotations to have their own URL (the page you publish them on), then the rel-canonical should not be pointing to an external thing.
[jgmac1106]the first case, I sometimes sydicate articles to school blog, used to do medium, all I am doing is taking </head> out of head.php and putting into template, then I can just write https://jgregorymcverry.comm/* rel=canonical
Zegnat“I sometimes sydicate articles to school blog” do you control the school blog? Sounds like you would want a rel-canonical on that side pointing to your original on your site
ZegnatYou only ever need to use rel-canonical to point the original canonical URL for something. There is (AFAIK) no value on doing that when you are already at the original URL. (E.g. there is no value in https://jgregorymcverry.com/article having a rel-canonical pointing at https://jgregorymcverry.com/article, you are already there.)
[tantek]it is, however does it count from when part of the sun first crests line-of-sight, or when the entire disc of the sun has crested line-of-sight?
[tantek][snarfed] sorry to say but all the even minimal showing of more responses is going to take more design and coding than I have time for on an IndieWebCamp hack day
aaronpkbecause the only thing I've done with sunrise/sunset is turning on lights or controlling blinds and if those are a few minutes off nobody can tell because sunrise doesn't mean the sky is suddenly bright
[dmitshur]Hey [aaronpk]. I'm working on IndieAuth-related things on my site. It's currently using github as the only login provider, and I want to try using indielogin.com instead as the first step to let people sign in via their websites (future work would be to implement indieauth more directly on my site, but that's more work). I heard from [schmarty] I should let you know and maybe you need to add my domain to an include-list or something, is that
[schmarty]haha more for aaronpk: tmiller has tiaramiller.com working with rel=me auth for github (verified on indieauth.com), but indielogin.com says it can't find any way to authorize. does indielogin.com not fall back to rel=me?
[Lewis_Cowles]I have seen no caching in the code. It uses Twitter & GitHub for oauth. Perhaps because a lot of sites don't make rel="me" 😞 LinkedIn had my exact URL but using the tool from the wiki I found it, dribbble, etc don't make attempts. I am going to talk to work about rel="me" on public social links
ZegnatHmm, from a cursory glance it should work. indielogin uses the PHP mf2 parser to get at the rel="me" values, and php.microformats.io has no problem parsing tiaramiler.com’s HTML
[dmitshur]My case is simple: I just want to make progress towards implementing indie auth on my site, and doing it all at once feels like too much. I wanted to take a smaller step of re-using indielogin.com first. Once I get that working and clean up the code, I'll be closer to doing the rest to implement the /auth endpoint myself.
[dmitshur]e.g., I want you to be able to sign in to dmitri.shuralyov.com (or, dev.dmitri.shuralyov.com where I will test this out first) with your own domain, rather than forcing you to sign in via github as it currently does
[dmitshur]I'm still seeing "This client_id is not registered"; did you add "https://dev.dmitri.shuralyov.com/" as the client_id? is the change deployed?
[fluffy]I did a whole bunch of work to make sure that protocol-relative targets work, anyway, although it requires the endpoint to be savvy to them and IIRC webmention.io isn’t.
[dmitshur]my site is implemented in Go (source code is at https://github.com/shurcooL/home), so when this is done I'll push the finished results there. if it makes sense, I will factor out useful general functionality into a re-usable library.
[dmitshur]lots to do to clean it up and implement some security TODOs (like actually verifying the state, etc.) but it was very helpful to get a better understanding of indieauth. and more work to implement the /auth endpoint on my own site rather than using indielogin.com. but this is huge progress, I've wanted to do this for months
aaronpki'm making it so I can syndicate either: the text of my checkin becomes a tip, the text of a reply to a foursquare venue becomes a tip, or the text of a reply to one of my checkins becomes a tip
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "dark mode" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "dark mode is ____", a sentence describing the term)