#dev 2020-01-28

2020-01-28 UTC
backing up to write code to store syndication links in the post frontmatter, then I can go back to the goodreads code
and yeah, the goodreads api is :trash:
so many yaks, so few clippers
or just as often too many clippers
need to confiscate most of them so we bound our shaving
and none of them mention how long they are
can't tell if it's 1/2" or 1/3"
hm, that shkspr link is useful though for the information floww
and yaks never come with a manual so you have to eyeball the size
[tantek], lalilulelo, [cleverdevil], GWG, [snarfed], ElizabethCo and sivy joined the channel; Prabhaav|SimpleI left the channel
Morning all
hands out some orange tea to everyone around
[snarfed]: I added a PR to change the authorship information on Micropub to match the other plugins in the IndieWeb repository. I realized I didn't speak to you about it first
[snarfed]: They attribute ownership to the Indieweb WordPress.org account
launched my indieweb site! https://dansup.com
it only supports rel=me for now ;)
dansup: Got to start somewhere. What do you want to use it for?
I want to finish my webmentions and activitystreams php libraries
I've been here since 2015, it's taken me a while to get to all of this 😅
nickodd joined the channel
dansup: Life often gets in the way
yeah, I am so fortunate to have funding to work on Pixelfed full time. I have big plans for more indieweb integration!
and I know it may not seem much to the average pixelfed user, but adding indieweb support to the follow button on profile embeds can go a long way! https://dansup.github.io/pixelfed-embed/
I can understand.
I am embedded in WordPress, but I have been meaning to play with it for a bit
[Christina_Hendr, exigirl, treora, KartikPrabhu, AshlyeGraam, [Marlin_Forbes] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
It's a great start, h-entry and h-feed are good next steps (for pixelfed too)
cweiske, swentel, swentel_, simons and [tantek] joined the channel
dansup++ congrats! great to start simple 🙂
dansup has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
simple has 1 karma over the last year
I wish I did that more often lol
krychu and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
dansup++ pixelfed looks nice
dansup has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
aaronpk, hmm, going to take a look at what went wrong with indielogin docker tonight. It seems it won’t boot nginx so I wouldn’t deploy it to heroku or merge that PR if I were you. It might be that I’m failing to appreciate something
[Rose], CamilaMorro and simons joined the channel
Shared via Pocket: Automate your outgoing webmentions https://webmention.app/
simons, KartikPrabhu, SofiFlor, jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell mblaney I never got the second email from ihazawebsite after setting up my txt file
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
and google automatically flagged any of your emails as spam, not sure how to best avoid that
I am going to make 25 of these sites, today and tommorow
mblaney never mind the second website was in my spam folder as well
Asking again today...does anyone have a location based archive? Where posts in the same city/state/etc are grouped?
I have seen that on trip posts, where people make collections of posts based on gps of when published
GWG, I think that’s a great idea
Only place I’ve seen it is in Swarm which let’s you filter your history by city or even venue!
You may have to log into Foursquare to see it though
I think it reuses your twitter name if you connected that
Eg mine is Foursquare.com/t/history
I am trying to figure out how to do it, right now has to be manual, I use trackbook, and gpxmotion, but all posts have to be pinned after the fact…too much work
swentel added a trip tracker to Indigenous, I am hoping publishing a collection while on the trip is the next feature
hi jgmac1106 yeah getting email to not go to spam is hard. I do everything I can but the big email providers are the worst.
mblaney: jgmac1106 left you a message 18 minutes ago: I never got the second email from ihazawebsite after setting up my txt file
a collection?
if you're going to put other email addresses in you might want to tell them to check their spam too.
I just need to figure out the how
What is a collection?
A collection is a type of post that explicitly lists and/or embeds multiple other posts chosen by the author https://indieweb.org/collection
using that word to mean “add a post or photo to the collection at the correct coordinates if published during the span of the trip
hmm photo will be easy, but necessarily at an exact point, that would require tons of work
which I probably won't really do unless someone gives me a lot of money :)
*but not
here in the US the Small Business grants will be do soon, around 200k funding, would need a a US entity for a partne…but you have a mature product
cweiske joined the channel
I've applied for a grant from the EU, crossing fingers
swentel but you already capture the coordinates of any post in indigigenous or can. If I wanted to add a post to a trip collection could we use dt-publised to know it was during drip and then use the coordinate to add a linked pin to map
swentel has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (33 in all channels)
that could work indeed
always happy to help read, revise, and edit grants…one way I can help out
I have been using trackbook but they want to keep that dead simple, no pins will be added
I really need to figure out what the heck happened to my tokens on Known, I miss indigineous so much
well 6:15 time to go wake up the house, have a great day all
mm might be related in a way with https://github.com/swentel/indigenous-android/issues/25 although I added a workaround for it
[zoglesby] #25 Known Login issue
thx, displaying webmentions and a micropub client on my main domain is my 2020 goal of the year…but that means building a publishing UI first…..which means ton of learning and breaking first…for know need to get Known working again
RosieRoff and jgmac1106 joined the channel
hm, no i'm wondering about POSSEing to pixelfed :)
for photos
dansup has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
sivy why not use fed.brid.gy and let pixelfed users allow to follow your site directly?
last time I checked, it wasn't fully compatible yet
I try to send a reply now and then on a post there to check, it's an issue with the actor object
no offense to brid.gy, but as long as I'm writing my own blog engine, I'd like to avoid external dependencies
I'm already POSSEing articles and notes to Mastodon as well as Twitter
one-way right now (publishing, not pulling in activity yet)
those are pretty simple as they applu to any "post"
goodreads and pixelfed are going to take a bit pore post-specializatoin
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
↩️ @jerimiahLee what keeps me from chasing further Mastodon integration is lack of webmention support. I can syndicate copies but if people reply I can't keep thread going from my website. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/ujLvO)
Future note: Work and implement Webmentions, a great technology to decentralize the web back again.
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[dshanske] Since I use a Places taxonomy, I have a location archive. Though grouping is not supported
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell mblaney looking for the button to add a new blank page. Is that a possibility yet?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KartikPrabhu, SweetSense, jgmac1106, simons, jgmac1106_ and danyao joined the channel
[LewisCowles]: cool let me know what you find. Also I finally deployed something to heroku so I have a better idea how that works now, tho not with docker
[xavierroy]: I know the plugin in question, that is more like a venue than a region
simons joined the channel
superkuh joined the channel
So, do I store and search by h-address properties?
Maybe by locality as a property?
But then how do I distinguish Portland Oregon from Portland Maine?
I've been wanting to do that but there's a lot of complications
you could group by all three of locality/region/country
but then it turns out that depending on the data source the values might not match for the same area
aaronpk: That's my concern
the obvious example being whether you are storing localized versions of the names or English versions of the names
but even then depending on the location, the "region" part sometimes turns out very different from different data sources
I would love the feature, but it sounds like it would need a more complicated admin tool
Take a look at https://aaronparecki.com/2019/03 for an example of the mess I need to clean up
Until I clean that up I don't really have a way to say "show me all posts from X area"
(Other than actual lat/lng search which has different problems)
aaronpk: I might have to go back in and merge afterward
Which is a pain too
So I might have to implement some logic to minimize it
aaronpk: How consistent if the Swarm data you return? And do you normalize it?
I don't modify the swarm data at all. But it's very different from the reverse geocoder I use
aaronpk: Have you considered trying to merge both?
aaronpk: Or do anything to check the consistency?
I am just contemplating it because of my posts over the weekend
JojoBabie, krychu and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[aaronpk] it might be easier to not deploy to heroku in docker. It looks like nginx image has changed it’s file-system in a way that doesn’t play with this mac. It works on a linux laptop, but that’s not really good enough. I’ll probably look to pivot the button and docker, split into separate efforts
GWG: I don't even know where I'd start with that. It's a lot of data and there's also no clear "correct" way
[LewisCowles]: IMO there's no need for docker for the heroku deploy, it'll be easier to get it running right on heroku instead
aaronpk: Exactly why I am not sure how to deal with it
If you haven't solved the location archives problem...not sure I can so easily
Yeah, I was just trying to get it to be more cloud-friendly with ENV, and docker is a good way to highlight that.
circa 2 hours I’ll be on it
aaronpk: Maybe I will try just storing the info. I am not currently storing location as anything but a textual description and coordinates
Bogie1, [snarfed], jmac, [AlisonW] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
gosh I wish there was a major identity provider that worked without registering api keys
i'm thinking through a setup flow for Meetable, trying to come up with the fewest amount of steps to get an install going
right now it can use github login but that requires going to github to register an oauth app
if I use built-in password login, then I still need you to register API keys to send forgot password emails
[jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I just tried wordpress' install, and it looks like they send email directly from the machine
[schmarty] joined the channel
aaronpk: they do! i bet it fails for a lot of folks.
(due to deliverability issues)
i'm surprised it worked for me just now considering I installed WP on my laptop so it sent it from my home internet connection
this is really annoying, i'm not sure what's the best thing to do
it is the state of things 😞
you could allow login with indieauth as the only out of the box default? 😄
something tells me that wouldn't be a 5-minute install
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
the 5min install is a lie from years ago
it would be for folks that have an authorization_endpoint on their site 😂
I just installed wordpress on my machine and it took less than 5 minutes including screenshotting all the steps
also I didn't have to touch the command line
what about if you had never done it before? and weren’t a web tech person
the only step that had failure points was the database setup
jgmac1106_ and Catalynna joined the channel
aaronpk: yeah I wish the providers would do u/p over SSL and then send you a temporary api auth key
Every site wants you to create an app
darn oauth!
i mean…hi Aaron 😉
I thought there was a simper oauth flow
the oauth flow isn't the problem, it's that every provider requires that you register API keys to use it
that's one of the reasons indieauth doesn't require app registration, because it doesn't make sense in that world
theoretically there's an oauth dynamic client registration spec but almost nobody supports that, and certainly nobody supports it unauthenticated
That's what Mastodon does, right?
I can't remember if they implemented that spec or just did something similar
their docs link to a 404 page tho :/
Does meetable support auth delegated to the HTRP server too?
Thats how it works on indieweb.org with the SSO thing, right?
yeah right now I have two auth options in meetable, github OAuth, and HTTP Remote-User
in the remote-user option, Meetable just looks for the "Remote-User" HTTP header and if it's present it considers the user logged-in, and it's up to the web server to deal with setting that header however it wants
that's how it works on events.indieweb.org, where the SSO domain sets a cookie across the whole *.indieweb.org domain so you're logged in everywhere
Yeah, what I meant
I guess built-in email/password is the simplest option, and sending emails using the local sendmail by default will work some of the time, and that's enough to get started
oh but then I also have to deal with user avatars lol
this is why I rarely try to "productize" my projects :)
aaronpk has 53 karma in this channel over the last year (207 in all channels)
services has 1 karma over the last year
wow lookit that
[Jamey_Sharp] joined the channel
I haven't chimed in here in a while but this is clearly the right crowd to tell about the new version of my WordPress plugin that makes its RSS and Atom feeds provide full history of all posts using RFC5005: https://github.com/jameysharp/wp-fullhistory
[jameysharp] wp-fullhistory: WordPress plugin for full-history RSS feeds conforming to RFC5005
very cool!
now I have to write a step by step configurator without relying on any of the Laravel framework cause it's not set up until after things are configured 😂
oh no. is there a way to start with a minimum config that gives you Laravel at least?
I finally came up with a simple implementation; my earlier versions went through contortions involving writing extra metadata to the database, but this version only uses information that's already there. But I'd love review from people who've done WordPress plugins because this is pretty much my first one, and I'd also love some help with testing
that's a thought
[Rose] joined the channel
Is SMTP easier to set up than other options and less likely to fail? My thoughts are most people can figure out SMTP settings with a screenshot/link or two.
*less likely to fail than sendmail.
[Rose]: maybe? but wordpress doesn't require any email config when it starts so I want to match
Valid point.
I just want to get people to a functional site with the least amount of work, and then you can customize things yourself later if you want to get fancy
I know Mailgun and SendGrid, even Amazon's SES are pretty easy to use, but you need a decent level of knowledge for that "easy" and be willing to spend money on those.
Good thoughts.
what if... there's only one admin account by default and you just set a password? 🤔
aaronpk has 54 karma in this channel over the last year (208 in all channels)
this is what wordpress does, which seems good enough to copy https://media.aaronpk.com/Screenshot-2020-01-28-09.59.47-UuqeZZKZe5.png
Copying an existing, well known, system is always a good starting point.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[schmarty]++ I got laravel booted up enough to be able to use it!
[schmarty] has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (72 in all channels)
aaronpk: There's a mailgun plugin among other things for WordPress
But not during setup, which I think is the focus right now.
Post setup you can provide a tonne of options, but I agree, to start with a minimum viable product with a minimal setup is good.
yeah and I think i'm going to not build a config UI for the advanced stuff. at that point you can go and edit the .env file yourself
jgmac1106_ joined the channel
As long as there's a sample somewhere for people I'm sure you'll be fine.
yeah I documented everything reasonably well in the config file https://github.com/aaronpk/Meetable/blob/master/.env.example
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
setting up indielogin.com without docker on heroku… Which ENV variables can I get away without setting 😂
APP_NAME, BASE_URL, DB_* are required
I should really make it disable twitter/github/pgp if those aren't configured
woot okay now assuming the vendor folder exists, if there's no config found it'll do this instead when you visit the home page https://media.aaronpk.com/Screen-Shot-2020-01-28-12-15-02-Eir9guPSsO.jpg
Nice changes btw
I don't even remember what I changed lol
[jeffpaul] joined the channel
Ooh, nice.
aaronpk++ woo, bootstrapped laravel!
aaronpk has 55 karma in this channel over the last year (209 in all channels)
chrisaldrich and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
now I need to figure out how to tell laravel to run the migrations from within laravel
swentel joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I'm sure there's some sort of API you can use and call
Laravel is dope
there is. now i'm stuck trying to define the DB connection string somehow in code rather than how laravel wants it to be defined lol
why isn't this all built into laravel lol
aha no I need to finish the config setup, create the .env file, then have it run the migrations after
in Procfile `release: php artisan migrate --force && php artisan cache:clear`
[LewisCowles]: I'm also trying to make this work on shared hosting not just heroku
you can also `heroku run -a {appname} php artisan migrate --force` which is equivalent to running `php artisan migrate --force` via ssh
shared hosting would require you to gain shell or point your local machine at your mysql
Dreamhost would fail miserably as it kills composer when I attempt to fulfill laravel dependencies on a shared host
I think mediatemple would be the same
Nope Wordpress installer does not require command line even on shared hosting so that's my goal
so… in the same way you’d bundle your deps locally if on shared hosting, you may also need to migrate from local
right, laravel is not wordpress
it manages it’s dependencies
that's why this is a challenge
the best of kinds
I'm sure someone's done this and documented it
otherwise it's your time to shine aaronpk lol
This brings up an interesting question about upgrades
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
I've just updated https://www.jvt.me/posts/2020/01/12/webmention-notifications/ to mention that I've replaced Pushbullet with Pushover for my Webmention notifications service! Looking forward to getting lots of lovely push notifications, again! (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/01/e7uk1/)
jamietanna[m], is the indigenous push notification an option too btw? Or does it miss something you need?
swentel - I did look into it! But having ~20/hour wasn't quite enough (as if I'm at a meetup I may get more) and getting raw access to the API for Pushover meant I can do things like get peoples' photos on the notification
[Jeannie] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
jamietanna[m], ah yeah, it only allows for strings at the moment
[mapkyca] joined the channel
aaronpk, https://github.com/aaronpk/indielogin.com/pull/57 heroku PoC deploy button. Asks for details but as with .env setup right now the database name and base url are the only things needed. It changes how the credentials not set works, but has been tested in every database configuration.
Migrating is still a manual task
[Lewiscowles1986] #57 Heroku button
wow awesome
I should be able to create a migrate command that will do that automatically
I think the database connection could scan tables after connect and attempt to create if they don’t exist?
not every request of course
i'll probably do it similar to laravel's migrate command
then use the `release` trigger like you were saying
I wonder if for-now heroku has a mysql command I can add to composer.json to be able to migrate sql files
hm if we don't bother with actual migrations, just handle the first setup, it'd only take a minute to write a PHP script to run all the SQL in `schema.sql`
hacked together something for the PR. Just executes the schema.sql. I can drop the commit if you come up with something else, but it has error codes and logging
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
aha. Need to look at logging too
Using a file-logger will make aggregation harder for a heroku or non shared-hosting setup
I'm using a logger library so there should be an easy way to swap it out for whatever heroku wants
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
php://stdin to the rescue 😉
woooowww I got it to work
well that was a project
mblaney: [jgmac1106] left you a message 9 hours, 31 minutes ago: looking for the button to add a new blank page. Is that a possibility yet?
jgmac1106: use the page menu in the top right corner, select "other..." and enter the name of the new page.
if you haven't visited that page before then it will default to private, you can click tools->page to publish it. (and tools->add to add content to it.)
I tend to start with a page called "template" containing some generic content and css, then instead of creating a new page from scratch every time I use tools->copy to start from that page.
Also if that template page has been published, the page it gets copied to is published automatically, so it saves that step.
hm something funny is happening when i'm running this on heroku
it's like when I make a POST request, it sends back a 301 redirect to the same URL
ketudb joined the channel