jgmac1106I create an RSS feed of any flickr photo I favorite and add it to my img credit page, looks like flickrs fav rss feed though publishes by date photo was added and not when I favorited
bekoThe description of https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/indieweb/ suggests G+ that is basically RIP [for public usage]. Mayhap a good replacement would be Mastodon now that Bridgy and Granary started supporting this too.
Loqi[IndieWebCamp WordPress Outreach Club] Beschreibung
The IndieWeb Plugin for WordPress helps you establish your IndieWeb identity by extending the user profile to provide rel-me and
h-card fields and optionally adding widgets to display this. It also includes a bundled installer for a cor...
KartikPrabhuthere seems to be lot of "search engine" logic like hiding the fragmention from the end page, which is really not useful for anything I know
jamietanna[m]aaronpk: What do you think about adding support to Aperture for raw parsed MF2 data? I've just added support for generating an `h-feed` MF2 in https://meetup-mf2.jvt.me/Nottingham-AWS-Meetup/events (blog post is in the process of being written!) with the idea that it'd be cool to subscribe to it from Aperture and keep up to date with all my events
jamietanna[m]Hmm ok - I've tried adding it but I'm getting `No feeds were found at the given URL`, not sure if it's that maybe it's not the same format that it's expecting?
[schmarty]hmm. i had my aperture's watchtower die for a while. is there a way to kick it to notice it is time to check feeds again? it's just sitting at watching tube watchtower.
aaronpkthe trick is xray will need to actually look at the object there so that it returns false if it finds a single mf2 object like h-entry rather than actually a feed
jamietanna[m]So I guess instead of re-parsing the MF2 JSON (as MF2), we'd parse it as JSON, then check it's a feed, and if so add the feed URL to the list of feeds?
aaronpkyeah so similar to how that line I linked looks for some jsonfeed properties in the json, you'd do the same but looking for some signs of mf2 json