#dev 2020-01-19

2020-01-19 UTC
I recommend you create a child theme and remove the sidebars from that instead of the parent theme.
What is a child theme?
It looks like we don't have a page for "child theme" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "child theme is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Here's some details on child themes if you need it: https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Themes#Child_Themes
Thanks-Now, if you look at this picture that shows a page on my website, you can see the sidebars are gone:
So I am interested as to how I am able to remove the sidebars for that page, but not for the category page
[fluffy] joined the channel
are you using the pro version or the free version?
How do I find that out?
You'd have paid money for the pro version.
jgmac1106 may have some familiarity with this as I think he used that same theme a while back.
I have the free version - I use reclaim hosting
do you want to keep the sidebars anywhere on your site?
Only on the front page (which is currently how I have it). I removed the sidebars from the rest of the pages and blog posts on my site
However, that category page I showed you has the sidebars and I don't want the sidebars on that category page - I thought the category page had a page ID but I don't see one
you could create a custom view for that particular category in your theme and remove the code for the sidebars that is indicated in that article I indicated above. That may be the easiest way to go.
You'd copy the standard for all pages and then create a custom one for that category and remove the sidebar code from it. This may help: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/how-to-create-category-templates-in-wordpress/
I'm curious how you removed them in all the other pages? Hopefully you didn't write a huge number of CSS Rules that hid them all on a one-by-one basis...
[dmitshur]: it works!
Woohoo! Thanks for trying Aaron :)
This was via your own authz endpoint, right?
@chrisaldrich I wrote the same CSS rule but changed the page ID for each page
The CSS rule I wrote was:
techlifeweb left the channel
.page-id-(enter # here) sidebar.s1.collapsed, .page-id-(enter # here) .sidebar.s1.collapsed, .single-post .sidebar.s1.collapsed { display: none; } .page-id-4048 sidebar.s2.collapsed, .page-id-(enter # here) .sidebar.s2.collapsed, .single-post .sidebar.s2.collapsed { display: none; }
That's certainly a way to do it, but since your site is processing all that data, and all the extra CSS to boot, you're doing it in the most circuitous route possible.
So my thought is that if I use the same CSS rule, it would work. Problem is, the category page ... I can't find its page ID
In your case I'd copy the standard post page php file for your theme and use that as a custom page template for your home and then modify the standard page code to remove the get_sidebar portions.
So my thought is that if I use the same CSS rule, it would work. Problem is, the category page ... I can't find its page ID
[dmitshur]: Yes exactly!
Categories aren't done as pages, since they're archives of posts. Looks like you might do it with "category-freeyourmindblog" instead of a post ID, but you'd likely have to do it for every category on your site as well.
I see you also tried to sign in via your GitHub profile url, that was separate right?
dmcweeney, I'll note that without the sidebars taking up the screen space that your articles now take up the full width of the page and become much harder to read. Most designers would recommend between 50 and 70 characters of reading space across and your site now has almost twice that.
It worked!
I had to change page-ID to category-freeyourmindblog
be sure to do it for your other categories as well... good luck!
be sure to do it for your other categories as well... good luck!
be sure to do it for your other categories as well... good luck!
Thanks and sorry for bothering you!
KartikPrabhu, [Michael_Beckwit, aaronpk, krychu, techlifeweb, xlcDiscord[m], nickodd, strugee, Nespola1, Pacer, [prtksxna], [mapkyca], jeremych_, jgmac1106, [Sadik_Shahadu], petermolnar, doubleloop, xdecimal, dowlandaielloDis and [snarfed] joined the channel
hey [johnjohnston] re https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/911 , could you try disabling and re-enabling publishing on https://brid.gy/mastodon/@johnjohnston@mastodon.social and see if it works then? i've seen this scope issue with mastodon before, but i'm still trying to track it down
[troutcolor] #911 publishing to mastoton stopped working
jeremych_, jgmac1106, [Rose], [grantcodes] and [dmitshur] joined the channel
[aaronpk] As a heads up, I'm planning to send a PR to the indieauth spec to fix up some minor wording inconsistencies in a few places. It was making the spec harder to read (especially when I was much less familiar with it), and I realize by now it wasn't intentional. I found issue https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/13, which was resolved, but the fix was incomplete. My PR will just address the remaining minor issues.
[EdwardHinkle] #13 Subheadings in Section 5: Authentication should all say Authentication rather than Authorization
As I understand, it's always "authZ endpoint" and "authZ code". However, there is both "auth{N,Z} request" and "auth{N,Z} response", and "auth{N,Z} [work]flow".
[jgmac1106], [Sadik_Shahadu], [mapkyca], [tantek] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
I was motivated by a few glaring inconsistencies, but when I started fixing them, I found more... so this change is starting to look big because it takes on quite a bit. I broke it up into 4 separate logical commits (with descriptive commit messages) to hopefully make it easier to review and potentially reject certain parts but keep others, etc.
krychu joined the channel
Een boek uitgeven, eindeloos leren en moeilijke keuzes maken. Dit was mijn 2019 — Rick Pastoor Also on: * http://brid.gy (https://janwillemvandenpol.nl/366-2/)
leg, KartikPrabhu and [AlisonW] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Damn, hoped it would pick the pic, not me
[mapkyca], [tantek], [kimberlyhirsh], [KevinMarks] and erlend_shDiscord joined the channel