aaronpkthis does beg the question of how to fix this in xray tho... cause it turns out the same URL is actually something different depending on what you're looking for
aaronpkokay this is probably an easier fix than I thought. it turns out it's because your author URL has no slash, and xray was never set up to handle that case
aaronpkokay this is probably an easier fix than I thought. it turns out it's because your author URL has no slash, and xray was never set up to handle that case
aaronpki'm going to capture this as an issue on github and we can talk about it there. I feel like your markup is reasonable as is, so i'm hesitant to suggest that you change it
[tantek]not sure how the logic can be more complicated than that, like how does this go wrong, and can we document the proper logic on any kind of response display so this "just works" instead of people overthinking/overcodingit?
[tantek]I'm saying don't overplan like that up front, instead, code minimally modularly instead of assuming you have a "full world view understanding" and design a master plan for everything fitting together
[tantek]that's what I mean by modularly, consider each piece independently to start with so that at a minimum all the simple cases "work" instead of failing unexpectedly because you assumed something would be there that wasn't
[tantek]you cannot predict what "all combinations" exist so don't bother trying to, or in particular trying plan for them, that's my point. at any point a new property could be added and then there are more combinations than you ever thought existed before and you haven't planned for
@howthebodyworks↩️ Heheh. Indeed. My relationship with social media is .. intermittent. And my relationship with Webmention is triaged into the indefinite future. V. impressed at the multitasking implied by your web presence. (twitter.com/_/status/1229984614564843521)
geoffo, [datashaman], plut4rch and gxt joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
GWGI need to consistently break timestamps into component pieces and it seems like adding it to an inherited class might be cleaner than passing the datetime object into a variety of different conversion options
[KevinMarks]because time zones are arbitrary. The safest way to deal with it is to store time and the numeric timezone offset. Anything else is dependent on a time-dependent mapping table.
[KevinMarks]so maybe storing the named timezone is useful for those, but for the past storing offset is safest, as the mapping tables don't always preserve history
@aswathWhy is "guest access" still a news item? Isn't it part and parcel of #WebRTC? But what is newsworthy is that such access is not authenticated, though it is so simple to do. #Indieauth (twitter.com/_/status/1230148584810729472)
aaronpki do think a blog post is the one exception where a repost should not actually re post the entire content (although tumblr would disagree with this)
aaronpknow whether you think it's "fair use" to repost someone's entire blog post is a different issue, but the attribution issue is pretty straightforward
aaronpkreading the /repost page, i feel like it's pretty out of date. we do have many more examples and could extract some display guidance from those now
[manton]Agreed that the most important thing is not to confuse people who are just finding the web site and not sure who wrote the post. I think quoting something in its entirety only makes the problem worse, but it's a secondary issue.
aaronpkfor example i replace where my own photo would be with the photo of the person i'm reposting, also the name and url: https://aaronparecki.com/2019/05/11/3/ so I don't think there would be any confusion from someone looking at this repost as to who the author is
aaronpki do also show the contents of posts I *like*, which is another debatable point, but I like it. and if I repost or like an article, I show only the name of the post rather than the full contents https://aaronparecki.com/2020/01/31/5/
[manton]Yeah, that serves almost like a cached copy of what you're reposting. Do you ever repost much longer articles? Maybe the wiki guidelines should have a simple rule of thumb that if you're reposting something longer than tweet-length, please choose a paragraph to quote or just include a link.
aaronpkas soon as the thing on your site is not a 1:1 representation of the original, then you've put some amount of editorial thought into it, and it's no longer a repost
[manton]That makes sense. Personally I don't like reposts, so I would also lean toward quoting. But for people who do want to use reposts, hopefully the guidelines can point people in the right direction to avoid confusion.
geoffo, [LewisCowles] and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek]aaronpk, manton, great thinking here on /repost, please consider adding these thoughts, even copy/pasting unstructured to /repost#Brainstorming
[manton]Yep. I can add a couple notes to that page. This particular example had kicked off a discussion on Micro.blog about "theft" of people's content, and I'd hate for that to be a widespread feeling when someone has good intentions in reposting.
[tantek][manton] definitely link to that discussion if you can! that's a great way to help educate developers on the real impacts of their design choices
aaronpkThat iOS thread is interesting, I haven't experienced any of that with my phone. The only thing I pay for is iCloud storage for phone and photo backups.
[jgmac1106]interesting difference, on Bridgy you can have your url anywhere in the link or bio field, to log into telegraph your link has to be in the link field
[jgmac1106]just something I noticed now, I was playing around yesterday to see if I could use Bridgy to POSSE something from a site hosted on Glitch, forgot to change back my url
[LewisCowles]and now I find android needs a polyfill for the in-app browser component to use location in the same way that the chrome app on android can
@RickByers@othermaciej@johnwilander Matt Bolohan, one of their most senior engineers (a former true believer in the mobile web) said: "It's sad, but when building for iOS instead of the web, it's so nice to feel like I'm not fighting the platform all the time anymore". 2/ (twitter.com/_/status/1229577039889489921)
[manton][jgmac1106] Thanks for commenting. I felt like the conversation was starting to make too many assumptions and I didn't want it to go off the rails into "piling on" when someone has good intentions.
[jgmac1106][manton] kinda feel like that was the internetarchive version of dunktweeting, let me save this page forvever so the world can remember what you did
[jeremycherfas]The discussion on m.b is interesting, in that among the sane comments there are contributions that seem determined to attribute malice. Which is the first time I’ve seen that on m.b
[manton]In the IndieWeb community, we see "repost" and know what it means, even if the implementation details vary. But for someone else, they might see just copying content, especially since spammers have trained us to be suspicious of this kind of thing.
[jeremycherfas]To be honest, I’ve never quite seen the value of a repost on my own site. What do I gain, over and above a cache of the content? But that is my personal view.
[KevinMarks]The value of a repost is telling your public that you thought something was worth seeing. So for a longer piece a summary or pull quote is better. For a one liner, not showing or inline is more annoying due them
[KevinMarks]Huffduffer.com or tumblr have a big repost culture. Twitter too, but because tweets were small. Now they are often threads a retweet can be more like a pull quote
Loqi[snarfed] tantek: ah, got it. yeah, that's pfefferle and acegiak, maybe with light nudging from me. but you're right, u-favorite-of doesn't (or shouldn't) really exist in general
[jgmac1106]Do you like soda? Yes, but is Diet Coke your favorite? How can one have a favorite post when one does not know what someone may post tomorrrow,
LoqiA bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indieweb.org/bookmark
[tantek][jgmac1106] and this is why various silos converged on "like" including renaming favorite to like, because it is a lighter weight response that encourages more use
[tantek]I'm wondering if we should document it as something silos are doing, specifically to document how it *should work* instead, and the fact that IndieWeb sites are doing it better.
[tantek][jeremycherfas] I appreciate your perspective on reposts, and I would expect there are likely at least a few (perhaps quiet) others who would agree. Perhaps it's worth adding a /repost#Why_not section to describe why *not* to use reposts and what to use instead