#dev 2019-10-20

2019-10-20 UTC
jfoster, evantravers and [snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk when someone gives webmention.io a twitter URL, you're welcome to use bridgy's converter if you want, just needs a URL transformation. https://brid.gy/about#source-urls
gRegorLove and [snarfed] joined the channel
working on an interesting part of bridgy publish for mastodon. when you want to posse reply/like/repost to a normal silo, you can identify it by the domain in the URL (eg u-in-reply-to). but for mastodon, any domain could be a mastodon instance.
so you give each URL to your local mastodon instance's search API, and it determines whether or not it's a mastodon URL, and gives you a local post id to use with its API.
[Jeff Kreeftmeijer] Got it. This is how federation works.You need the local ID for the status you’re replying to. https://mastodon.social/@jkreeftmeijer/101236371751163533 is posted on https://mastodon.social, but you need the ID from https://mastodon.technology/web/s...
(you can also GET /api/v1/instance on the URL's domain to see if it's mastodon, but you wouldn't get your local instance's id for it, which you need if you want to POSSE a response to it)
anyway. interesting federation rabbit hole. actually pretty clean and elegant, all things considered.)
Working on testing a function that tells me when it is dark outside.
[chrisaldrich], [Michael_Beckwit, KartikPrabhu, evantravers and [fluffy] joined the channel
oh nice, I finally have bridgy working on my website and now twitter responses show up as webmentions. snarfed++
snarfed has 44 karma in this channel over the last year (84 in all channels)
[Lewis_Cowles], gRegorLove, [Rose] and evantravers joined the channel
Not sure it's dev as it's essentially adding meta-tags, but I got web-mentions on my site today. I made the perhaps odd choice to put them on all generated pages
used webmention.io
I don't want to go programming systems until I understand the indieweb a lot better
I found the shortcuts bug. The Auth token is invalid. I presume this is because whatever Seb's site is doing for auth tokens broke the shortcut too.
BenLubar joined the channel
I may need IndieAuth debug assistance today, so I can publish this.
[tantek] and evantravers joined the channel
[Rose]: did you describe the bug somewere? which bug? the token flow in the last session yesterday thay went wrong?
because aaronpk and I saw what had gone wrong there in the session, can explain what it is if you want
or is it a new bug?
[frank] joined the channel
So yesterday gimmeatoken gave me a token from I think IndieAuth.com? The token given to me through the Shortcut you created before also didn’t work last night
I’ve worked around it for now, but I suspect the same issue is happening.
Well gimme a token does not do any discovery by itself, but it has defaults. I might have to remove the defaults to make the error more appearant
let me look up the Shortcut
This is the one I’m using, in case I broke it: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/150421bd1d7842869d64da870297782c
hm where do I allow shortcuts from untrusted sources?
Settings > Shortcuts
Urgh, I’m stymied by signing up to sign in with Apple. Some fields are greyed out which shouldn’t be.
Ahh, don’t do what the error message says, that’s the trick 😐
BenLubar joined the channel
vscode PHP debugging pro-tip. Don't use empty lines 😂
All I wanted to know was can it be an interactive debugger like pdb. The answer still seems to be no
[Rose]: My guide should still be up to date! Unless they made major changes
It's very picky
[Rose]: the shortcut looks fine. It seems to use XRay to discover the token endpoint
I need to find out what’s going on there then
That's auth stuff so I can probably help :-)
Step 1: duplicate the shortcut.
[qubyte] The current shortucts:
[qubyte] joined the channel
Thanks! 🌟
known working (and following spec) indieauth shortcut: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/f8e7b48172ab4585ad3f69fce065dd06
[frank]1 joined the channel
today I'm working on encrypted content. I may only get a walking skeleton or convoluted example working
<section data-encrypted-content-href="fqdn" cipher="RSA-4096">
<!-- Fallback HTML -->
After modifying that plugin https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/242562/screenshots/7684433/media/b0741950ee797135c0c8831acdb10909.png, I don't think it's useful, or that providing the encrypted content for those that don't want it will do much more than waste bytes
PhoenixDiscord[m, rafadc, evantravers and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
any project left of my website is too big and past my understanding for a single hack day (micropub endpoint, send, receive, display webmentions) guess I could return to adding a guestbook....may just continue the code break and push a bunch of content
I think the fetch micropub endpoint one above is a media one by mistake.
evantravers and [Rose] joined the channel
Oops, forgot to [Rose].
Possibly [qubyte]! Thanks, I’ll fix that
evantravers joined the channel
[johanbove] #2536 Adds h-feed support to `tag` lists for #2340
babaitDiscord[m], kingpapa_, [tonz], jlelse, evantravers and [snarfed] joined the channel
[fluffy] nice! next: link to the u-url instead of the source url. https://brid.gy/about#appspot
[dougbeal] joined the channel
[Rose]: I forgot to mention, I have an auto (to OS)/hand set dark/light theme switcher on my site and I'm happy to help with that, should you ever need it.
[snarfed]: so I made webmention.io swap the twitter URL for a bridgy URL but it didn't do what I want
I think I know why, and I think I can't fix it
this was the original webmention they attempted that failed https://webmention.io/andy-bell.design/webmention/1_-J54iEdKi7HM-JN8SY
I was hoping I could make webmention.io swap that source URL for a bridgy URL
hmm looking
oh yeah true, their username won't work if they're not signed up.
you can use your username: https://brid.gy/post/twitter/aaronpk/1180072044890902529 ...but it won't do the right original post discovery to get the target link in there
[overflow:hidden] I would avoid changing display on img and do this instead: img { max-width: 100%; vertical-align: middle; } Also, the flow-selector should have a margin-top of 2em to adhere to WCAG 2.1 AA standards: w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#tex…
dougbeal|mb1 and [tonz] joined the channel
aaronpk: this one works: https://brid.gy/comment/twitter/aaronpk/1179046764218847233/1180072044890902529 ...but that first (extra) number in the URL is id of the in-reply-to-tweet, which you can't get just from a URL transformation. you'd need to fetch the tweet (API or however) to find it.
[overflow:hidden] I would avoid changing display on img and do this instead: img { max-width: 100%; vertical-align: middle; } Also, the flow-selector should have a margin-top of 2em to adhere to WCAG 2.1 AA standards: w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#tex…
[qubyte] joined the channel
petermolnar I have auto light and dark mode, but not with a toggle yet 🙂
Definitely interested in adding a toggle
the trouble with the toggle is that you need to store the setting
I like [tantek]’s approach of adding it as a URL parameter
[tantek] joined the channel
I store nothing
evantravers joined the channel
Hm yeah then I can't add this to webmention.io, that's what I was afraid of
but it means someone can add it to their own form since their site will know their bridgy username
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
Who posts an email on their h-card?
It's apparently enough of a rarity we didn't find a problem with consuming it till recently
Curious about the wild
finally tested encrypt / decrypt working with in-browser plugin + changed styling. Need to work on non-PGP message signing, separate network resource encrypted message(s), testing rich content
[dmitshur] joined the channel
does anyone know the correct HTTP status code to use when serving a request where the host is invalid/unsupported? is it 404 or is there a more specific status code for "host not found"?
a host where no website exists
but the DNS happens to be pointing at some server
I should see what mine does
It has been so long
I'm not finding anything more specific than 404 but wanted to ask in case I overlooked something
well, why are you serving up a http status code if it isn't a valid webserver?
because that was the most reasonable thing I could think of. what do you suggest instead?
I would say not responding to port 80 is a clear indication that no website exists on that port
the server exists and hosts multiple hosts. so it's a question of what to do when the request host is not one of the ones it serves.
serves* multiple hosts
Would a diagnostic/error page be useful? i.e. http://asoshared.com
interesting option, I haven't thought about that. it's viable, but I think I'd prefer a simpler and more empty response, at least for now.
You could also have differnt/active 404 to indicate no domain mapping vs valid mapping but nothing found
I'm fine with 404, I just wanted to check if there was maybe something more specific (e.g., like there's 405 for when the method is unsupported).
4xx suggests it's the client at fault
it is kinda their fault for making a request to a host that doesn't exist. it's certainly not the server's fault.
it is in my view 100% the server admin fault
but also I can see how the requester shares responsibility
who is the server admin of e.g. https://thiswebsitedoesnotexist.com ? if you do GET https://thiswebsitedoesnotexist.com it's the client's fault IMO.
try example.com AFAIK its protected against registration
if that is a case
similarly it's the client's fault when they do a GET https://example.com/thispagedoesnotexist.html, and they get a 404
there is no reason to expect any response at all
agreed. but if I'm in a position to serve a response, it's better to serve an error than 200 ok.
how would the client get this undesired server URL?
I don't know. they probably wouldn't. but they if do, by trying URLs made of random strings
would deny, not be a better pattern? http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_access_module.html
you could use that on default host and specify named virtualhosts for other services
that page sounds like it's more about limiting what clients can access a resource, not about making a resource unavailable to all.
It looks like 403 and 404 are the recommended defaults https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-10.4.4
unrelated, I always want to roll my eyes whenever I see the word "permanently" in HTTP specs. as if anything can be truly permanent... it's always relative.
more unrelated, sweet, github lets you prepopulate the login value on their sign in form. https://github.com/login?login=foobar
[Rose] joined the channel
Does anyone use fontawesome svg icons? They seem half-baked compared to all the formatting options webfonts/svg+js
[tantek] joined the channel
I know [aaronpk] does
In Monocle.
evantravers joined the channel
I use a few of them for my plugins
working on my sign in form (to replace https://dmitri.shuralyov.com/login), still a WIP, but here's what I got so far
constructive feedback is always welcome. keep in mind I'm transitioning from GitHub as the only sign in provider, so for now I want to prioritize that. over time, I'll consider de-emphasizing signing in via github.
my goal is let people who want to login via github continue to be able to do that, but also give an opportunity to someone who gets curious like "wait a minute, I can sign in with my own shorter URL instead of github.com/blah...!? let me learn about this indieauth thing."
so, I should probably make it a hyperlink 😛
[snarfed] joined the channel
[dmitshur] cool! not working for me with https://snarfed.org though, i get 405 Method Not Allowed. method should be GET
it's just an HTML page, it's not functional yet. I'm working on the HTML/CSS
gRegorLove joined the channel
"https://you.example" is kinda long though. maybe I should use "https://you.com" as the example.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I like "example.com" in those, personally
Looking good!
hmm, should I use "github.com/example" too then? to match "example.com"
maybe, or "username". Up to you. I think most will understand either way, though
BenLubar joined the channel
another option might be "github.com/user" and "user.com"
I'll go with example for both for now
it's better to use example.com and user.example, as these domains are reserved to be used as examples.
user.com and you.com are actually valid and registered domainnames that are owned by someone.
what is example?
It looks like we don't have a page for "example" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "example is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Didn't know about user.example
[sknebel] #3 use guaranteed invalid redirect_url
so .test domains will not have the problems the .dev domains have now, because they are also reserved :)
I'm familiar with that, the problem is that "user.example" doesn't look like a URL to most people, because .example is a rare and unfamiliar TLD. that's why I'll go with example.com for now, it looks more like a URL and it's reserved.
Yeah, probably makes more sense in technical documentation vs in a UI
random aaronpk have you made any progress with event sourcing via HTTP?
I'm toying around with it for lwa (it's still a bit busted so it only works locally for me)
well, not it directly, but websockets
jjuran joined the channel
Lwa is a in-progress social reader by Jacky Alciné at https://lwa.black.af that aims to provide an adaptive approach to rendering social feeds https://indieweb.org/Lwa
yeah it's a social reader
I'm debugging something right now for indieauth
that I'm actually planning to then move into another project lol
but soon :)
[jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, evantravers and jjuran joined the channel
[jgmac1106], With that note, because you have an e-* (e-content), the parser does not imply the p-name. You could put p-name on the same element as e-content
dougbeal: I just switched to fontawesome's svg icons in monocle and they're way faster
aaronpk: From what?
Whatever their default JS thing is
the whole element swapping thing
[jgmac1106] gRegorLove the markup on that post looks right, no p-name necessary
The post on https://news.indieweb.org/en correctly displays it as a note. Loqi just doesn't copy the text of a note into the IRC notification
[Rose], [tantek], evantravers, [Michael_Beckwit and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel