#dev 2019-10-28

2019-10-28 UTC
!date 1258138454694
1258138454694 is 41838-10-27 16:04:54 GMT
1258138454 is 2009-11-13 10:54:14 PST
!date 1258138454
hm, I may have to kill BBEdit
odd, I wonder if I somehow was able to push location data into google
aaronpk: How?
do they have an api?
i remember where i was at 1234567890 and it is definitely not the location that's in my google history
gRegorLove joined the channel
i remember because i remember toasting to that timestamp
the next timestamp in the file is:
!date 1258475072
1258475072 is 2009-11-17 08:24:32 PST
that's very close to mine - do you think that's when they launched history?
must be
that was around they time they switched to using their own data from teleatlas, so may have been a rights issue
I don't think they do anymore. But I will look
Is there an indieweb php lib for extracting rels? I can only seem to find the rel-me one and the one to parse Link headers.
the microformats parser
doh. haha
[microformats] php-mf2: php-mf2 is a pure, generic microformats-2 parser for PHP. It makes HTML as easy to consume as JSON.
Yep, brain fart. :)
Does your project have php-mf2 already?
[timothy_chamber joined the channel
Ah, no Link HTTP header parsing, though. Guess I could also use link-rel-parser-php to get both
Working on the redirect_uri verification https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#redirect-url
GWG: Does WP IndieAuth do that?^ I was poking through the code but couldn't tell
No, it just issues a warning
It's an open issue
No one seems to be adding redirect_uris when I looked at the time
[qubyte] joined the channel
I just integrated syndication of notes and bookmarks/links via brid.gy and I really like it.
[snarfed] has 50 karma in this channel over the last year (91 in all channels)
[qubyte]: What is your URL?
Mark Stanley Everitt
give loqi a pat
gives loqi a pat
peers at the pat
[jgmac1106] and [snarfed] joined the channel
thanks [qubyte]!
Static Indieweb pt2: Using Webmentions | Max Böck - Frontend Web Developer #indieweblife https://mxb.dev/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/
gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich], [snarfed], [Lewis_Cowles], krychu and cweiske joined the channel
↩️ That's actually super straightforward by using http://brid.gy as that can send you webmentions for any Twitter interactions to a post including one of your URLs - I've been using it for a year or so and it's so useful
↩️ That's actually super straightforward by using http://brid.gy as that can send you webmentions for any Twitter interactions to a post including one of your URLs - I've been using it for a year or so and it's so useful
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
↩️ Not as many hacks as you'd think - my website http://www.jvt.me is all static but I've got it working using http://webmention.io which handles the webmentions for me, and then I render it using https://github.com/PlaidWeb/webmention.js
[frank], [Rose], asymptotically and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
Are there already Micropub applescripts or other apps that embed in the Share sheet on OSX? So you can post directly from NetNewsWire for example?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
There's IndiePaper
But that sends to Aperture/a reader
I _think_ Micro.Blog's app can let you post, but it wouldn't be as a bookmark/link as far as I know
gRegorLove and jeremych_ joined the channel
!tell [frank] Roll your own Shortcut, with help from [Rose].
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[qubyte] joined the channel
I’m really really enjoying shortcuts to publishing stuff. For macos, I suppose automator fills a similar niche, but it’s aged a bit.
[frank] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Does OSX support Shortcuts as well? Isn't that iOS only?
Ooops. My bad [frank]. When I see Share sheet, I assume iOS.
It might be possible to build something with Alfred.
If I'm on OSX, I tend to use Quill or Omnibear.
[tantek] joined the channel
Same here Jeremy, but when I use a feedreader like NetNewsWire, I'd like to post directly from the app instead of opening the webversion of an article and posting it from there. NetNewsWire would need some Monocle-love actually 🙂
Same as the above. I use omnibear (though you have to jump through a couple of hoops, at least with firefox, to get it installed) and the same feed reader as [frank], at least when I’m on a machine that runs a more up to date macos. The good thing about omnibear is that it’s an extension, so it has access to the current page URL and title, which helps to pre-fill things.
When I’m stuck on outdated macos I use the unfortunately named feedbro firefox extension.
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
One of the reasons I realy like Newsblur as a reader is that it has its own built in share options (to Twitter, email, etc). There was even one for ADN. If I knew more Python I would try to write the plugin.
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
Not familiar. I’ll take a look.
krychu joined the channel
I'm starting to get very angry at both artstation and cloudflare: I'm unable to bypass their 'I'm under attack' interstitial when I run a script, but when I execute the same script by hand, step by step, it works
Slow down the script?
didn't work
can you turn the script into a browser plugin?
I do not have such intetions
So the other thing you could do is copy the browser success request via curl and reverse the scripted solution from that
if it's the same machine then all headers and cookies being the same it should work.
[Lewis_Cowles]: I appreciate trying to help; I know how to bypass it once. I'm angry because I'm trying to access my own likes JSON
the _really_ interesting bit is that by copying cURL from firefox, it works, but running the same headers in a script with python requests doesn't
and this is that I fail to understand
Sometimes that curl from firefox lies. Does it work just pasted into a terminal?
I recently got stuck for a month debugging pipelined requests through an mitm proxy because of firefox lies…
langsuir, jmk3 and [manton] joined the channel
[aaronpk] I added support for OwnYourSwarm's JSON format today in Micro.blog (checkin and location properties). Looks like it's working. https://www.manton.coffee/2019/10/28/summer-moon-woodfired.html
Summer Moon Wood-Fired Coffee.
KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel
manton has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (54 in all channels)
ooo awesome
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
ugghh, the ftp GitHub action deleted almost everything in my server over the weekend
restoring now but will take some time
yeah my best guess is my website is in a directory with many other directories...the action was doing what is advertised and making my repo match the directory.....turned it off for now
[Rose] joined the channel
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://buff.ly/2D3uDRe
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth - Mozilla Hacks: https://qubyte.codes/links/1572276226823
heh, yes loqi tipped me off
JorropoDiscord[m and gRegorLove joined the channel
[qubyte] that CURL from FF can indeed be another step down the chain of following, and bash and other terminals (specifically apple c***-books) seem to have difficulty pasting
I forget the flag but if you google curl disable shell interpolation I believe the answers will be within
hmm. I’ve never had an issue pasting into the terminal on an apple machine unless there are newline characters in the pasted text. Could be worth pasting into an editor and checking for that.
For us it was cookies and auth header bearer token, but we took care of it with more flags lol
Does anyone have a favorite map provider? Trying to reorganize my list
mapbox has great stuff
I want to finish my upgrades to my map display code
I still have to fix my markup to not have the temperature in the plaintext... aaronpk, did you ever fix that on yours?
i just did
although upon reviewing it, i was actually on the fence about it
because the location had the right information in the mf2 properties, it was only the fallback text that included it
and that isn't necessarily wrong
strugee joined the channel
And what do you think you'll do?
i think i did already take out the weather
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell [frank] This can be repurposed, I think... https://aaronparecki.com/2016/11/02/5/screenshots
[Aaron Parecki] Automatically uploading screenshots to a Micropub Media Endpoint
!tell [frank] and then tweak the CURL command to be something like: `curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer xxx" -F "h=entry" -F "content=Hoi" https://sink.zegnat.net/micropub` where xxx is your token. add more -F's yourself. You can get rid of the @$1, which is the content of the file you feed the workflow.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Hm, the blogpost describes folder actions, but I actually have it show up in the right-click menu on macOS.
pretty neat though. recommended for everyone with a media endpoint :)
[frank] joined the channel
[sebsel] thanks, I will take a look at this idea!
[qubyte]1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Listening to All About Android.. 5hey highlight a new app called Photostack that can import and export img for web
[qubyte] joined the channel
[dougbeal], [KevinMarks], maxwell and benharri joined the channel
maxwelljoslyn.com homepage sufficient to tell a person or computer that the feed is there?
Hello, #dev. It is the Hour of Site Upgrades, and I want to set up the blog ("notes") section of my site so that an indie reader can subscribe to it. My questions are: (1) Are my microformats good to go at www.maxwelljoslyn.com/blog/index? I am using h-feed for the first time. (2) If someone wants to "subscribe to maxwelljoslyn.com", that should mean subscribing to the feed at www.maxwelljoslyn.com/blog/index. Is a rel="feed" link from the
... from the maxwelljoslyn.com homepage sufficient to tell a person or computer that the feed is there?
!mf2 www.maxwelljoslyn.com/blog/index
if you have microformat then a social reader will just pick them up, you may want to put other types of feed in your head
your index of notes is missing some elements....I am looking at this note: view-source:https://www.maxwelljoslyn.com/blog/2019/10/24/3
[Maxwell Joslyn] Another day, another website upgrade. My script for counting total words of written material was including articles, but leaving out blog posts. Now it’s been fixed!
you have your author info hidden using display:none. You could check out the /authoring page as you could just read the h-card on the page for authoring
Will let others help on the list of notes. I am not sure what the minimal requirements are for an h-feed of notes
On the index, I see a link to that note. Whatdid you mean by "missing some elements?"
Thanks for the tips, I'll view /authoring now
[snarfed] joined the channel
I mean there isn't an author, title, but reading here you have the minimal content: http://microformats.org/wiki/h-feed I could have been wrong
snarfed has 50 karma in this channel over the last year (91 in all channels)
[Ramiro_Ruiz] joined the channel
Hello 👋
Quick question, if I don’t want to display a photo on my homepage, just a small description of me as I want to use the about page for the image and more info.
Can I hide the image markup with `display: none` for the image on my homepage h-card ?
[qubyte] joined the channel
I do this, but for the whole h-card added to most pages. Unsure if it’s bad to do though!
particularly the "Along the same lines..." section
Interesting! Glad I’m not alone on this.
The h-card will still work, yes. It's usually recommended against because invisible information gets stale / not obvious when it breaks.
Luckily for me my h-card is managed everywhere by a single handlebars partial. Either everything is out of date or nothing is! That said, it’d be good to make details of my about page actually use an unhidden form of the same h-card…
[fluffy] joined the channel
@jgmac, @snarfed: thanks. Indiewebify gave an OK on the my/blog/index page last time but must have broken it since
[dougbeal] joined the channel
yes I will also plan to use the same image on my about page so if is good, then the hidden one on the homepage should too. I’m thinking in maybe just visually hide it (not display:none) when I’m in my homepage maybe with a simple `is-homepage` class on the body to use the same h-card
[tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
maxwell: don't forget you can always preview what your feed looks like in a reader at https://monocle.p3k.io/preview
Thanks @aaronpk, didn't know monocle had a previewer. I should have mentioned I tried testing the feed by trying to sub to it thru Aperture; that didn't work which led me to expose deeper issues (the yak never ends)
benharri joined the channel
yeah it's tough! we definitely need more tools to help debug things like this, but that all takes time!
benharri, ecrosstexas and tg-z joined the channel