jamietanna[m]gRegorLove sorry my implementation to fix that is still a bit ropey so not quite working. It definitely does resend currently, on each redeploy of the site
@swentel↩️ And we have code! The module handles (un)subscribes from hubs and receives notifications from them. Microsub feeds can use WebSub too so there's less polling. Discovery can happen on microformat pages and rss feeds for publishing! (twitter.com/_/status/1193143730435510272)
@swentel↩️ Thinking about this some more, WebSub would probably be an interesting addition to core as part of the Open Web ideas, maybe even more than webmentions are (although they are cool too of course) #indieweb // cc @dries (twitter.com/_/status/1193145729746911232)
djmoch, asymptotically, ad87657Discord[m, dqxDiscord[m], fauno, fauno_, [manton] and [schmarty] joined the channel
jeremycherfasI'd like a way to get a picture of the various ways in which I move about, other than walking. At the same time, I often forget to start or stop when I hop on a bus or a tram.
Loqivoxpelli: [jgmac1106] left you a message 2 weeks ago: every time I try to register for webmentions.heroku.app I get a failed to add domain...wondering if I already added my domain and can't remember
[LewisCowles]updated an older WordPress plugin to add media playback speed controls, stripped jQuery, separated some JS, added comments, experimented with 10up GitHub actions to get the plugin out and made a GitHub embed image https://github.com/CODESIGN2/media-playback-speed
[LewisCowles]It's a free plugin I spent some time on so that I can continue to control WordPress media playback speed. It has a number of practical applications
[LewisCowles]you have to keep on top of these WordPress plugins in order to not have them warn people that it hasn't been tested in {X} versions of PHP, but also someone raised a support request.
[LewisCowles]since the support request, which turned out to be a dead-end, I added a feature request I'd received some time ago to work with playlist shortcodes, and then I did a bit of work I'll finish up later so that people can control general playback speed on a given page if they are a power-user (doesn't need shortcode).
[LewisCowles]If I leave tooling to rot, then I have to find someone else, or rewrite anyway. I use it in some places to speed up people that talk too slowly, in other places to slow-down audio in foreign languages or for people who speak too fast.