#dev 2019-10-18

2019-10-18 UTC
jfoster, [asuh], GWG, skitz0_, gRegorLove and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Anyone here build progressive web apps?
KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel
Have you built any?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I’m starting to look into them for us
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
What features do you need?
PWA is a description of an ecosystem of technologies. Everyone sells it as something different.
At work I've built features which fall back to no JS, no CSS, text-mode. I'm a progressive extremist. I've never met a single other person taking it that far and TBH I've still not solved many of the problems it throws up.
We hired some JS experts who's designs were "progressive" and what they meant by that was to try to tie everything to Ionic + React, which i don't think is particularly progressive at all
You might simply mean a service-worker, or hiding content. That's progressive in the same way that media queries are responsive design. It's a particular strategy which does not guarantee progressive-ness.
[xavierroy], [snarfed]1, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], krychu, [Rose] and gxt_ joined the channel
[Lewis_Cowles]++ excellent summary. shokunin, what he said ^^^
[Lewis_Cowles] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
Another way to ask the PWA question would be, how does your own site follow progressive web methodologies and which PWA technologies do you support?
I’ll start. My site Tantek.com works without JS, and supports https. So it’s ready for further enhancement with say a Service Worker, which I may build this weekend at IndieWebCamp Brighton
[frank] and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
My primary criticism of ServiceWorker is not being able to hook non-GET requests and needing to be concerned with cross-origin (even if only a sub-domain). Other than that it's pretty cool.
It means I have to do this
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
(event.request.url.startsWith("https://www.fqdn.co.uk")) &&
(event.request.method == "GET")
) { // Not X-domain
// Try network and if it fails, go for the cached copy.
fromNetwork(event.request, 500)
.catch(function () {
return fromCache(event.request);
I’m building my site to use as little JS as possible, I have optional JS to add syntax highlighting to code blocks, but if it’s not there then the code still appears.
fetchNetwork and fromCache are https://www.codesign2.co.uk/sw.js
Rose has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (56 in all channels)
Step 0 in working with SASS/SCSS/LESS: install the compiler!
Whoops, that’s Friday morning brain
Rose if you use PHP there is a (albeit slow) pure PHP version. https://github.com/leafo/scssphp/releases
I’ll only be compiling on my Mac so I’m currently running `brew install sass/sass/sass`
But that’s something to bookmark for the future..!\
jeremycherfas and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
[Lewis_Cowles] it would be interesting to know what use-cases are being limited or blocked by those restrictions
One is transparent interception of form data, to queue for later in localStorage or similar mechanism
I have a work-around
but it's not transparent, you basically start with a use-case that there is no form, or the button is disabled (which harms progressive enhancement in other ways)
if you default to a server-side action which causes a regular page-nav request, there is no way to intercept with ServiceWorker that I've seen to intercept and say "right, I'm going to queue this"
or handle the form via JS instead of an HTTP POST action
if you're already running a service worker, you're already dependent on JS
Right but the idea is to decompose to work without a service-worker
and if JS is disabled, then an HTTP POST fallback works via an actual server round trip
otherwise it's not progressive enhancement, it's SuV suburb visitors only
That is a solution
I mean, it's contextual to what you need isn't it?
what would be interesting is comparing the two approaches and seeing how much code / duplication *could* be saved
I'm presuming that's what you're getting at
No, it's about end-users. The code is a vehicle to provide their expeience
Those are great points
Basically our app is built in React and we have a desktop app for Windows Linux Mac at the moment
So if their experience supports traditional form actions, then you sacrifice offline first a bit
And I’d like to have it ported to Android as a PWA
Both as mobile web and some basic app we can throw on the store
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Progressive_web_apps/Add_to_home_screen probably what you're looking for, with maybe a service worker then
In our case the React site is basically a Facebook Groups alternative
React is not progressive by default. It may be possible to build a progressive react app but I haven't seen any good examples
I’m trying to find examples of that yeah
Using your point about service-worker, maybe it could be [tantek]
How to take a React site and make it like that
If a certain set of decisions were to align, you could have a non-react entrypoint
[Lewis_Cowles] yeah I'm hopeful a subject matter expert (React dev) will figure it out and post a how to
No luck yet, some basic tutos though
Shokunin it may be harder to retrofit a React site than build a progressive web app to start with
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Shokunin, I'd imagine other problems would come up such as message versions
Honestly I'm shaky on what can service workers are
I understand normal html5 pages and such
Shokunin, adactio has a great intro article
If someone does use an offline-first PWA (manifest + serviceworker) you could avoid re-downloading react and app code, but you'd need to do a lot more server work to cope with the potential for many active client versions, or work out a way to gracefully present the user with a way to update (sw.js above does that)
but the service aspect, is it like a set of apis the browsers provide?
All must be supported by client (browser)
You lose degrees of control any time you push processing out to the edge
Shokunin, start with https://adactio.com/articles/13796 that should help make it less shaky 🙂
[Jeremy Keith] Introducing Service Workers
tantek has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (130 in all channels)
also why I'm considering diving into Service Workers this weekend at IndieWebCamp co-organized by Jeremy (adactio)
I have a bunch of ideas of things to try, both for readers of my site (offline support), and thinking about new authoring approaches (local first editor)
though I'll probably start with https://adactio.com/journal/9775
[Jeremy Keith] My first Service Worker
I should make sure those are discoverable from our docs
what is Service Worker
service workers are scripts that run in the background, separate from tabs with the site open, and are commonly used for offline functionality and push notifications https://indieweb.org/service_worker
oh wow that page is quite minimal
[fluffy] joined the channel
I agree
Thanks tantek
shokunin, now updated with hopefully more context and answers (incorporating what I said above): https://indieweb.org/service_worker
I find that improving the documentation about something is a good way for me to learn it better myself, as a step towards better implementing it 🙂
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
If you feel like learning by going hands on, we could use the help 😉
We've actually released our first public builds on http://github.com/permaweb/permaweb/releases
I'll start with going hands-on with my own site 😄
you can create groups, join them, make posts
Shokunin, I'll encourage you to do the same 🙂
it's super early but it "works"
what does it use for identity?
what is a router
It looks like we don't have a page for "router" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "router is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is routing
routing is a term that refers to the way that URIs are mapped to content producers, usually in a dynamic publishing or web app context https://indieweb.org/routing
what is mapped
It looks like we don't have a page for "mapped" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "mapped is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is a content producer
It looks like we don't have a page for "content producer" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "content producer is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is dynamic publishing
It looks like we don't have a page for "dynamic publishing" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "dynamic publishing is ____", a sentence describing the term)
that /routing definition needs simplifying to not depend on so much jargon
this is partly why I think I've always been confused by the use of the term
it's defined in terms of other confusing / ambiguous terms
What is url path?
which is not helpful
It looks like we don't have a page for "url path" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "url path is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is url?
what is URL design
It looks like we don't have a page for "url" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "url is ____", a sentence describing the term)
URL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indieweb.org/URL_design
better to point people there
Thank you.
instead of map, could we say association between two things?
still feels too abstract to be meaningfully useful
I think some of the complexity of routing is that in some cases your file structure dictates it, in others your code figures it out for you
in my case some of both!
I could add two sections for file-based routing and dynamic routing, as well as central router
Exactly tantek
We should also have examples of popular CMS and framework routing I think. I can contribute to Symfony and WordPress
what is uri?
uri is Unresolvable Random Incomprehensible https://indieweb.org/uri
And then everyone can contribute their own CMS too
Do we want to keep the joke?
checks the history
What is Symfony
It looks like we don't have a page for "Symfony" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Symfony is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Symfony is a PHP framework for creating websites and web applications.
file-based routing is just routing rules based on a primitive notion of making HTTP act like read-only FTP 🙂
[fluffy]: [grantcodes] left you a message 2 days ago: maybe something like http://examples.tpxl.io/ would be useful for you understanding mf2 markup (although it needs updating)
I’ll expand on that when I’m not at breakfast.
Tantek: it's built on Textile.io
Basically they have a wallet for your data
and we make a frontend where we can create groups and posts
'''<dfn>routing</dfn>''' is a term that refers to ensuring well-structured requests are met with the desired, perhaps expected content ?
ignore that it's meant for another channel
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Shokunin that doesn't answer the identity question
e.g. "it uses IndieAuth for identity" would be one answer
"wallet for your data" doesn't sound like a standard, sounds like a silo
what is a URI
URI is an abbreviation for Uniform Resource Identifier which was a late 1990s to early 2000s term intended as broader in meaning than URL https://indieweb.org/uri
there that's accurate and helps point people in the right direction
Textile has their own ID system
Though it's really just a key, similar to a BTC wallet
you use that key to login
not really interested in one-off "has their own ID system" dependent systems
would be better if they wrapped their ID as an IndieAuth provider, and then Permaweb or whoever could "just" consume IndieAuth identities which would give the user freedom of choice of IndieAuth provider
I still habitually refer to them as URLs even though I usually mean URI
[fluffy] that's pretty much what the URL standard does
it's expanded URL to mean all the previous things URI used to mean without the nitpicking about which term means what
because all the nitpicking was both useless in practice, and confusing to new folks for no benefit
same with IRI
URI has -1 karma over the last year
IRI has -1 karma over the last year
kingpapa joined the channel
What is IRI
It looks like we don't have a page for "IRI" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IRI is ____", a sentence describing the term)
kingpapa joined the channel
Grav’s routing is also very powerful, and dangerous in the wrong hands.
Grav is based on Symfony so I’m not surprised.
@tantek we're not exactly tied to their ID
we're just starting with their wallet, however I'm keen on using indieauth eventually
It just helps us get something up and running faster
Chiming in on the pwa / progressive stuff: there are a lot of options for react. For out of the box stuff there's Gatsby or next which are both progressive by default and have easy plugins for pwa / service worker support. And for a more manual setup there are plugins for create-react-app and webpack
kingpapa joined the channel
Speaking of routing: [aaronpk] I’d love to hear about how you do it
Laravel :-)
PHP Framework showdown time, why laravel over symfony?
[Rose] maybe checkout upstatement/router I think it's called. It's a wp routing library
Although it may be tightly linked to timber (twig templating for WP(
Sounds scary. I try to avoid touching as little WP code as possible. This morning I accidentally killed my local development site because I commented out the wrong line in my theme’s functions.php
See also: why I develop locally, then online test instance, then prod.
There might be something in the roots wordpress ecosystem too. It uses / is inspired by laravel stuff
Laravel is built using Symfony ;-)
Haha well that's equally likely to happen in any other system
so both
[Upstatement] routes: Simple routing for WordPress
Help, someone pull me out of this rabbit hole: https://timber.github.io/docs/
extends a twig to [Rose]
Haha timber is good. Makes wordpress a bit more sane for me
Haha, thanks 😄
I love twig.
I literally _just_ got my nav working in the theme I’m writing.
On the other hand, I _only_ have nav working in the theme I’m writing
Navs are a bit of a pain in WP for me
So I shouldn’t have started there, good to know
Also I just started moving from timber to roots sage. Which it pretty similar but uses blade templates. I prefer that is stays a little closer to standard WP by using built in functions which timber completely replaces / extends
Header, footer and sidebar/widgets are easier to start with imo
I think I’ll stay on the path I’m on. I do want to build my own CMS at some point, so spending lots of time on these things isn’t necessary.
_s has the content/sidebar setup already I think
Sounds like a good plan! The stuff I'm talking about it is more for when you understand and are fed up with WordPress theme development 😅
I am a very long way away from “I understand”
kingpapa_, treora, [Zegnat], [KevinMarks], dogfarted and live_ joined the channel
Super noob asks: is MAMP supposed to be able to run without an internet connection?
Getting an error I have never seen before: ssl error ex record too long
yes it should
It definitely should.
I think that means you're trying to access https://localhost but SSL isn't enabled?
Seems like it is a FF error
gRegorLove joined the channel
I think I need to disable SSL on the local site I am trying to access. Seems like I overwrote the local htaccess, but I am not going to try that while in transit.
dogfart and [calumryan] joined the channel
for anyone looking for an easy hack this weekend and who is using Apache
RedirectTemp /txt sms:youremail@example.com
use it with an AppleID and it'll work with iMessage etc. on iOS/MacOS devices, and fall back to sending via email on Android etc.
then you can tell folks just txt me at example.com/txt
where example is your site
it's fun watching the faces of otherwise technical people go what, wait a minute what just happened
aaronpk you think that's fun you should try tantek.com/dm 😄
I need to figure out how to do this. I put my website on shared hosting.
[Rose] can you edit your .htaccess ?
[xavierroy] joined the channel
Then you can do it
I'll see what Hetzners docs say about htaccess on shared hosting :)
Looks like it's supported, yay!
hmm now that i've got Sign in with Apple working and can even use it on my phone, I'm wondering how I can use it to let people sign in to my website
tantek, does it work with query-string attributes to pre-fill body and subject?
gxt_ joined the channel
<[Rose] "I'll see what Hetzners docs say "> o/ neighbour (@ Hetzner)
I want to pick your brains about that Aaron, I’d love to sign into my site with Apple.
If you could just make a copy of all the auth related parts of your brain that might be most convenient though 😄
Hehe, I was with World4You but Hetzner are cheaper - despite me now having shared hosting _and_ a VPS
↩️ Pardon me for asking this, Andy, but why was this webmention deleted and not posted to the website — genuinely curious and not trying to step on any toes. https://webmention.io/andy-bell.design/webmention/1_-J54iEdKi7HM-JN8SY
↩️ Pardon me for asking this Andy, but why was this tweet not added to the website and instead “deleted” as a web mention? Genuinely curious and not trying to step on any toes here. https://webmention.io/andy-bell.design/webmention/1_-J54iEdKi7HM-JN8SY
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[manton] just saw you accepted my PR on the arabica theme, I will try and install and check out the mf2, we can follow the same pattern for the other themes
answer to my question RE: SMS links https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5724.txt
ohhh wow is it wasy to add a theme
manton has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
this truly is the best CMS on market
Why I love Micro.Blog
Why I love Micro.Blog
[jgmac1106] @jgmac1106 You can also post notes.
[jgmac1106] @jgmac1106 You can also post notes.
Remembering the great times at my brother Perez’s wedding.
Remembering the great times at my brother Perez’s wedding.
manton++ on fixing up the theme
[manton] joined the channel
I filed another PR to add a missing u-photo to photo post, many people put the photo outside of e-content, not sure if required
Thanks! Yeah, Micro.blog always puts photos inside of e-content. This might be slightly controversial. 🙂
I have no problem with that
jeremycherfas joined the channel
Cool. I think there was a debate about that a while ago. I might be misremembering a little.
gRegorLove and [aaronpk] joined the channel
Photos inside content without also u-photo markup is fine (tho it won't show up in readers as the nice photo rendering)
It's a problem if the photo is both inside the content and also has the u-photo class, because then it's doubled in readers
Is this something we should be fixing on the reader side or in the markup side?
the markup should be as simple as possible
then readers should "do the right thing"
Markup side. Fixing it in readers means the readers have to parse HTML and do way more work
Makes sense to me
providing duplicate photo markup is the publishers trying too hard and they should stop violating DRY
Yeah I was just noting common practice. The img in an article w/o u-photo. I need to test that
it shouldn't be "test markup". it should be "test article post" vs. "test photo post"
I tested article, photo, reply, note and then filed PR for u-photo. Pretty sure folks knew what I meant
[Yulia], [calumryan], [snarfed] and krychu joined the channel
manton++ looks like you went through and touched up all the other themes already++
already has 1 karma over the last year
manton has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (49 in all channels)
Why I love Micro.Blog Part Duex
[manton] that is the Marfa theme, I am unsure if it is picking up the author correctly. Might make more sense to move the h-card to <section id="post-meta" class="clearfix h-card">
ooh maybe because the p-author lives outside of <article> where you have the h-card
I would have to ask but I wonder if adding <a class="u-author" href="/"></a> would trigger the authorship algorithm and pick up the p-author further down the page
I think it worked, author now being parsed as https://stream.jgregorymcverry.com/ and I think most consumers people use will display the h-card on the page
Greg McVerry
still might be a way to better think the the theme layout and just move <section id="post-meta" class="clearfix"> into the h-card
beko[m]: another wave from another hetzner tenant
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
going to move all the micro.blog theme testing to that slack so as not to spam there and inform audience
[KevinMarks], jfoster, [dougbeal], peatDiscord[m], [fluffy], gRegorLove, shoesNsocks, [Rose], [snarfed] and [jacek] joined the channel
hey [aaronpk] i have updates to https://aaronparecki.com/2018/06/03/4/url-form-field . are you maintaining it anywhere? i can revise just my copy at https://github.com/snarfed/oauth-dropins/blob/master/oauth_dropins/static/util.js , but it's obviously not an official upstream
[Aaron Parecki] Improving the HTML type="url" Field
[Zegnat], [jeremycherfas], jfoster and [aaronpk] joined the channel
Hmm I don't think I've put that on GitHub but I should
my updates (just fyi) were to make the scheme configurable, trim whitespace, and stop on @ chars: https://github.com/snarfed/oauth-dropins/commits/master/oauth_dropins/static/util.js
[calumryan], gxt, live_, [dougbeal] and [tantek] joined the channel
Hi, [snarfed].
We never chat anymore
Reading up about u-photo.... I have some potential problems due to my lack of control over how WordPress people do that
I have some funky workarounds
hi GWG!
[snarfed]: I am scheduling a round at the Micropub plugin and may need a reviewer. The last few pushes were bugfixes.. but I like to have enhancements vetted by someone
oof, i've been out of wordpress and PHP for a while. happy to look, but i may not be too useful
kingpapa_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
anyone have an example of a video post with a caption file? Do you put the captions file outside or inside the video element?
[schmarty] joined the channel
i know it's getting late for folks at Brighton but here's an auth thing i have on my mind.
i want to set up a group site that lets multiple people post, via micropub. so for micropub clients that'd mean letting them auth as the group site.
so for example, i start signing in as "https://indieweb.nyc" in quill, and the indieauth auth provider for indieweb.nyc presents me with another sign-in, where i sign in as my own domain.
Seems logical
since my domain is in the allow list, once i have signed in, the auth provider for indieweb.nyc says "yep, you're indieweb.nyc" and i'm signed into quill with that domain.
sknebel++ haha, thanks! now i need to figure out how much of indielogin.com i want to re-implement to get it done 😅
sknebel has 35 karma in this channel over the last year (94 in all channels)
Don't think itd need much
i could probably get by with just the authorization flow
sorry, authentication 😛
the one where they just need to prove their identity and i only need to find the one rel header 😅
[manton] joined the channel
schmarty would each person have a profile page on this site that could contain the one rel header/
jgmac1106: i think not!
to keep it as simple as possible, the auth endpoint for indieweb.nyc would be configured with a list of acceptable "me" values.
(i could see a version of this where the group site has a page with a list of admins on it, which the auth endpoint could use for that list)
kingpapa_, gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, [aaronpk], [KevinMarks] and [fluffy] joined the channel; LeFDiscord[m] left the channel
aaronpk, why is weather in your p-location?
That's where I store it internally
I didn't realize I was marking it up externally too
It ends up adding it to the text version.
I just realized I do the same thing
I probably copied yours without thinking
So, I think weather is a location property, but.. not p-location
I suppose it is a property of the post..
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Thoughts anyone?
ooh my bad then
I should fix that
makes a note
Me too
aaronpk, I also mark up my temperature as h-measure
I probably need to do a pass on my site and remove markup for things that aren't actually consumed
How do you know something isn't consumed
I assume if it were consumed, someone would have told me about it by now
I want to consume in future
future aspirations are not enough to determine markup
I have an idea about check-in posts on a map
But not a high priority
[snarfed] joined the channel
predicting the future is hard
every time i see or hear "in the future," i mentally translate it to https://indieweb.org/YAGNI
[snarfed]++ lol
[snarfed] has 43 karma in this channel over the last year (83 in all channels)
[snarfed]: I probably shouldn't bother marking up weather. Who is going to consume that?
I think us weather posters are a minority
See, on this day...when I started my day, it was 69 and hazy
I like showing weather on my website for human consumption
The haze broke during Mr Toads wild ride
I think it's a stretch to think it'd be useful to show in a reader
I just imagine someone doing it
[tantek] joined the channel
It would amuse me
I think if Zegnat and the weight graphs
aaronpk, readers aren't the only consumers
Either way, I agree
I also don't mark up the individual elements of my address
It *could* be useful if more readers started showing map views of posts, and enough posts had both location *and* weather, then a reader's map view *could* show a weather overview accordingly
[tantek]: So, should one be aspirational...?
If aspirational isn't an excessive burden?
[manton] let me know your timeline on rolling out the checkin feature to more micro.blog users because we should coordinate on that so I can update the home page of ownyourswarm to say that it's no longer "IN EXTREMELY BETA"
I am using a template, not hand coding the microformats on each page
and maybe like put actual content on the home page
one should be aspirational in adding to Brainstorming and Working On and Itches sections
because you may inspire others by doing so!
or find collaborators
As in... other people to publish or consume?
Countdown set by [tantek] on 2019-10-16 at 7:00pm PDT
!tell tantek note to self: figure out how to update RSVPs display on events to link direct to RSVP permalinks
there it is
just in time for midnight hacking
[dougbeal] joined the channel
↩️ @jftzsmns @eleven_ty I’m in the same boat right now, I’m not going with disqus, I’ve settled on webmentions.
[Rose] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Sounds good! I think I'm going to sit with the feature I've built for a few days and then revisit it, updating the Micropub endpoint to support coordinates.
[Evan_Travers] and masternave joined the channel
Tantek told me to bring this topic in here… I have a middleman static site that I’m in the process of tinkering with to join the indieweb… I noticed today that when I had the gzip option enabled in my build config, indiewebify.me couldn’t see the h-card or h-entry or any of the new classes I had added even though https://python.microformats.io could see it.
I presently have gzip turned off on evantravers.com in order to get the classes and stuff right, but I thought I’d mention it in here. I’d be happy to help debug or what have you.