#dev 2020-01-14

2020-01-14 UTC
[snarfed], chrisaldrich, petermolnar, tg-z, [Rose], eli_oat, DigitalOilDiscor, [jgmac1106], [fluffy] and [dmitshur] joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
[tantek], [schmarty], deathrow1|absnt, tg-z, FreeDrakeTickets, cweiske and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
aaronpk: XRay is picking up my activity+json (because WP doesn't have MF2+json?) and therefore missing my syndications, so I can't post to indienews
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
looks like someones gonna have to build mf2+json template_include filter for mf2-feed plugin, I'll take a smash at it over the next week or 2
[Marlin_Forbes], armaniferranteDi, simons and swentel joined the channel
#webmentionってもっと顧みられてもいい企画だと思うんですけど、いまいち採用されないですね, at January 14, 2020 at 06:00PM! https://ift.tt/2tfWme6 https://t.co/2CrdBJFMFN
sgreger joined the channel
I built this mainly for my personal use, but in case any Kirby users are interested: https://github.com/sebastiangreger/kirby3-selfauth (wrapping Selfauth as a Kirby3 plugin)
[sebastiangreger] kirby3-selfauth: A modified version of Selfauth as a Kirby 3 plugin.
rainw6ter, rainw7ter and simons joined the channel
Ruxton: There's an issue open for that
[ngm] #78 Conflict with XRay's parsing of microformats
The problem is precedence
Ruxton: I had wanted to build that, but there is no way for plugins to coordinate on this matter indirectly
Ruxton-WEB, simons, rainw7ter, jeremych_ and [Marlin_Forbes] joined the channel
GWG: yeah I looked deeper after writing that and came to similar conclusions.. not sure what the solution is for best of both worlds, I want activitypub, but XRay is in soo many things.. even if the plugin was respecting order, XRay is rightly (arguably) putting activity+json as it's 2nd order in Accept header of request
[Rose] and simons joined the channel
Ruxton-WEB: Fortunately, pfefferle and I coordinate
[jgmac1106], jenelizabeth, simons and wgirl joined the channel
sgreger I pulled away from Kirby a bit as I couldn't get the webmentions working but I still have the site up,
sgreger++ for the plugin work
sgreger has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
[tantek] joined the channel
(Note that the quotes tweet is yet another blockchain pitch and someone else already called it out as no blockchain needed)
quoted* tweet
It’s also interesting to watch the blockchain and ActivityPub advocates argue ... on Twitter, with neither of them actually using their own technology to argue. Sad
What is Twetch?
Not sure why this is not obviously being pointed out
It looks like we don't have a page for "Twetch" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Twetch is ____", a sentence describing the term)
(Also from the quoted tweet thread)
and the usual right wing "deep state social media companies be censoring us because they hate America" vibe in thread..
haha is this good or bad or sad?
matsugenDiscord[ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Whoa bye bye user agent strings
@mikewest @ericlaw I chatted with @yoavweiss about this at CDS! As the current owner of our UA string, I’m super supportive of this 😊
[schmarty] joined the channel
[miketaylr] Hey @yoavweiss - sorry for the delay here. I've been having discussions with Tanvi and @martinthomson about the User Agents Hints proposal and here's some draft language that could maybe result in a position: ---- ### Description The UA Hints pr...
Everyone is on board
I mean the decision makers for the three browsers
haha it's very much worth clarifying!
dietricha, KartikPrabhu and gxt joined the channel
Huh thought it was still being debated
Will read up on the hints threads
dietricha joined the channel
this will break so many things
but I also welcome it
it looks like they're going to freeze the UA string, not remove it, so nothing will break, it'll just become useless in the future
"It's not broken, just useless" is a heck of a statement
lol no it makes sense
anything currently deployed that's sniffing user agent strings will continue to work
Definitely going to be some interesting fallout on sites that rely on sniffing
anything fingerprinting from user agent strings will also continue to work, but in the future, the fingerprinting will result in everyone looking the same
They will continue to sniff! Unclear if they will continue to work
Thinking of old bank and gov sites that sniff for IE and refuse to work if they don't find it, for example. Maybe they're all offline at this point. 🤷‍♂️
they're already super broken
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
I used one the other day that refused to work in safari and said "please update to the latest safari" which it absolutely was
[davidmead] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
my bank website is total dogshit
@Citibank So I have to use your shitty website that is not responsive so I need a magnifying glass and is choking in ads disclaimers, popups and has navigation based on your org chart not my utility. This is a phone screenshot. In 2019. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EHzfRP0XkAA8HEh.jpg
lol wow
[asuh], strugee, rainw7ter, [snarfed] and [generativist] joined the channel
welcome [generativist]!
Has anyone seen a Jupyter/IPython static site generator that is indieweb-friendly?
!tell cleverdevil and anyone else who gets podcast info from Overcast, have you noticed any weirdness lately, with episodes skipped and things like that?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
with jupyter you can export the notebooks - could you put the code rom IPython into one?
ah, hang on they were IPython - the instructions are in the footer of http://kitmarks.com/titanic_survival_exploration.html
finalize your work by exporting the iPython Notebook as an HTML document. You can do this by using the menu above and navigating to
*File -> Download as -> HTML (.html)*.
what is Jupyter?
Project Jupyter or simply Jupyter is a non-profit, open-source project evolved out of the IPython project to include Julia, R, etc https://indieweb.org/jupyter
what is IPython?
IPython is a command shell for interactive computing in multiple programming languages, originally developed for the Python programming language, that offers introspection, rich media, shell syntax, tab completion, and history https://indieweb.org/ipython
[KevinMarks] Yea I did my entire dissertation in Jupyter/Ipython and used pandoc to convert it to latex
and i generate my old blog from them
I think it may be a good project to clean up and offer for me to get to know the ins-and-outs of indie better
while onboarding datascientists
that you can run python code in the browser with it is rather nice
yea, i think almost entirely in Jupyter Lab now
whoa, use of whitespace to drastically alter presentation and meaning in notes: https://twitter.com/MissSaltySoul/status/1170695814211145728 (I expect Loqi to butcher this)
not doing shit feeIing because anxious i feeI because I'm anxious not doing shit 🤝 me
yup. This is why linebreaks matter in /note posts, and if you're collapsing them into spaces, you're losing information
hah awesome
gRegorLove joined the channel
The Slack preview gets it right
what is whitespace
It looks like we don't have a page for "whitespace" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "whitespace is ____", a sentence describing the term)
hard to translate to IRC without taking up a bunch of lines
already does when Loqi expands notes from my site
this is literally a problem with Loqi *only* with tweet expansion
the flip side of that is if Loqi does spew a tweet onto multiple lines, then it won't show up right in the logs
[Tantek Çelik] hosting Homebrew Website Club SF! 🗓 17:00 tomorrow (2020-01-08) 📍 @MozSF 🎟 RSVP & more: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/01/homebrew-website-club-san-francisco-5UBvPIXX0gi0 ✉️ Join us! @AnoukRuhaak @JackyAlcine @benwerd @dietrich @AndiGa...
the logs look for that twtr.io link and then format the line differently
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
oh wow the logs look broken for both
despite the expansion of my permalink looking correct here in Slack
(with linebreaks)
I can fix the logs for your post, but not for the tweet
I suspect the newlines are already in the storage file
yep css makes the line breaks on your post show up
I checked the source. my newlines are in the log HTML. so that should be fixable with some CSS like: white-space: pre-wrap
well that's one improvement at least (for the logs)
why can't Loqi keep the linebreak chars for tweet expansions as well?
I said that already
the logs look for the twtr.io link at the end of the line to format the line specially for tweets
so if it's across multiple lines then the autolinking won't work
seems like if the logs are doing special work for the tweets that would be argument *for* keeping and handling ws in tweets, not against
yeah i'm not writing that code lol
wat "across multiple lines then the autolinking won't work"
looking for contiguous text across multiple log lines
now I'm really confused
swentel joined the channel
ok there are two different things happening with tweets
[generativist] I find jupyter to be a bit RAM-hungry, so I also do python munging using generators as coroutines
my note has autolinked URLs in the logs and linebreaks so.... ?
the tweet expansion when you drop a link from chat would probably work the same as mf2 url expansion, where IRC would get it as multiple lines, but the logger sees it as one message
but when tweets are dropped here from search, the logger sees each line as a separate message
anyway this is so not my priority today
commiserates, spent way too much time fighting whitespace in bridgy/granary
haha, lost half a day on a newline exception in a string in java. Let's ban enter :)
what is whitespace
whitespace is the space between words and lines of text, including line-breaks, and is used deliberately on the IndieWeb to format note posts in a particular way, like to indent lines or make text lists without markup https://indieweb.org/whitespace
that'll do for now. needs examples, issues, gotchas, etc.
oh and earlier sections
yup, was just there to drop a link
leg, [schmarty], [Marlin_Forbes], [benatwork], dougbeal|mb1, shrysr, wgirl_ and jenelizabeth joined the channel; ad87657Discord[m left the channel
chrisaldrich, stevestreza, [KevinMarks], jenelizabeth, gxt and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Whitespace is a reason some micropub clients don't work for me. Especially poetry.
And the whole two space thing part of the reason I was never sold on markdown
KartikPrabhu and [generativist] joined the channel