#dev 2020-01-26

2020-01-26 UTC
slightly odd question, would adding `rel="me"` with javascript make it recognized by the computers it's intended for? or should it be statically added only?
I’ve changed my mind: I no longer want RSS readers from which you can reply to blog posts via webmention. It completely violates my contention that the social media has too little friction; it’s not a flaw an indieweb blogosphere software ecosystem ... https://bix.blog/2020/01/25/ive-changed-my.html
sivy_ joined the channel
most parsers will not execute javascript so that would be invisible to them
kind of what i figured.
no rel=me on my GoodReads RSS feed url then
hm, aaronpk -- I was testing my webmention markup on this page: http://monkinetic.blog/2020/01/26/#txt-b0c3a1e but this is the result I got from your tutorial page: https://webmention.io/aaronpk/webmention/4eJC40jQ_Pz-jI_CWS8Q
Aaron Parecki has a great tutorial on Sending your First Webmention from Scratch. #webmention #indieweb
Hm that's an interesting one
Oh I see what's happening
you have p-content which means my parser sees only the plaintext of your post
And the link to my site is only in the html href attribute
if you use e-content then it should work since that tells parsers they should care about the HTML of your post
ah, i already fixed it in the templates, will update in a bit
jenelizabeth joined the channel
Hah just got the notification! https://i.imgur.com/HMZZHrZ.jpg
im not sure why the author data did not really work
there's no author property in the h-entry
I'll play more tomorrow
thanks for all the help, this is fun :P
gnite all
thesage1014Disco, [Michael_Beckwit and superjen96 joined the channel
I am trying to figure out what an authorization endpoint should do with a scope it doesn't recognize
[Marlin_Forbes] joined the channel
• ignore it and carry on
• ignore it and carry on and log the attempt
• warn the user and carry on and log the attempt
• warn the user and carry on
• stop the process with a 400 bad request
one of the above 🙂
Right now it allows it to be accepted
With no warning
what do other auth providers do in that circumstance, I'd assume they're strict
I am not sure, that's why I am asking
Prior to IndieAuth, never implemented an Oauth2 type system before
It depends on whether the authorization endpoint is expected to be aware of the scope values. Usually in OAuth it is.
aaronpk: My problem is that the Micropub endpoint is handling permissions. I want to move that logic into the authorization endpoint
Also, since the authorization endpoint doesn't check the permissions of the user, it could in theory grant a scope that does not reflect a capability the user has
But I guess with OAuth, an authorization server is within its rights to ignore scopes provided, and only return the scopes it supports or is happy with. So the client should validate the scopes they've got back from the token endpoint
↩️ It can also make some of it harder, too! My site is a static Hugo site, but for some of the IndieWeb stuff I either need to add client-side JS or write separate services that can run to ie send Webmentions. It definitely works, but is a bit more work as… https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/01/bpq5i/
jenelizabeth and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
@sivy indiewebify.me is a good check for h-entry post markup
[jgmac1106] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
What is Morris?
Morris is a self-hosted PHP service for storing Webmentions from webmention.io in a JSON format that static sites can use to render them without querying webmention.io on each build https://indieweb.org/Morris
[tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk, GWG, one big use case is wanting to use your domain as your identity, while having WP installed and served from a subdirectory like /blog. That’s a good example of wanting WP to handle micropub, but *nothing* to do with auth/identity which you want to control by other means with your own static index.html
This is what [David_Bryant] ran into for example, and I can see it being a very common case
[tantek]: I had him in mind as well
GWG, I figured, however the description you gave was a bit abstract, and aaronpk was (rightly) asking for the specific use case
Always better to start these discussions / questions with the specific use case as context instead of leaping to a developer abstraction
[tantek]: He wasn't the only use case, there were others who just had multiple WordPress bllgs5
Sure, you can expand upon it that way. Point is to always start with a concrete use case, not an abstraction
pfefferle uses web sign in for that, which does work
[David_Bryant] joined the channel
For the moment I'm taking a different path, experimenting with Eleventy rather than trying to build my site as a combination of hand-written HTML/JS/CSS + Word Press, but I still have the WP-based setup operational if there's any testing I can do to advance efforts here.
There's also a relmeauth use case I don't cover
Happy to help describe my use case, too.
[David_Bryant]: Can you add it to that page?
It'll go under the IndieAuth subsection of the 'Use Cases' section in that page, correct?
krychu joined the channel
That makes sense!
[David_Bryant]: Yes, we have a few there now
Working on it now...
I have a lot of things I want to accomplish with the plugin...a lot around hardening
jgmac1106 joined the channel
OK -- first cut at my "hybrid" site use case just added to that page. Happy to revise, correct, etc.
OK has -1 karma over the last year
Ok++ ! :)
Ok has 0 karma over the last year
(I keep forgetting not to use that double dash separator in my comments here. 🙂 )
!tell mblaney you should activate the source code button in TinyMCE for ihazawebsite
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
nvm I found the extended editor button
Going to give ihazawebsite a go this semester rather than one shared instance of Known, don’t think the freenom free domains work, I tried atleast thirty different domains, will see if someone will give me a deal on 25 domains
…or I get one and have to set up 25 subdomains…..fall back plan of last resort
swedneck[m]2, [jeremycherfas], jgmac1106, krychu, [jgmac1106] and aaronpk joined the channel
Oh yeah the /blog use case is a good one
but isn't it more that in that case you don't want Wordpress involved at all with IndieAuth? I don't understand how Wordpress relates to IndieAuth on the domain in that case
aaronpk: It's all the IndieAuth you have
Or are you still trying to use Micropub apps to post to Wordpress but it needs to report your identity url as the root domain
aaronpk: That is it, I think
so you do still want the built in Wordpress IndieAuth endpoint it just needs to be configured to support that case
aaronpk: Corr5
jgmac1106 and krychu joined the channel
No “just” there. That’s one option. The other option is that the user wants to completely control their IndieAuth via their home page independent of WordPress
That should be the user’a choice. Both are reasonable
I'm not saying either are unreasonable. My question was when would you want to use IndieAuth in Wordpress while also having that controlled outside of Wordpress
Having Wordpress completely separate from your home page and IndieAuth is a great option and in that case you don't need the IndieAuth plugin at all so it's not really relevant to the discussion about the plugin
aaronpk: Oddly enough, people do
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ Staticman is one option https://staticman.net/ I’m running self-hosted Webmentions but generally don’t feel the need to have comments: it’s easy for people to write in their own spaces and link back.
[LewisCowles], krychu, jgmac1106, [Michael_Beckwit, Nuve, [tantek] and jamesonq joined the channel
I was just in the #indieweb channel, they pointed me here. Here's what I said:
Hi, y'all. I'm Jameson — just graduating with a stats PhD, looking to have my own indieweb web site. I was looking for something python- or node-based so I tentatively chose redwind. But "last commit, 4 years ago" isn't encouraging.Let's suppose, then, that I'm strongly anti-PHP (which isn't entirely true, but certainly I'd prefer to explore
superkuh joined the channel
other options first).
Let's suppose, then, that I'm strongly anti-PHP (which isn't entirely true, but certainly I'd prefer to explore other options first).I have some experience with Python and Javascript; no substantial experience with Ruby.I'd like to choose something that's reasonably turnkey for now, but which I could conceivably start hacking on in the future if I
decided to.Does anyone here have any advice?
Willing to put in a couple day's work to get something up and running now, but I'd want it to be something where if I got stuck in a time loop, I could do it in under 4 hours the second time around. I'd probably be actually running this on Heroku.
@GWG would 206 partial content be enough?
[LewisCowles]: Context?
jamesonq: I haven't thought of Redwind in ages
The developer hasn't been seen in ages. Maybe you want to work on it
I just want to make a personal website with some basic indieweb functionality, running on something that's not PHP
I was a "programmer" in a past life, but now that I'm a statistician, I probably don't have the bandwidth to do more than minor tinkering
So, I'd like to use something where there's a community, if possible. If that means I gotta bite the PHP bullet, then so be it. But I doubt that I'm the only one who'd prefer not to, so it's surprising to me that there isn't a clearer option
a lot of people build their own stuff and don't necessarily make it open source or productize it into an "off the shelf" thing
I kinda suspect that the right answer is "Use Flask" or "use Django" or whatever, that the indieweb functionality is just a normal part of what one of those packages does these days
i'd say the most mature options that are closest to off-the-shelf are Known or WordPress, both PHP
but there are plenty of libraries for various indieweb components in a variety of languages
GWG sorry, slack hadn't scrolled, I saw your question on scopes
[LewisCowles]: Oh
You said it was returning. I'd probably 206 for any unsupported scope
and there are also services that can handle some of the pieces like receiving webmentions that you can integrate easier than doing everything from scratch
Thanks for talking me through this. Your answer isn't a total surprise. I'm here to get informed knowledge, so I'll stick around a while and see if anybody else has something to say on this.
[LewisCowles]: mixing HTTP codes with application logic doesn't make a lot of sense here. HTTP 206 is something very specific to the transport layer, not something you want to mix in with authorization
Pause [aaronpk], think about it there must be valid scopes and auths (separate to this) in order for it to return content
I'm merely suggesting you indicate that the content does not contain the scope
that's not at all what HTTP 206 means though
it's for HTTP Range requests
[LewisCowles]: The correct is a 400 and invalid_scope as the error message if I understand correctly
if it were the only scope 400 would make sense to me, but you said you were serving content
GWG: you can also ignore unrecognized scopes rather than return an error
without errors
aaronpk: Right now I just accept them
[schmarty] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
@jamesonq if you want python there is publ https://github.com/PlaidWeb/Publ which is actively maintained and indieweb friendly
[PlaidWeb] Publ: Flexible publishing system for the web
Thanks, +[KevinMarks]
Another option as people have said might be a static site generator, then use external services for webmention etc. Hugo is flexible and fast, but in Go not python.
jgmac1106, [AlisonW] and [fluffy] joined the channel
also regarding publ its author is sometimes active on this chat 😉
Oh I totally forgot that was python! You should add yourself here! https://indieweb.org/Python
ah, will do!
Yay, I prompted something good happening :)
[snarfed] joined the channel
jamesonq: I’m building my own in Go, it’s open sourcish but not productized yet
But it runs as a single Binary, so easy to deploy/run
I can share ansible playbooks if you want to play with it
All that said, it’s not terribly full-featured right now :-)
welcome and well done jamesonq++
jamesonq has 1 karma over the last year
often times "just" asking the right questions causes something good to happen
gRegorLove and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
fluffy has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (55 in all channels)
mblaney joined the channel
hi #indieweb-dev
mblaney: jgmac1106 left you a message 10 hours, 3 minutes ago: you should activate the source code button in TinyMCE for ihazawebsite
jgmac1106 I had the same trouble with freenom
Is there any point to my restoring support for RSS to my blog?
did you try following https://i.haza.website/how-to-create-a-free-website? I'm guessing you had the same problem as me, you need to specify the tld you want when searching.