#aaronpkthat's how I feel every time I deal with it, and then inevitably ubuntu has decided that whatever i'm currently using sucks and some other thing is better and I have to go learn that next
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "systemd" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "systemd is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#[LewisCowles]it’s where all logs should go on a modern linux machine regardless of distro. Gentoo, Arch, Fedora & Debian; heck I think alpine bases all do this.
#[tantek]Curious how IndieWeb folks use systemd for what functionality on their sites
#[LewisCowles]tantek, curious what you mean. On systems with systemD, generally it initialises and maintains state of the box from a limited perspective
#[Marlin_Forbes]dynamic servers and such, like a micropub endpoint
#[LewisCowles]limited in terms of being quite black-box, outside looking at things, checking if they are running, if they say they are healthy (regardless of them being so)
#Loqimblaney has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (19 in all channels)
#[jgmac1106]jgmac1106.gq it worked mblaney, going to set my students up today
simons joined the channel
#[tantek][LewisCowles] who here is maintaining systemd in their server, and for what end user feature use cases? That’s what I want to see documented on /systemd
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "systemd" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "systemd is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#[tantek]See if you can answer with how it is relevant to IndieWeb
#[LewisCowles]Honestly, I’m not sure it is at all in the grand scheme of things. At least not mainstream.
#[LewisCowles]I suppose I could add a troubleshooting section, but that is also generally abstracted away by system utilities to be the same for systemv as it is without it
#[tantek]Anyway will leave it to someone who actually uses it to provide an IndieWeb dfn of systemd
#[tantek]cweiske your search example definitely counts!
petermolnar joined the channel
#[LewisCowles]systemd is a co-ordination tool, for maintaining process state and system initialisation for complex sets of services required to run a modern server. It is one of many systems which handle long-running tasks such as application, web and database servers to name a few.
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "systemd" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "systemd is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#[LewisCowles]systemd is a co-ordination tool, for maintaining process state and system initialisation for complex sets of services required to run a modern server. It is one of many systems which handle long-running tasks such as application, web and database servers to name a few.
#Loqisystemd is a co-ordination tool, for maintaining process state and system initialisation for complex sets of services required to run a modern server https://indieweb.org/systemd
#Loqisystemd is a linux system tool, used to run services, like web servers, database servers, system background processes https://indieweb.org/systemd
[Rose], jgmac1106, SweetSense, simons, KartikPrabhu, [LewisCowles] and [jeffpaul] joined the channel; AlepheiaDiscord[ left the channel
[davidmead], simons, [KevinMarks], [Michael_Beckwit, jgmac11061, LisaMarie, [generativist], jgmac1106, tsrt^, [schmarty] and petermolnar joined the channel
#winkwhat's people's take on SSL certs regarding: 1 cert (apex domain + wildcard) per domain or are you using 1 cert for all the domeins on the same host?
#winkespecially for personal/hobby projects, not talking about work and production stuff
#[Michael_Beckwitat least for my personal sites, i just do 1:1 with LetsEncrypt
#aaronpkone cert covering a bunch of domains is harder for me to manage, so I do a cert per domain. i've started to do a couple wildcard certs but that's still just for one top level domain
#aaronpkanother reason not to is that a visitor can see all the domains on the cert so if you don't want someone to know about your other domains, don't use a combined cert
#aaronpkwhich is a variation on what I do on my site
#aaronpkyour h-entry can have a single property which is just a URL to your home page, and your full h-card on your home page can have the photo and such
#aaronpkwhat you need is to make a link from the h-entry "author" property to that h-card
#aaronpkso change your "by Steve Ivy" to by <a href="http://monkinetic.blog" class="u-author">Steve Ivy</a> and drop all the embedded hidden markup there
#LoqiThe authorship testing tool is a service to run the authorship algorithm for a URL. It's sometimes referred to as Sturdy Backbone based on the URL Glitch automatically generated https://indieweb.org/Sturdy_Backbone
#gRegorLoveHm, authorship testing tool is taking a while to load