#dev 2020-03-11

2020-03-11 UTC
KartikPrabhu, [yo], [Michael_Beckwit, [SpEkTrUm][ERF], nickodd, ketudb, gRegorLove, Ramzy, [tantek] and cweiske joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
so leude.... webmentions anybody?
plut4rch, [jgmac1106], [jeremycherfas] and [g33kcentric] joined the channel
This is stupidly annoying. Something (I suspect the cleaning person) happened to my keyboard yesterday and now all my keyboard shortcuts have vanished and Karabiner won’t do the hyper-key thing at all. My muscle memory is driving me nuts. I think I am just going to have to dig in and try to understand what happened and how to fix it.
[renem] joined the channel
Hi Guys, the last few days I implemented some more indieweb functionality to my website and now am wondering what I did wrong with the u-reply-to to a Mastodon conversation. I replied on my own site and included the link to the post I'm answering too in the u-in-replyto mf. After publishing (with Hugo & Netlify) to my blog I opened Bridgy and published to Mastodon (still manual for now). The Toot got published but looks a bit "weird". It is a
reply to the toot, but the author didn't get mentioned like in normal conversations.
Do I've to include the mention to someone explicitly in the post body with a proper URL as well? Here is where I struggly with the replying. The status on Mastodon is this one: https://mastodon.social/@renem/103803914242101908
[René] Eine gute und detaillierte Berichterstattung ist hier schon angebracht. Immerhin hoffe ich dass dadurch bei mehr Leuten ein Bewusstsein geschaffen wird auf rudimentäre Dinge zu achten die eine Ausbreitung eindämmen oder verlangsamen, denn noch sind...
hs0ucy, [g33kcentric], [Rose] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
!tell Rose You use Karabiner elements, right? My Caps-Lock to Hyper has stopped working and removing and replacing has not made any difference. Suggestions?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Remove Karabiner Elements and it's associated files using something like AppCleaner, reinstall, try again?
Ah, tech support of the finest kind. 🙂 I suppose in the end that would be simplest.
[LewisCowles] and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
René you may want to check the /mastodon page. They do not support webmentions. So you u-in-reply-to will not thread I believe. Some people have a fediverse version of their own sites.
[Michael_Beckwit, [davidmead], [Ana_Rodrigues], TraptedMind and jeremycherfas joined the channel
↩️ @mrkrndvs If @automattic added support for Webmentions to the WordPress core we would be having a different conversation.
petermolnar, [fluffy] and TraptedMind joined the channel
ugggh my Known site been slowing to a crawl lately, no idea if it is a shared host, database issue, or bandwidth, but publishing takes too long, makes conversating hard
I am serving up about 400-800 mb of bandwidth a minute. Is that alot?
never know how to read my server metrics
It's a fair amount for a single server. Perhaps it's the video's. Maybe time to put them somewhere dedicated for video serving (S3?)
It's 1152000MB per-day
my shared host promises unlimited bandwidth, guess maybe it does get throttled,
1TB/day per server is not awful for shared hosting
around 120 gigs a month is what I average, so must be a spike now
I already have the s3 buckets, and ec2...maybe time..,but I hate when unlimited doesn't mean unlimited
well feb was 500 gb of bandwidth, forgot March isn't over, still small, probably right. just published a video, just a spike
wait what
400-800 MB or Mb? if it's MB it's A LOT
either way that's a lot
yeah I have no sense of scale on these things
my last week
i'm at 10 megabytes per minute across all my websites
...wow....wonder what I am doing wrong, you serve up way more content
no videos though
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
that has to be it, may add a tiny bit of analytics on the videos to track
I seem to fall between 200-300 MB/min on most days
this is today, may take Peter and Lewis advice and look at AWS for my video
that's going to cost you a ton
first, find out *what* is needing the traffic
also yeah, Amazon is not the cheap way to host large files
I thought you were using archive.org for video
learning how (relatively) simple video hosting is compared to what i thought it took, i'm really tempted to start hosting actual long videos on my own server now instead of just posting them on youtube
[KevinMarks] I was but they made a change at archive.org and their forums are useless
no one replies
but like [aaronpk] said I like hosting my video it isn't too hard and cool to own my video
I shoot at 720p to reduce size, 480p if I know Ghana primary audience
with archive.org you used to be able to switch out /details/ to /downloads/ in the url and get the url for the media source
they made some change and did not document what, anywhere, that I can find
[aaronpk] now that Granary supports fragments I can serve up both mf2 and rss feeds for all my shows on my video page
then https://archive.org/download/vid20190707203950 shows the variants, did that change?
yes, not sure why and can find no documentation
and it is not universal, I noticed when all my podcast links I used to host on archive.org stopped working
I shoudl check that too
mine still work
it is about 50-50 for me, some do and some do not
thx for help Kevin. That is enough to help me poke around a bit
so if you copy the url from the directory listing page and use that in your <video> or <audio> it shoudl work
https://archive.org/download/2toPonder has a lot of files, presumably each episode
hm, I see what you . mean, there is some inconsistency on directory naming, but I think if you get the full file path from the directory, it should be stable
aaronpk: re: video hosting, I'm still drafting how I want to do this
my biggest "issue" is transcoding and probably getting that to my site (like do I mark every video url in a video post or only the canonical one?)
I publish each video as it own post and then do collections, each show being it's own h-feed, which granary then serves up as RSS for everyone else
yeah for anything beyond simple mp4 file hosting we're going to need some other markup for videos
my biggest is transcription, and the time it takes
don't mind the big empty space at top of page, it is for a featured video,...just have nothing to feature
video variants seems similar to image srcset
although people there also have repeatedly said that it'd be nice to get from the parsers and then been quiet when asked about formats etc
my concern/want is to allow readers to pick formats / types if necessary
i'm also talking about the whole chunked playlist thing
guess that's in a way also just a "video format", but of course its represented differently in HTML
(I think? I forget what the state of that in browsers is)
i thought there was no native support in browsers for that, it requires javascript like video-js
that was my last state too
so it'd be weird to put it in a <video> tag
or you treat it + the player JS as an embed
(similar to how people thought about putting YT and other embeds in properties)
which we also dont have a convention for
video-js works by putting the playlist in the source element
like <source src="/index.m3u8" type="application/x-mpegURL" />
inside <video>
i dunno what a browser does with that without javascript
not sure
yeah building a playlist was beyond me and I couldn't find good documentation
there is browser support in Safari and on mobile OSs https://caniuse.com/#feat=http-live-streaming
oh ok. well, I guess it makes sense, because if browser did it they would expect it there
so probably expossing the source tags is enough
ah right safari does it because apple made up the format
seems odd to only doit int the android fork of chrome
gRegorLove joined the channel
i wonder what's holding them back from bringing it to the desktop
[tantek] and [yo] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
@slightlylate @devongovett semi-related - any idea why support for HLS is mobile only on the Chrome side? https://caniuse.com/#feat=http-live-streaming
it may be a 'which standards body' thing - Apple took it to IETF I think
plut4rch joined the channel
Zegnat: When you tried to add YouTube support to xray what were you looking for?
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Subscribing to channels in readers without relying on hidden RSS feeds
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I think I really got started on it when they redesigned the follows page and no longer showed the export opml button. I became fearful of my feeds.
nsh joined the channel
Zegnat, I only saw you parsing single pages, not channels
Did I never merge channel support? Pretty sure I had both that and playlists
I am just looking at the first commit
one second
I was able to get everything you got in the page commit without a key
https://github.com/Zegnat/XRay/commit/50640a23954d0d68f693f7c06eef68f1a519dfa5 seems to introduce playlists. Maybe I never finalised channels, though thought I haf
I just got single pages so far
But no API key needed
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
My new hobby is looking for json blobs
I went API because XRay already had precedent for API key requirements and it seemed most stable
Zegnat: I am attempting to avoid API keys
It's a dependency I dislike
A preg_match to find a JSON blob does not sound like the most secure and stable solution to me 😅
Yeah, I can understand that.
Zegnat: I agree. But I now support JSON-LD and OGP...so it will come up with something if YouTube breaks it
geoffo joined the channel
Zegnat: Isn't that how the Instagram parsing works also?
My end goal was still feeds, which means "something" was not enough. But different end goals probably!
Yes, but Instagram does not give us the option of an API and is therefor an arm's race
Parse This does feeds and single mode
Feed mode for Yarns
Single for link previews
So I guess now I need to go and add YouTube feeds to Parse This? ;)
Zegnat: I'm not against API keys
I use 12 in Simple Location
I am thinking of users who won't bother
I need to redo Parse This to better allow replacing one of the pieces with an API version seamlessly
Zegnat: I would do it for you if it would incentivize you to join us
I considered adding Twitter feeds
GWG, currently the only thing that would incentivise me is admin ui. Everything else I know I can patch. I can probably hook any CMS up to XRay and reuse whatever code I have there.
[snarfed] joined the channel
That does not mean that I can not be swayed to look into e.g. youtube issues on Parse This if people keep nudging me ;)
Zegnat: Have you tried Parse This?
I would love feedback
The GitHub version has a post form in the WordPress UI for testing
It is tied to WordPress, but it could be rewritten to not need ot
Also needs cleanup
I was just going to ask if it could run outside of WP, hehe. How are its unit tests?
uniquerockrz joined the channel
Zegnat, needs some
On my list
But I really wanted to not always rely on aaronpk. Although I was inspired by xray in some cases
petermolnar and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
Whoa lots I missed here. Any messages?
Going to figure I'm ok then 🙂
!tell tantek feliz cumpleaños!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tantek]: gRegorLove left you a message 12 minutes ago: feliz cumpleaños!
KartikPrabhu, [schmarty], jamietanna, hs0ucy and [yo] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, MaN-35, [Rose], [yo], [Ana_Rodrigues], [tantek], danyao, jmac, shakeel, w1zeman1p, dietricha, kitt, mattl, geoffo, jimpick, myfreeweb and ludovicchabant joined the channel
#IndieWeb folks who still interact with Twitter - how do you consume it? Do you use https://Twitter.com and share it to your ie Micropub client? Do you subscribe to it with your Microsub / Social Reader? Or something else? (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/03/wwsya/)
peterrother, DanQ, [KevinMarks] and justache joined the channel
I just had a challenging "hours open" experience
Google Maps said only open til 4pm, I went anyway because I know Google Maps is often wrong
(and I'm an optimist that things are correct in my favor, in contrast to what THE MACHINE says)
Turned out IT WAS WRONG, and the venue is open til 7pm T-Sa
How do you tell them?
HOWEVER, they only accept breakfast sandwich orders until 3:45pm 😭
HOWEVER when I ordered I told them it was my birthday and I'd always wanted to try this place so at the time of ordering they offered me any baked good on the house so I chose a brownie.
I only found out later that they were not making breakfast sandwiches any more as the slightly more experienced worker told the 3 day worker who had taken my order and then refunded.
So the question is how do we mark-up these different opening hours, perhaps even the fact that Google Maps is providing misinformation, so that (AKA USE-CASE / USER STORY) an indieweb venue search engine would provide both the correct information and give you the heads-up that Google Maps is wrong just in case you were going to use that for nav and get an errant warning that "the venue will be closed by the time you get there"?
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
One of the reasons I do the 'google local guide' thing is to fix opening hours for businesses round here. The ux they have, and foursquares are pretty good.
I'm tired of doing free labor for Google
I'd rather post that they're wrong and make them do the work of indexing it 😛
I'm ok with contributing to Foursquare because they still behave quite ethically and aren't primarily dependent on advertising surveillance capitalism. Plus their personal temporal archive and search features are quite well done
Perhaps I should use Google's own misinformation schema to markup their Google Maps misinformation 😛
I'm not doing it for google, I'm doing it for the little cafe near me that can't work out why people don't come after 4