#dev 2019-12-20

2019-12-20 UTC
[dougbeal], atj[m], jedimaster2810, lool1, ashuman, [tantek], jjuran, shah^, [Rose], leg, swentel and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
asymptotically, [Sadik_Shahadu], [Rose], jgmac1106 and [Rose]1 joined the channel
Who does auto posse when they post, out of curiosity?
As opposed to an affirmative action, like a checkbox
I want to think about the feature
Me! I use Zapier to auto post things to Twitter and LinkedIn in specific formats.
[Rose]1: It's the reasoning people use to make that decision I am curious to hear a broader set of opinions on. So, for example, how do you decide what automatically posts to LinkedIn, or is it everything?
I may want to add some notes on this to /POSSE
Only blog posts and podcasts post to LinkedIn for me.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
So I do it based on post category for those. Kind dictates what goes to twitter though.
[davidmead] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
reply contexts get hard, I would like buttons or radials to decide on per post level, but also be able to decide what is checked by default
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Always auto posse with a bit of intelligence. Twitter always, Instagram + twitter if it's an image, replies / likes only if they are to the specific silo
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
not sure if that integrates well, but maybe this would be something where a hook for custom code is a good starting point, and then see after a while which options community members have implemented, and then polish those as full features, if you aren't sure what's good options right now
(in the context of WP)
I just want to document for now
jgmac1106 and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
PSA: TIS THE SEASON TO CHECK YOUR FORMATTERS, PEOPLE TIL that Java's DateTimeFormatter pattern "YYYY" gives you the week-based-year, (by default, ISO-8601 standard) the year of the Thursday of that week. 12/29/2019 formats to 2019 12/30/2019 formats to 2020
goes and checks indigenous
ok, we're good ;)
This is cool. With https://b2evolution.net/ as a blog script you get as many blogs as you want with webmentions on one install. As a CMS you get the mentioned blogs, plus photo gallery, forums, a manual publisher and a group projects tracker in one install.
gwg I found this: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/WrQZqX we could use CSS animation to have the candles light at appropriate times
ben_thatmustbeme and asymptotically joined the channel
[Rose] and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG, did you find any documentation on automatic POSSE? I think most of it assumes automatic POSSE, and "manual POSSE" is the exception that is called out
chrisaldrich joined the channel
[tantek]: So far, didn't see any discussion of it on the wiki...so I may be searching the wrong term
By the way, Micropub seems to assume manual
GWG, because most of the POSSE documentation assumes automatic
It doesn't have a prechecked option for syndication targets, does it?
because frankly, that's how I started doing it because why would I want to bother myself with another explicit step in my UI?
it's back UI to keep adding steps
*bad UI
bad UI to make it extra steps, bad UI to give lots of extra checkboxes that a user has to waste time reading and understanding before they can take their action
[tantek]: That's why I want to improve mine now that I added another one
good design makes choices that benefit the user and the user's intentions
I like being able to choose whether/where to POSSE my posts
Why does Micropub not have a setting to check by default?
"lots of checkboxes" is one reason why people call things "complicated"
so that's why quill has checkboxes for it
or toggle buttons rather
aaronpk, I understand your personal preference, but I think folks (GWG) are assuming that's good UI design in general, which frankly, it's not
[schmarty] joined the channel
haha i'll wrinkle this up a bit and say i would like the option to put a syndication link on a post when i create it on my site 😂
however if i'm replying to something on twitter, then I always want that to POSSE to twitter and it would be annoying if I had to check that button
it's good for your preferences, but not for users in general who are actively *hurt* by each additional step and option
sometimes i have already posted it to whatever silo and am manually re-creating the post on my site
aaronpk: I like the choice as well
[schmarty] that sounds like a backend issue that the backend should intelligently handle, not something to burden the user with posts-vs-POSSE-accounting to keep them balanced
But I am asking why the endpoint can't say check by default
manualuntilithurts has 3 karma over the last year
(i don't have time to build "check my twitter to see if this new content matches my latest tweets" into my site)
GWG, right, this is why people use IFTTT, they set it up to automate something and then just let it run. it doesn't bother them with checkboxes every time
[schmarty] that's fine to admit it's patching over a backend weakness, rather than actually intentional UI design
i don't concede that it's a backend weakness. who wrote that into my requirements document? 😂
I mean you did in your statement "sometimes i have ..."
https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/#h-syndication-targets - Is it worth proposing an optional property in the syndication targets?
GWG: i'm not sure I understand what you're suggesting
I suppose I'll run into these questions/issues if/when I implement micropub on my site
aaronpk: syndication targets are what Quill uses to generate the checkboxes, correct?
Minimum properties are uid and name
Why not a property that if present, tells Quill to precheck that box?
tantek: i don't follow your reading. i described a situation where i have posted something on a silo and want to copy it to my site with a syndication link. my micropub endpoint would happily accept a post like that, but i am not aware of any clients that will construct that post.
I'll stay away from the larger plumbing questions/issues, but I will say that the way Known implements syndication buttons for silos is much more elegant UI than checkboxes.
chrisaldrich: screenshot?
So, people who want it always on or always off get to tell the client that?
gotcha. that does seem reasonable
reduces clicks for the common cases
I think adactio does something similar
see /create for his UI screenshots AFAIK
i'd probably have twitter selected as a default, then I wouldn't have to click it each time
Trying to figure out a name for the property? Is that default?
no, default sounds different, that's why I was confused
why does that need to be in Micropub
[tantek]: because of the situation GWG just described
[tantek]: Because different people have different preferences
aaronpk: checked: true ?
the micropub endpoint tells the client which syndication options to show to the user. he's talking about adding a property that tells the client to enable an option by default
If the Micropub endpoint wants to handle syndication entirely, it would show no targets and just posse itself
Here's an example, though only one button that changes color: https://boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/known-syndication-button.png
chrisaldrich: yeah I dont think any of us mean literal checkboxers
Often it's easier on most interfaces to click a slightly larger button than a checkbox.
but in terms of interaction, that's still a checkbox
I mention it because GWG's metabox in WordPress uses checkboxes.
I use big buttons in quill, but they're also effectively checkboxes since they're toggleable
[dshanske] #23 Additional syndicate-to property
chrisaldrich: I could use buttons
Quill is a solid experience too, though it might be better on desktop if they were horizontal buttons (to take up less screen space/scrolling) instead of vertical (which is a better experience on mobile).
that's a thought
GWG, if you do go buttons, think about that ^^
not sure how to deal with the flexible label size on the buttons that way
It's not too distracting to me.
I do try to keep my target names rather short and sweet for just that case though.
Foursquare Tip? That's an interesting target... Anyone else doing that?
what is Foursquare?
Foursquare is a venue reviews, recommendations, and lists silo based on its previous location-based checkin support, a feature that was spunout to the separate Swarm application which still shares some data back & forth with Foursquare https://indieweb.org/Foursquare
[Aaron Parecki] Syndicating My Tips to Foursquare
[chrisaldrich] anything there? /Foursquare#POSSE
[tantek] I'd looked and it was all checkins related (from before Foursquare pivoted to Swarm branding)
GWG, this is one of the big challenges of good UI design
if you ask people if they want lots of options, they say YES
[tantek]: Yes, but I refuse to do checked by default for posse without more intelligence as to post type
however if you actually *user test* people with simple UIs with fewer options, vs more complex UIs with lots of checkboxes etc., and measure *did they get the task done* and *did they feel good about it*, the simpler UIs with fewer options always win (as in overwhelming majority of users)
so saying "different people have different preferences" avoids doing the hard work of what preferences actually make sense to just decide on by default and implement that first
[davidmead] joined the channel
Chiming in quick (as I have UX i my title) - beware sing buttons, especially lots of them, as this can be confusing for users. buttons are usually only one or two and mean an action, like submit.
expectation is usually “i push/click this and I’m done”
I like the toggle switch control that known and adactio use for that reason
i saw that [schmarty] ;-)
toggles, checkboxes, and radio button arrays convey ‘choice’
a button is usually a final step
Also in thinking about a broader IndieWeb future, there's a liklihood that there are more syndication targets (like IndieNews or IndieWeb.xyz), which means many more toggles over time.
asking a user if they “always want to send posts to…” when they toggle can be a good way to change preferences with them having to think about it and hunt around for it in the settings
see also Swarm's subtle syndication toggles to Twitter, FB next to the check in button
they're so subtle they're ignorable, that's another way to do it
(though they do still clutter the UI)
and they're sticky too, that is the toggled state sticks across checkins
[asuh] joined the channel
interestingly swarm's syndication buttons are nearly the same as the "cancel"/"check in" buttons below. they're just circular instead of ovals
I like the idea of having a sticky toggled state, but GWG is also dealing with a dozen or more post types (notes, likes, replies, etc) and far more targets which complicates the plumbing and choices combinatorially.
Swarm has the benefit of being a checkin unitasker with only a couple of syndication targets. That level of simplicity makes the UI an easier thing on both sides of the dev/user equation.
An example closer to what he's talking about is the massive plumbing involved in setting up /SNAP, which couldn't have been fun to code, isn't fun to configure as a user, and even when done well isn't much fun to use on a day to day basis.
what is snap?
SNAP (Social Network Auto Poster) is a POSSE plugin for WordPress https://indieweb.org/SNAP
[chrisaldrich] I feel like you just described the average/typical WordPress Plugin UX
[tantek] It's not far off, but I'll also note that /SNAP is one of the most massive and ugly ones that I've seen, particularly if you're attempting to syndicate to more than one target.
(from having observed many WordPress users struggling with many WordPress Plugins, both in setup/config, and in use)
Not far behind that are some of the big SEO plugins, which might also make some good UI case studies.
aaronpk's talk about home automation with NodeRED has me thinking about visual flowchart-like tools for POSSE/PESOS
GWG, if he where here, I suspect that snarfed would pull out the example of https://snarfed.org/2015-11-29_keep-bridgy-publish-dumb
bridgy publish is the only service that needs to be bridgy publish :}
GWG, another way of looking at the solution is to offload some of these decisions to the UI that micropub clients want to build in or support. Just provide the minimal basics in WP or your platform of choice and let the variety of micropub apps sort out what users may or may not want?
I am trying to figure that out
swentel, jjuran, [Rose] and [schmarty] joined the channel
https://nicolas-hoizey.com is now built with @eleven_ty ! Not everything works yet (search and webmention for example), but at least I can build it, and it will improve during next weeks.
[tantek] joined the channel
↩️ He falsely accused someone who helped rescue children trapped in a cave of being a paedophile when they pointed out that the microsub he sent wouldn't work