@JamieTanna↩️ That's actually super straightforward by using http://brid.gy as that can send you webmentions for any Twitter interactions to a post including one of your URLs - I've been using it for a year or so and it's so useful (twitter.com/_/status/1188725910771523584)
@JamieTanna↩️ That's actually super straightforward by using http://brid.gy as that can send you webmentions for any Twitter interactions to a post including one of your URLs - I've been using it for a year or so and it's so useful (twitter.com/_/status/1188725910771523584)
[frank]Are there already Micropub applescripts or other apps that embed in the Share sheet on OSX? So you can post directly from NetNewsWire for example?
[frank]Same here Jeremy, but when I use a feedreader like NetNewsWire, I'd like to post directly from the app instead of opening the webversion of an article and posting it from there. NetNewsWire would need some Monocle-love actually 🙂
[qubyte]Same as the above. I use omnibear (though you have to jump through a couple of hoops, at least with firefox, to get it installed) and the same feed reader as [frank], at least when I’m on a machine that runs a more up to date macos. The good thing about omnibear is that it’s an extension, so it has access to the current page URL and title, which helps to pre-fill things.
jeremycherfasOne of the reasons I realy like Newsblur as a reader is that it has its own built in share options (to Twitter, email, etc). There was even one for ADN. If I knew more Python I would try to write the plugin.
petermolnarI'm starting to get very angry at both artstation and cloudflare: I'm unable to bypass their 'I'm under attack' interstitial when I run a script, but when I execute the same script by hand, step by step, it works
petermolnarthe _really_ interesting bit is that by copying cURL from firefox, it works, but running the same headers in a script with python requests doesn't
[jgmac1106]yeah my best guess is my website is in a directory with many other directories...the action was doing what is advertised and making my repo match the directory.....turned it off for now
[Lewis_Cowles][qubyte] that CURL from FF can indeed be another step down the chain of following, and bash and other terminals (specifically apple c***-books) seem to have difficulty pasting
[qubyte]hmm. I’ve never had an issue pasting into the terminal on an apple machine unless there are newline characters in the pasted text. Could be worth pasting into an editor and checking for that.
sebsel!tell [frank] and then tweak the CURL command to be something like: `curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer xxx" -F "h=entry" -F "content=Hoi" https://sink.zegnat.net/micropub` where xxx is your token. add more -F's yourself. You can get rid of the @$1, which is the content of the file you feed the workflow.
maxwellHello, #dev. It is the Hour of Site Upgrades, and I want to set up the blog ("notes") section of my site so that an indie reader can subscribe to it. My questions are: (1) Are my microformats good to go at www.maxwelljoslyn.com/blog/index? I am using h-feed for the first time. (2) If someone wants to "subscribe to maxwelljoslyn.com", that should mean subscribing to the feed at www.maxwelljoslyn.com/blog/index. Is a rel="feed" link from the
Loqi[Maxwell Joslyn] Another day, another website upgrade. My script for counting total words of written material was including articles, but leaving out blog posts. Now it’s been fixed!
[jgmac1106]you have your author info hidden using display:none. You could check out the /authoring page as you could just read the h-card on the page for authoring
[Ramiro_Ruiz]Quick question, if I don’t want to display a photo on my homepage, just a small description of me as I want to use the about page for the image and more info.
[qubyte]Luckily for me my h-card is managed everywhere by a single handlebars partial. Either everything is out of date or nothing is! That said, it’d be good to make details of my about page actually use an unhidden form of the same h-card…
[Ramiro_Ruiz]yes I will also plan to use the same image on my about page so if is good, then the hidden one on the homepage should too. I’m thinking in maybe just visually hide it (not display:none) when I’m in my homepage maybe with a simple `is-homepage` class on the body to use the same h-card
maxwellThanks @aaronpk, didn't know monocle had a previewer. I should have mentioned I tried testing the feed by trying to sub to it thru Aperture; that didn't work which led me to expose deeper issues (the yak never ends)