#Loqi[Kartik Prabhu] So Chrome and Safari don’t like my site’s CSS grids unless I put a “width: 100%” on the Grid containers. No idea why but thanks to https://piperhaywood.com/ for the fix!
#[jgmac1106]Kartik interesting design for hansling your nav putting it into the paragraph... Been toying with my nav vis-a-vis flexbox and haven't landed on anything I really like
#KartikPrabhuI don't put navigation in a paragraph!?
#[jgmac1106]Sorry not in the element sense I meant the copy, "some of the latest notes or latest articles below" etc
#[tantek]still can't get used to the halloween names thing on twitter
#[jgmac1106]ooh makes me want to halloween my css..creeepy font here we come
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#jeremycherfasAccessibility testing is telling me I need Labels on my forms, aside from the placeholder text. But I do not want those labels to display on screen. Do I use aria-label="label"?
imsky joined the channel
#jeremycherfasTo answer my own question: yes. Thank you, rubber ducks.
#[Lewis_Cowles]devils advocate, aren’t placeholders for something else?
#jeremycherfasMaybe. The way I see it (and I recognise what I have just said, the placeholder shows you where you could put something, and can even indicate what that thing should be. Accessibility wants the screen reader to know what it should say, and apparently not all screen readers read the placeholder.
#[Lewis_Cowles]tbf today someone (rightly) pointed out that I’d used span title= where abbr and time elements would be much more contextual. Give me back HTML 3
[grantcodes] joined the channel
#[grantcodes]I generally use placeholders more as an example eg the label would be "your url" and the placeholder might be "example.com". But there should always be a label, even if it is visually hidden
#jeremycherfasI was thinking that when you posted it, but I am no expert. Just feeling my way.
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#[jeremycherfas]Thanks [schmarty], I think. My specific use case seems OK.
#[snarfed]hey dany, saw your email. glad you're interested in color data!
#[snarfed]have you seen https://health.color.com/ ? it has a couple example dashboards that we've made for specific health systems. we could definitely do something similar focused on pharma, clinical trials, etc too!
#Loqi[tantek] has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (122 in all channels)
#[Lewis_Cowles]one of my niches is working with people with differing abilities. There was another study, but still people always push back with more studies about serif’s… How can more information be easier to process is how I keep it in my head
#ShokuninDiscord[Snarfed did you work for Color, the photo app?
#[KevinMarks]And they didn't really normalise for weight
#[KevinMarks]This was in 2013 on a single density screen at 14pt. They don't describe the font renderer, so don't know if they were using msft style pixel snapping or apple style greying.
#[tantek][KevinMarks] feel free to follow-up with Leonie. In general I'd expect her to be pretty thorough / knowledgable about this stuff
krychu, gRegorLove, z1zzy, zizz, jfoster, KartikPrabhu, [manton] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; zizz left the channel
#[jgmac1106]Even worse than the sample size, which yes is too small for Bonferonni...or almost all regression models, but age range 11-50....
#[jgmac1106]We have a Dyslexia Research Center. I Can ask around for font studies...quite interesting
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]I spent a while looking for research on this when I wrote my font lightness rant, and there wasn't much.
#[KevinMarks]I bet the legibility correlates with black pixels in the image for that study
#[tantek]I'd doubt it. Serif fonts typically have lots of extra black pixels for all the decorative stuff
#[jgmac1106]okay I didn't know if I had to go down multiple levels in the fragments, thx, always wondered
#[tantek][manton] ^^^ there's a list there of Micro.blog themes that appear to have some problems with their mf2 support (which is going to impact Webmention etc.)
#[tantek][jgmac1106] pro tip: click on the heading you want in the ToC and it will both scroll you there and give you a copy/pasteable link in the URL bar
#[jgmac1106]actually should do some posts about microformats for the micro.blog crowd, many customize themes or download hugo themes and don't understand the role of mf2 in making everything work