#dev 2019-11-01

2019-11-01 UTC
Was thinking the h-entry on the home feed that was really just a link to articles page could be a way to show new subscribers all my stuff... Will just keep recent article feed
[qubyte] joined the channel
[grantcodes] I'm getting a weird ssl error on https://photo.postrchild.com/
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
This might also be a case where a p-summary explaining that its a link roundup post could work, assuming that the webmention receiver builds on the name/summary/content split
guess what, it helps when you spell "visibility" right
not "visibiltiy"
that was like 15 minutes of debugging wondering why this wasn't working
aaand my posts from the last 2 days are un-privated
definitely want to re-think that feature having gone through this
I was able to hack it quickly thanks to ownyourswarm's "private" checkin mode
but that means I had to go back and un-private each post
pretty sure we have a brainstormed feature for that
what is embargo
embargo is, in the context of the IndieWeb, the publishing practice of requiring exclusive rights to publish an article by an author on a publisher’s website, some amount of time (typically days, sometimes months) before the author publishes it on their own personal site https://indieweb.org/embargo
really what I wanted was to delay all my feeds, but still have the posts public so they'd be sending webmentions and such
that sounds like emphemeral unlisted posts
then with one setting I could un-delay the feeds and the posts would all appear as normal all at once
kind of, but again it's not a per-post setting that I want
I basically want a giant "pause" button for my website, where it keeps storing posts I create, but if you look at my home page or any feeds, it looks like I haven't posted
that does sound like a new feature / concept
mblaney joined the channel
aaronpk my posts get created with a feed attribute, so I could imagine doing something like what you're suggesting by leaving that field blank and then filling it in when I want them to show up.
maxwell, gRegorLove and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Is there any h-card markup for multiple last names or changing names for use cases like: https://twitter.com/Arley_McNeney/status/1190120444805840896?s=20
When I got married, I thought I'd keep publishing under Arley McNeney and then just do everything else as Arley Cruthers. But now I teach as Arley Cruthers, and have gotten into academic writing where I have to state my university affiliation. Which last name to use?
gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, [Lewis_Cowles], krychu and [fluffy] joined the channel
so I notice that now on publ.beesbuzz.biz Firefox seems to keep on rendering pages without the stylesheet having been loaded yet, which seems really weird. Anyone have any ideas what’s going on with that?
<[fluffy] "so I notice that now on publ.be"> [fluffy] have you checked the network tab / console to see if it's actually loading the stylesheet?
It does load, it just takes a little bit to do and the page shows as unstyled while it waits
It’s not a behavior I’ve seen in a long time
Once it’s cached it stays loaded but because of how my templates are set up it needs to be cached separately for each directory
That said it’d be easy for me to make that site not work that way. But my main site does work that way and I haven’t noticed that issue happening there.
But my main site also runs on dedicated hosting while the Publ subdomain is on Heroku, just because I want to have an active site that follows that use case.
And that might affect the timing or something to do with how the cache domain works or something.
It’s just weird to me that the browser isn’t waiting to retrieve the stylesheet needle or starts rendering the page.
*before it starts wtf autocarrot
Hmm looks like someone else is having a similar problem that also started recently: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58254161/firefox-renders-html-before-applying-css so I’m suspecting Firefox bug
Ok whatever I’m going to bed
[jeremycherfas], strugee, IWSlackGateway and [qubyte] joined the channel
(this question is not leading to criticism of any kind, it’s pure curiosity 🙂 )
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
because multipart is the simplest way to upload a file
aaronpk: [grantcodes] left you a message 2 hours, 26 minutes ago: yeah just use the non Https version for now. I moved it to heroku without knowing I would need to pay extra for https
anything else is making stuff up from scratch and would require more work to write code to receive it
most web frameworks handle multipart uploads because that's how <input type="file"> works in HTML
aaronpk: Sent you the location tracking data for WN
nice just saw that
[rem] joined the channel
50:50 on most web frameworks. In Node, Rust, and possibly others it’s a bit of a pain (though not that bad in the grand scheme). A plain file upload in Node for example looks like (from a request)
const chunks = [
I can’t use a keyboard.
No matter. I see where the spec is coming from now 👍
I would say that's the fault of node and rust for not having a good web framework
For the latter, fair (it’s early days). For the former, there are a number, but Node emphasises streaming, and multipart makes for complicated streams.
There are modules though, and I’m using one (so yup, no biggie).
I’m actually more interested in possible extensibility. Could some future version of the media endpoint accept more than one file in an upload? I suppose that might add constraints on the field names. 🤔
Anyway, thanks for the info. It’s nice to be able to read a spec _and_ ask questions about it!
what's the use case for accepting multiple files?
so if anything, the only change I would want to make is to support a chunked upload method like twitter has
the media endpoint is really meant to be just a temporary holding cell for media to improve the UX of micropub apps, nothing fancy
anyone here cross post from micro.blog to Twitter, I can't figure out what I am doing wrong in setting it up
I get keeping this uncomplicated. The only reason would be to send stuff in plural than a request per resource, but there’s little reason to do that.
As for chunked uploads… Happy not to have to accommodate that.
yeah I don't think you're going to get any UX benefit trying to shove multiple files to it at once
chunked uploads on the other hand have a clear benefit of being able to resume an interrupted upload
I kinda dislike overloading the word “chunked”, but I see why.
It’s an attempt at symmetry.
See chunked transfer encoding (of responses).
Now I want a Baby Ruth.....ohhh wait Halloween baskets...probably lots of Baby Ruth in the house...(sorry for off topic interjection...goes for candy breakfast)
hm, seems pretty similar
tho at a different layer of the stack
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Idea for a VSCode extension: live microformat previewer. Extension parses the currently edited page and pulls out the microformat data in real time. That would be super useful right now. Does it already exist? I can't seem to find it anywhere if it does.
At the risk of inventing something new… It seems like you could use headers and PATCH to offset and overwrite/append things to a partial upload.
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
qubyte, aaronpk, why is a file upload happening and not a URL?
is it a PESOS vs POSSE thing?
what do you mean?
this has nothing to do with syndication
Oh so known needs to receive a file which it posts to both?
> Known->micro.blog->Twitter
this is just about creating a post on your own site, nothing to do with syndicating to micro.blog or twitter
I see I’ve blended chat logs.
Ah sorry. We’re chatting over each other.
see this section for a high-level description https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/#media-endpoint
but I must be confused
that's the other reason for it, to be able to include photos in JSON micropub requests
Trying to build a compass request in JavaScript inside Android's tasker app
Today's project: gonna finally see if I can wrestle webmentions to the ground. Never been able to get it working properly but I like the idea of rolling my own glitch webmentions server like this: https://qubyte.codes/blog/a-new-service-to-handle-webmention-dispatch-for-you
The reason I use a media endpoint is for the alt text (JSON on the regular endpoint) yeah.
sweet it worked. I can go from Known->micro.blog->Twitter https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1190247437342035969
Doing a test trying to go from Known ->@microdotblog->Twitter rather than just Known->Twitter and syndicating only one tag to microdotblog.
ketudb joined the channel
making progress on my photo album workflow...
↩️ ha - I feel like that's webmentions in a nutshell... So close to the right idea but just too damn hard to get it working.... Will report back
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Southwest wifi to tasker to compass
As long as there is wifi
Wish there was an app, but this will do
I would have done it faster if I was familiar with Tasker and not trying to type on a phone
↩️ Your mileage may vary. In the end I made a new one based around the code I mention in that blog post. It's much more picky about microformats though. https://glitch.com/edit/#!/lean-send-webmentions
↩️ @tomcritchlow That webmention server is how I discovered your tweet btw (via http://Brid.gy).
↩️ @tomcritchlow That webmention server is how I discovered your tweet btw (via http://Brid.gy).
It wasn’t of course. I was conflating sending and receiving.
↩️ Setting up Webmentions TL;DR: - Enable h-card markup - Add http://webmention.io support - Write custom JS to display http://webmention.io API - Sign up for http://Brid.gy for social webmentions - Sign up for http://webmention.app
↩️ Setting up Webmentions TL;DR: - Enable h-card markup - Add http://webmention.io support - Write custom JS to display http://webmention.io API - Sign up for http://Brid.gy for social webmentions - Sign up for http://webmention.app
↩️ (cont.) - Set up IFTTT for RSS -> http://webmention.app to send webmentions Fin? Maybe? I count 4 different web-apps necessary *and* two different code markups needed to get this all working correctly. Webmentions is a failed system.
[frank] joined the channel
↩️ I was *just* about to come back around and thank you and Remy for building these servies for starters. So thank you! Yes, this is a partial failure of static sites but it still just feels like an over-engineered solution. I know lots of bloggers and so few of them use webmention
Disabled my crosspost to Twitter as I try to figure out how to add the microsub endpoint in Known.
↩️ @aaronpk Is it much easier for non-static sites? Is there a "webmentions in a box" WP plugin?
↩️ Yep! https://wordpress.org/plugins/webmention/ It's completely self-contained, no external services, and integrates with the native WordPress comments system.
↩️ Just to counter-balance the frustration - I want to give huge props to Remy for building http://webmention.app and Aaron for building http://webmention.io. Love the fact that there is a community building solutions here.
[KevinMarks] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
↩️ Ok! First webmention officially sent. Still had to post manually using http://webmention.app but hopefully will solve that shortly with a little RSS cron job
aaronpk, what was your display solution for posting while on an airplane?
display solution?
RSS cron job is a nice approach. Similar vein: I check for changes to a sitemap.txt.
if you support websub, then the webmention sender could simply subscribe to your blog's feed
and automatically get notified when it updates
Yup, that’s the plan in the end.
aaronpk: Weren't you improving it recently?
I have a few services using the sitemap, and it’d be better to move that ugly to one place. At some point I’ll probably implement a combined hub/publisher/
WebSub is a little strange though. The hashing is cool, but the payloads are not quite as I expected them to be.
That said, I don’t know what I was really expecting! I suppose JSON because I’m all about SOA and that’s not really the point here.
you can simply ignore the payload
and only see it as "the url has changed" signal
That’s true. Use it as a trigger hook instead.
GWG: the only real offline posting interface I have is Teacup
aaronpk, I meant... didn't you change the textual description of your location when posting on a plane?
yes, haven't touched that since building it
I like it
One thing which stood out is the signature and header.
It looked familiar, and then I realised it was a generalisation of what GH uses, which I’ve worked with before. https://crates.io/crates/github_webhook_message_validator
[qubyte]: lol werent you just complaining about multipart uploads? WebSub uploads the exact contents of whatever file is being subscribed to :)
which means if you subscribed to a jpg URL then you'd get a jpg posted to your websub subscriber
But now I need to make a general version of that crate and I don’t remember rust.
Oh really?
I must have misread. I interpreted it as sending RSSish snippets.
were you reading superfeedr docs?
Sorry, don’t mean to sound complainey 😅
that'd be why
Lemme bring up the spec.
superfeedr does a bunch of stuff outside the spec
I’ll read the proper thing this time.
afaik there was the idea to only send the changed parts of a feed to subscribers
the one exception is to allow specifically RSS and Atom to remove entries
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
but that's just because it's historical from PubSubHubbub and we wanted to maintain backwards compatibility
afaik Superfeedr is the only one that does that
(because nobody else has taken the time to implement it)
in general websub isn't super widely adopted yet either, so we'll see how it shakes out, whether people want to carry that diffing idea forward into other feed formats like jsonfeed or microformats
Brilliant! This makes me very happy. It means some little things I’ve been working on aren’t wrong.
but for now the spec is clear that anything other than RSS or Atom must deliver the full contents of the document
This is part of why I proposed a session for it in Brighton, but the lack of adoption meant nobody wanted to chat (or did, but wanted to chat more about something in a parallel session).
i should test and submit phubb to the websub implementations list
I tend to use JSON stream quite a lot, so things work out really well for individual payloads.
I was talking with one company about this, they wanted to send only a single item in a feed to subscribers, but their API typically would return like 10 items, so we realized that if you redefine your "document" to mean "only the most current item" then you can get away with sending only one item in the websub payload
which means subscribers may lose some
if they only rely on the data posted by the hub/publisher
Where this diverges from the feed use case is that my services don’t care about historic data.
(so I can gloss over this)
I need to read the subscriber spec more.
this was in the context of authenticated subscriptions, so the server would be keeping track of whether a particular subscriber has been notified already
but yeah the risk of sending single items is subscribers may miss notifications
This is a problem with webhooks in general though.
The hub could repeat until success with some backoff I suppose.
also the flip side is the subscriber is then relying on the hub to reliably send every notification
I have this problem with swarm's web hooks. sometimes they just don't fire
And if items have an index, then the subscriber _could_ issue regular requests to a server for indiviual payloads it might have missed, but that’s outside the websub flow.
so I have to have a separate polling task to check the API to see if there are any checkins I missed
or rather if there are any checkins that swarm failed to send to my webhook
Stretching that index a little, you could poll an endpoint which only responds with the last index.
A bit of a hack though.
frankly this is where the whole webby model breaks down an I start to wonder if what we really need is some sort of proper synchronization protocol
client-server (so not so similar) but interesting: EventSource provides just enough in its spec to know when stuff has been missed, and upon reconnection the browser automatically sends the last received event ID (so the server can immediately send stuff missed in the gap).
It depends on the server sending events with IDs and keeping a queue though. Those often go unimplemented.
Looking forward to the day when mentions of webmentions replaces mentions of pingback/trackback. #IndieWeb #WCUS
Naive question… Does it seem bad to build a combined hub and publisher? Since it’ll only be for my site it seems like a way to avoid some state and code bulk.
totally fine
cool beans
the reason for separating them in the spec is to let the hub scale independently of the publisher
if you don't care about that then you can build them together
Yup, that’s how I was reading it.
This will be private stuff to begin with (webhook standardisation only), so big lumps of stuff like discovery are going to be skipped.
It’ll be signature verification and not a whole lot else.
Probably some decisions around topics too.
Thanks again for the help! 🙂
[tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
a bit of discussion today on the bridgy facebook email notification experiment. tldr: we're 0 for 3 on facebook backfeed approaches: API, emails, scraping m.facebook.com (logged in). all fully attempted, none really work. sigh. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/854#issuecomment-548844715
[snarfed] agreed on all counts. i share your frustration! i actually wrote that crawler you mentioned, a bit ago. www.facebook.com uses JS, so crawling that is hard, but m.facebook.com (with a logged in session cookie) is pure HTML and eminently scrapeable,...
Now waiting for the Fitbit API shutdown for my privacy…
↩️ thanks for the feedback! @aaronpk is right: static sites will generally struggle to do anything outside of their build step, ie anything not directly triggered by their author. webmentions are just one of many examples.
gRegorLove, gxt, KartikPrabhu, [LewisCowles], [chrisbergr] and [tantek] joined the channel
what is fitbit
FitBit is a hardware device and service for tracking exercise, sleep, and other physical activity https://indieweb.org/FitBit
wait who bought FitBit? that should go in the dfn
Google bought fitbit
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
i’m now wondering if samsung wearables have any good apis
cause much to my behest, if i can’t get my info easily like i can with Fitbit right now, that’s a blocker 😄
also may just be one that i bite the bullet on and stick with, like i do gmail
[KevinMarks], [dougbeal], [jgmac1106] and McLovinDiscord[m joined the channel
↩️ I'm exhausted. So much duct tape. But - finally the beginnings of webmentions appear across the site.... https://t.co/OuxargskaI
[snarfed] joined the channel
↩️ At the bottom of every post there's a "webmention stuff" tab that you can expand that is totally experimental right now but will begin to populate *things*.... More to come next week.
KartikPrabhu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ What did you end up doing for client-side JS rendering for webmentions? @fluffy has a great project https://github.com/PlaidWeb/webmention.js which I've found makes it super easy to use
krychu, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], wgirl_, [Michael_Beckwit, strugee and [grantcodes] joined the channel