#dev 2019-10-29

2019-10-29 UTC
[chrisbergr] and [snarfed] joined the channel
updated all the images and buttons on https://brid.gy/ , https://granary.io/ , https://oauth-dropins.appspot.com/ to 2x resolution. not a big deal, but they definitely look sharper now
little things
tg-z, SevenTwenty, KartikPrabhu, [Bradley_Allen] and maxwell joined the channel
@jgmac1106, @aaronpk, @snarfed - I wrote a post about what I got done with your help, thanks again: https://www.maxwelljoslyn.com/blog/2019/10/28/1
With advice from Greg McVerry, Aaron Parecki, and Ryan Barrett, I finished getting this blog set up for subscription using the h-feed microformat, and made other improvements along the way: all pages now have a self-link in the title all pages, not ...
SevenTwenty, dougbeal|mb1, gRegorLove, [fluffy], [KevinMarks], tg-z and [snarfed] joined the channel
maxwell has 1 karma over the last year
and hah, rogue u-mention-ofs
where did that even come from?
[timothy_chamber, FreshcollegeGirl, ecrosstexas, gRegorLove, ecrosstexas[m], LavetteGeneratio and [fluffy] joined the channel
probably from me, I was sending those out for a while
but maybe I’m not the only one 🙂
meanwhile I’m going out on a limb and startin gto implement AutoAuth in Publ even though I have no way to actually, like, test it
[Rose] joined the channel
or maybe maxwell got it from the same place I did, and I have no idea where that is aside from maybe inferring it based on ???
like it seems intuitive that it’d exist
[fluffy], mblaney and I can help test different parts of that. He has the reader part
FreshcollegeGirl joined the channel
Is there any mechanism for testing it when my stuff is just on localhost though? I don’t want to have to deploy to the public web to test things.
also, for the resource token endpoint, is there any reason I should implement my own as part of Publ, or can that just be something that’s hosted externally and uses tokens.indieauth.com by default or whatever?
like I’m not quite clear on the difference between a resource token and a user token in this context
Or is there one?
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
okay yeah I’m completely confused by how one actually goes about verifying a token
it seems that it’s up to the application to have a trust relationship with the token endpoint, is that correct?
so like I could use tokens.indieauth.com as a short-term thing but in the long term I’d want to move to my own self-hosted endpoint?
cweiske joined the channel
what I could really use is some simple commandline tools or cut-and-paste recipes or whatever for verifying the token flow
KartikPrabhu, asymptotically and [tonz] joined the channel
It looks like we will get @swentel back into core development with getting webmention and the indieweb to drupal https://t.co/BBZdlk6g1L
What comes after Drupal 9.0.0? Automation? Reusable components? Accessibility? Semantic HMTL? Webmention support? Native DAM? JSON: API clients / SDKs? What are your hopes and wishes? #Driesnotes #DrupalCon
[KevinMarks] and [Matt_Hobbs] joined the channel
[fluffy]: token (& auth) endpoint being part of the application is honestly so much easier than using an external one, localhost development Just Works
for checking that auth works, i use a local instance of https://github.com/barryf/micropublish
[barryf] micropublish: A Micropub client that you can use to create, update, delete and undelete content on your Micropub-enabled site.
gRegorLove joined the channel
Oooh, Webmention shoutout at the Drupal Driesnote?
pings local Drupal dev firm with a pitch to come and speak about mf2 and webmentions
jeremych_, [KevinMarks]1, [jgmac1106], [grantcodes], FreshcollegeGirl and [qubyte] joined the channel
Is there a simpler way of testing a cron job than tail the file in var/mail ?
IWSlackGateway, [Matt_Hobbs], [qubyte], [grantcodes] and [tonz] joined the channel
jeremycherfas: test how? Know that it ran?
Know that it ran is easy; the files appear where I expect them. Find the errors if it didn't.
But in the meantime, I fixed the path to the bash script I was hoping it would run and it worked. I thought that cron might know about $PATH, but it seems not to.
So now I am downloading and renaming my access.log every day, and my next chellenge will be to try and get Bise working locallly.
Ah, yeah, $PATH is “scoped” to your current terminal session. So unless you are the one running the cron task manually, it would not know about what you personally set as your $PATH
[Rose], [KevinMarks] and [timothy_chamber joined the channel
[fluffy]: yeah using built in endpoints is much easier than trying to support external services for things like that once you get into the relatively complex scenarios like autoauth
KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
[aaronpk] What should I be looking for regarding compass background workers? I thought mine were working but I probably missed something
Oh I did document it
[aaronpk] Compass: Compass is a GPS tracking server that stores data in flat files.
Refer to the Lumen docs for more details too
You'll need to define the queue driver in the config file, there are different options like database or redis
Good start: queue driver database is uncommented
GWG joined the channel
For the database one you'll need to add the tables. There's a command for that documented in Lumen
Oh it's in my docs too
It is, and I already did that
Right, so it was running the queue in the background I didn't have
Wait what did I just read that Webmention and other building blocks may get built into Drupal 9?
When you run the worker it'll write to a log file in the storage/logs folder so you can check there for errors
[KevinMarks] ping - how soon can you get to updating /fragmentions spec? This week? It has some urgency because various Google folks are pushing for their more complex proposal instead
I _think_ I got it working
Oh darn, errors
Aws\Sqs\SqsClient not found
That's odd, so you have anything in the config that mentions AWS?
That's an alternative queue driver
Sorry, work emergency, now I can check
There's nothing in my .env
But, my queue is running now
(I just stopped it, because letting it run wildly when it's running into errors seems like a bad idea)
vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
Good Morning IndieWeb
My site's currently down, so I'm playing around with node.js
JavaScript is actually fun! Right now I'm trying to make a socket.io based chat app with IndieAuth
Being able to debug node server code on my own machine with Visual Studio Code is nice
[schmarty] joined the channel
[Matt_Hobbs] can you add your questions about how to markup author(s) of one or more entry(ies) to the https://indieweb.org/h-entry page? That way we can capture them and make sure they have good step by step answers!
[Matt_Hobbs] joined the channel
Hi [tantek], yes sure will do :thumbsup:
[aaronpk] To further mystify matters, I can't find "Aws" anywhere in your code
[Rose]: yeah it's part of Lumen
it shouldn't be trying to load that unless you've defined the SQS driver though
I don't even see a sample of defining that
Hmmm I'm looking for a way to do this. Just logged in but can't see an option anywhere. Is there something I am missing?
[andy1547] #12029 SQS Class 'Aws\Sqs\SqsClient' not found When trying to use Redis queue, despite SQS not referenced anywhere
Yes, it was
Mystery solved, poor documentation at fault (as well as me not reading everything through/understanding it all)
i didn't even know that was possible so i learned something new too
It would be better if the docs didn't have that as the default command I suspect
seems like a weird default
Anyway, I now have a queue worker running
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
makes a note to make a pull request on your repo to add details to the docs on what she did
any easy ways to discover rel=authorization_endpoint from client-side JS without hoping that stuff happens with cross origin policy?
CORS, I mean
either the site needs to send the proper CORS headers, or you'll need a server-side component that the client-side JS can talk to
yeah :-/
browsers 🤷
[Matt_Hobbs] you can start with adding a new == Questions == section near the bottom
[Lewis_Cowles] and jackjamieson joined the channel
oh, great
IndieAuth is so weird. I try to authenticate against my endpoint (indieauth.com) but it says that code parameter is missing. I can clearly see it being sent.
also it doesn't seem to understand Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Make sure it's sent in the post body not the query string
I'm POSTing it... There are no query strings
I'm using axios on Node.js side to talk to auth endpoint
because auth is checked on the server
Double check the post body format then. Sometimes these clients do weird things. Needs to be form-encoded body with the matching content type header
Form-encoded? It doesn't accept JSON?!
As a post body? No
oh wow
form encoded posts are the "normal" one
that's why I kinda don't like implementing IndieAuth... :3 sadly I don't think there's a library
there's no advantage to posting JSON if you're only sending a couple strings
maybe I should write one
there has to be a library for it
its usually the default in http clients
library for IndieAuth, I mean!
so I wouldn't have to deal with finding endpoints, checking codes, etc. myself
and only have a function that executes once user completes the auth flow correctly :3
vika, you could implement a middleware to wrangle content-type if it’s JSON, but then you’d increase a lot of work as there are many JSON mime-types. text/json, application/json, application/vnd.api+jsoncontentType is one I learned about at my current job (which I think should just be application/json)
I think application/json is the more accepted and seen one
i use it when sending my requests
text/json imo is not quite right, since JSON can be anything, including text. I could even transmit a PNG picture encoding its properties in JSON. it'll take a lot of data but it will certainly not be text
fd = new FormData() would allow you to unburden yourself and simply POST 😉
[qubyte] joined the channel
When it’s a URL encoded body you can use `URLSearchParams` as a global in node these days. Very handy.
I use it quite a lot to decode simple form bodies. It’s only when things go multipart that it becomes a pain to handle.
[qubyte] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
I’ve never encountered that. Wonderful. I rather like window.location, but fully accept it could be easier to work with and less verbose
If it’s all hex tokens and stuff you can just build a string manually. No need for the encoding.
gRegorLove joined the channel
yay, I wrote a chat app using socket.io and IndieAuth!
vika_nezrimaya has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
vika_nezrimaya++ yay congrats!
I only need to upload it to glitch and we can ditch IRC :D
except I don't have chat history yet
huh, glitch doesn't seem to do something like npm run build before starting my app
You can hack a bunch of that stuff (it’s possible for glitch to run rust (and therefore compilation is a must)).
It _might_ (definitely no guarantees here) be as simple as including a shell script called `start.sh`.
Info on lifecycle hooks in that.
If glitch is starting the app using `npm start`, then you might just get away with adding to scripts `"prestart": "npm run build",` since npm will pick that up as part of how it handles scripts right before it runs `start`.
(definitely worth trying that before getting into the glitch lifecycle stuff)
https://indiewebchat.glitch.me - login with your website!
I want to try seeing other people in the chat :3
so please someone test this
note that this thing doesn't remember the login
no cookies support, no session persistence, nothing!
[snarfed] joined the channel
just fyi, interesting error when i typed in http://asdf.com : looks like it tried to HTTP GET the HTML contents? and failed
i logged in but i can't click into the text box
Wait a little bit, once auth passes, it should unlock
This is alpha-quality software
and my first foray into Node
I don't see you being connected though... something may have went wrong
and it certainly did
same, but very cool
@vika_nezrimaya has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
[manton] joined the channel
aaronpk, [Lewis_Cowles]: I pushed some fixes that prevent app from glitching in case it can't fetch your h-cards
try again now
OfflineFirst has their very own aaron, and they've written a post about request queueing https://medium.com/to-err-is-aaron/managing-state-with-offline-first-request-queuing-d29f043205d4
I'll check out changes
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Nice vika! I have some pretty well tested node / is libraries for indieauth. Feel free to use it or copy code from it. It uses axios too
Shorter url query-string this time, but ultimately still not logged me in
perhaps that can help?
wait, this is not supposed to happen. It should GET that query string to an authorization endpoint!
Do you have an authorization endpoint configured correctly?
oh this may be me conflating indieauth and indielogin 😊
yeah... my bad
ok I think I should run 'cause it's 20:39 in my TZ and I should be @ home probably
I'll try to reply once I come home
feel free to play with my app though, and !tell me if it works or if it doesnt
It worked for me when I tested it though, even fetching my h-card!
vika: i can log in now! sending a message crashes though. TypeError: msg.author is null
also you may want to add a nice error message for non-indieauth-enabled sites, eg http://asdf.com . right now it just reloads the home page, no message
(and sites that don't connect at all, eg http://asdf.bbb)
I’ll give this a shot in a bit. In transit.
What is Bussator
It looks like we don't have a page for "Bussator" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Bussator is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Bussator is a WSGI application which implements a webmention receiver. Webmentions can then
be published through dedicated plugins; currently, a plugin for publishing webmentions as Isso comments exists.
What is isso
isso is a self-hosted commenting server similar to Disqus https://indieweb.org/isso
Ashraf_2 and [fluffy] joined the channel
[aaronpk] @myfreeweb Thanks, I’ll do my own self-hosted resource token endpoint then. But: that still opens the question of how do I test it as I develop it. I’m not intending to support Micropub just yet and all the tools I’m finding/see mentioned are oriented toward that.
My goal here is to have AutoAuth for fetching an authenticated feed. Are there any tools I can run locally toward that goal? Like, being able to get my user endpoint’s token and then simulate the rest of the flow from that.
or whatever the right terms are, I probably hecked that up
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
per the diagram on https://indieweb.org/AutoAuth - I need a tool for verifying the resource and token_endpoint actions
you can always fake out these endpoints to test the positive case, like making a token endpoint that returns a fixed string "AAAAAA" and always returns a hardcoded user URL
but that doesn’t help me make sure I’m doing the right thing
this is one case where I really, really do not want to get the security aspects wrong
you can also create simplified endpoints that are hard-coded single-user for testing
but that also requires me understanding the protocol insofar as creating the simplified endpoints goes
I’m running into a big bootstrapping problem here
i guess i don't know what you're asking then
I need to test against an implementation that’s correct, and I need to know what data is exchanged in each step
so it sounds like you need to find a correct implementation
I’m having a very hard time wrapping my head around the various specifications, and it doesn’t help that the AuthAuth spec just defers a bunch of stuff to the IndieAuth spec
also: be a aware that you're one of the first people implementing that flow. it's not a battle-tested thing yet.
i haven't even implemented any of AutoAuth myself yet, so maybe sknebel or sebsel have some more thoughts
But also correctly-implemented tooling that makes use of that correct implementation, correctly
yeah I asked for more infromation on the AutoAuth spec itself, hoping sknebel gets back to me at some point
I haven't got to it either.
[fluffy-critter] #19 Provide a full HTTP request/response transaction example
I saw that and have thumbs-upped it, for I struggle with the spec myself still too!
even outside of an AutoAuth case, is there tooling for doing the IndieAuth token flow for manually fetching a resource given an appropriate token?
sknebel is the criminal mastermind in this one ;) and Zegnat knows stuff too
i don't understand that question either heh
like, doing the Micropub thing, but without it being Micropub
hm, that would be as simple as `curl -H "Authentication: Bearer xxx" http://example.com`
yes but how do I get the value of `xxx` 😛
that depends on your token endpoint
(and how do I verify it)
up to you
your token endpoint can create and store tokens however it wants
one way is to put them in a database
I was going to use signed things, because Publ is stateless
but like that’s not the part I’mc oncerned about
sure that's another way
then i don't understand the problem
like I’m concerned about the flow for granting the token
that's indieauth
what is gimme a token?
gimme a token is a helper to obtain an access token from your IndieAuth endpoint: https://gimme-a-token.5eb.nl/ https://indieweb.org/gimme_a_token
or, you can just manually create them yourself for testing
If you have IndieAuth set up, then that is a tool to get a token. Does that help?
yes, that does. Thank you!
sebsel: wanna make an equivalent one for autoauth?
sounds like a fun project, but I rather start with actually adding autoauth to my site first :)
it would help you add it to your site by being able to play the other half!
That is true!
at some point Zegnat had a tool like that, but I believe he said it hardcoded a lot of values.
What I’m still missing with gimme-a-token is an explanation of how the token endpoint validates the code though
I know it’s “just indieauth” but it’s a part of indieauth I haven’t done and the specs are confusing
or maybe it is a part of indieauth I have done and I’m just not recognizing it
like here is the sum total of what I’ve implemented IndieAuth-wise: https://github.com/PlaidWeb/Authl/blob/master/authl/handlers/indieauth.py
[schmarty] joined the channel
Yea, that's not really a concern of gimme a token, for it is meant to obtain a token, and how the token is verified is not really important for that flow.
[fluffy]: how the token endpoint verifies the code is not part of the spec because it's an internal implementation detail between the two
yeah but I want to make sure that my token endpoint is verifying the auth code correctly, so that it knows that it’s safe to vend out the token
so again you can do it however you want to. either by storing the authorization code in memcache or a database, or by using signed strings
I realize that token verification is my own concern and I appreciate that
code verification, not token verification
what is what i thought you just asked
It looks like we don't have a page for "what i thought you just asked" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "what i thought you just asked is ____", a sentence describing the term)
that’s not the part I’m asking about
"What I’m still missing with gimme-a-token is an explanation of how the token endpoint validates the code though" did you mean authorization code or access token?
I meant the authorization code
which is why I said code, not token 😛
ok good
then yes it depends on how you build your authorization endpoitn and token endpoint
they can coordinate internally by using a shared database or shared signing key for example
ah you did say so indeed.
but the authorization endpoint isn’t under my control
it’s whoever is trying to log in via autoauth
oh in autoauth
yeah. when I say “micropub without micropub” I mean I want to build the parts of the flow that involve all of the stuff up to getting the bearer token
and also theoretically I want my micropub stuff, when I do build it, to be able to accept any arbitrary identity URL
the part I’m confused about is: someone has an identity URL and, presumably, an authorization code. How do I verify that those things go together so that I can safely generate an access token?
you ask their authorization endpoint whether it issued that authorization code
validating the access token is, yes, my own concern, and I know how I’m going to do that already
okay, and is there a step-by-step protocol example of that?
for autoauth? i don't know
for anything
the indieauth spec walks through each step
with examples of requests and responses
thanks, that’s not where my documentation crawl pointed me last night
all roads led to the RFC, which is written in RFC-ese
the various wiki pages also show examples from the point of view of each component, e.g. https://indieweb.org/authorization-endpoint
okay so my understanding is that the stuff I already implemented for Authl is what I need to do for the code verification here, too? https://github.com/PlaidWeb/Authl/blob/master/authl/handlers/indieauth.py#L139
except instead of it being an indieauth callback it’ll come in as a POST request to my resource endpoint with an `Authorized:` header or something
i don't know enough of the autoauth flow to go into any more detail on that
okay wait no the part that I’m confused about, I think, is the “Token Request” line beetween user authorization_endpoint and token_endpoint
that’s the request I don’t know what it looks like
okay I found that in the autoauth spec
that was the missing piece. Phew.
okay I think I understand this now, and I might even understand how to test it. Thanks!
I should document this before my ADHD does its thing
circlesDiscord[m joined the channel
fluffy++ excellent sleuthing 😄
fluffy has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (38 in all channels)
[fluffy-critter] Okay per conversation on Slack: 1. Token request comes from the user's auth endpoint to the token endpoint that we advertise. It is described in https://github.com/sknebel/AutoAuth/blob/master/AutoAuth.md#token-request 2. token endpoint verifies ...
someone rang?
hi [fluffy] - saw your github notifications this morning but had a busy day at work :D
SevenTwenty joined the channel
re reference implementations and tooling: yeah, sadly not really there yet. thanks for taking a look at it anyways!
[fluffy] have you ever worked with VCR?
It has libraries for many languages
https://github.com/vcr/vcr Ruby
[vcr] vcr: Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
[php-vcr] php-vcr: Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
😂 the Java fork is called Betamax
I love that so much
Anyway yeah I’ll probably be building some very simple command line tools for testing this stuff.
👍 exit code zero ftw
And vcrpy looks like it might be useful too, thanks LewisCowles++
LewisCowles has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
Also sebsel++ and aaronpk++ for helping me stammer my way through this spec
[fluffy] karma only works at start or end of line
sebsel++ for helping me stammer my way through as well as aaronpk++
sebsel has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (32 in all channels)
aaronpk has 53 karma in this channel over the last year (195 in all channels)
Cool that edge case works
testing++ validation++ IndieWeb++
testing has 6 karma over the last year
IndieWeb has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
And that result was unsurprising
ecrosstexas joined the channel
so, fragmentions 😄
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Fragmentions always have a space
Yes. Fragmentions.
Yeah that seems obvious in retrospect.
I support them on my blog with the polyfill
they're pretty cool 🙂
If they don't, id takes precedence
(some languages don't have spaces)
Ah right. Japanese for example.
[Tantek Çelik] #Redecentralize 2019 Session: IndieWeb Decentralized Standards and Methods
ecrosstexas joined the channel
[KevinMarks] it may be useful to define fragmentions behavior in terms of the existing Windows.find feature: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/find
ecrosstexas and krychu joined the channel
Given that’s not a standard that seems risky.
ecrosstexas joined the channel
[annevk] #3539 Potentially standardize window.find()
ecrosstexas joined the channel
[fluffy] it's not a boolean
welcome to my fuzzy world
ecrosstexas joined the channel
I think if the standard specifies what is meant by window.find or links to a stable definition that’s fine
sufficient but not necessary
I’ve just been burned too much in the past by a “spec” being “it behaves like this other thing, which doesn’t have a formal spec”
many work in progress standards cite other work in progress standards instead of duplicating work. this type of living modularization makes sense
but if there’s a formal spec,e ven one in-progress, that’s certainly reasonable
Also id can't have ascii whitespace but could have unicode whitespace. AFAIK fragmentions treat unicode whitespace as ascii whitespace
sure, you should have something to cite from that perspective. however "doesn't have a formal spec" is *very* different than "all browser implement, but slightly differently"
unicode makes everything complicated, but not as complicated as not having unicode
not as discriminatory at least. human complexity is a good thing that's worth supporting
The formal spec in html5 came from looking at browser implementations for commonality
anyway, any standard/spec should *at least* have an appendix of links/references to prior work
I’m always imprssed-surprised when things actually capitalize non-US-ASCII correctly. which is a little annoying sometimes
[fluffy] yup. my last name is a test case for that 🙂
My Steam profile name is ◉ω◉ which shows up in the (capitalized) UI as ◉Ω◉
which always makes me giggle
(on two counts, both the ç at the start, and the "i" second to last character is supposed to be uppercased as "İ")
oh dang I never noticed that wasn’t an English “i”
homographs has -1 karma over the last year
yeah the lang="tr" is invisible metadata 💁‍♂️
also why JSON fails at human strings, which most strings are
Long ago I gave up on trying to spell “Erdos” correctly
JSON is actually anti-i18n by default because of this. kind of a problem if you're not english-centric/blinded
I mean usually if I want to I copy-paste from the Wikipedia page title to get Erdős
BTW this is why HTML is a better format for machine data *about humans* than JSON
but I have no idea how the heck to write ő otherwise
nor do I have any idea how to pronounce it
[voxpelli] #3 Parse language information
that's how we solve this for JSON
by using mf2 instead
A few years ago I saw a TED talk where someone pronounced “Mandelbrot” as if it were a French name and I had a minor existential crisis because I thought I’d been saying it wrong all these years, but then I looked it up and found out, no, he was French-Polish and Mandelbrot is a Polish name, so I was probably mispronouncing it a different way.
There used to be a nice mac keyboard called US Academic that extended the option-u [letter] model used for umlaut to all the other diureses
could folks using php-mf2 please turn on the flag for 'lang' attribute parsing in their consuming code and report back re: https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/3#issuecomment-400498161 ?
[gRegorLove] php-mf2 supports this behind a feature flag as of 0.3.2 https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/releases/tag/v0.3.2 microformat-shiv supports this as of 2.0 https://github.com/glennjones/microformat-shiv/issues/22 Still pending confirmation from a ...
we really need code that uses php-mf2 to do this and report back on what breakage (if any) they encountered
oh neat, macOS actually lets you long-press O to get the õ
and how much work it was to fix
oh wait that’s a tilde, I need to wear my glasses I guess
can we move the authoring of i18n text (keyboards, keys) to the main indieweb channel? since that's a UX/user thing?
(hoping it would reach more non-English folks)
good idea
ecrosstexas and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
tantek, HTML only copes after decode. In it's TCP packet form, I
am fairly certain it's all anglo-centric
[Lewis_Cowles] that's ok if we agree on HTML as the interop layer
that allows lower layers to be swapped out
for example when I view HTML files on my laptop there is zero TCP
JSON has an interop layer on an interop layer
JSON has no i18n layer, that's the problem
unicode alone is insufficient
hmm, interesting outlook
aren't most envelope formats guilty of the same?
oh it was quite the interesting painful lesson learned in W3C Social Web WG standards work
aaronpk knows what I'm talking about
be interested to see the solutions
[qubyte] joined the channel
[voxpelli] #3 Parse language information
gRegorLove joined the channel
trying to work out as lightweight as possible a fragmention / settings optional include
fragmention.js is a little heavyweight
and I'm not sure I want to force it on people
but if someone opts in to them, I can use a small script to include the feature
I avoided serviceworker right now for the same reason
I don't like forcing cruft upon people
yeah that's reasonable and I'm similarly trying to keep my "default" service worker fairly lightweight for that matter (and only installs if you visit my home page)
not knocking anyone else efforts.
or approach
not at all, it's good food for discussion
I like the general idea of respecting a user's (browsing, machine, energy) resources
I wish my fav browser would come with polyfills for this sort of thing
[snarfed] joined the channel
fragmention.js is 3.1KB. i wouldn't call that heavyweight
snarfed, the payload size is only the initial weight. it's the ongoing processing overhead that could be considered additional weight
[snarfed] 3k per-visit (assume I didn't setup caching or their client doesn't support)
well yeah caching is kind of assumed
[tantek] sure! but i also expect fragmention.js's CPU load is very low
measure before you optimize, etc
no way to know without measuring 🙂
and decide what you compare it to
(I mean absent spinning fans and laptop heat but that's rather coarse)
I don't mind assuming a client will behave sanely, but I do think we're stretching a bit, ignoring aggregates
3kb is about the size of a blog page
lol not on any silo
so relatively it's 3x the size of my SVG logo
more like 3MB amirite?
[Lewis_Cowles] regardless, 3KB's impact on your actual time to first byte, or whatever, i expect is more or less nothing
my goal is to get my entire site service-worker caching to be less than the HTTP transfer size of a single twitter permalink
(relative to all other factors)
[tantek] sounds like a low bar 😁
[Lewis_Cowles] I like the design thinking of opt-in for feature enhancements like fragmentions
maybe he means mobile twitter 😄
lol. either way IDK anyone who can make that claim today so it's not too low a bar 😄
I remember seeing a page where VueJS was showing they were the smallest among other JS frameworks with only 21kb. People throw in multiple frameworks on some pages.
It's a wonderful goal
maybe that's worth a public challenge
I mean good to think about 3kb, but the bar is low
there may be a way to do an implied opt-in for fragmentions even on first fragmention load
I've so far refused to implement webmention display
[tantek] I hope you reach your goal. And I hope that you will write an article about how you did it 🙂
[Lewis_Cowles] I've only implemented it for RSVPs
[tantek] that is the idea, although I've just pivoted to tiny JS which turns on by default
I'm thinking a small JS stub that checks the document URL to see 1 it has a fragment and 2 if that fragment has a space, and only *then* dynamically loading the fragmentions js and executing it
so you'd only incur that 3kb when people clicked URLs with fragmentions.
that is better
no need to check for cookies or localstorage then
(it's worse: the 21kb for Vue is actually the Gzipped version. https://gist.github.com/Restuta/cda69e50a853aa64912d)
I may be lazy and just check for a hash
[Tantek Çelik] How many ways can you slice a URL and name the pieces?
as it's a 1-liner
return (href && href.split('#').length > 1 && href.indexOf('%20') > 0);
function usesFragmention(href) {
if (h=window.location.hash && h.indexOf('#')!=-1 && h.indexOf(' ')!=-1) ...
I've been more ghetto
😂 flashing the OG
Oh dear, that comic is so true
not sure which is more ghetto, using split to parse a URL, or inline variable assignment in an if conditional
and not scoping it 👀
I like that we had a similar idea, although yours forces double hash... maybe I should too
I do like the function so I can pretend I'll test it too
FreshcollegeGirl joined the channel
hmm site folder is a lot more than 3kb as every file has overhead of feature-detection (1kb on disc) + if fragmention is needed
We're talking bytes per-page (and I included it site-wide, which I'm not sure is right)
but it's a thing
FreshcollegeGirl joined the channel
no [Lewis_Cowles] mine does not force double hash
but that clues me into an improvement
if (h=window.location.hash && h[0]==='#' && h.indexOf(' ')!==-1) { /* load fragmentions.js */ }
which makes me realize you *can* use fragmentions to link to a single word, you just have to decide whether to include a space before or after the word!
Question: if someone tries to access a public resource but provides an invalid/expired Bearer token, what’s the correct response?
Should it just be treated as if there was no token provided or should it return a 403?
Or other 4xx
doesn't really matter too much because nobody has built UX around handling the different responses differently, but https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750#section-3.1
That’s for a protected resource. What about for one that would be accessible even without a token?
i'd say the "invalid_token" response applies there too
you do want to indicate that something went wrong as opposed to returning the public response
Makes sense.
FreshcollegeGirl joined the channel
there are public resources with protected sections
e.g. home page with h-card that has phone number or address when signed-in with IndieAuth and on an allow list
e.g. h-feed with a mix of public and protected posts
right which is why you want to make sure the client knows the token they sent is bad, vs just returning only the public parts
FreshcollegeGirl and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
they could check if it still has a WWW-Authenticate: header
jjuran joined the channel
my blog loads so fast I had to add a setTimeout for the fragmentions to work
I checked the element was not null, and the document.readyState, but it would not scroll without a setTimeout, which I then had to debounce
bradleyallen joined the channel
One sucky thing is that it's not on by default, so people wanting to use should try adding #frag%20mention%20for%20quotes
Returning an error on bad token is actually easier for me to implement so that’s what I’m doing :)
that sounds better anyway
[Bradley_Allen] and gRegorLove joined the channel
[Lewis_Cowles]: that is surprising. I am sure I have fragmention.js on local pages
you can keep it in separate file and defer it?
Oh it is in a separate file
I'm now proud to say that I made a link which is not visible without JS, which toggles loading for people visiting without a fragmention
I also removed the IE8 jazz
guarded adding the JS
[dougbeal] joined the channel
just added a descriptive title to let people know they need JS (because the button is there without JS, just not visible via CSS)