#dev 2020-02-20

2020-02-20 UTC
chrisaldrich, [arush], gRegorLove, Nuve, [Michael_Beckwit, [jgmac1106], oodani, katherine1, plut4rch, [tantek], miklb, nickodd, [andre], beko, strugee and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Back to looking at timezones. Trying to decide...if I am storing using offsets, should the display show timezone names?
Having a user pick an offset might not be user friendly
swentel and [tantek] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jamietanna and jgmac1106 joined the channel
snarfed no worries - I think if you had issues publishing we should find out what went wrong, it may have been api issues / rate limiting perhaps?
jamietanna: [snarfed] left you a message 3 days, 1 hour ago: hah, we forgot to update the redirect_uri on the meetup API app to brid.gy instead of localhost. mind doing that when you get a chance?
[LewisCowles], jjuran and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ @sarupbanskota @zeithq Webmentions, fetch recent tweets, update on RSS feed update :-)
It's encouraging to see how people are getting more and more into personal websites. The next step would be to being able to take the conversation out of Twitter. #webmentions #indieweb
[jeremycherfas], [grantcodes], [jgmac1106] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
I'm looking forward to trying this webmentions in Eleventy tutorial by @TheGreenGreek later: https://sia.codes/posts/webmentions-eleventy-in-depth/
all that talk of reposting and finally have something I want to repost: https://twitter.com/dogtrax/status/1230255342308790275 juts grabbing img and reposting that
@jgmac1106 @dajbelshaw A few of lines of your #smallpoem, with a comma added for dramatic effect … #clmooc #poetryport https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERK-kN-XkAAD7ne.jpg
[KevinMarks], [Rose], jamietanna, KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], [LewisCowles] and [snarfed] joined the channel
jamietanna i'm thinking about cutting new releases of granary and oauth-dropins soon to get the meetup support out there. let me know if you're interested in helping! instructions are in the readmes, they're pretty straightforward, and i can add you on pypi
[snarfed]: jamietanna[m] left you a message 7 hours, 29 minutes ago: no worries - I think if you had issues publishing we should find out what went wrong, it may have been api issues / rate limiting perhaps?
[snarfed]: jamietanna[m] left you a message 7 hours, 25 minutes ago: no worries - I think if you had issues publishing we should find out what went wrong, it may have been api issues / rate limiting perhaps?
[manton] this is why we need to get all the micro.blog themes proper with mf2: https://blog.inoreader.com/2020/02/inoreader-mobile-apps-updated-to-support-automatic-night-mode-microblogs-sort-by-magic-and-popularity-indicators.html jacket is going all in on micro.blog support but stays away from mf2 because they are malformed in the sites he tests...I think we are close on most
[manton] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Maybe I can carve out a little time at IndieWebCamp this weekend to review the MF2 in Micro.blog.
As you know, all the themes are on GitHub so I welcome changes too. 🙂
yeah I make the changes, what i don’t know is the templating stuff
If you propose a session on micro.blog and mf2 i would love to try and make it
I am happy to think about an FAQ page as I see people start to remove them as they customize CSS
I got through most, thanks for accepting the PRs. I will start testing more of them tommorow
best paret inoreader is in Sofie….same place as GWG, currently, figured it out when mapping distances to Austin for IWC'
sivy has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
[manton]: do you have automated builds for demo pages using the themes? if yes, adding an automated check for the parse result could be a thing?
ohh that would be cool. I have to download, install post, check, edit, post, check, edit, over and over again for each theme
….but doing it as a session….could be the intro to microformats session always offered but that leads to a nice outcome of themes that parse correctly
other thing I need to work on are the page building demos for people I have encouraged to sign up. Those will be fun to do, not this weekend though
That's interesting. I don't have any automated checks for the themes but could add something. That would also be helpful for people building custom themes.
^^^^ wow that does sound like a great hack day goal….he hears whispering through the web
I'm working on starting a directory of user-submitted themes for people who have taken existing Hugo themes and tweaked them for Micro.blog. Those are very unlikely to have full Microformats.
I kind of already have a hack day goal related to replies but we'll see. 🙂
ohh yeah you have been writing a ton about your thinking, been fun to read
I know I hate my decontextualized replies but the only way I can avoid it is to use convulted hashtags
I haven’t figured out how to seperate replies from my notes feed using Known. JeremyCherfas has been working on that too
Fighting with Thunderbird after just starting the first cup of coffee is not how I wanted to start my Thursday. Also, going back and forth with my host with regard to support from their end of Micropub and Indieauth. I just sent the specs, let’s see what… https://www.arush.io/archives/96452/2020/02/20/11/18/
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
S’easy. If you don’t use micropub to create the replies, then Known knows they are a reply, and you can eliminate them from the RSS you share with m.b
MTIH has 1 karma over the last year
[tantek] joined the channel
[manton] count me in for reviewing mf2 in micro.blog themes. Happy to help improve while also figuring out how we can improve our tools like IndieWebifyMe to make it easier for more people to check / improve their mf2
sivy, why first class post "types" in Goldfrog? Why not first class post creating UX first?
(sivy, background, many of us are moving / moved away from any kind of explicit post typing in the UI because it's awkward for users, makes them think more than necessary, and creates bad storage legacy as a side effect)
[jgmac1106] that's an excellent /repost use-case! Someone post something that includes something you previously posted! Can you add that along with your citation to /repost#Why?
will do, though I should probably look at the mark up and wrap it an h-cite, I just included the CC license link
sivy, let people create posts with whatever aspects (text, photos, location etc.) that they want to create, in any order, while they're creating
avoid the "pick a post type!" pop-up menu nonsense. that's pretty much dead UX
also users really don't care or want to learn about post types, so don't make them
"first class post type" makes it sound like its the center of the design, including exposing to users
otherwise what do you mean by "first class"?
and I track down where the u-url-url typo I was making emerged from Known. It uses: “u-url url” I must have copied and carried aling with me and then made typo along the way
sivy, study existing /create UIs
especially take a look at how micro.blog's default UI works
is there anything wrong with switching from rel=permalink to rel=canonical?
micro.blog and tumblr, them my fave for post creation
but the micro.blog add a title field after 280 characters is so spot on
you don't need an explicit tags field either because people are used to typing hashtags now in-content
yeah but then you'd have to an explicit parser for that :(
which isn't a lot
or you could also optionally show an explicit tags field after someone types their first hashtag
[Greg McVerry] @Tumblr still has one of the most intuitive publishing UX in the blogging world. It's purdy to boot. #IndieWeb https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/file/54b5d5965b6b6b7a3e9a1dcdcd7a661a/tumblr.gif
sorta. it was more like the endpoint
endings are always someone’s beginning
like that's about as far as a structured post types UI could go, and nothing improved since then (10 years ago?)
I am more interested in voice input now as well for notes as well
and that's when as jgmac1106 noted another beginning, the trend toward *unstructured* post creation UIs started evolving
the big change is now you start with a simple text field, as re-popularized by Twitter (and FB)
and then there are little icons to add other stuff to it, not to change its "type"
nothing should be explicit
in the UI like that
the icons should be for *adding* things to a post, not for choosing a post type
that's the key innovation that's happened since
start with simpler posts, reviews make more sense in the context of an item that already exists
[Joe_Crawford] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
my read posts but they are not h-reviews as I am not rating them so just an h-entry with a u-read-of on the link: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/content/read/
sivy, the book is the itme
but what tantek was talking about, post type discovery, Known doesn’t do well. It has templates for each post type
a review is just one post in the lifecycle of experience with a specific item
because Known decided to go down that path before we had concluded that post type first UI was a dead end
Is there a reason I should not switch the rel=permalink to rel=canonical in my Known templates speaking of which
the beauty to me sivy is then you do not have to worry about the publishing ux at all, if micropub clients map to your site and you build views using post type discovery,….having to design all that publishing UI isnt needed
posts on untappd are an interesting case study, you can have a review of an item, venue check-ins, and people tags all in one post
sivy: for sure, but you don't need explicit post types for that either. for example i can POSSE a post that has a photo to twitter, regardless of what kind of post it is. for example some of my food posts have photos
do i want to write code that says "if posttype == food || posttype == photo || ..." no, I want to write "if post has a photo"
yeah it's a pretty fundamental difference, but it really simplifies things in the end
it's super important to design this properly to start with, otherwise you'll end up rebuilding later anyway
this is why we're dissuading you from going down the explicit post types path. it's literally a dead end
hey sivy!
sivy, correct, you will need heuristics for your POSSEing
also there's a lot of work on that for Twitter as a target in particular in /Twitter#POSSE - for lots of different sets of features, short notes, long notes, with a title (article), with photo(s), replies etc.
gRegorLove, swentel, KartikPrabhu, jjuran, chrisaldrich and SpencerDub joined the channel
POSSE is something I wonder a bit about nowadays
like it's nice to do
and 'helps maintain ties'
but I _really_ want to get to a place where I don't have to do it to keep people 'up to date' with me
(this is more of a -chat convo tbh)
Pete joined the channel
more of a #indieweb on topic for user perspective convo IMO
empathizing with maintaining ties is totally on topic for IndieWeb use and adoption
and yes, POSSE was always seen as a bridging strategy (so to speak), as well as a lightweight education / indieweb awareness campaign
^^^ why having permashortlinks to your original posts on your POSSE copies matters
it's a way to steer more people to at least *reading* on the IndieWeb, eventually wanting their own presence, and then joining up
[jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
slug design is hard
er, URL design
i'm about 90% happy with my URLs
ah yeah i made that mistake the first time around
so I do /yyyy/mm/dd/n/slug where "yyyy/mm/dd/n" is the filename on disk
but sometimes it annoys me that there's an extra number in the URL
what is URL design
URL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indieweb.org/URL_design
sivy, perhaps helpful ^^^
Posting UI #experiment #goldfrog
oh nice, i thought you were just providing an example of a URL :)
↩️ I don't know if you tracked this down yet, but I just decided to take a break from work and poke around. It's coming from a webmention, with this note being filtered somehow https://adactio.com/links/16239
ooh sivy i think your site is missing published times in the microformats markup
oh i see.. i don't know which is wrong, the markup or the parser
<time class="dt-published">2020-02-20</time>
i just added your site to my reader and all the posts came in at the top because it didn't find the dates
oh wait
the <time> element is inside the h-card
[Steve Ivy] Posting UI #experiment #goldfrog
it handled the lack of datetime attribute just fine
ahh perfect
but anything parsing the microformats would have the same problem
now we find out if aperture handles when the published date of posts changes
sivy: the author property is also not right on that page
interesting, aperture was able to figure it out
oh cause it's using the top-level h-card as the author for all the posts
but yes the h-card in each entry is showing up as a child rather than as the author property, probably missing a u-author class
the u-author class is on the url, not on the h-card
jjuran joined the channel
aaronpk, do you set a post that has changed back to new/unread in case the content has changed it has been seen already in the reader?
that sentence is weird
s/it/if it
which then makes me wonder, would an 'updated' property make sense for microsub .. :)
i don't think i have anything like that
Drupal side doesn't recognize post changes yet, I'm fixing that at the moment
oh that reminds me
I gotta push that u-uid stuff
we just did a big reorg of that page
yes, that's a general nested microformats thing
whatever element has the h-card, you add the u-author class to that same element and then the h-card becomes the value of the "author" property
it makes more sense with examples, let me see if i can do this real quick
oh wait no because that didn't fail before
this one: https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmonkinetic.blog%2F check that the h-entry has an author property that is your h-card
[Steve Ivy] Posting UI #experiment #goldfrog
↩️ Short version: 1. Own your data 2. Use intrinsic HTML features to provide simple protocols for data/service discovery (microformats, <link rel>, etc.) 3. Keep the APIs for interop simple Much of the inter-site communication is via Webmention which is incredibly simple.
is that the developer elevator pitch?
it showed up in #indieweb-dev so yes :D
there's no h-entry on that article
oh wow I read the thread. [fluffy] I'm sorry you're having to deal with Inrupt/SOLID
<article id="new-posting-ui-on-goldfrog"> should be <article id="new-posting-ui-on-goldfrog" class="h-entry">
[fluffy] joined the channel
[tantek] This is literally the first I”ve heard of it and probably the last I’m going to touch it
I don’t think corbden is, like, bought into it or anything, they were just interested in it without having a lot of experience in the field.
[fluffy] yeah there's some unfortunate history there
what is Inrupt
Inrupt is a startup with the goal of “personal empowerment through data” (similar to the own-your-data IndieWeb principle), and is based on the Solid project, relying on Javascript and RDF https://indieweb.org/Inrupt
they do have the elevator pitch down tho
yeah and every time I mention IndieWeb to folks they look for an elevator pitch and fail to find one
and usually walk away thinking “meh, the usual F/OSS mess of protocols”
not really, their pitch doesn't really survive any attempt at use or dev
✨ indieweb is whatever you want it to be ✨
which is true, but not very helpful 🙂
[fluffy] depends on which folks, that's the problem
devs want one kind of pitch
[tantek]: i don't think elevator pitches need to survive attempts at use or development to be successful pitches 😂
and if it's not exactly delivered as they expect it they're like, meh I don't get it, make it easy for my entitled attitude or else I don't care
I try to keep my “elevator pitch” answer generic enough and then focus in on the aspects they care about
that's the point of a pitch, to get you interested enough to learn more
like I find it frustrating how much mindshare ActivityPub has gotten given how… well, difficult it is to set anything up with it, and how at its core it’s basically always going to be stuck reinventing Twitter/Tumblr-likes.
ActivityPub has mindshare because of Mastodon, not because of any elevator pitch
Or at least trying to fit everything into a Twitter/Tumblr-esque mold.
and don't be frustrated by ActivityPub getting mindshare! I would argue it's educating people about a different way of looking at the web
also because buzzwords
But part of the pitch is “it’s a W3C recommendation,” ignoring that so is most of IndieWeb
ActivityPub is educating people to expect more from the web and that's a good thing
My frustration about ActivityPub is mostly because people keep on asking me to add support for it into Publ but like. Every time I stare down that rabbit hole, the rabbit hole stares back.
it's a very deep rabbit hole
fluffy, best pushback there is to ask, for what use-case?
heh, exactly my feelings :)
i have been to the bottom
Things I like about ActivityPub: objects are mapped using UUIDs
Things I dislike about activityPub: pretty much everything else
i..wha? i don't remember doing anything with UUIDs in my implementation
well, not actually UUIDs, but you know. Abstract object IDs.
the lack of test suite is IMO the biggest problem
Which could be done using UUIDs.
i thought everything was still a URL
Oh. I guess I just glossed over that stuff.
Things I like about ActivityPub: it exists
what's interesting to me is how much fanfare announcements around activitypub get. like this one for example: https://friend.camp/@tripofmice/103687506960706656
[𝔰𝔞𝔩𝔱 𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔰𝔥] Are you interested in a federated alternative to Goodreads that doesn't use Amazon?because I'm making a federated alternative to Goodreads that doesn't use Amazonhttps://github.com/mouse-reeve/fedireads
367 reposts, 364 likes
and see things like that make me roll my eyes
because like. what does activitypub bring to the table that you don’t get from just having a regular hecking website?
aaronpk, there's A LOT of Mastodon fans and thus ActivityPub fans
I guess it makes discovery slightly easier but social readers have a better story for that IMO
especially social reader + micropub where you can share stuff that *isn’t already in the same ecosystem*
[Katherine] joined the channel
like youtube/tumblr/etc. don’t even have to play along but indieweb sites can share them just as well as indieweb-native posts
(but not things that are behind a login wall, like the vast majority of facebook)
I also like that IndieWeb mechanisms give me a choice of how I share stuff. Like, a lot of my music posts are soundcloud embeds, but I’ve switched a bunch of them over to bandcamp as I’ve turned them into actual album releases, and in the future I could switch to self-hosting my own audio and using <audio> tags or whatever.
(which I also do on occasion but I don’t like the UX and don’t feel like building a better one just yet)
Something I’d really like to see improved in the IndieWeb ecosystem is the ability to change URLs more freely. That’s actually a big part of the thing I wrote hoping to be a keynote for IndieWeb Summit. 🙂 Well, being able to handle change in general.
some aspects of that are hard, but some also work automatically
like you can always redirect your URLs
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Sure, and that’s a good start, but it’d be great if webmention endpoints (for example) could adapt to changes in incoming links.
what do you mean?
I mean taht was a bit part of my “webmention endpoint wishlist” that I wrote a while ago
[schmarty] joined the channel
like, oops, there was a typo in my entry title, it sent out webmentions to things, then I changed my typo and that changed the URL because SEO slugs
or then the constant headache of “http or https?” rel=canonical only fixes future stuff, it doesn’t help with past mixups.
pretty sure the webmention spec already addresses that in updates?
(and canonical doesn’t handle the typo-changed-a-url thing either)
Doesn’t it rely on redirections though? That doesn’t help with the http vs https thing.
Or does it always adopt the new rel=canonical?
yes but you should be serving a redirect at the old url you published anyway
I don’t redirect http to https though, and that’s on purpose.
and if you do that, then you send a webmention from that URL, and the receiver should recognize that the URL is now a redirect to the new URL
My http pages provide https as the canonical.
serving the same content on http/https is a different challenge, and also not related to webmention
But they don’t redirect.
It’s related in that there’s multiple URLs that resolve to the same content.
anyway if you have specific issues like this, they would benefit from being tracked as actual issues instead of chat
Sure, this also was a tangent from another discussion :)
I do probably need to rework how Pushl handles changed URLs, on that note.
… oh it looks like I already noticed and fixed that deficiency
okay so yeah I see that the webmention spec itself never, um, mentions rel=canonical. But supporting that would lead to obvious spoofing attacks. Hm.
right, because webmention is limited to the http and link verification steps rather than interpreting what a page means
but if someone gets WMs from your http and https version of a page, they can dedupe that way (ignore the http one)
yeah and I do that in webmention.js
but that doesn’t help with, say, sites that allow multiple domains (example.com vs www.example.com, or questionable.content vs. starwars.horse or whatever)
(the latter isn’ treally an issue because QC’s many domains all redirect rather than serve up the same content but still)
also those aren’t actual examples
if they have rel=canonical it does
or can, if you implement it that way
it *should* but doesn’t necessarily, depending on the levels of spoof mitigation in place, and how the endpoint handles the source URL
Like I don’t think webmention.io will consolidate pings from multiple pages that have the same u-url
to avoid spoofs you probably can only discard mentions that point their canonical url to something else you already have data for
Hm, yeah, that seems reasonable.
But it’s still a vagary in the spec, and I’d like to at least get some clarification of a thing that an endpoint should do.
[manton] joined the channel
I wouldn't treat them as a redirect, because the owner could just send a mention with the canonical as the source, this check just protects against duplicates if the content is available and multiple urls
anyway I opened https://github.com/w3c/webmention/issues/103 and now I am overdue for getting lunch 🙂
[fluffy-critter] #103 Mechanism for multi-protocol/domain/etc. URL consolidation
and on the Pushl side there’s https://github.com/PlaidWeb/Pushl/issues/41 which is at least easy for me to do 🙂
[fluffy-critter] #41 Allow pinging from an old URL
KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks] and gRegorLove joined the channel