[chrisaldrich]As I'm looking at Indigenous for Android again while waiting for Goodreads RSS feeds to update (ugh), I'm noticing that the UI in swentel's posts kindly has a drop down menu for to-read, reading, and finished. It was so subtle that I missed it the first time around.
Loqipagination is a UI pattern for navigation across (typically chronologically) sequential pages that show one or more posts such as permalink post pages, archives, search results, and lists of tagged posts https://indieweb.org/pagination
jgmac1106I will add a directory of months to my page not found: https://jgregorymcverry.com/pagenotfound so if someone was just poking around archives by messing with yyyy/mm url they can find months with stuff
Loqi[Chris Aldrich] Congratulations on the fantastic updates on Indigenous! The recent changes are making me wonder how I’ve lived all this time without it.
My first use of the read post functionality was a tad confusing because I wasn’t aware that either the WordP...
[LewisCowles]jgmac1106 this sounds like what I was suggesting the other day RE: 404 handling and what happens if there is no month. You could use meta + http refresh to read the path and try to iterate to next month. It's not clean, but it would allow you to present a 404'ish screen, which is actually useful and continues to iterate the month until it hits one
jgmac1106ahh okay for now I cheated I just made a php file that says “Wow Greg was lazy this month, check out the archives from mnths when he got writing done <ul></ul>
jeremycherfasContinuing to decrease my dependence on DropBox, I currently have Arq backing up to AWS. When that's done, I think I'm going to move dailies to local storage and update AWS weekly.
[LewisCowles]first check if it's present and useful using var_dump or var_export; but it should be a (private server path) to your public web folder. It's no good for external or web-links, but perfect for including a header or common, core files
superkuhI just log all http posts and sort through them with my eyes at the end of the day. Takes about 30 seconds/day. The payoff to automate it and handle all edge cases is probably many work hours away.
[LewisCowles]Feel like I'm missing some context for superkuh, but it's a good approach to keep logs. Algorithms are man-made or made by man-made things. Not one of them is without flaw. Especially if context is lost.
jgmac1106LewisCowles I was playing with Kirby and that was the best place to have a community to learn some basic PHP., i bet the Perch discussion boards were the same
[LewisCowles]As a fan of empiricism I've found boards can be limited. Best to take all groups with a pinch of salt. Think about what they are saying at all times and try to grab the best parts.
[Jeff_Hawkins]Sometimes doing things manually for a while sets the process really needed in your mind to where, when you see the answer, you'll recognize it.
jamietanna[m]That's updated now - I've used `url` which seems to be present even on your example 👍️ if not found it'll return a 400. hopefully you're happy with that?
[snarfed]it does show a few raw API JSON errors directly to the user right now, eg this when i try to rsvp to a group's event that i'm not a member of: `Error: {"errors":[{"code":"member_error","message":"Invalid member"}]} HTTP Error 400: Bad Request`
[snarfed]and this when i rsvp to a nonexistent url (that passes the regex): `Error: {"errors":[{"code":"group_error","message":"Invalid group urlname xyz"}]} HTTP Error 404: Not Found`
[snarfed]oh btw i usually handle specific errors from silo APIs by just pulling out the human-readable field, eg `message` here, and returning it directly as the user-visible error message