[jgmac1106]Quite relieved that you can have an h-entry without a p-name, and dt-published...I found myself always wracking my head in terms of layout thinking how to display all that in a visually pleasing way
[David_Bryant]I noticed the new photo grid, [tantek] - very nice! Keen to hear how you implemented it. I've built one that takes advantage of a bunch of 11ty features -- YAML front matter, tags, collections, and Nunjucks templating. ATM it automatically generates a separate page (https://www.disquisitioner.com/photos/) of whatever photos I tag appropriately in any of my posts, but it would be cool to make an embeddable widget out of that.
[Brian], linext, tbbrown and [Erika_W_] joined the channel
aaronpkahh just realized my live html parsing demo that i thought was wrong was actually not wrong, it was the case that i decided to stop caring about
[chrisaldrich]jacky, I think I saw that you got cut short in working on it, but I suspect you'll add other feeds as well? I'd actually intend people to follow my own website first and then use rel-me to find other possible ways of following me.
aaronpktoday, sonicrocketman found a bug in xray where it was completely dropping the "content" property for the markup <p><img src="/photo.jpg"></p> in the e-content
Loqirel-subscribe is an experimental rel value for linking from your home page to your subscription endpoint, and is currently prototyped by Aaron Parecki on aaronparecki.com; try the Follow button in the right side of the footer of his home page or any permalink https://indieweb.org/rel-subscribe
[chrisaldrich]I feel like you may be adding the idea that I intend people to follow me to the fact that I have rel-me tags on certain silos though. Rel-subscribe seems like a more interesting thing to support for that tool.
jackyand I'm hoping that I can use that site (when it's more polished) to drop my showing of silo icons and opt for 'explicit' linking (or encourage people to follow in another wayt)
[jgmac1106]in terms of pagination in your h-feed does each additional page need to be wrapped in an h-feed or do readers know to follow the rel=orev back to the start
Loqipagination is a UI pattern for navigation across (typically chronologically) sequential pages that show one or more posts such as permalink post pages, archives, search results, and lists of tagged posts https://indieweb.org/pagination
[schmarty]this came up recently with the "indieweb best 9" photo post tool. i modified it to work with my archive pages which _don't_ have h-feed wrapping the collection of h-entry. i made a quick post about it. https://martymcgui.re/2020/02/04/154329/
Loqi[Marty McGuire] Thanks for taking a look at the changes! And thanks for the response!
While I agree that I could wrap the entries on my archive page in an h-feed, I disagree that every collection of h-entry “is a feed”.
The microformats2 spec for h-feed is sti...
[jgmac1106][schmarty] but how many items them too many for one feed? like if someone wanted to subscribe to the h-feed for my notes or more articles? When do you remove from a feed to an archive?
[schmarty]for my site i have https://martymcgui.re/posts/ as my main feed. the "Older Posts" link at the bottom points to the next page in my monthly archives that /posts/ didn't contain all of.
sknebelbut that's seems like a solvable discovery thing, and if you want to be able to backfill a feed you need other changes, so both have consequences for consumers
[jeremycherfas]I’m more likely to scroll back the first time I see it, maybe 10 entries, maybe 50, whatever. From then on out, I only really care about what’s new.
[jgmac1106]sknebel I honestly didn't know reading the feed reader that if they parse something with a rel=prev if they go backwards to try to find the h-feed
[jgmac1106]if I go last month is an archive, I will just use jgregorymcverry.com/thismonth for notes...that would still be a feed of anywhere of 50-100 h-entries.....probably 100-1000s if I only used my website and not Known
[jgmac1106]For people who were in the community sesion talking about how you use location for discovery, here is something I just discovered in Tweetdeck, prolly there long time
[schmarty], [yo], [manton], geoffo, jeremycherfas, [Michael_Beckwit and jolvera joined the channel
sknebelyeah, searched a bit more on desktop now and seems like it only exists in G Suite Groups (which I have no idea if they are like public Google groups in any way)
TraptedMind, jeremycherfas, [gRegorLove], geoffo, [schmarty], [tantek], [jgmac1106] and [manton] joined the channel