#dev 2020-03-23

2020-03-23 UTC
RllyNotAWalrus, ReallyNotAWalrus, [tantek] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
doubleloop, [jgmac1106] perhaps we should organize a time/session for wiki ideas, discussion, brainstorming to better document and encourage development? Maybe an impromptu online camp session(s)?
gRegorLove joined the channel
what is edit
An edit (AKA diff, change) is a special type of reply that indicates a set of suggested changes to the post it is replying to. A collection of (presumably related) suggested edits in open source is often called a patch or pull request https://indieweb.org/edit
[chrisaldrich] ^^^ bunch of brainstorming there on this
the fedwiki approach but with an article editing approach...can remix to your own site with a micropub client, send back edits as webmention, og author decides if they want to keep or ignore...the urls to pages "in wiki" shouldn't change....unless author two copied the page and the linked page
chrisaldirch my life gonna be insane next week or so....still doing round the clock volunteer training for faculty and all the students coming back, but a wiki one off session in maybe two weeks be fun
for now I just needed the wiki to work so I threw up dokuwiki, but looking at the templates, adding the mf2 to function file would seem quite doable, sounds like you are making inroads already
superjen96 joined the channel
seriously debating moving my long form writing from my website to a personal wiki, especially as I just shared some long google docs
jenelizabeth and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Don't do too much volunteering. Make sure you're being properly compensated and credited with all that additional work on behalf of your institution. If the privileged cis-gendered male is seen as "voluneering" that way, it puts even worse pressure and expectations on POC and marginalized folks to do "free" labor too.
Guest88, ReallyNotAWalrus, beko and [tantek] joined the channel
^^^ this
nickodd and klij joined the channel
Dear chatters, please join ##ComputerTech123 - the best IRC channel. Regards, -ComputerTech
Dear chatters, please join ##ComputerTech123 - the best IRC channel. Regards, -ComputerTech
Dear chatters, please join ##ComputerTech123 - the best IRC channel. Regards, -ComputerTech
Krogr joined the channel; klij left the channel
Dear chatters, please join ##ComputerTech123 - the best IRC channel. Regards, -ComputerTech
Dear chatters, please join ##ComputerTech123 - the best IRC channel. Regards, -ComputerTech
Dear chatters, please join ##ComputerTech123 - the best IRC channel. Regards, -ComputerTech
sscarfe, loicm, [KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, swentel, [LewisCowles], feckoff, superjen96, jenelizabeth, [jgmac1106], [g33kcentric], ReallyNotAWalrus, [Rose], leg, eliotostling and mastermidn13 joined the channel; Krogr, feckoff and eliotostling left the channel
[snarfed] is there a way to get granary to ignore my h-card when it builds the atom feed from my mf2? It's making a kinda empty entry from the h-card, and I'd rather it just didn't include that at all
jenelizabeth, bear, nickodd and [snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk good feature request/bug report! agreed, it should. mind filing an issue?
sscarfe, gRegorLove, [jgmac1106], [g33kcentric], gRegorLove_, [tantek], [aaronpk], IWSlackGateway, master___, hs0ucy, KartikPrabhu and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
After tinkering all day yesterday with responsive typography, adactio’s post today pointing to fluid typography comes at a perfect time. Rather than obsess over breakpoints, I’m going to give that approach a go. https://adactio.com/journal/16585
[Jeremy Keith] Outlet
[jacky] and gdmon joined the channel; gdmon and nickodd left the channel
↩️ Yeah, I’m about that. I want ability to have structured markup for microformats2, a hub to handle webmentions & micropub.
[schmarty], sscarfe and waterbadger joined the channel
Autocorrect suggestion: while it is DST, autocorrect standard timezone abbreviations to DST e.g. PST to PDT, and while it is standard time, autocorrect DST timezone abbreviations to standard time e.g. PDT to PST
i.e. in the text editor of your CMS or Micropub client 😄
petermolnar and jolvera joined the channel
jacky: to continue from #meta: Matomo has several interesting independent projects for filtering statistics. That can easily be used outside of their main product. Another one is for filtering referer spam: https://github.com/matomo-org/referrer-spam-blacklist
[matomo-org] referrer-spam-blacklist: Community-contributed list of referrer spammers. Comment +1 in any issue or Pull request and the spammer will be added to the list!
there's also the JS counter method
oooh that's def handy
obvs only counts views when JS is loaded, but if it's first-party JS then at least ad blocks won't block it
and is a quick way to avoid counting crawlers
hm that's also good
if you want to avoid JS, the old school image tracking is good too
<img src="tracker.php">
too many methods! lol
again bots probably won't load the images
yeah (ideally)
I wonder if they would if they saw that it had a certain word in it
Crawlers may go and visit the image URL though, e.g. Google.
nothing is perfect, but those are easy ways to get 90-95% of the way
might also be a good chance to render/build a SVG on the server side
so the image is actually used lol
So if it is tracker.php?postToGiveVisitTo=1234 there is a small chance some crawlers (like Google, who likes images) will visit it and you attribute a view for it.
we can detect that via their agents, no?
So many ways … for funzies: implement all of them and then do a diff to see for who the image loaded vs who ran JS vs …
I feel like that is what gov.uk did to get their no-JS numbers … but I may be misremembering and it was someone else
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I thought Googlebot loaded with js now
"Today, as long as you're not blocking Googlebot from crawling your JavaScript or CSS files, we are generally able to render and understand your web pages like modern browsers." https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2015/10/deprecating-our-ajax-crawling-scheme.html
How else would they show results for half the web? :troll:
sscarfe joined the channel