#dev 2019-10-27

2019-10-27 UTC
[Rose], KartikPrabhu, [Ramiro_Ruiz], gRegorLove and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
↩️ I really like Apps Script Pulse @mhawksey. I always wonder where #IndieWeb and things like webmentions and post kinds fit with all of this. In some ways this sites reminds me of the collation of posts for IndieNews, which utilises 'Syndication-of'.
gRegorLove, IWSlackGateway1, KartikPrabhu, AlepheiaDiscord[ and asymptotically joined the channel
↩️ Hmmm very good point - I hadn't considered webmentions but it looks like there is a plugin for that that extends Press This https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb-press-this/ I'll need to test install and update the post. Thanks for mentioning :)
[Rose] joined the channel
Has anyone ever built an image proxy cache into their site?
I am having trouble figuring out how to satisfy terms of service
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
Not a personal site, but a few commercial ones. Do you mean the image proxy service (assumed third party) ToS or your site?
I want to cache images, but the ToS are somewhat restrictive on how long I can do that
Oh you're caching a third-party images and presenting through your web property?
Static map images
You have to obey their terms
But some of them allow short term caching
Right, so I think it's on you to maintain a data-source of the TTL, and after that purge images not in a list, or in a list showing expiry (two ways I know of to approach TTL)
Back in 2006 I was lax with getting permission from a third party and Hugo Boss tried to sue someone who sold their clothes. It was an eye opener in "Oh so that wasn't over-engineering"
Businesses get super-unreasonable about their creative assets, more-so in tech space
[SE_NOVEM] joined the channel
Hi, somehow adding bootstrap.min.css to to vue.js transition modal causing some kind of problem that the modal does not show up anymore, would appreciate if someone point me to the error : https://codepen.io/intoverq/pen/WNNOaZN
[tantek] joined the channel
I just am trying to figure out something simple.
I don't want to build something complex
question from an IWC attendee on twitter some folks here might know answer to: https://twitter.com/webrocker/status/1188464047269842944
Is there a (better) way in SVG to have a "grouping" element with a relative x-position (x=n%) than to put a <svg> inside a <svg>? <g> has no x attr, and transform="translate(15% 0)" has no effect (where translate(120 0) works)… 🤔
gxt joined the channel
@GWG TBH to me it sounds like the simplest way to comply, where the terms and conditions might be what is forcing the complexity. Sadly, the only examples I've tried to push back, large companies with large legal teams behaved unreasonably, again this was not for personal use. For personal use I'd probably not go with anyone with onerous terms and conditions
[Rose], Hadrian-Discord[, KartikPrabhu, krychu, [tantek], [Lewis_Cowles], [mapkyca], wagle, asd74, gRegorLove and DcKc1 joined the channel; Hadrian-Discord[ left the channel
Making progress on an IndieAuth provider plugin for ProcessWire. I've got authentication, working on authorization.
[Lewis_Cowles] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
GWG: what do you mean the file size is the issue with google/compass?
aaronpk, reading in a file the size of the Google Takeout json and converting it
how big is it?
I think it's 10 years worth. I forget, but I just have not gotten around to writing a converter
I need something that can interpret a json file that large without timeout
And convert into Quartz
are you trying to build this as a service for people?
So, a one time job, but still a project
is it in jsonlines format?
if not, just run it from the command line and you won't need to worry about timeouts
aaronpk: I would want to share the work for other people to use
But not as a service
it's a one-time thing so IMO it's fine to make it a command line thing
json or KML are the options
[KevinMarks]: The json has more useful info on activity
just downloaded mine and it's only 38mb
aaronpk, you got it that quick? Last time I asked I had to wait 25 minutes
!date 1234567890
1234567890 is 2009-02-13 15:31:30 PST
wow also 10 years
that's a suspicious looking timestamp
I have never tried to handle a 38mb json file
you have gigabytes of ram, loading a 38mb file is not a problem
oh, you can have it dump it to gdrive every 2 months. Interesting
aaronpk: Agreed. I just keep putting it off in favor of other things
you might have to tell php to let you use more memory
aaronpk: I have to build a local development environment this week
I might do something at WordPress Contributor Day and I haven't set up an environment for that in ages.
ok just tested doing a json_parse on that file and it takes no time at all
aaronpk: As the Compass developer, is it better to use the API to get the data in or directly use the QuartzDB library?
probably better to create the storage file via QuartzDB, you don't gain anything by using the API in this case
I have other data I want to bring into my control as well.
For example, I think I did turn on Google Fit's step counting
hm, my location file is 1.2GB unzipped. I should have noticed that before throwing at at BBEdit
whoa why so much bigger than mine?
Android vs iOS?
i'm on android, so it gets to run in background more?
guess so
i'm surprised it's that much different tho
well, it's almost oprn
BBEdit on 100% cpu and 2.93GB of RAM