#dev 2020-02-25

2020-02-25 UTC
[KevinMarks] and sivy-phone joined the channel
alright pushing my rel=subscribe flow
should be up in like ~7 minutes
I need to step up a true push-to-deply flow for dokku tbh
or something so I don't have to also push to dokku after pushing up
[yo] joined the channel
Agh it's busted and I'm like boarded lol
I'll have to fix it when I land at my layover
Gotta do some precomputation about site stats
plut4rch, [gRegorLove], [Michael_Beckwit, KartikPrabhu, [Jeff_Hawkins], petermolnar_, [fluffy] and GWG joined the channel
I am working on a plan to store data on urls separately from posts, then attach them to posts to create likes, replies, etc
cweiske, swentel, KartikPrabhu, jacky, dgold, petermolnar, superjen96, [datashaman], ingoogni, [jeremycherfas], hs0ucy, [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], jenelizabeth and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; dgold left the channel
I don't have time for a few days but after talk on pagination, h-feed, and archiving. I am gonna add a recent posts section to home page, will be stream of everything. Then archive by post type. Add h-feed on front page
People want to follow just my photos or articles can go their
Videos I will still have multiple h-feeds on page to enable per show subscriptions
... One day... Many lessons and moons from now maybe the archiving automated using post type discovery
... Till then I continue living manual till it hurts dream
[manton], inkjama, chrisfinazzo, [snarfed], linext, nsh, JQ, tsrt^ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; chrisfinazzo left the channel
[snarfed] granary fragments work great, able to turn an h-feed into a podcast feed: https://pca.st/54tg44lq
I set the img as u-featured...couldn't remmeber if it should be u-photo, or no mf2 trying just an img now
glad to hear it!
it is u-photo, I should write this up on wiki
What is podcast?
A podcast is an episodic series of audio and/or video posts that can be subscribed to and downloaded for offline listening/viewing https://indieweb.org/podcast
gRegorLove, geoffo, maxwelljoslyn, superjen96, geoffo_, gRegorLove_, [LewisCowles], [grantcodes] and [datashaman] joined the channel
TGiske, leg and hs0ucy joined the channel
oof just noticed that I've produced two h-feeds
of the same content
_everywhere_ lol
and I only came across it because my feeds are out and it has no sense of waterfall retrying lol
also ran into https://rss.app/ from there
yeah that's gonna have all the same problems ownyourgram is dealing with i suspect
tbh I know it's possible
but if I could syndicate links from my site to Instagram
I'd be golden
I know _exactly_ how but it'd be tricky lol
i've never used it, but there's a private api for posting to instagram that i've seen a library for at some point
I can’t help but think IndieWeb principles supercede the way scientific journals operate. POSSE for discovery, webmentions for citations and peer review. No fee. We basically just need a science clone of http://IndieWeb.xyz
aaronpk (@freenode_aaronpk:matrix.org): I have to say, Loqi is awesome. :P
KartikPrabhu, hs0ucy, inkjama, geoffo, Giske, chrisaldrich and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Jeremy Howard & Hamel Husain] Introducing fastpages
[chrisaldrich] ^^
ooh another double author example of posts....
Hot New Product: Boker 02MS011 MAC Coltellerie Microsub Race Fixed Blade Knife https://ift.tt/2PqjJJQ https://t.co/znzVd85ugX
my next short story is going to involve going through all the random microsub posts...gonna be great
inkjama joined the channel
Hot New Product: Boker 02MS113 MAC Coltellerie Microsub Race Fixed Blade Knife Black https://ift.tt/2v4XTVn https://t.co/OFysq5jMH1
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Hot New Product: Boker 02MS015 MAC Coltellerie Microsub Race Fixed Blade Knife Blue https://ift.tt/32rGT7L https://t.co/0kZuLdefH9
Hot New Product: Boker 02MS111 MAC Coltellerie Microsub Race Fixed Blade Knife Yellow https://ift.tt/2wF3H8f https://t.co/JVHdK1Mu9H
[Joe_Crawford], KartikPrabhu and hs0ucy joined the channel