#dev 2020-02-15
2020-02-15 UTC
KartikPrabhu, IWSlackGateway1, rhiaro_, ben_thatmust, wgirl and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] dev folks, you might be interested in reviewing my split of authorship into /authorship-spec along with a GitHub repo to track issue. If folks would like to more their existing /authorship-spec#Issues to the GitHub repo issues, that would be appreciated (or I can slowly migrate them myself eventually too, was hoping to preserve original *authorship* of the issues as it were 😉 )

[KevinMarks], miklb, wgirl, [chrisaldrich], [Jeff_Hawkins], superkuh and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] !tell GWG RE:
[LewisCowles] Do you ever track how much use the feature you've included in your plugin gets?
[LewisCowles] Have you ever included someone else patch, or use it as a reference to get a thing done?
[LewisCowles] > this is core. They refused to add it in, so I put it in my plugin
[LewisCowles] gives loqi a hi-five
wgirl_, nickodd, wgirl, [chrisaldrich], wgirl__, geoffo and gRegorLove joined the channel
[LewisCowles], [tantek], KartikPrabhu and Mikaela joined the channel
[LewisCowles] which one of the two is 300 people, the specific feature or the whole plugin?
[chrisaldrich], [jeremycherfas], [Jeff_Hawkins], swentel and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Kirby << https://getdoingthings.com/

Loqi ok, I added "https://getdoingthings.com/" to the "See Also" section of /Kirby https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68435&oldid=61511

gxt joined the channel
[jgmac1106] !calc 18 degress ferenheigt to celsius

Masssly joined the channel
gxt joined the channel
[Khurt] joined the channel
jamietanna[m] !tell snarfed I'm _very_ happy to say that https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/pull/906 should be ready for final reviews! I've got it working, without `redirect_uri` multiplexing, and have validated that disable works, as well as updated docs. Let me know if there's anything else that needs to go in - if so I'll update this PR

nickodd, gxt and djmoch joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] Wait does the micropub spec mention limits on file types to media endpoints?

[schmarty] My media endpoint takes anything 😅

[schmarty] Ah yeah. That's how I use it

nickodd, [chrisaldrich], [Jeff_Hawkins] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] You could maybe use u-enclosure for a pdf or non av file, after the http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-enclosure pattern

[Jeff_Hawkins] I've started placing some files, mostly images, over on the IPFS then manually linking them as needed... Would that work? Does it break anything in the IndieWeb stack?
[Jeff_Hawkins] https://ipfs.io
[Jeff_Hawkins] Cool... The various servers are all on the web but there's a redirect to the local host server when the browser is aware of it. Still under http though.
aaronpk okay I just did a big chunk of work on the /authorship page to try to make it more readable and include example markup... i'd appreciate any feedback on it! https://indieweb.org/authorship

[jgmac1106] except I can't aaronpk thqat is exactly what I wanted to do last night, explicit examples for the use cases. nice job

swentel joined the channel
[Jeff_Hawkins] According to the authorship test mentioned there I have some more work to do. I got a 'null' after the tests ran.
[Jeff_Hawkins] Anyway, great article but the 'test here' link goes to a Wiki stub instead of the test itself.
jjuran joined the channel
[Jeff_Hawkins] Link should be https://sturdy-backbone.glitch.me/ I think
[Jeff_Hawkins] Stubs seem to confuse people... like me 😃
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] I take it the reason `u-author` never has nested `u-photo`, and rarely multiple `u-url` is that it's disallowed for some reason? I kinda understand the examples, but they don't map to my understanding of author information. I've added myself to the list of people looking for a way to link to a fuller h-card on it's own page
CreamyNebula and [snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] jamietanna https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/pull/906 is getting close! excited!
Loqi [snarfed]: jamietanna[m] left you a message 2 hours, 39 minutes ago: I'm _very_ happy to say that https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/pull/906 should be ready for final reviews! I've got it working, without `redirect_uri` multiplexing, and have validated that disable works, as well as updated docs. Let me know if there's anything else that needs to go in - if so I'll update this PR

[LewisCowles] [aaronpk] the reasoning and examples given, seem more confusing to me than the spec, which gives fuller examples. `u-author` isn't even on the spec page for h-card, so I guess it having nested things which didn't have the expected classes added to my confusion.
jjuran joined the channel
[LewisCowles] so u-author is the thing others were asking for to link to author?
[LewisCowles] probably don't mind me until I do my required reading
CreamyNebula, jenelizabeth, twdnl, KartikPrabhu and [Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
gxt, shah^, [snarfed], gRegorLove, CreamyNebula, [chrisaldrich] and [Christina_Hendr joined the channel
nickodd left the channel
jjuran and [Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] GWG, when did you add mf2_read-status? I didn't notice until swentel added read posts to Indigenous: https://boffosocko.com/2020/02/15/55767332/

[chrisaldrich] I'm suspecting you did, perhaps for gRegors Indiebookclub.biz?

[chrisaldrich] Though I've never seen micropub posts to indicate it from his service.

gRegorLove sounds right, iirc

[chrisaldrich] Generally I use the idea of /bookmark to indicate want to read and my /read posts indicate that they were done.

[chrisaldrich] I was surprised that I made a read post and Indigenous for Android added the "Read - Want to Read" in front of the post. I didn't even know that was supported in WordPress.

[chrisaldrich] Of course, as you know, I'm using a slightly older version of Post Kinds, so perhaps it currently labels them as "Want to read" instead of "Read - Want to Read" now...

[chrisaldrich] Though in any case, I wouldn't expect posts from Indigenous to do this at all.

[chrisaldrich] I had actually made a "Want to read" post from https://indiebookclub.biz/ just the other day and hadn't seen this behaviour, so I was surprised to see it pop up at all.

gRegorLove If swentel followed IBC and /read, I expect it's sending read-status=to-read

[chrisaldrich] I know we had mentioned IBC to him as an example gRegorLove, so perhaps that's what he's done?

[chrisaldrich] I didn't know that GWG supported it at all and maybe my older version of Post Kinds is the reason I'd not seen it from IBC before.

gRegorLove Probably, I haven't seen much experimentation on read posts unless it's not on /read currently

gRegorLove I know I've seen them in WP for a while. I think I commented on an issue at one point

[chrisaldrich] I've been limping along using plain old notes for my read statuses because they didn't show up properly as sub-types like this to differentiate "want to read" "read (this specific book part/segment" or "finished reading"

[chrisaldrich] GWG, I got sidetracked a tad by my theme change and updates, though I've done about half the testing I need to do for the 4 or 5 custom types I need to move over.

[chrisaldrich] This may be the sea-change I need since I know this exists now!

[chrisaldrich] Though there are one or two bugs in the theme that need fixing, particularly as there are a few people who have started to use it. I'm not sure how you manage it all GWG.

[chrisaldrich] Though now that I've been using IFTTT to PESOS my Goodreads stuff, I'll have to delve into the particulars of how to send the correct micropub data to do the want to read/reading/finished reading pieces there too since I think I've gotten those three streams of data separated (mostly?).

gRegorLove I still wonder about replacing p-read-status with p-category

gRegorLove Ooh, is your IFTTT reading your notes and doing that?

gRegorLove I'm curious to read about that, if you have a link

gRegorLove oh, PESOS, misread

[chrisaldrich] gRegorLove, I've got the handful of RSS feeds from Goodreads I need and then I'm using IFTTT to do webhooks to my Micropub endpoint to move the data across. https://boffosocko.com/2020/01/21/using-ifttt-to-syndicate-pesos-content-from-social-services-to-wordpress-using-micropub/

gRegorLove I was thinking POSSE and was like, whoa

gRegorLove Still very cool!

[chrisaldrich] I definitely want POSSE, but I'll suffer with PESOS over suffering with Goodreads' API at the moment.

[chrisaldrich] Is there documentation on the p-read-status portion for micropub anywhere to know how to do the form encoding piece so that WordPress gets what it expects?

[chrisaldrich] I just added `&post-status=draft` to some of my recipes the other day so I could have the best ones that work properly post in real time instead of doing drafts for all of them.

[chrisaldrich] Though that part is still experimental and isn't in the official spec yet.

[chrisaldrich] Perhaps one day, someone will build publish/backfeed for Goodreads into Brid.gy? I've been impressed at watching the recent progress on Meetup.com from jamietanna++

[chrisaldrich] snarfed++ for his help on the other side too

jamietanna[m] [chrisaldrich] thank you! The goodreads piece is largely done via edent's work (linked in the issue on bridgy's repo)

[chrisaldrich] gRegorLove, the other prior art for p- or u-category use is that of the combination of `h-card u-category` for /person-tag. That would prevent the proliferation of microformats for related /media_checkin whose page already talks about dilution of the /checkin versus /bookmark.

gRegorLove Goodreads api kinda sucks unfortunately. I looked into it a bit during /2019/Online

gRegorLove [chrisaldrich], this is IBC's docs on read-status: https://indiebookclub.biz/documentation

[chrisaldrich] I remember some tangential discussion about it and looked at their documentation again that weekend too.

[chrisaldrich] I remember finding they had a "reading" group on their site that was actually focused around their developer resources, an interesting way of eating their own cooking certainly.

gRegorLove POSSE is probably easier. I recall them having a tight limit on reading, so backfeed wouldn't work well for a service like Bridgy

[chrisaldrich] gRegorLove, I'm guesssing the bit I'll want to send via micropub would be `&read-status=to-read` and the other verbs will be `reading` and `finished`?

[chrisaldrich] You may have just derailed my theme work this afternoon...

gRegorLove By regular form-encoded post? I think that's correct. I've only done the JSON body from IBC

gRegorLove D'oh :)

gRegorLove double checks micropub spec

gRegorLove yep, that's correct

gRegorLove A thing to look out for is how Post Kinds handles if the read-of doesn't have a nested h-cite

gRegorLove That nested object is why IBC sends JSON

gRegorLove I presume IFTTT will send something like `read-of=title&read-status=to-read`

jamietanna[m] https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/905 has the details and should be a bit easier with that work being done

tsrt^ joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] GWG++ for sticking with the EXIF problem, documenting it, and fixing it

[chrisaldrich] gRegorLove, that's pretty close, though the read-of value should be the URL, which post kinds will parse for the related details.

[chrisaldrich] GoodReads RSS feeds don't autoupdate apparently, so I'm waiting for their chron job to do something so I can run my test...

gRegorLove Post Kinds can parse Goodreads?

[chrisaldrich] Technically Parse This which is in Post Kinds, but it does a reasonable job though it requires some massaging.

[chrisaldrich] Maybe we should nudge them to add microformats? 😉