#dev 2020-03-04

2020-03-04 UTC
gRegorLove, [KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, plut4rch and [tantek] joined the channel
From 2018 yet a still a good summary of a still existing problem: https://alistapart.com/article/cult-of-the-complex/
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG, that thread Jacky just shared has an interesting article on time for you: https://zachholman.com/talk/utc-is-enough-for-everyone-right
KartikPrabhu, jeremycherfas, plut4rch, gRegorLove and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
He says to store timezone strings rather than offsets, which seems like a shame as then your offsets can change over time
isn't that the point though?
if you store strings like "Australia/Perth" then when it's offset gets changed in TZ library, your app uses it
but problem is that the string names change too
Right, but when the oz gov decides to move the daylight savings start because of some sporting event, your event moves too. You might want this, you might not.
true, this is where all the complexities of timezones lie, peple decided to do something because.
I have a lot of issues with timezones all the time.
I store timezone strings on posts in order to show what timezone they were posted in
I'm just happy that rarst is leading the move in WordPress to use DateTime objects
It solved a lot of my problems
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] if you store the offset for the time, and only update if prior to that time the offset changes, you're good. It's more of a problem to have past dates using modern time offsets as it makes information inaccurate.
The purpose behind storing a canonical date-format in a database is just not having to transform when comparing. I think what they are trying to get away from is that we both store 2020-03-04 + some time, and it means different things, so needs complex transformation based on another field.
UTC might not be _the_ answer, but it's at least _a consistent_ answer
the comments about future recurring events make sense - create them on a rolling basis, which is in effect what we're doing
geoffo and plut4rch joined the channel
Some thought has going into this from ISO
Specifically [date|time]+ interval syntax
It only kicks the ball down the line though
at some point a concrete datetime needs to be issued, and then someone needs to ensure there is reasonably up to date tzinfo
[jeremycherfas] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Broken Hill can have a little timezone, as a treat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_in_Australia#Anomalies
This is why aliens won't talk to us
slightly joking
[jgmac1106], [grantcodes] and [g33kcentric] joined the channel
Hi all! I'm starting to build my own micropub bits, and was wondering if anyone had any postman/insomonia/HAR requests for different micropub submissions (adding a note, an image etc)
[datashaman] joined the channel
i've found this quite useful for generating micropub content.
it has a preview button which shows you the post submission which you could copy into your fixtures
https://micropub.rocks/ will get you up and running very fast as well
yeah i had a little bit of trouble getting micropub rocks up and running locally, bu i will give micropublish a go, thanks very much!
i used micropub.rocks as it is there, nothing local. still works. auth is a pita but if you keep the session alive it's fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
my internet connection at home is pretty fubar so i prefer to do things locally 😕
KartikPrabhu and Hart joined the channel
If you have a wikimedia/wikipedia account and support what [Sadik_Shahadu] and his team are doing in Ghana please consider endorsing project: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Global_Open_Initiative/Wikidata_GLAMs_Campaign,_Ghana#Endorsements
[jeremycherfas], mattl, jimpick, kitt, hs0ucy and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
vika_nezrimaya: swentel left you a message on 2020-01-06 at 1:29pm UTC: see https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Query_for_contacts also
Has anyone ever implemented ?q=food in Micropub?
If not I am planning to be the first one (but it's ok if you steal this idea :3)
I know a food diary/calorie counter silo and I'm thinking of an IndieWeb replacement
What is food
Food is a post type that represents eating or drinking particular food or drink https://indieweb.org/food
Thanks, Loqi! I need to log into the wiki now to add this to my personal page so I won't forget about it and so somebody could kick my lazy butt if I do
you're welcome
plut4rch and [grantcodes] joined the channel
There are already queries for post types, is that what you want?
Whew, done, now I won't forget it
vika_nezrimaya: highly interested in this too. We've some thoughts going for a calories app + web interface.
Mikaela, Mikaela0, [Michael_Beckwit, [jgmac1106] and [yo] joined the channel
I feel like I eat at too many places where it would be too hard to get calorie counts for that to be worth it.
I do love weight tracking though
I end up meal prepping like a mad person more often than not
might make up for not checking in a lot (wouldn't check into my apartment complex lol)
[KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
I've done the calorie counting thing for like 6 months. super hard to do for most foods, and it had the inconvenient side-effect of causing me to restrict myself to only countable foods which is really not the purpose
I have mixed feelings about what to do with calorie counts in UIs, including in recipes etc.
[snarfed] joined the channel
yes! quantified self, tracking, counting can be nice/useful hobbies for some people, but definitely aren't universal goals or appropriate (or even helpful) for everyone. https://snarfed.org/2013-09-24_the-unquantified-self
[calumryan] joined the channel
!tell jamietanna hi! i'm hoping to get oauth-dropins and granary releases out soon. still interested? if you are, i think there's just one issue we'd want to knock out first: https://github.com/snarfed/granary/issues/191
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jamietanna] #191 Meetup.com: Modify error message when RSVPing to non-Meetup event
KartikPrabhu, [schmarty], [LewisCowles] and gRegorLove joined the channel
New constraint for future protocols, and iterating on current protocols: make them work reliably with *sometimes* available servers. That is, servers that don't resolve DNS or 404 most of the time, but are say at least available a few cumulative hours per day.
use-case: web servers running on our mobile devices transiently connected to Wifi, resolving via dynamic DNS
[Ana_Rodrigues] and leg joined the channel
The importance of good microcopy in your UI: https://twitter.com/slbedard/status/1235280734551715840
(see image)
[carolgilabert] joined the channel
so good (bad)
classic example of, hey, this template with {{topic}} will work just fine!
I have a Web server on my phone but no dyn dns
Hmm. I am going to need router config for this
you may not have access to the router wherever your phone is, e.g. Starbucks wifi
I can do dyndns updates, but I can't get the router to port forward. I suspect this is going to need more work
or a different port
robinzzzDiscord[ joined the channel
considering that Skype, FT, FBM, IG are all able to receive inbound requests without reconfiguring a router, there's got to be a way
Though that only works if we're on the same local WiFi
This is going to need some kind of stun trickery
tantek: i think a lot of those "apps catch inbound stuff" are built on Google/Apple's centralized notification services.
baluptonDiscord[ joined the channel
nah, you can get Skype calls on your laptop at a Starbucks without any notification services
chris[m] joined the channel
laptop yes!
they've definitely all solved this WITHOUT any 3rd party centralized services
that's my point
phone: probably not!
oh oh, i misread your earlier point.
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
i do wonder how that works these days. is uPNP still a _thing_?
this component set looks so nice https://tailwindui.com/
I wonder if an ipv6 address would route
I'm _tempted_ to buy this and just redo all of my assets with it
oenone joined the channel
jacky: its nice but keep in mind half of the components are not implemented
I'd share it but its not like RefactoringUI, you need to login and copy each component html
jacky, I'd be curious to understand your UI component needs from a perspective of "what from 'plain HTML' is missing?" as I'd like to improve the default UI component situation
we can chat tonight at HWC SF 🙂
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
..now that's how you do an invite....assume guest is already coming
I think jacky already said he was coming?
[email096] joined the channel
Well, I’ll be there tonight
[chrisaldrich] and leg joined the channel
Tailscale users: "Cool, you do Wireguard!" @Tailscale in reality looking like: 95% NAT traversal & other packet routing, 4% oauth/2FA stuff, 1% WireGuard on top. (And the 95% part ain't done yet.)
[yo] joined the channel
yeah I can’t RSVP from my site yet lol
I broke how I did `q=post-types` and now no micropub client will work
Can you telegraph the RSVP?
aaronpk: https://twitter.com/apenwarr/status/1231290854192578562 is the part there that I identify with.
@davidcrawshaw @bradfitz @Tailscale Strictly speaking I think they are all spec compliant because the oauth2 spec left out so much stuff. Same net result, except this way all the providers have the moral high ground.
yes very true don't tell anyone i said that
We'll just quote an anonymous okta employee /s
[ColinMorris] joined the channel
Source: this one person on #indieweb-dev
My eyes were just drawn to that specific comment, hehe. I do like the idea of Tailscale
[jgmac1106] telegraph wouldn’t solve the problem: I need to fix my site so a micropub client can handle sending a rsvp
Understood, but not fix your problem but at least send the webmention for you... If the markup is correct
Or do you have no publishing UI beyond micropub clients?
The latter, no
Wow. The experience of getting browser extension preferences to match with the browser’s UI is horrendous :o There is an option to have it use `browser_style` but that seems close to useless, at least in Firefox
Oh, never mind, apparently I should not use browser_style at all, as it will render the preferences completely inaccessible. The more you learn when you go to file a bug … https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1466420
For anyone who does add-on development for Firefox ^^^
antone88 and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
So would tailscale solve my serving from my phone problem?
No idea, but I can tell you that if you can make a wireguard vpn connection you could set up something on that side to route traffic to your phone as long as that side has a public IP address
I'm doing that in a situation where I don't control the router on the internet connection of a device
linext, lahacker, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty] and [Brian] joined the channel