[KevinMarks]Reading scrollback. [jgmac1106] rel-bookmark and rel-canonical are a bit different. Bookmark is defined with a more local scope - the same use case as u-url in an h-entry.
[KevinMarks][manton] adding tests to parse microformats from the templates is a really good idea. Mastodon did that and it has stopped them being broken by redesigns. I didn't do this at Blogger, and it was a mistake.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "blocking you" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "blocking you is ____", a sentence describing the term)
bekoI mean if this option would start round robin on the user-agent I could understand but this? I don't get and I wonder if Firefox knows something I don't.
bekoGWG: for acceptance I'd put Gutenberg on top btw. That may be part of improved post UI oc course :D I talked to many people and introduced Indieweb. By chance most have already a WordPress and this is sort of a show stopper. Especially since you have to save a post in Gutenberg only once and all post kinds meta data (also syndication) seems to be lost. Requires a very strict workflow if one prefers
beko[jgmac1106]: I'm really not familiar with animations but it looks to me like it really just got an animation-name "image-animation" and does not care about or understand the @keyframes at all.
[jgmac1106]beko I had to pull it out of my normal CSS for some reason nesting it in my grid was stopping the animation, maybe this annoying reset.css sheet I picked up somewhere and haven't had the time to remove it and deal with restyling...dunno but got poem up: https://jgregorymcverry.com/riskybirdpoem
[schmarty]aaronpk: does aperture support notifications to a client? like via websockets or websub? i'm interested in making a channel that i can share things into with micropub and a service elsewhere will pick them up.
aaronpkpersonally I'm partial to the EventSource API since it's a bit simpler to deploy than web sockets. It's also still based on HTTP so shouldn't be too hard to work into constrained devices that might not be able to run a full websockets library
aaronpkHeh that's even a use case in the moz wiki docs "For example, EventSource is a useful approach for handling things like social media status updates, news feeds..."
[schmarty]continuing from main indieweb channel. this ScrollToTextFragment "privacy leak" fear sounds like it requires some _work_. like you're listening in on someone's network traffic, watching every resource they load. they load a page that happens to dynamically load resources depending on where you scroll on the page (e.g. lazyload images). you time how quickly they fetch those resources, indicating that maybe they clicked on a link with a
[schmarty]apparently a similar trick can be pulled by embedding a page in an iframe and using the IntersectionObserver API to note when a particular thing scrolls into view
[schmarty]just got an email from glitch.com announcing that paid plans are coming for more memory, "always on" (versus sleeping after 5 minutes of inactivity), and no rate limits. no timeframe, and it seems like it will go through a beta testing period that hasn't started, yet.
[jeremycherfas]There’s something I do not understand about Apache access logs. If I have a redirect in the `htaccess` and despite that, the file does not actually exist, should the log show a 301 for the redirect, or a 404?
[jeremycherfas]Yeah, I thought that would be it. The client got a 301, and even if that ended up in a 404, that would not be relayed to the client. I thought I might be able to search for posts giving a 404, but I guess that’s not going to be possible.
[jgmac1106]"E.g. there's an unspoken convention on Twitter that a link in a tweet (especially at the _end_ of a tweet) should provide more information." not sure this is at all true for most corners of the web
[jgmac1106]I don't do more and I include the link because my goal is to get people reading websites, but it is a personal choice. I had never heard of permashortcitation but I don't hang out in the dev circles on twitter
[amy]hi all! Does anyone have an email hosting service that they like? Working on a catering website this weekend for a friend who is not super computer literate, but I’d like to not use g suite.
jackylike if someone designs their site in a particular way, I'd want to take the _minimal_ styling I can from it and add it into the reader so I can see it in a "minified" form but also taking on the author's design choices
jackynah like how do you determine what fonts, colors are being used _specifically_ on an element? I can _think_ of a way using the browser's introspection tools and via the DOM's API
[schmarty]could be fun tho' to note, for example, what elements are used in the inner/outer HTML for the mf2 properties you'd display (name and content would probably be enough to start)
[schmarty]then use a headless browser to get some of the computed styles on those elements in each context like font properties, line spacing, color, etc.
jacky[KevinMarks]: I'm talking about doing something like `div.post__Reply .customClass` where the __Reply bit is dynamically defined depending on the post type
@DSuperiaI enjoy keeping pocket sized slaves in minion jars until I need a lil snack OR need something only a microsub can do.
I like to rub your teensy squirming body on my lips as I decide if youre worthy of even being in my belly squirming.
Giantess • FemDom • Real-Time Dominatrix (twitter.com/_/status/1230972082160373765)