#dev 2020-01-18

2020-01-18 UTC
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
The IndieWeb and Webmentions https://buff.ly/38lkdYR by @ttscoff Hmm ... integrating social media activity and webmentions (modern day pingbacks) with a static website through 3rd party services never occured to me, but it sounds easy enough!
[snarfed] and [AlisonW] joined the channel
Just thinking about identity markers, I think there's a qualitative difference between the following, but is there really?
* domain.tld
* subdom.domain.tld
* domain.tld/sub
* domain.tld/~sub
and if a / is accepted is there a limit of just one, or more? What about obvious get parameters (?,&, ;)
in the context of what exactly?
have you read this section that talks about indieauth profile URLs? https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#user-profile-url
Around the idea of provable control / ownership / identity issues. Hadn't looked closely at spec - will do so.
yeah we tried to address that kind of thing in indieauth, but there was also that issue that was brought up here a couple days ago
jenelizabeth joined the channel
Yes, seeing that discussion pass by when catching up prompted my thought. Interesting that IP address is banned as my IPs are more fixed than the domains which may point out them!
Point _to_ them
And of course many IPv6 adresses use the MAC which is pretty fixed too. 😀
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Well, MAC addresses are modifiable in software.
[dmitshur] joined the channel
jgmac1106, superjen96 and jenelizabeth joined the channel
kitt, [Michael_Beckwit, nickodd, chrisaldrich and [snarfed] joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit, __sun__, KartikPrabhu, jenelizabeth, superjen96, jeneliza_, jolvera, jgmac1106, Pacer and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ @fvsch You could use http://brid.gy to get webmention notifications about it.
↩️ @fvsch You could use http://brid.gy to get webmention notifications about it.
↩️ Does it make a kind of report page or dashboard I can read? I'm not interested in adding webmentions to the bottom of my articles.
↩️ It calls your webmention endpoint, what you do with them is up to you. http://Brid.gy does have a summary page. You can delegate to http://webmention.io or http://mention.tech which than have json endpoints for you to check, or write your own.
↩️ It calls your webmention endpoint, what you do with them is up to you. http://Brid.gy does have a summary page. You can delegate to http://webmention.io or http://mention.tech which than have json endpoints for you to check, or write your own.
scandichainDisco, [jgmac1106], jgmac1106, gxt, [chrisaldrich], nickodd, [Sadik_Shahadu], chrisaldrich, [snarfed] and techlifeweb joined the channel
[snarfed]: I'll check with my host about the 406 error Bridgy is getting with techlifeweb.com. What's odd to me is that Bridgy, Twitter and my site work fine. Instagram, not so much.
techlifeweb and NinjaTrappeur joined the channel
[techlifeweb] thanks! and it looks like your bridgy twitter stopped working years ago: https://brid.gy/twitter/techlifeweb
unless you mean a different account?
aaronpk: That idea for a draft scope for IndieAuth Micropub...where is a good idea to document it?
[techlifeweb] feel free to reconnect your bridgy twitter, just click the pause button on that page. login should work fine since it's different than Instagram, but it'll be a good test to see if webmentions etc work
Okay, so under there.Good
oh nm, sorry, your Twitter is fine after all. https://brid.gy/twitter/TechLifeWeb
[snarfed] #884 usernames should be case insensitive
and you're right, oddly bridgy twitter is fetching https://techlifeweb.com/ just fine. confirmed in this log of it doing OPD just now: https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1579367598&key=agdicmlkLWd5chgLEgdUd2l0dGVyIgtUZWNoTGlmZVdlYgw (apologies it's slow, need to add caching)
that is so weird
[snarfed]: heh, never noticed I had that old lowercase version of twitter on bridgy
my fault. sadly not easy to fix systemically. (see issue above.) sigh
[dmitshur] joined the channel
A small realization about the reversal of order when working with IndieAuth compared to OAuth 2.0.
nothing too profound, but I thought it was neat.
when authenticating a user via OAuth 2.0, you generally "authenticate" first, and learn information about the user second. then you have an authenticated user.
when authenticating a user via IndieAuth, you _first_ discover information about the user, before they're authenticated. then you authenticate them. finally you have an authenticated user.
(I'm aware that authenticating users via OAuth 2.0 is kinda abusing it because it's a protocol designed for authorization...)
I realized that I haven’t been syndicating content to http://Mastodon.social in a while, but now that I’ve made some changes to my site and now get responses back via http://Brid.gy, perhaps I’ll change that? (https://boffosocko.com/?p=55764956)
henkvuitton joined the channel
[dmitshur]: yes except that with OAuth you first are making an assumption about what server the user is on
if you wanted to avoid that you'd have to have some initial step that asks the user what server they're on, and then that starts to look similar to IndieAuth
yeah. I should've been more specific in my example by saying "when authenticating a GitHub user via OAuth 2.0".
ohh definitely not next week, but I will be in NY in feb!
I hope we have another HWC event by then
although my schedule got complicated that week so I can't remember if i'm going to be there on wednesday evening specifically
Snarfed, I suspect it's not a mark up issue, but the case that Brid.gy doesn't support/use fragmentions to allow the parsing of WordPress comments to reply to/thread Twitter conversations? example: https://boffosocko.com/2020/01/18/55764956/#comment-275545
[Chris Aldrich] It’s been a while since I’ve used it, but I notice that Mastodon Autopost, a WordPress plugin, wants to include titles now (but cleverly ignores them if they don’t exist), but will include an excerpt as the body. It also now allows for hashtags...
our HWCs have been happening on weekdays or weekends depending on when more people can make it, so I hope we can accommodate your schedule!
[chrisaldrich] you mean for publish? yeah not supported right now, https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/445 , but I'd happily accept a PR!
[csarven] #445 publish: support fragment for identifying individual entry
thanks snarfed! I figured as much. :)
snarfed++ for brid.gy
snarfed has 50 karma in this channel over the last year (89 in all channels)
Got the 406 fixed but now I'm getting another mod_security error. Sigh.
Though this one is probably related to indieauth in general because I could never get things like OwnYourGram working
possibly blocking the Authorization header then?
For the sake of future searches, these where the mod_security ids they had to whitelist for brid.gy to stop returning a 406: 340157, 9009999,380122 and 340016
aaronpk possibly. I don't know enough about that stuff.
I enter my URL on https://brid.gy/instagram/start?feature=listen&x=126&y=23&scope= and I get a page saying "An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security." not too much to go on other than Mod_Security issue.
krychu joined the channel; techlifeweb left the channel
what is mod_security?
mod_security is a web application firewall for the Apache web server https://indieweb.org/mod_security
ok, I added "https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2020-01-18/1579374490093200" to a new "See Also" section of /mod_security https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=67932&oldid=64204
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, jenelizabeth, superjen96, DigDug, techlifeweb, wagle, [snarfed], [Michael_Beckwit and [dmitshur] joined the channel; nickodd and techlifeweb left the channel
ok, believe it or not, I might be nearly done with my web sign in support for IndieAuth (and RelMeAuth with GitHub).
what's next is reviewing and cleaning up the code.
if anyone wants to try to sign in to https://dev.dmitri.shuralyov.com/login with your site and let me know how it goes, I'd appreciate it.
but I don't see any large remaining things to implement and it seems to work securely as far as I can tell.
[dmitshur]: cool!
I just tried it and I have some legacy code in mine but it caused an error
if you add Accept: application/json to the auth code verification request then it'll work
do you mind sharing what the error was?
got it; let me try
because the first draft of indieauth used form-encoded responses, I had to make my site return that by default unless explicitly asked for json
i'm definitely an edge case here because it's been a while since that was the default
dmcweeney joined the channel
I do see `Accept: application/json` header shown in the example at https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#authorization-code-verification and I have no problem with being more explicit in my request.
especially since I check that the response has Content-Type json hehe
Does anyone know how I would remove sidebars from this page: https://drewmcweeney.com/category/freeyourmindblog/ ... I removed the sidebars for the rest of my site but this category page has sidebars. I used CSS to get rid of all the sidebars on my website so is the CSS the same? And if so, would I need a page ID to do it? How do I access a page ID from a category page?
My CSS that I generated to remove sidebars is (this is an example for one page): /* Remove sidebars from page "Electronic Music" */ .page-id-4048 sidebar.s1.collapsed, .page-id-4048 .sidebar.s1.collapsed, .single-post .sidebar.s1.collapsed { display: none; } .page-id-4048 sidebar.s2.collapsed, .page-id-4048 .sidebar.s2.collapsed, .single-post .sidebar.s2.collapsed { display: none; }
chrisaldrich joined the channel
[aaronpk] thanks for catching that. it should be fixed now, can you try again?
techlifeweb joined the channel
dmcweeney, how did you remove them from the rest of the site?
When I look at your site at 100% zoom in chrome, it shows up so large as to cut the sidebars off, but it looks wonky as a result.
I did this for the rest of the site:
.page-id-4048 sidebar.s1.collapsed, .page-id-4048 .sidebar.s1.collapsed, .single-post .sidebar.s1.collapsed { display: none; } .page-id-4048 sidebar.s2.collapsed, .page-id-4048 .sidebar.s2.collapsed, .single-post .sidebar.s2.collapsed { display: none; }
except each page had a different id #
which theme are you using?
Humean theme - If you go to this link: drewmcweeney.com/category/freeyourmindblog ... you will see the two sidebars, yet all other pages don't have the two sidebars
while you're using display: none, the data still all appears, it just doesn't render. You'd probably be better off removing the code that renders the sidebars altogether.
this is an image of what it looks like
dmcweeney, this may be a simpler way of removing the sidebars everywhere: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/how-to-remove-the-sidebar-in-wordpress/