#dev 2020-03-10

2020-03-10 UTC
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, pablinos, [jgmac1106] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
chrisaldrich i do have a version of cc flickr attribution that adds a u-featured if I use an img as a featured img
I think I have something that adds that markup in my themes functions.php file automatically.
gRegorLove, plut4rch, [Michael_Beckwit, [tantek], geoffo, petermolnar and pablinos joined the channel
webmention test via .app . Still thinking about how to write instructions for my site. https://webmention.rocks/test/3
plut4rch joined the channel
speaking on that ^
I think I might re-write my 'submission' form to do some sort of pseudo-comment thing
to make it look a bit more native but do some kind of pop-over
thinks he'll make a demo
but like when twitter is linked; it fills out the intent page (somehow)
and when 'your own site' is clicked; it'll encourage some flow that makes it easier to post from the site
might invest in this
but the biggest thing would be having that 'your own site' stuff work
like do they sign into my site? do I encourage more comment parade (could be made into a very fast spam vector but haven't experienced it yet)
I just want it to be easy for someone to give feedback
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[Anonymous] Every XML validator will have told you that you have to define a namespace prefix before using it. That’s not browser-specific, that’s how XML works.
not really spam, but mostly the same kind of "missing the point", "nonconstructive" comments
nickodd and jenelizabeth joined the channel
I know there's a place for anonymous comments, but I feel like more often than not it just encourages bad behavior
I really do not mind constructive comments if they are anonymous, but I have yet to see them on my site
pablinos joined the channel
most constructive/useful comments I have seen are from indieweb-sites or from non-anonymous social media accounts
[KevinMarks] and cal joined the channel
Hi, I'm looking into writing a micropub client for ThreadReaderApp. What would be a good server to experiment against, just to play around and understand how things work?
micropub.rocks doubles as a client IIRC
Yea micropub.rocks can play both sides
Yup, I'm trying out micropub.rocks
but I think I need a server to test against?
It can be a server or a client depending on which you are building
So, I'm not sure how to proceed after logging into micropub.rocks
Ah I see it's a little confusing
Use the "add a client" section and make a new client called ThreadReaderApp
ah ok
and how do I initiate an oauth authorization to this server?
You probably care about only tests 202, 203, 700 for this use case
so that's IndieAuth, there's a link to the docs once you create the client there
basically in the real world someone is going to enter their own blog URL, and you'll have to send them to their own OAuth server to log in and get an access token
but when I view source, I don't see <link rel="authorization_endpoint"...
It might be in the http header instead, there's two ways to advertise the endpoint
gRegorLove joined the channel
ah, yes, ty!
thanks for the help!
np! Happy to help answer questions as you go!
thanks and will probably bug you all again :)
It would be super cool to be able to tweet "@ThreadReaderApp post this to my blog"!
Another way to test is to set up Wordpress and the micropub and IndieAuth plugins and try to post to that
btw unless things get way worse in the next 2 weeks I'll be in Vancouver for the OAuth group meeting, I'll have a couple evenings free if you want to meet up!
posting to your blog via Twitter would be super cool!
I am actually in SF Bay Area now, but will take you up on your offer if I am up in Portland (and you're free)
Ah nice, I make it down there every month or two, so likewise!
plut4rch and pablinos joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I need to finish working on IndieAuth in serious-business, it’s the only thing blocking deployment! >.<
cweiske and [g33kcentric] joined the channel
I just have to say, I super love that the devs this community dont just jump on every new thing and declare it the new standard! It's part of the reason i've started to drift from the more mainstream dev communities.
preach, imagine if IG supported atom feeds like pixelfed does https://pixelfed.social/users/earth.atom
pablinos joined the channel
also "new standard" is a very imprecise term :P how many years? what percentage of adoption? etc :)
its not so much they declare it the new standard because lots of people are using, but that because people *should* be using it 😄
maybe I'm simply in a bit of a meh phase right now, but I have zero incentives to catch up on shiny things for my hobby stuff.
if I take up a project I want it to work for a few years :P
yeah, about 5 years into making web dev my day job, i burnt out to learning the new bleeding edge stuff
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
we're more a vintage standards fanclub
pablinos joined the channel
I'm being a little facetious - it's more that we take standards seriously as converging practice in a minimal way built on implementations rather than chasing new abstractions.
[calumryan], plut4rch and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] ++
[KevinMarks] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (40 in all channels)
[LewisCowles], [jeremycherfas] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
<p>This post is using gatsby and react markdown formatter to create / display pages.<br> I also use <a href="https://tailwindcss.com/">tailwindcss</a> to design my first blog. This is a good shit here. Next thing will be webmentions!!!</p>: https://pikseladam.com/hello-world
Kopsi joined the channel
currently is just indie without any standards :S
I wouldn't worry wink, I'm indie, with limited, perhaps odd / mis-use of standards.
KartikPrabhu, vasilakisfil, pablinos, [Rose] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Indiewebify.me is there to help
miklb and pablinos joined the channel
Hmm, that paints it as I've completed level 3. IDK, it feels like there is more
hs0ucy, jolvera_ and pablinos joined the channel
A quick question for the IndieWeb community here, how do you send the webmentions? Is it automated on posting? Is it part of the micropub or an independent script? Are there ready resources, scripts or tools available? I couldn't find much on http://indieweb.org.
[tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
hi [Nicolas_Hoizey]! re https://twitter.com/nhoizey/status/1237401503935139843 , bridgy doesn't use <br>s, it uses CSS white-space: pre. (see eg curl https://brid.gy/comment/twitter/nhoizey//1115974570681536512/1115975476986699782 ). so the problem may be in wm.io or elsewhere?
Looks like http://brid.gy or http://webmention.io doubles \n in Webmentions from tweets. This: https://twitter.com/nhoizey/status/1115975476986699782 Gives me that: "html": "You’re right, I should fix this! 👌<br /><br /><br /><br />(But I’m not sure it will fix my issue)" +@aaronpk @schnarfed
[Nicolas Hoizey] You’re right, I should fix this! 👌 (But I’m not sure it will fix my issue)
thanks for link. I'm giving a talk later this month and I plan to try to paint myself as a beginner. I Hate it when people present themselves as experts when they are not. I've spent time trying to learn things, but what I have is more rickety shack than thing of pride
KevinMarks has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (41 in all channels)
[Nicolas_Hoizey] joined the channel
[snarfed] thanks for the quick response! I’ll check on webmention.io then.
i'm pretty sure the newline handling in webmention.io is correct
yeah a fair amount of time and effort has gone into it in both services
looks at his abandoned 6+ year old implementation of webmention...
pablinos and lalilulelo joined the channel
[aaronpk] I’ll check my code that fetches data in Eleventy, then… 🤔
there's a bunch of places in the stack that those kinds of errors can be introduced
but i was pretty sure i solved it at webmention.io a while ago, cause the comments are looking fine on my site now
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Eleventy treats text as markdown I think so will be doing things with newlines and indents
[Michael_Beckwit, [Ana_Rodrigues], gRegorLove, pablinos, Kopsi, [Rose], [yo], [AlisonW], dougbeal|iOS, miklb, marcmyc, cweiske and [tantek] joined the channel
Those "levels" on indiewebify.me have been around for a while and not re-evaluated, I don't think. Not sure what I think about them.
pablinos, Nuve8 and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
I suppose anyone could PR and raise issue for proposed improvements
[yo] joined the channel
anyone here by chance played with writing bots for Matrix and can recommend a library? Want to deploy a bot to a channel where we had to evict the IRC bridge...
↩️ Came across a neat post by @swyx about WebMentions, which seems related to this thread -- pages on his site automatically show tweets about that page https://www.swyx.io/writing/clientside-webmentions/
↩️ ya its a little buggy but shows the potential around offering conversation off platform - someday im going to build my own twitter webmention scraper to help out the movement
There's several security alerts on https://github.com/microformats/microformats.io/ if any Ruby people on the team can take a look.
Nuve, Pikseladam and [snarfed] joined the channel
instagram classic (legacy) API is finally shutting off in a few weeks: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2019/10/15/launch-instagram-basic-display-api/
not that anybody had access to it
iliast and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
installing rvm, if someone has time to review some sweeping the floor PR's on microformats.io this week, or at IndieWebCamp London that might be nice.