#dev 2019-12-02

2019-12-02 UTC
gives Loqi a bad webmention
gives back the bad webmention
[tantek] and [fluffy] joined the channel
oh yeah aaronpk did you see the conversation jacky and I had late last night regarding a stray webmention from the http version of my site via webmention.io? I was wondering if it’d be possible to find out what IP address it came from, which might help to solve the mystery
I missed that
The mention was to https://v2.jacky.wtf//post/indieweb-challenge-2019 and came from both http and https versions of https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/3640-My-IndieWeb-Challenge-2020-aspirations. My own mention logs show that I only sent one for https, at a different time than Jacky’s thing showed it as having come in.
[Jacky Alciné] My IndieWeb Challenge!
let me see if I have the IP address in the logs
all of my native mentions should have come from or 2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fedf:b0de
i'm confused, jacky's site doesn't use webmention.io
it doesn’t?
no, there are no webmentions stored in webmention.io for his site at all
huh, so it doesn’t
let me recheck my logs, I was probably way-brainfarting at 3 AM 🙂
that's to his home page
oh, that’s the mention to his home page
I see that one in the logs, and I see only one webmention from the https version of your post
okay well regardless my logs only show mentions going to v2.jacky.wtf from the https version, not http
also apparently I am not logging IP addresses
which is as intended. Pushl respects rel=“canonical” after all
ah, oh well.
Okay so the mystery deepens, what the hell sent the webmention from the http version of my post to his post?
but *didn’t* send it to his homepage…
and, for that matter, sent the https version of my ‘like’ post but not the http version of that
that does mean it might be in his logs
My ‘like’ post mentions goes through the exact same machinery as reply/mention posts
so it could possibly be something from indieweb.xyz or news.indieweb.org? those got pung from my blog entry but not from my ‘like’ entry
those wouldn't send webmentions
yeah and even if they did, I’d only send mentions from the https version
so I mean there’s no way either of those sites would have known about the http version
gah this is so bizarre
I see that telegraph sent webmentions from your http versions
oh, interesting
I don’t use telegraph
did jacky set up the superfeedr telegraph thing?
What’s the superfeedr telegraph thing?
Maybe I set something up with telegraph back i nthe day but forgot
I think jacky set it up for his site
which means something is being made aware of your http addresses, and superfeedr is finding those
okay then that makes sense. I have people subscribing to both http and https of my blog feed using superfeedr, and I do ping both http and https there as a result
since like, websub needs to know about both of them
well, mystery solved. Now the question is: what to do about it?
I am purposeful about supporting both http and https on my feeds, and I wouldn’t want WebSub to be an https-only thing
It’d be trivial for me to turn off http WebSub support though, and probably not make that big a difference
I have so many feelings & opinions about so much of the thread spawning from this but for now I’ll jut leave this here for 🍿🍿 dev-value https://twitter.com/larsrosenquist/status/1200765420543840257
YAML: the result of people ignoring the lessons from JSON (the result of people ignoring the lessons from XML). Now we’re ‘coding’ infra with 3000 line typeless, indentationsensitive markup, escaping it, then embed it in another 3000 line typeless, indentationsensitive file.
Enh, that’s kind of a disingenuous take given that YAML and JSON came out at roughly the same time
became popular at different times tho
also https://twitter.com/larsrosenquist/status/1200766827145641985 um there’s this thing called “node.js” that maybe he’s heard about
Would you code your infra in JavaScript? Sounds terrible right? Then why go with YAML which is even more terrible?
Aaronpk so many gems in that thread tree
Speaking of gems
feed file << Example implied criticism, silent unnoticed failure of invisible non-DRY content: “oops I just realized my photos *feed has been broken for a while” - aaronpk 2019-12-01 indieweb-dev
ok, I added "Example implied criticism, silent unnoticed failure of invisible non-DRY content: “oops I just realized my photos *feed has been broken for a while” - aaronpk 2019-12-01 indieweb-dev" to the "See Also" section of /feed_file https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=66804&oldid=40578
my micro.blog followers are probably about to get a bunch of photos all in a row now
strugee joined the channel
ironically the reason it was broken was because I generate my jsonfeed by parsing my microformats HTML to avoid coding everything twice
and when I redid my photos page to be a grid, I didn't include the published date because there is no visible place for it
so my mf2->jsonfeed converter failed because it was expecting a published date
Aaronpk, similarly I’m basically tweaking / fixing my separate code path for my Atom feed *specifically* to optimize for micro.blog consumption
now a new side effect is that micro.blog won't get the captions in my photos anymore because they're not on that page anymore
Aaronpk check out how [Rose] solved that
With her photo grid
It’s quite clever
She built it at Berlin2
(Her photogrid has progressive disclosure captions IIRC)
(Maybe dates too)
hm I can't find her photo grid page
Anyway, larger point being, there are UI solutions to such things (properties invisible by default but still discoverable/visible thru gestures)
Try the demos notes from Berlin2
Chat archives from demo day?
no links in the chat archive
Dang I know she showed it!
You’ll have to wait til she wakes up
Though I think [schmarty] had a clever photo grid captions UI solution too
oh yeah his appear on hover
[schmarty] joined the channel
It's not mobile friendly at this point but you can see it at https://mmg.re/photos
Oops I don't https on my short domain
digitalice joined the channel
lol this comedy of errors. "photos" is exactly six characters and gets picked up by my newbase60 date decoder.
Freelance developer here, looking for gigs
hmm, I just thought of a weird corner case that my site causes in webmentions and there’s no clear solution… if I change the title on an entry, that also changes its URL. Which means a new set of webmentions gets sent out. But nothing sends out a new webmention from the old URL, so nothing will ever, like, update that.
I guess this feeds back into my old webmention endpoint wishlist
in principle, in my setup, Pushl will see that the old URL disappeared and so it’ll try to re-send mentions from it (assuming that it was deleted), but when it goes to check the URL for targets it’ll get redirected, and nothing in Pushl is smart enough to handle that case.
I guess that’s a thing I could add though
I have the same problem
I tombstone the old page and send webmentions then.
what is tombstone
tombstone is a replacement entry with null or marked data for a deleted entry that is especially useful in h-feeds since it is defined and supported https://indieweb.org/tombstone
my old url sends a redirect, so I need to get it to send a webmention from the old url too
Is there a tool to validate MF2 markup? I'm writing a .NET library for handling MF2 parsing and serializing.
And I'd like to validate it with an external tool as well.
depends on what you mean by validate
i'd say there are three layers:
1) use a microformats parser to visually check that the parsed output looks like what you intend: https://php.microformats.io
2) use https://xray.p3k.app to see if some consuming apps find what you are intending to publish
3) use https://monocle.p3k.io/preview to see what your feed looks like in a reader UI
what are microformats
microformats are extensions to HTML for marking up people, organizations, events, locations, blog posts, products, reviews, resumés, recipes etc https://indieweb.org/microformats
what is my website is your API
growls at loqi
digitalice_ joined the channel
so now Pushl supports redirections 🙂
cramjaDiscord[m] and mblaney joined the channel
That was fast
TIL that Quill shows more confirmation info when you've signed in now
mblaney joined the channel
takev[m], for parsers, there's also a test suite https://github.com/microformats/tests
[microformats] tests: Microformats test suite
and I see that Jacky’s endpoint doesn’t track ’em
I wonder if any webmention endpoints do
sigh, and my late-breaking bugfix ended up breaking rel=“canonical” support, go figure
so I guess news.indieweb.org doesn’t look at rel=“canonical”, huh 🙂
(fortunately that wasn’t in the released version)
I don't think rel canonical is mentioned in the webmention spec
what behavior would you expect to happen?
comes bakc in
what am I not tracking?
[jeremycherfas] and cweiske joined the channel
yo so aaronpk
re: your p3k suite of stuff
when you do the sign in flow and you notice that people don't have something like microsub or micropub
do you point them anywhere?
(doesn't have a page immediately to test it but he will)
I'm thinking about adding more explicit documentation
hmm looks like you kinda do (at least on indielogin)
[Rose], [KevinMarks], asymptotically, jeremych_, jeremycherfas and [tantek] joined the channel
Article from chat that I think every dev needs to read when they consider building things “for other people”: https://jenngineering.glitch.me/hello-world-except-keybase/
General point: no, adding your technology fairy dust (crypto, pgp, blockchain, “verification” etc) will not solve fundamentally human/design problems, and may actually make them worse
See also, maybe beta test with a more diverse set of users before launching “to everyone”? See also Google Buzz
MesaDiscord[m], braditzDiscord[m, LethalLadders041, wcharginDiscord[, peatDiscord[m], chmanieDiscord[4, Tianyi[m]1, matschafferDisco, drbh[m], NatoBoramDiscord, yabirgbDiscord[m, CantiTurtleCoinD, TeamIanDiscord[m, Lilz|BetaMe[m], CatManDoooDiscor, oed3Discord[m], buztedDiscord[m], PeevesDiscord[m], abhi_Discord[m], pierreboc[m], KarlDiscord[m], skillman623Disco, JaoheahDiscord[m, olizillaDiscord[, Keegen[m], plindner[m], carstenmunkDisco, gorhgorh[m]1, NastyEbilPiwateD, oed3[m], flower88Discord[, thomasbDiscord[m, mikeal[m], jmank88Discord[m, SmileRobotDiscor, Giyomu[m], iKonixxDiscord[m, AXEL-Lee[m], M0zAND1zDiscord[, Crocodillian0001, PhoenixDiscord[m, gtsDiscord[m], M3baidDiscord[m], mZDiscord[m], silent_ActivistD, gauthamDiscord[m, MMMMaggieDiscord, sachaDiscord[m], gnunicornDiscord, sacha[m], Hsiu-PingNichola, gregjeanmartDisc, Canti0001[m], tadpole256Discor, JustMaierDiscord, KartikPrabhu, [LewisCowles] and [manton] joined the channel
jacky: I've done it a couple different ways. Quill leans heavily toward providing detailed info on what to do next to get things working
hmm okay
I've leaned on linking out for that
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
it might be a bit more verbose
well not _might_
it is, lol
Yeah that's pretty good
I think I do something like that with monocle
quill was originally supposed to be just a tool for people to debug their micropub servers
oryxshrine6555[m joined the channel
lol they grow up so fast
oof I should actually add the URLs for 'enabling' micropub on one's site
lol I happened to check the noblockchain hashtag on Twitter and it's got so many unintended lulz https://twitter.com/hashtag/noblockchain
I'll stick with (no # blockchain) I think just to make a proper point
in particular when I use hashtags that happened to be noisy with blockchain BS
@jmckenty @starbuxman thanks for the citation! You’re right, needs a refresh, and updates in particular for Slack & GitHub (using threads, @-mentioning, etc.). My GitHub advice will start with #OwnYourData (no #blockchain) per https://indieweb.org/issue ... https://tantek.com/t53s1
gxt, dougbeal|iOS, swentel, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, [schmarty], [Ramiro_Ruiz], [grantcodes], [dougbeal] and [Rose] joined the channel
jacky: LWA is looking good! I get an internal server error trying to read my Twitter channel, ID A2aoN6LSvQ5Mi70STimN7zqX
thank you!
Only feed in there is from Twitter Atom
In console I'm seeing websocket errors "Unexpected response code: 400" but I don't think it's causing any UI issues. Maybe uBlock is blocking something?
nah that's a bug
I'm going to throw in the towel and add sentry lol
it's 2019 - I should not be splunking in the logs like this
what is websocket?
It looks like we don't have a page for "websocket" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "websocket is ____", a sentence describing the term)
literally setting up a self hosted version of sentry right now lol
is doing this because he's already paying for a server that's like 10% utilized
jacky++ it really is great despite my bug reports, haha
jacky has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (92 in all channels)
cries in pre-pre-alpha
[jgmac1106], [fluffy], dgold and kckasumi joined the channel
Maybe I'll work on moving indiewebify.me off Silex this month. It's not maintained anymore and it requires symfony libs that have a CVE now
[schmarty] joined the channel
gRegorLove++ that sounds great!
gRegorLove has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
ayee that'd be dope
def something I link people to a lot
This PR of mine has been reviewed but not merged, should get that done first: https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/pull/80
kckasumi, testy and [tantek] joined the channel
takes a look
hmm, "note" is useful for many folks who include a brief self description / mini bio
this is in templates/validate-h-card.html.php line ~95 in the diff view
gRegorLove other than that, looks good
would you like me to make that formal in a review or ... ?
takes a look
e.g. keep the line(s) with "Add a note/bio!"
and maybe replace with something more clearly actionable like
"Got a brief bio like a Twitter/Instagram bio? Add it to your own h-card as a note property!"
Makes sense
we want to help guide people toward creating an h-card that is semantically a replacement for what they typically have on social media
I can test with Zegnat's profile since note is the one property he doesn't use :)
Happy to oblige
Always the edge case
Heh, guess we should update it so Travis runs on something newer than PHP5.5 too :D
I don't remember where it's deployed, we should check what PHP version is running there
looks like appengine
They have at least 7.2 available
I never found a good way to display a note on my site.
The joys of playing with GitHub actions for the first time: the maintainers of the action breaking your setup https://github.com/shalzz/zola-deploy-action/issues/5
[Zegnat] #5 Latest commit breaks building without flags
ok, trying it with php72. That's what my dev copy is running so hope it goes smoothly
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[gRegorLove] #80 Update h-card validator
kckasumi, chrisaldrich and KartikPrabhu joined the channel