#dev 2020-01-29
2020-01-29 UTC
# plindner[m] So... what's the best place to find how to debug brid.gy backfill issues on mastodon? Open an issue on gh?
[snarfed] joined the channel
# plindner[m] snarfed: This is for @lindner@social.coop + 1500wordmtu.com - I did have one successful webmention make it, but I'm not seeing anything on older posts. Debug tips? Could I try adding myself to beta-users and see if that gives 50 posts instead of 10? Something else?
# [snarfed] plindner, looks like the synd link on https://1500wordmtu.com/2020/julie actually points to a comment on the syndicated post, not the post itself at https://social.coop/@lindner/103478392544119934
# plindner[m] oh weird.
# plindner[m] That whole post got a little odd and I was trying to fix it manually. A better example would be on the older posts.
# plindner[m] But I'll try fixing that manually (again)
mblaney left the channel
# plindner[m] (hot-patching json on known cms.. oof) -- better example is https://1500wordmtu.com/2019/native-ads-in-your-news-feed-circa-1903 which should map to https://social.coop/@lindner/101394105139057531 -- is there a way to peek at brid.gy's posse mappings?
# Loqi [Paul Lindner] From the January 15th,1903 edition of the Hendricks Pioneer. https://1500wordmtu.com/file/db12f23a17082764326a457c30e3449f/thumb.png
# plindner[m] In the log I see a max of 10 entries fetched "Hit cap of 10 permalinks. Stopping."
[tantek] joined the channel
# [snarfed] as a workaround, if you plug your original post into Resend, and then click the retry button on a response, it works. eg https://1500wordmtu.com/2019/todolindner-attend-tech-debt-conference#comments
# Loqi [Paul Lindner] TODO(lindner): attend tech debt conference
# plindner[m] yes, just saw that one go through...
# plindner[m] I'll give that a go and thanks for spotting my bad manual link editing...
# plindner[m] so where's the bridgy opencollective?
# [snarfed] hah, much appreciated. https://brid.gy/about#cost
# [snarfed] we basically just redirect people back to https://opencollective.com/indieweb
# plindner[m] snarfed: okay, might be time to increase my contribution!
eli_oat, jenelizabeth, KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] !tell gwg in WP couldn't you group photos to location using category or tag? In mf2 use p-category? Not location driven but the logic works
# [jgmac1106] !tell mblaney I figured ot was there. I haza.website is so cool. Fully integrated site builder, blog, and social reader.
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
# [LewisCowles] [aaronpk] got a link?
# aaronpk heroku instructions: https://github.com/aaronpk/Meetable#installing-on-heroku
# [LewisCowles] Just found them… I’m gonna have to give you a button
# [LewisCowles] some of this can be turn-key
# [LewisCowles] it’s basically all your steps, but it surfaces some UI. It’s not perfect (what is right), but it allows people who are not us to interact
# [LewisCowles] What you’re did with dotenv is perfect as heroku has UI for button installers to provide all options, but mark some / many as not required
# [LewisCowles] after install you have to know to go to settings or use heroku cli to set ENV, but it’s workable and not the most awful
# [LewisCowles] You can also provide descriptions for people and use generator methods, but I’m struggling to find the generator methods in the recent docs updates
# [LewisCowles] it says you can use them and gives one examples
# [LewisCowles] okay
# [LewisCowles] apart from attaching a mysql database?
# [LewisCowles] or do we get the person to do that too?
# [LewisCowles] awesome, I won’t ask the user to define any configs
# [LewisCowles] it’s not entirely like an installer
# [LewisCowles] it’s more like what is the system config, an installer would need so you’re not left jumping between system and app deps
# [LewisCowles] btw I’ll find something later which helps heroku parse out it’s database URI’s so you don’t need separate HOST, USER, PASS, NAME params. Those can totally help, but it’s friction with the platform for heroku and cloudfoundry as they typically offer up a URI
mblaney joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] Good example why blankspace should be respected: https://twitter.com/dogtrax/status/1222307780838731776 vs webmention on this https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2020/01/28/smallpoemstormented-by-desirei-sought-refuge-in-verseto
# @dogtrax @jgmac1106 I sit beneath this flower - a refuge in verse Never before did I wonder if it or I were the writer or if might not be the reverse #smallpoems response (twitter.com/_/status/1222307780838731776)
# [jgmac1106] p tags and br... Enemy of any online poet
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# [LewisCowles] Hmmmm
# [LewisCowles] > Command “schedule:daemon” is not defined.
# [LewisCowles] hehe aaron is not using nodejs
# [LewisCowles] nothing if you use the PHP for the scheduler 😉
# [LewisCowles] it’s for people who use nodejs for scheduling
# [LewisCowles] I mistakenly put it in place. I’m currently tweaking installer to not ask me questions I know the answers to
# [LewisCowles] like we don’t need to check host, user, pass name for database if it provides a URL. Laravel supports them out of the box
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# [LewisCowles] sure thing. I’m guarding with checks, so if outside of heroku someone happens to set a DATABASE_URL, they too will be able to not need to provide those details. If it’s not set they are still asked for, confirmed and generated
# [LewisCowles] same with the secret laravel key
# [LewisCowles] DATABASE_URL is the laravel way to handle. It’s in the database config by default
# [LewisCowles] We’re having cleardb addon call it’s URI `DATABASE_URL` so that it’s one less step for heroku users. It’ll also be a win for some CloudFoundry users
# [LewisCowles] Ruxton++
# [LewisCowles] I’m not sure aaronpk is arguing against btw
# [LewisCowles] I think they are just checking it will also work without heroku, docker, cf
# [LewisCowles] a solid move
# [LewisCowles] aaronpk++
# [LewisCowles] sometimes internetting can be harder than I’d like, we’re all good
# [LewisCowles] right now it’s failing 😁
# [LewisCowles] but thats part of why I’m iterating
# [LewisCowles] setting up the right guards
# [LewisCowles] like I have an APP_KEY, which I’d like to keep. So I guarded setting a canned one and only generate if not the canned value
# [LewisCowles] found it. You’re checking for setup db_name; but I bypassed that, so I’ll redirect to the database step first, which sets that up
# [LewisCowles] got it working, but need to understand this use of dotenv
jacky joined the channel
# [LewisCowles] got it.
# [LewisCowles] There is now an ENV `SETUP_DONE` if my edits to the config setting are correct, then new ENV can also be nominated. Meaning the .env.sample existence isn’t the only way to set.
# [LewisCowles] Heroku will use redis by default. It should make things consistent and harder to tamper with. When experimenting though, people may wish to set the session to cookie, so they can tamper 😉 (clear cookies)
# [LewisCowles] I’m re-thinking the redirects if DB is there. What if someone has a DATABASE_URL, but wants to set alternative connection credentials? Perhaps they should still be able to nominate an alternative, although I’m quite sure Laravel will ignore it… Choices gah.
# [LewisCowles] The instructions given to the user will be that `SETUP_DONE` will be `heroku config`’d to `true` after install. This way I can let people pick an app name and test that it cascades through the environment like other settings. And like my favourite declarative toolings yaml and CSS.
cweiske and [Marlin_Forbes] joined the channel
# [Marlin_Forbes] TIL https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/selecting-content-from-objects.html
# [LewisCowles] nice find datashaman++
# [LewisCowles] you can also import CSV or SQL directly from S3 if you use RDS
# [Marlin_Forbes] yea, my mind is exploding with possibilities
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# [LewisCowles] a tip for debugging heroku button deploys is to copy the name to your terminal and run `heroku logs -a
--tail` it’s the only way I know of to see why releases fail. Heroku helpfully (or not) deletes the app if a release fails, but only shares logs for deployswentel, [Michael_Beckwit and krychu joined the channel
# @kmelve ↩️ @eunjae_lee @sanity_io @even Thanks! It's not public, yet, but here's at least something to get you started: https://www.knutmelvaer.no/blog/2019/06/getting-started-with-webmentions-in-gatsby/ (twitter.com/_/status/1222422551151792129)
# @JamieTanna Woops, after spending ~40 mins working on getting my Webmention notifications (https://www.jvt.me/posts/2020/01/12/webmention-notifications/) to send the author's avatar in the notification, I've now realised the Pushover API doesn't support it. Doh! (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/01/qecid/) (twitter.com/_/status/1222428232449961984)
# [LewisCowles] !tell aaronpk PR inbound. I expect changes and bargaining 😉
[xavierroy] joined the channel
# swentel GWG, example of a map using the geocaching posts I have on my site: https://realize.be/geocaching-map (uses mapbox for rendering)
# swentel GWG, I'm subscribed to https://david.shanske.com/all/
cweiske left the channel
# swentel {"type":"entry","published":"2020-01-26T12:07:26+02:00","url":"https:\/\/david.shanske.com\/2020\/01\/26\/3203\/","featured":"https:\/\/david.shanske.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/01\/IMG_20200126_120713-1200x900.jpg","syndication":["https:\/\/www.swarmapp.com\/user\/454146796\/checkin\/5e2d64de447abb0008f847d2"],"author":{"type":"card","name":"David Shanske","url":"https:\/\/david.shanske.com\/","photo":"https:\/\/secure.gravatar.co
[tantek], krychu_ and [Marlin_Forbes] joined the channel
MashwebDotClub, simons, [asuh] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[tonz], simons, [jgmac1106], [Jeannie], sivy, [KevinMarks], [tantek] and lalilulelo joined the channel; mblaney and MashwebDotClub left the channel
# @JamieTanna And here is what the new notifications look like for https://www.jvt.me/posts/2020/01/12/webmention-notifications/ for my webmentions (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/01/op8x9/) (twitter.com/_/status/1222505267742507008)
# jamietanna[m] !tell aaronpk https://github.com/aaronpk/XRay/pull/94 should be ready for another review if you get a mo, would be greatly appreciated to get it live so I can start following my Meetups via meetup-mf2
Guest12324, lalilulelo, jgmac1106_, simons and [Marlin_Forbes] joined the channel
# @Juan__Wolf ↩️ Thanks :) I think I need to consider my low visibility as an advantage for building posts more personal (with more value in my opinion) rather than being driven by how many people actually reads it.
Thanks for writing the post, it was really good and webmentions looks amazing! (twitter.com/_/status/1222529690285617152)
simons, KartikPrabhu and [prtksxna] joined the channel
# jgmac1106_ [benatwork] I was curious how the parsers would handle something behind your paywall, looks like the paywall gets ignored and I can read the text
# Loqi aaronpk: jamietanna[m] left you a message 2 hours, 36 minutes ago: https://github.com/aaronpk/XRay/pull/94 should be ready for another review if you get a mo, would be greatly appreciated to get it live so I can start following my Meetups via meetup-mf2
# wink div id=paywall. nice
# jamietanna[m] Amazing thanks aaronpk! Do I need to do anything for adding Aperture support? It doesn't seem to be working with https://meetup-mf2.jvt.me/PHPMiNDS-in-Nottingham/events
# jamietanna[m] (that url seems to be publishing more data than its meant to but https://xray.p3k.app/parse?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmeetup-mf2.jvt.me%2FPHPMiNDS-in-Nottingham%2Fevents&pretty=true still seems happy
# jamietanna[m] Ah gotcha!
[schmarty] joined the channel
# jamietanna[m] I don't mind raising a PR to bump the dependency if you'd like? Or is it more involved and may be easier yourself?
simons joined the channel
# jamietanna[m] Sure, thanks!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# jamietanna[m] Thanks aaronpk! Aperture is now consuming it, I'm now trying to work out why it's not showing 😅
# jamietanna[m] It's recognising the MF2 feed, but it's not getting any entries
# jamietanna[m] Okey dokey. I'll keep an eye on it and see if they appear soon. Sorry I know I was being a bit impatient
[snarfed] joined the channel
# [snarfed] hey jamietanna, while you're here, do you remember where we are on https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/pull/906 ? (welcome back btw!)
# jamietanna[m] No probs
# jamietanna[m] Hey snarfed! Thanks :) I'm hoping to get it worked on tonight as I've got a full evening in, so https://github.com/snarfed/granary/pull/181 will be first, then the other
# jamietanna[m] Something that may be why Aperture doesn't recognise the events - Xray isn't recognising the `location`, as it's showing up as `[null]`?
# jamietanna[m] Do you know if there would be any logs that could help?
# jamietanna[m] That's fair. Thanks aaron!
# jamietanna[m] either ` - - [29/Jan/2020:18:30:48 +0100] "GET /Notts-Techfast/events HTTP/1.1" 200 2387` or ` - - [29/Jan/2020:18:24:56 +0100] "GET /Notts-Techfast/events HTTP/1.1" 200 2387`
# jamietanna[m] ooh
# jamietanna[m] Awesome OK, that's fair enough then!
# jamietanna[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/ebjLWslxTrzbGCwnJnpKRkzb >
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# jamietanna[m] Does that look invalid?
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
# [LewisCowles] [aaronpk] back to you. I’ll let you finish the UI before I feel comfortable making some of the changes asked for. We have different ideas, but it’s your app.
# aaronpk jamietanna[m]: http://pin13.net/mf2/?id=20200129174234159
# jamietanna[m] aaronpk ah gotcha! I'll try a quick fix for that now
# jamietanna[m] Street address I'm not sure I can directly get it unfortunately
# jamietanna[m] In that example, `locality` is before the `street-address` is that correct/
# aaronpk normally you're going to have HTML for the address and then add the classes around the different parts like this http://pin13.net/mf2/?id=20200129174801370
# jamietanna[m] Sorry, I meant that it came out as `Nottingham JH, 34a Stoney Street, Nottingham, NG1 1NB. United Kingdom` Whereas I'd expect `JH, 34a Stoney Street, Nottingham, NG1 1NB, Nottingham, United Kingdom`
nickodd joined the channel
# jamietanna[m] Awesome, just got a hotfix for that and that's sorted the location parsing! Would you recommend, in this case, that I just return `value`, not the JSON?
# jamietanna[m] Yeah. I guess as it's a little free-form text I can't guarantee that i.e. the `street-address` is exactly that, and in that example it'd probably be good to have an `h-card` with `JH` being emphasised as it's their offices?
# jamietanna[m] Maybe I'll just do that, return it as a plain string for now
# jamietanna[m] Actually I lie, I can get the venue's name, which may be an office, or a building (in that case, it's a company called JH)
[manton] joined the channel
# [manton] If folks are interested in the hosted replies feature I was asking for input on last week, we shipped it this week. Gives people the option to always have replies on their own domain name and new Hugo parameters to tinker with. https://www.manton.org/2020/01/27/replies-hosted-at.html
jeremych_, [Michael_Beckwit and [Jacob_Michelsen joined the channel
# [Jacob_Michelsen Has anyone PESOS:ed stories from Instagram? I just came across https://instapipe.net and it seems like it could do the job, though it has some hardcoded couplings to e.g. Google Cloud and requires a separate IG account to do the scraping.
swentel joined the channel
# chrisaldrich [Jacob_Michelsen I think Charlotte Allen has been doing PESOS from Instagram using IFTTT webhooks to her Micropub endpoint.
# chrisaldrich I've written out the process in a bit more detail with some additional examples: https://boffosocko.com/2020/01/21/using-ifttt-to-syndicate-pesos-content-from-social-services-to-wordpress-using-micropub/
# chrisaldrich and there are a LOT of shortcomings... :)
[manton] joined the channel
# chrisaldrich I haven't been able to get it to work at all with Instagram, multiple photos or not...
# chrisaldrich With some silos it works incredibly well. With others--not so much.
[snarfed] joined the channel
# [snarfed] also [Jacob_Michelsen] asked about stories (https://indieweb.org/story ) specifically, which i haven't heard of anyone either POSSEing or PESOSing
# chrisaldrich yes, it was story specific... I think aaronpk is the only one who's got that UI feature, but I don't think he's got a POSSE or PESOS piece on top of it.
# chrisaldrich takev[m] if I do it manually I get an "There was an error during check process" error on IFTTT; nothing on my end though.
# chrisaldrich story << https://instapipe.net for PESOS from Instagram
# Loqi ok, I added "https://instapipe.net for PESOS from Instagram" to the "See Also" section of /story https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68086&oldid=64859
# chrisaldrich This makes me wonder if one could jury rig a stories feature using the hovercards feature that Gravatar provides?
# chrisaldrich What are hovercards?
# Loqi A hovercard is a brief overview, usually including thumbnail, name, and description, that is shown in a rectangle overlapping in-context when you hover over something like a link, typically richer than a plain text tooltip https://indieweb.org/hovercards
# chrisaldrich I built a hovercard snippet into my site to work with kevinmarks' Noter Live a few years back. Not sure if it's still working with my new theme though.
# chrisaldrich GWG, do photos/media in WP have taxonomy associated with them? If so, then a timecode based piece in combination with a custom tagged photo set could work...
# chrisaldrich hovercards << http://aramzuckerscharff.com/ has an interesting avatar that when hovered provides details about other sites where he can be found
# Loqi ok, I added "http://aramzuckerscharff.com/ has an interesting avatar that when hovered provides details about other sites where he can be found" to the "See Also" section of /hovercard https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68087&oldid=48383
nickodd left the channel
# [Jacob_Michelsen at once, so it might not work after all...
# [Jacob_Michelsen Thank you for the suggestions, especially [chrisaldrich]. So far I've been double-posting for regular Instagram Photos: Once on my own blog which is then propagated to Twitter, Mastodon etc, and then once on Instagram to get into the Facebook Ecosystem. Replies from the latter are actually backfed to my own blog thanks to some Bridgy wizardry. Allen's examples might allow me to skip the first step. However I usually post multiple photos
# chrisaldrich I haven't looked at the state of the art in Instagram in a while. I'm not sure if things like /OwnYourGram, /SNAP, DsgnWrks Instagram Importer, et al still do some of the newer Instagram functionalities.
# chrisaldrich Maybe it's worth trying out https://instagram-atom.appspot.com/ and then sucking in the output to one's site? I'm pretty sure that snarfed supports multiple photos with that tool.
# chrisaldrich snarfed++
# chrisaldrich Ryan is woefully under-karma-ed. Loqi has been eating them again apparently.
# [Jacob_Michelsen @takev Nothing I can take credit for, I just make sure my Instagram posts contain a link to my original blog post. Bridgy will then send webmentions there. I actually thought this worked for Facebook too, but I must have misremembered...
# swentel GWG, might need to add a comment on https://github.com/indieweb/jf2/issues/41 then ?
# [snarfed] [Jacob_Michelsen] https://brid.gy/about#rip-facebook
# jamietanna[m] Snarfed sorry I haven't had a chance to work on it today - tomorrow hopefully!
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, jjuran, [KevinMarks], jacky_, jgmac1106, [Michael_Beckwit and krychu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, jgmac1106, oodani and chrisaldrich joined the channel