#dev 2020-01-31

2020-01-31 UTC
pncl and sivy joined the channel
good evening
quiet day today
[jgmac1106], gRegorLove, [LewisCowles] and [dmitshur] joined the channel
I'm planning/hoping to push the code that fixes github.com/shurcooL/home/issue/34 today and launch it (aka announce on twitter) tomorrow
I'm curious, do people have thoughts on the recent Tailscale blog posts?
I'm trying to better understand the part of using IP addresses for authn/z
> Use the global internet identity system of your choice for authentication, and do cryptographic authorization at the IP level.
> When he later wanted to expose a read-only version of its interface to the world, the authn/z check was simple: check the IP address.
> But it is not clear to me I would program at all today. Learning how to store passwords or add OAuth2 to your toy web site is not fun.
that broken github link should be "issues/34" not "issue/34"
"check the IP address." until your ISP does some carrier-grade NAT and you just allowed 1000+ people access
reads more on tailscale
yeah, they're not the usual IPs, but I find it hard to understand if it's good or bad. it took me a long time to form an opinion on whether URLs are good for identifying people and for authentication.
[Michael_Beckwit, bengrue, BlackWhite, [Marlin_Forbes] and [mapkyca] joined the channel; BlackWhite left the channel
Manual Backfeed in the Blogosphere: Forcing webmentions for conversations on websites that don’t support Webmention #IndieWeb https://boffosocko.com/2020/01/30/manual-backfeed-in-the-blogosphere/
[snarfed] joined the channel
hah, ^ this is clever
[snarfed]: jgmac1106 left you a message 19 hours, 19 minutes ago: sure what happens with Bridgy on this: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1222841535898714113 compared to https://jgregorymcverry.com/notes/2020-01-30-1 my url gets replaced with the person I am linking to
swentel, KartikPrabhu, Loqi, krychu, cweiske and [dmitshur] joined the channel
going to announce it more widely tomorrow (err, today...)
Bohren_Gore joined the channel
Hey, so this may sound like a stupid question… I’ve taken all these HTML and Javascript classes, using the schools server, but I want to practice on my own now. I’m assuming that means I need a domain and web host, but it seems like there are a lot of factors that go into who to go with… does anyone has any advice as far as what I should be looking at? Any make-or-breaks for anyone?
[Marlin_Forbes] joined the channel
Apologies if posted before. Apparently some of Facebook's PHP source code from 2007.
gxt and [tantek] joined the channel
what is a webhost?
Web hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indieweb.org/webhost
Missing "Running your own k8s cluster for your blog" :P
wink, is that what you do?
Bohren_Gove see that page ^^^ for advice, options ec.
no, but people do tend to overengineer some thingS :P
it's a good site, I have read it in the past
err, page. whatver.
we tend to document actual real world solutions and approaches that people use in the community rather than worrying about theoretical or 2ndhand over-enginering
we do document common antipatterns though to help folks avoid traps
what are anti-patterns
antipatterns are antithetical to a diverse and growing indieweb, often times the opposite, or at best a distraction from indieweb principles and building-blocks, yet persistently repeated despite their tendency to waste time and cause failures https://indieweb.org/anti-patterns
I'm willing to accept that in the movie adaptation the "Brave Chinese Nurse" has to be played played by Jennifer Lawrence if we can get Dwayne Johnson shrunk down, inserted into baby Ting Ting's bloodstream in a microsub, and then he fight the viruses in hand to hand combat.
"microsub" 😂
obligatory: sponsored by corona
Thank you, I’ve been reading it. Great info!
I didn’t realize you saw my post… looked like you’d just joined the room before asking your question. Thought I just lucked out
jgmac1106, JOX, [KevinMarks], jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [tantek], KartikPrabhu, shoesNsocks, gxt and [AlisonW] joined the channel
Mornin'. That tailscale idea looks sortof interesting but sounds like creating an IP overlay for something that could use MACs (if only they weren't spoofable). I've a fixed /28 so can already use IP checking anyway.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
is there a way I can use CSS transitions to to switch font-families on a timer?
[snarfed] hey i'd like to chat about syndication formatting sometime, looking at bridgy source and I have questions
[jgmac1106]: not that I know of
you could do the timing part with JS, but I don't think fonts "transition"
they are just replaced
seems to be what I was finding, think my only option would be to stack and use opacity
yes, but be careful to provide an accessible text instead of the same stuff repeated twice
ohh shoot....and I was thinking repeating like five six times for a really long poem, is there something I can include to tell a screen reader to ignore?
aria-hidden or something, but haven't tested it to see if it works in all/most readers
thx, for now I think it will stay a static poem, but thought it be neat to switch up fonts
[Michael_Beckwit and pncl joined the channel
ooh thx Kevin...goes to read more,...I need to get back to playing with fun css animations and transitions
[snarfed] joined the channel
sivy, sure! any time
[snarfed] do you have any informal guidelines on how you decide what to syndicate to microblog sites (twitter, mastodon) for a given blog post?
sivy, as in, what text i post? or which sites i post to?
post content
ugg I am going to get no work done, this lookreally cool. Thank Karthik and Kevin
my blog posts are in markdown, then rendered to html, but I then strip html for "notes" to microblog sites, but that often loses links, etc, when I might want one of the links to remain attached
and, mastodon and twitter have different acceptable post content lengths
so, just trying to come up with a usable "blog post to microblog post" plan
If you write a summary (or mark a section of the post as summary) that can work.
What I normally do is either POSSE just the name of the blog post and a link to my post
or don't POSSE the blog post at all, and instead I write a new note with some short different text and a link and POSSE that instead
Right, or a teaser pull quote
i generally posse manually for that reason
bridgy and other tools have automated logic that's ok, but obviously they don't automatically customize like that
sivy you may be interested in this idea: https://brid.gy/about#silo-content
there are also more ambitious feature requests like https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/478
[cweiske] #478 Automatically create twitter hashtags from tags
Would you use an e-summary to preserve links?
jamietanna[m] joined the channel
Interesting sounding talk this week at FOSDEM which sounds like an alternative to IndieAuth https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/dip_decentralizing_oauth/
I was supposed to chat with him this week but we missed the call due to timezone confusion
I like the way Known handles hashtags and POSSE
i haven't thought through "preserving links" in POSSE text, or whether e-summary would help
happy to hear proposals!
i'm not sure what i would even want that text to look like
only thing i can think is <a href="https://example.com">Example</a> turns into Example (https://example.com) maybe?
Right, a lot of our examples are the other way - autolinking plaintext that has urls in. Which makes sense when the POSSE api doesn't take html anyway
[Chrispian_Burks and [Evan_Hildreth] joined the channel
*Let your friends read your posts, their way. https://indieweb.org/POSSE#Why*
[snarfed] yeah, it's tricky, but I'm trying to find a balance betwen they way *I'd* do it, how the silo's handle it on their own sites, and what a good UX is for readers
I might parse out links and just include them in the content, and let the silo provide the preview based on which link they prefer
right now this my micropost logic: https://github.com/sivy/goldfrog/blob/master/pkg/blog/files.go#L283 (it's a bit tortured)
I use Bridgy to POSSE links to blog posts to Twitter, sometimes - that takes the post's `summary` and uses that as the body for the Tweet, which I think is quite nice, as it is a summary of it. And yes, if I want to write something more, I create a note with different content and a link to the post
yeah bridgy is awesome, but as I'm writing my own software I've decided to just build it all in
Yeah that's fair - was more sharing how that does it as an alternative viewpoint ☺
[jeffpaul], [chrisaldrich] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
feedly bundels don't have an RSS feed so that is out. Does anyone know of a way I can build a public feed from RSS?
ooh wait mblaney I can make a feed in ihazawebsite or do you need to be logged in to see it
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Manual Indie Commments Chris Aldrich wrote a blog post about manually adding Webmentions for links to his posts from sites that are not themselves Webmention-enabled. (http://monkinetic.blog/2020/01/31/manual-indie-commments)
[chrisaldrich] hey man, my mention did not come through properly: https://boffosocko.com/2020/01/30/manual-backfeed-in-the-blogosphere/ can you look at why? (it's there but no picture, no name or content
sivy: did you accidentally send it from your homepage? (Since it links there - still shouldn't show it like that, but...)
sivy looks like it worked ok. image probably isn't loading because it's http and chris's site is https. and wordpress defaults to rendering mentions as just avatar links, not content. cc GWG
background in https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/41 . you can optionally show a content snippet, but that's been unreliable at best 😐
[snarfed] #41 for mentions, show full content text if it's small enough
↩️ We also replaced all of the speakers with Alpine's type S series, installed a JL Audio 8" W3v3 MicroSub slot-ported enclosure, & rewired both of the existing Alpine amps.
well, i sent the right link:
Jan 31 17:09:09 li225-158.members.linode.com goldfrogd[4223]: time="2020-01-31T17:09:09Z" level=info msg="Endpoint returned status: 200, {\"link\":\"https:\\/\\/boffosocko.com\\/2020\\/01\\/30\\/manual-backfeed-in-the-blogosphere\\/#comment-277627\",\"source\":\"http:\\/\\/monkinetic.blog\\/2020\\/01\\/31\\/manual-indie-commments\",\"target\":\"https:\\/\\/boffosocko.com\\/2020\\/01\\/30\\/manual-backfeed-in-the-blogosphere\\/\",\"code
\":\"success\",\"message\":\"Webmention was successful\"}"
(got used to slack code pasting :) )
sivy it and through as a mention because it was a basic link. It would have had content if you added u-in-reply-to as a class on the link.
I'll look at the avatar part when I'm back in the office
gRegorLove joined the channel
it's http vs https. from firefox dev console: 'Blocked loading mixed active content “http://monkinetic.blog/static/images/sivy_avatar_256.png”'
which raises a good general question, whether we can do anything about this more broadly on https sites that render webmentions with http photo urls. 🤷
if i were't so crap at sys admin i'd have a LE cert already set up
local caching is I guess the obvious answer
I think I'm also going to start auto-adding in-reply-to links in my blog posts
although I'm unsure why an image is "active" mixed content
sivy: careful with that - you'll probably link lots of stuff you aren't replying to in other posts
even yours here IMHO isn't really a reply
i.e. you wouldn't post that text in a comment field on his site, right?
probably not
nevertheless, not sure why my name, and the post title, did not come in
not sure if chrisaldrich shows more than the small icon for pure mentions
nickodd joined the channel
-> your sites markup looks completely fine to me
I’m happy to announce I added new authentication methods to my personal site: IndieAuth and RelMeAuth! #indieweb If you’re curious, try it: https://dmitri.shuralyov.com/login (Your site needs a rel="me" link to your GitHub profile, or an IndieAuth authorization endpoint for it to work.)
sivy i expect the did. from before: "wordpress defaults to rendering mentions as just avatar links," ie facepiles, without any text
hey uniformed question on complicated stuff I know nothing about: with seeing dmitri add ability for people to log in to his sites using rel=me could we use other xfn values to do a kind of private posts, like if we both had rel=friend you can see a post on my site but if you logged on and just had rel=me you don't see it?
[jgmac1106] sure! that's basically what people have already tried out, ACLs of domains that are allowed to see each private post, just using rel=friend to determine that list globally as opposed to stored elsewhere and/or per post
ohh okay, thx. For now I just have students use password when they only want to share with class (or when using Known members only)
KartikPrabhu, AltFreqDiscord[m and borismusDiscord[ joined the channel
Re the WordPress response..work on that is slow due the merge. I want to add more options
pncl, KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks] and Bohren_Gore joined the channel
Man POSSE has me posting on my site again //headbangs//
wondering about reading back in all my 10 years of twitter posts
that sounds like work though
ChubbyBoyDiscord joined the channel
i keep meaning to do that
and swarm checkins
I *just* added code to associate syndication IDs to posts, so that will help
the easiest way for me to do that is to write a twitter json to micropub script and send them all in that way
I need to look at old broken posts
my posts are all on the FS, so I can write code to simply convert my twitter archive to markdown posts
then re-index
I also have an incredible amount of material I want to retropost someday
same, but it's easier for me to let my micropub endpoint do the reindexing :)
also let it build the post on disk in the right format
and deal with associated images and such
vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
aaronpk - cool
pncl and chrisaldrich joined the channel
wishes for a Twitter export to micropub import for my site (and everyone elses...)
once i finally get around to it i'm gonna make a little command line app that does it. it won't be the most user friendly thing but it will work with any micropub endpoint
wagle joined the channel
Productizing silo export/import into a personal website is a huge win for everyone all around!
KartikPrabhu, vika_nezrimaya, tttDiscord[m], [jeffpaul] and [snarfed] joined the channel
I agree
for alacrity....
ok, I added "https://github.com/cleverdevil/ditchbook" to a new "See Also" section of /backfill https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68104&oldid=38694
ok, I added "https://cleverdevil.io/2018/freeing-myself-from-facebook" to the "See Also" section of /backfill https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68105&oldid=68104
thanks chris! i always forget that operator
Though, he did put some of it on the /export page as well which has more detail than the backfill one.
ok, I added "https://help.micro.blog/2018/instagram-import/" to the "See Also" section of /backfill https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68106&oldid=68105
ah overlap
backfill requires conquering the separate steps of both export and then import...
ok, I added "https://help.micro.blog/2017/wordpress-import/" to the "See Also" section of /backfill https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68108&oldid=68107
backfill << https://wordpress.org/plugins/tumblr-importer/ for Importing Tumblr to a WordPress site
ok, I added "https://wordpress.org/plugins/tumblr-importer/ for Importing Tumblr to a WordPress site" to the "See Also" section of /backfill https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68109&oldid=68108
[LewisCowles] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[aaronpk]++ rebase was a doozy. Thanks for pushing the installer
[aaronpk] has 57 karma in this channel over the last year (212 in all channels)
ooh can't wait to take a look
I’m going to push from button over again and I think we’re in a place where we’re both happy. Thanks for patience
cool, it'll be good to get this merged, then I can actually try it out and we can see if it needs any more tweaks
Does anyone know what the exception from Laravel’s DB::RAW is. Right now I’m catching \Exception. I know it works but it’s lazy and nasty
i think i matched a more specific one there somwhere
maybe too specific though since i was looking for connection errors
I think it’s the one I’m looking for, but yours was using PDO, whereas mine is testing that laravel can talk using `DATABASE_URL`
I’ll spelunk through their docs
ah right
i think laravel uses PDO under the hood tho
Nice. [aaronpk] ++
I see it now in the exception reporting
cool yeah that's why i used it to begin with
i couldn't find a way to set the config at runtime in a way that the `DB` wrapper would see, so I had to test the connection manually
deploying with the heroku button should set it. Otherwise in the heroku UI you can rename CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL to DATABASE_URL
yeah that works fine for that flow, but when setting up outside of heroku that won't exist
outside of heroku you could `export DATABASE_URL={build-db-uri-string}`
the build db uri string is likely a manual string build
i'm trying to do no command line tho
that's what sent me down this rabbit hole of making the installer in the first place
Ah then unless the environment sets up it won’t use it at all
e.g. extract a .zip onto your shared hosting, then visit the url
yeah i figured that was the case, so dropped down to PDO instead
it’s not just heroku that uses that format for a database URI/L though
Oh, do you mean I broke the UI for manual database in the installer?
i haven't seen today's changes yet but last i saw that still worked
DB check inline
release guarded so that either DB_HOST or DATABASE_URL must be set
It’s mostly restoring your preferences, making changes and then making the inline PoC cleaner.
DB checks more glanceable
order of edits changed so that I’m not changing lines and then their positions
Sadly getting 500 errors, so it’s not okay yet
dotenv restored and only 2 line edit to pivot from checking APP_NAME to checking if SETUP_DONE
hmm. It’s the application encryption key
yeah laravel needs that before it can do anything. that's what this section is for https://github.com/aaronpk/Meetable/blob/master/public/index.php#L22
it tricks it by hardcoding a key and setting the env variable manually
Right… Pretty sure that was patched, but I’ll go through