#dev 2020-03-14

2020-03-14 UTC
callMeBaby, ben_thatmust, globbot, viaken, jenelizabeth, [chrisaldrich], gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, Mikaela1, ketudb7, ben_thatmustbeme, vasilakisfil_, nickodd, plut4rch, geoffo, maxwelljoslyn and DanQ joined the channel; DanQ left the channel
[Dan_Q], [carolgilabert], plut4rch, [Rose], [LewisCowles], [calumryan], crowdhailer, Murray, [Murray], doubleloop, [barryf], hmans, [KevinMarks] and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
↩️ #indieweb @cheukting_ho: My site is at http://cheuk.dev - I just upgraded again and took my articles out of medium and onto my own website. I don't have webmention yet, so I want to link that up this weekend
↩️ #indieweb @ohhelloana: I have micropub and webmentions, but I didn't like the way they look, so this weekend I am converting to eleventy as I understand js better than ruby
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: I post to my site using a mobile app called indigenous, which uses micropub, and I read with a microsub client at http://alltogethernow.io
↩️ #indieweb Sebastiaan Andeweg: You can log into my site with indieauth and can see some hidden posts including checkins from swarm
[jgmac1106], [Anna_Dodson] and nbg^ joined the channel
sebsel automating the article cards on my homepage and on https://jgregorymcverry.com/articles/2020/02 be neat, first I need to fix the grid so single items don't stretch, gonna do that with the subgrid update
[jgmac1106]: hm, getting the data and displaying the data are two different things. one does not necessarily have to wait for the other
yeah I am thinking I could name the strings and figure it out, probably too much for this weekend
name which strings?
with everything shut down for weeks I might start up the PHP codeacademy course again, was waiting for summer....but it might already be here
not sure probably saying wrong thing, I am thiking in my article tempalte I could add a variable to different parts and then call them on the feed page to builkd the cards...long term brainstorming way past my current knowledge
this is as far as I got before the semester started and I hit pause: https://jgregorymcverry.com/phpnotes.txt
that was the real reason I liked Kirby, it was learning by doing, good community to learn PHP, active forum, helpful and teaching customer service
yes, the main problem you are having here, I think, is that there is no abstraction in your articles. They are just separate pages.
that is not necessarily a bad thing, but it makes it harder to extract data out of them
ofcourse, you marked them up with Microformats, so that could be a way to extract the data out again
but that feels like overkill to me
cweiske joined the channel
yeah..trying to decide if I just add a bit of data storage using PHP, for now it isn't bad....but I always fall behind in updating my feeds..end up with many unlisted posts
yes, you are not really using the dynamic things PHP gives you: you are only using it to include a header and footer in every page.
also another reason I liked Kirby...everything was flat file but important parts automated. never really used the publishing ui
You could turn that around: add only the HTML in the posts-files and let some other page insert that to add the headers and footers.
...yep on my homeoage will not add anything until I understand it...bout as far as I have gotten in my PHP learnings
oooh interesting idea....need to take a lego break with my son.....brb...gonna be a long few weeks
That is what Kirby adds for you: it extracts the content into separate files (the content/*.txt) than the templates (site/templates/*.php), and by doing so it is able to parse information out of the files and display it in different ways in different contexts
it's kind of hard to create that on your own if you don't really know PHP that well
first thing you can do is list the contents of your posts-files and list them as links, but getting the titles out of those files is harder if they only contain HTML
which in itself is a benefit, because files with just HTML are easier to write by hand
pro's and con's
have a nice Lego break
[datashaman] joined the channel
[carolgilabert], [suze_shardlow1], [voss], plut4rch, nickodd, [KevinMarks] and loicm joined the channel; hmans left the channel
is there a site search engine tool that relies on mf2, like parse and then use the JSON to search?
who is jmac?
@jmac didn't you do some neat analytic project recently?
hobbsy joined the channel
I see it there, but you don't have a link on dev.to to your website, but that shouldn't effect indiewebify.me
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] it definitely links back https://indiewebify.me/validate-rel-me/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcheuk.dev check http / https
I changed to https and it worked
not necessary for rel=me but I would instead of using <linK> in the header just turn <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4 header-right"> into <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4 header-right h-card">
oops wouldnt work, the div ends too soon
and the p-name is commented out
moved the h-card to the top div....but something like that and you can knock out two birds, your rel=me and your h-card
leg, [Dan_Q], cweiske_, [Ana_Rodrigues], IWSlackGateway and [carolgilabert] joined the channel
I think another hackday goal I will have is making a new article template that doesn't have a space for u-featured, should be an easy low hanging CSS fruit
oops forgot to push title change
Woo, bise
bise is the project I get the most surprised and confused over when I hear that other people use it
[suze_shardlow1] joined the channel
I am like, check out this webmention library I spent months making. No, they say, we'd rather use this script you banged out in an afternoon during your christmas break two years ago because it actually has a defensible purpose
Oh man, I wrote it even before I discovered IndieWeb. Maybe I can "improve" it
[cleverdevil], [KevinMarks] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
jmac add ability to track people reading using h-feed
possibly add a webmention counter
"add ability to track people reading using h-feed" what does that mean above what it already provides?
he tracks the rss readers....just meant another row with the h-feed readers
also just throwing spaghetti
anyone else use trackbook for android? trying to figure out what else I can do with gpx besides an iframe to an owncloud app (about my level of expertise)....should learn what those API thingamajiggers are
What is an "h-feed reader" tho... how would you know one by a webserver log
RSS readers you can tel coz they're requesting atom.xml, e.g.
[snarfed] joined the channel
(Yes, bise naively assumes that if you're requesting atom.xml you're an RSS reader. It's not hardcore about filtering out false positives)
I mean, an h-feed reader would just be requesting index.html and reading the micro formats, right? But the webserver doesn't know it's doing that, alas
There's room to look at user-agent strings of course, but eh
I'll look the next time I'm in the code because honestly I have no idea how it actually works
And now I do want to see if I can work in some microformats fun because it's fun
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
My current mad science plague project is a "webmention query tool" tho. It's currently a few hours old and in "don't ask" status. (To say nothing of "don't look")
can I at least ask "what does that mean?"
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I'm just fiddling around with a tool for not just receiving/storing/displaying but also querying received webmentions. A command-line utility that I can ask "Show me all the WMs that I received from example.com since January 16".
Which will in turn let me mess around with some ideas I have for moderation tools
All i've done so far is convert all the 600-odd WMs my blog has received from the yucky hand-rolled file format it currently uses into an SQLite database, and have been just noodling around with it
[snarfed], [grantcodes], [jeremycherfas] and [barryf] joined the channel
well I lost my subgrid code and failed miserably at my next attempt: https://jgregorymcverry.com/
[barryf] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
ahh but mJordan took the codeped down we worked on
[snarfed], [barryf], [KevinMarks] and scalise joined the channel; scalise left the channel
The beauty about bise, which I have been using for a while three weeks now, is that you can easily add a row for absolutely anything you like.
As long as you can define it in the logs, that is.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas]: I'm really happy to hear that!
OK... I'm going to inbox revisiting Bise somehow, even if just to update its documentation after a couple years of use
[snarfed] and cal joined the channel
micropub question: for h=entry, is the repost-of attribute more just a hint, or does it override the content= attribute?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
cal: in general a repost only needs the `repost-of` and nothing else
repost-of is supposed to have content I thought
Only maybe as a h-cite, no?
I do use the h-cite u-repost-of approach a lot to show context on my site
but I think for feeds I might shrink that
nickodd left the channel
@grantcodes: what if I want to use content=, should I just avoid repost-of, this is for @threadreaderapp use case, where we repost a whole series of tweets
wagle and loicm joined the channel
What is a repost?
A repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, but more and more across sites https://indieweb.org/repost
I read 're-publication' as 'republication' and did a double take lol
KartikPrabhu, [cleverdevil] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel