[fluffy]Personally I think maps should have the aspect that best fits the information being presented. A vertical aspect works very well for Seattle, for example. (I assume you’re talking about the geographical kind and not, like, site maps or whatever.)
[Rose]That Shortcut would need re-creating for iOS 12, but it’s a simple one. Turn on the share sheet options, let it accept images. Add the action “flip image” and then the action “share image”
[Matt_Hobbs]Hello, I have a question about sending webmentions. Is it possible to do it using only JS via cross-origin Ajax? I've been hunting around for examples but haven't had much luck. I don't see anything mentioned on https://indieweb.org/Webmention-developer#Libraries either. Maybe it just isn't the way it is supposed to be done?
[Matt_Hobbs]Fetching and displaying them I have no problem with, I'm just a little stuck with giving users an easy option to send one e.g. "Written a response to this post? Let me know the URL using the form below:"