#dev 2019-11-03

2019-11-03 UTC
[tantek], [grantcodes], [jgmac1106], gRegorLove and [dougbeal] joined the channel
jamietanna[m], fyi, your webmention reply had source=https://www.jvt.me instead of the post permalink
[tantek], [Michael_Beckwit and gRegorLove joined the channel
gRegorLove interesting, I'll look into that today, thanks! It may be how I'm collecting the links and then sending it via mention.tech / mention.tech
handy site for matching free/open fonts from Google http://femmebot.github.io/google-type/
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[aaronpk] just seen the comment about indielogin.com PRs
Kaja__, beko_ and [fluffy] joined the channel
[gRegorLove] I dunno anything authoritative about indieauth with port numbers but I am glad client IDs can have them when I’m testing my implementations at localhost:5000 or whatever
!tell aaronpk I've addressed PR comments on the two blocking PR's, but I may have just borked the heroku one. I have it on multiple machines so once the supporting work is in or closed I can decide the best course for fixing that one up
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell gregorlove do you mean https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2019/11/lbjkz/ ? When I send the Webmention, it seems to have the correct post URL. But I have seen this with webmention.io where it says it's from my profile URL because I've got an author h-card inside the post itself, so I think it gets confused between multiple `u-url`s?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tonz], asymptotically and [frank] joined the channel
Goodmorning Indieweb. I am testing an implementation of webmentions with the https://telegraph.p3k.io/send-a-webmention. I have a blogpost on https://frankmeeuwsen.xyz/2019/11/03/webmention-op-domein/ that mentions my homepage on https://diggingthedigital.com/. When I try to send a webmention through Telegraph I get an error message “The source document does not have a link to the target URL or domain”. But it does. So where could the error
and how can I fix this?
When I try https://mention-tech.appspot.com/ (thanks [KevinMarks]!) with the above parameters, I get the message the webmention is succesfully sent. But on the receiving end nothing appears in the backend of my comment-section...
It looks like my homepage doesn't show a webmention endpoint. moving to #indieweb-wordpress
[jgmac1106] and xdecimal joined the channel
[LewisCowles] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
aaronpk: [LewisCowles] left you a message 2 hours, 34 minutes ago: I've addressed PR comments on the two blocking PR's, but I may have just borked the heroku one. I have it on multiple machines so once the supporting work is in or closed I can decide the best course for fixing that one up
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[frank] adding the endpoints is less work than setting up a wordpress surely?
[LewisCowles] I am working as a regular user. WordPress users are more and more accustomed to the idea that stuff "just works" when you install it. When it doesn't, they don't want to get their hands dirty by adding stuff to functions.php or wp-config.
[frank]: "“The source document does not have a link to the target URL or domain" means exactly that, chances are there's a difference between the link on your xyz page and the link you gave Telegraph
So telegraph isn't even trying to send the webmention yet
[aaronpk] It turned out my homepage wasn't showing my endpoint. See #indieweb-wordpress for more steps I took.
That would be secondary to this problem
[Kasper_Nymand] joined the channel
okay now that I actually removed the delete command from the GitHib ftp action it is much faster....and hopefully I can revuild the mess I made on my server
vilhalmer, [chrisbergr] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek], [manton] and [frank] joined the channel
[aaronpk] well... Once I added the endpoint the exact same setup worked.
Sure is.
I will test some more tonight. See if I can reproduce it again.
[chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106] and TrevorDiscord[m] joined the channel
[aaronpk] OK, so here's the test you can try yourself. On https://diggingthedigital.com/ (the homepage) I turned of my endpoint. I made a blogpost on https://frankmeeuwsen.xyz/2019/11/03/webmention-op-domein/ with a link to the homepage https://diggingthedigital.com/
On Telegraph I put the xyz-URL in the source field and target gets https://diggingthedigital.com/. When I press Send Webmention I get the error "The source document does not have a link to the target URL or domain"
-d target=https://diggingthedigital.com/` I get back from WordPress `{"code":"pings_closed","message":"Pings are disabled for this post","data":{"status":400}}%`
Sorry for the messed up formatting in the above message
[aaronpk] I think I found the issue in WordPress. At the specific page to receive the webmention, you need to enable trackbacks and pingbacks on that page. This is turned off by default in WordPress and you need to enable it in the Discussion settings. It's a bit of a trick but it seems to work now.
ok yeah that's what I suspected... the xyz page has a link to "https://diggingthedigital.com" without the slash at the end
so when you tell telegraph that the target has a slash, it looks for the exact URL on the page and doesn't find it, so doesn't try to send the webmention
Ah yes. I overlooked that one. I tried it again and now I get a more correct error message
↩️ With indieauth you log in with a domain. It looks for the auth endpoint specified at the URL. In my case it’s this: https://github.com/muan/site/blob/master/_layouts/default.html#L9, which redirects to GitHub. http://micro.blog reads from my RSS feed generated by Jekyll because I don’t need it to host the blog.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
can you nest a list inside a paragraph element or is that a no-no?
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: you can write it up and test in a browser
depends on what you mean by "can" heh
browsers will deal with it, I dunno if it's "correct"
you can check how browsers deal with it. If they close the <p> automatically and ut the list outside then I would go with that directly in the markup
tomasparks and [frank] joined the channel
thanks I am trying to work on my following posts: https://jgregorymcverry.com/notes/2019-11-03-2 but in a way I can just lift the list element for my following page: https://jgregorymcverry.com/following with the dream of one day automating
ignore weird looking footer messing with that too
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I also learned you can't have an h-card in your e-content and use Bridgy to syndicate
well I am using display:none but I figured out how I want my nav to work..and I am then back to no javascript...using a min and a max media query I move the nav from my header to my footer at 1200px
[jgmac1106] Why do you use a list at this point at all? Wouldn't a span do what you want?
for the follow post....I use the li and a span so I can properly hold an h-card in the li
or do you mean for the footer...I dunno...because nav has always been a list for as long as I have done things
No, I mean your h-card. you can nest several spans
so then I can use flexbox on the following page. Everything is manual, so if I use the li in the u-follow-of note, I can copy and paste to /following...I get out of sync when it takles too much edits
I have a bunch of folks to add to my following page...just experimental for now
Hi, sorry for the potentially very silly question but I am currently reading the webmention spec while adding a webmention endpoint to my site.
If I choose to asynchronously process the webmention and return 201 with a location, what should actually be present at that URL? Should it respond with a different status code based on if that webmention has been processed or not? Thanks
asymptotically: not silly at all. we left out the definition of the response body because there wasn't enough consistency between live implementations at the time the spec was published
there's been some experimentation since then: https://indieweb.org/Webmention-brainstorming#status_page
in other words, right now there aren't many tools that do anything with the result of that programmatically, but it can be helpful for debugging to show something there that's human readable
ah thank you, I thought that I was missing something :)
[chrisaldrich], gRegorLove, [tonz] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] h-card in h-entry is fine for bridgy publish. your attempt failed because it was (or had) a u-follow, and bridgy publish doesn't support POSSEing follows. https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1572810541&key=aglzfmJyaWQtZ3lyVQsSDVB1Ymxpc2hlZFBhZ2UiLmh0dHBzOi8vamdyZWdvcnltY3ZlcnJ5LmNvbS9ub3Rlcy8yMDE5LTExLTAzLTIMCxIHUHVibGlzaBiAgMCR87OTCgw
publish error messages could always be improved though, feel free to file an issue if you want!
aeddi[m], nofwayyDiscord[m, eshohetDiscord[m, cesarosumDiscord, leoalvarezhDisco, test123Discord[m, bekoDiscord[m] and Kongaloosh joined the channel
thx snarfed, that makes it easy, and I will kep probably finding ways to break things
also means i don't have to think about how the heck to handle the twitter handle as inside or outside the h-card
gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
thx snarfed, that works fine and it is a decent workflow to add the person to my /following page at same time
[manton] joined the channel
[rhiaro] #550 POSSE following/friending someone new
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
gRegorLove: jamietanna[m] left you a message 12 hours, 46 minutes ago: do you mean https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2019/11/lbjkz/ ? When I send the Webmention, it seems to have the correct post URL. But I have seen this with webmention.io where it says it's from my profile URL because I've got an author h-card inside the post itself, so I think it gets confused between multiple `u-url`s?
!tell jamietanna[m] yes, I think that's the post. The webmention I received had source=https://www.jvt.me, target=https://gregorlove.com/2019/11/awesome-maybe-ill-give-it/
That was direct to my site; I'm not using webmention.io
gRegorLove that's interesting. I wonder if it's either me sending them wrong (doesn't seem to be from my logs) or the receiver you're using suffering from the same issue as webmention.io
It's a custom plugin I wrote, so it's possible, though I'm not having problems with other webmentions. The above was taken from my received logs
Your parsed mf2 lgtm, home page is only in your author h-card so I don't think webmention.io should have problems with them
I know your site sends webmentions frequently, is it on every page load? Maybe it's because your reply is still on your homepage
Heading out for the evening, I'll check in later.
snarfed, really I am hoping an export follower list (h-card directory) gets added to social readers, and readers add u-follow-of to micropub
Minority edge-case != Keep Bridgy Simple
yes! adding follow/unfollow to bridgy publish would be fun. definitely add thoughts to the feature request issue! ^
a first step would be to encourage more people to actually publish u-follows, since bridgy prefers to follow usage in the wild
I am so far behind on this...I was posting in in Known...and then addign to reader and /following...got a good manual workflow now
well best way to encourage folks is to just keep using Bridgy in the wild, yeah I am just experimenting trying to get the use case and design down
bridgy fed also already supports u-follow, both directions, so
wait..confused. I thought the original point was, "a u-follow, and bridgy publish doesn't support POSSEing follows." so what is difference between "supports both directions" and POSSE?
_bridgy fed_
(branding fail)
[jgmac1106]: essentially bridgy fed != bridgypublish
yes it was me reading too quickly more than branding fail
been letting micro.blog handle all that for me. I tried using the micro.blog websub endpoint to go ->Known.mb->federated site couldn't get it quick enough
probably me doing something wrong meant Known->m.b->Twitter
[tantek] joined the channel