jamietanna[m]Re automatic POSSE convo from earlier - since I'm now able to syndicate to Brid.gy (plus other destinations) I'm thinking of auto POSSE for notes and Ie twitter interactions to twitter. I also don't want to have to tick the box each time - but may be nice to display it better in the UI? Even if it's a "default ticked"
[tantek]I don't think pre-checking is interesting all by itself IMO. I think if you do precheck and then show something like a *preview* of what will get tweeted (e.g. ellipsed if too long, with permalink at the end) then that's useful and you can use that as feedback to edit your original note accordingly.
[tantek](my own UI always shows me that preview, and doesn't have a checkbox. I do algorithmic determination of which posts get syndicated where or not)
[KevinMarks]Can you please have a look at /webmention and see if it is clear - I'm trying to make it more spec-like as the more complex Text :~: Selection proposal is pushing hard at the moment
[tantek]ohhhhhh I see what happens, it shows the previous photo immediately (which is unexpected / surprising) and then eventually (10s later?) the photo you clicked shows up
[Michael_Beckwitjamietanna[m] the repeated sending of past mentions. I still see them cropping up in my comments area, so i'm wondering if it should have been solved already or if you're still working on details
[tantek]is the weird string on the end of the event URLs its actual ID? It looked like noise on the end of the slug so I tried dropping it and got a 404
jamietanna[m][Michael_Beckwit that's odd, it should only now resend if it's not already sent one, or if it had issues sending. What's your domain? I can check it out tomorrow
[tantek](I was trying to fix it, to link to the new events, but there's at least Pullman missing for now, so going to revert until we haven't event/venue parity)